Under his Mistress' Hand Ch. 05

This story is a 40,000 word novella which runs to 16 chapters. It starts as a slow burn but goes on to explore the journey of a novel as he discovers the joys of loving Femdom. I wrote it as a gift for my real life sub, David, and we hope you enjoy it.

If Femdom is not for you, then please do not continue reading. However, if you like the idea of ​​a powerful woman controlling every aspect of a helpless sub’s pleasure, then please read on.

David knew there was no way that she would ever take it easy on him when she saw the state of his swollen cock, and indeed he was correct.

‘Oh yes, pet. I knew you were loving every moment of it as much as I was! Such a good boy to be truly thankful for what you have received. Now knee down for your reward.’

Taking her seat again, Kate flexed the crop in her hands as she looked down on her flushed sub. His eyes were heavy with lust and the way he shifted his beaten buttocks against his heels showed how the pain had only heightened, not detracted from, his arousal. Of course, he had been denied release for nearly 24 hours now and that had to have been trying for him. Well, let’s see if he can take a little more, she thought wickedly.

‘Tell me, boy. How long has it been since you last experienced a release?’ she asked him pointedly.

David had to think. It had been a full day since she had turned him on so thoroughly then denied him, but before that he’d been out and about in London, so it had to have been the previous morning, before he left his hotel.

‘Ahh, about a day and a half, Mistress. I haven’t touched myself since I met you.’

‘Well then, I think you must really be feeling the need by now. If I allowed you to stroke for me, do you think you could come for me right now?’

Yes! Dear God, yes, please! David could definitely come right now with hardly any manual stimulation at all he was so turned on, but he was mindful to be polite and respectful. ‘Yes, Mistress, ifit pleases you.’

‘Such a good, obedient boy. But do you know what would please me more? For you to edge for me. Stroke until you are just about to come, holding the edge for as long as you can, then remove your hands to get yourself under control before starting again. That sounds like fun, doesn’t it? I know it excites me very much. Would you like to edge yourself for my excitement?’ she asked with a gleam in her eye.

That sounded like absolute torture. He didn’t know if he could hold back if he started touching himself. Watching her watch him stroke, kneeing at her feet looking up at her while she was dressed like a skilled huntress holding a cornered fox at bay, feeling her marks smarting hotly, he didn’t think he had the wherewithal to hold back. And yet he must, his Mistress had commanded it and his role was to serve her in any way she choose. And today, she chose to torque him with pleasure.

‘Well?’ she insisted, clearly irritated to have to repeat herself.

‘Yes, Mistress, sorry Mistress,’ he spluttered out.

‘Yes, what, slave? Ask me politely for what you want, boy, and know that it behoves you to respond in a timely manner when asked a question.’

What was the question? He’d got distracted and the last thing he wanted was to disappoint his beloved Goddess. Oh yes, ‘Yes please, Mistress. I would like to edge myself for your pleasure.’

‘Well, I was going to be kind to you, but it seems that you need a lesson in focus. Let us see if this helps you keep your mind on your Mistress while you labour on your task.’

And with that, Kate’s fingers went to the buttons on her tight waitcoat and started to unfasten them, one by one. ‘Now, get to it, boy.’

Christ, She was getting undressed! This was like one of those erotic wet dream fansies that you wake up from, sticky and sated but with the disappointing realisation that, of course this isn’t real life. And yet, here he was, fisting his overwrought cock for a beautifuliful, powerful woman who was slowly but surely peeling off her clothes. Fuck! Now her waistcoat had come off, revealing a thick, brown leather belt cinching in her tiny wait, and she was starting on her blouse.

David couldn’t take his eyes off her cleavage as gradually more and more of her creamy flesh came into view. Without consciousness thought, his hand sped up and immediately he was on the verge of cumming. He Wrenched his hand away, his hips pumping into empty air as he tried desperately to pull back from the compromise of failure. Looking up at Kate’s stern vision, he knew just how close he’d come to disobeying her.

‘Oh, dear, boy. That was rather close, don’t you think? You really are courting disaster if you cannot control yourself when carrying out my commands. Now, eyes on me boy, and get back to your task.’

David was still hypersensitive from his previous attentions, and the last thing he wanted to do was repeat his near mistake, but he took himself loosely in hand again and gently stroked while he forced his eyes from Kate’s fingers to her eyes. She knew what he was doing and smiled at him as she began to narrow the actions that David was trying so hard to ignore.

‘I do love this blouse, pet, but it’s just so sheer, I find that it barely hides my lingerie. What do you think, boy? Can you see my pretty bra through the fabric? Perhaps I should choose a simple satin cup, but I do so love the feeling of the lace scratching against my swollen nipples.’

In his peripheral vision, David could see her hands move, clearly stroking her nipples through the lacy cups, and he could no longer hold off. His hand sped up as his eyes were pulled down to her breasts. Kate had removed her blouse to reveal her translucent burgundy lace bralette, and she was gently pinching and rolling her turgid tips between her fingers and thumbs, languidly but rather firmly in David’s opinion. Perhaps she also liked a little bite of pain with her pleasure?

‘Canyou imagine the delicious torque, my sweet, as with every movement, my sensitive nips are gently chafed against the crisp lace? Each swing of my crop was as much of a trial for me as it was for you, I assume you. However, I do enjoy the way that it keeps me in a permanent state of arousal. Of course, that could also be due to the matching lacy panties I’m wearing, which have a habit of rasping against my tender climate Every time I move.’ She moved then, spreading her thighs wide and giving a wanton moan.

David swallowed, his mouth dry as a desert. The picture she painted with her wicked words was driving him crazy. Again, he was on the brink, and he was barely touching himself. He whipped his hand away and gripped his knees tightly to stop himself from reaching completion. It was so hard to leave his cock alone when he was so close, and his balls ached in displeasure at being denied yet again.

‘Oh, so close! You really are doing so well, pet. I am very pleased with you. Ithink you should be allowed your release, don’t you? Would you like to cum all over my lovely, shiny boots? Such a treatment to be granted permission to despoil such pristine, poisoned leather.’ David gazed up at her pleadingly. He knew there had to be a catch.

‘Now of course, you will have to earn your release,’ she chuckled as she saw his face fall in resignation. ‘I will count down from ten and you will stroke yourself, without holding back, for the entire duration. When I reach one, you may release. If you need to stop, or you cum too early, I will be forced to punish you most seriously and place you on orgasm restrictions for the duration of your stay in London.’

Christ, that was just shy of a week! He’d barely lasted over a day with her, and these last few minutes had been excruciating. No, he had to do this. There was no other option. He just had to shut his eyes and think of flight schedules, quadratic equations, anything but the exclusive, semi-clad woman in front of him.

‘OK, firm grip now.’ Three words he was dreading. ‘Eyes on me.’ Oh God! The only three that were worse!

David took a breath and grasped his cock by the root. Looking up at his Goddess, he gritted his teeth and began.

‘Ten, nine…’

So far, so good. He could do this!

‘…eight, seven, six, five…’

God, he was close, So Very close. He needed to take his hand away. He stared beseechingly into her eyes, willing her to speed up.

‘… four, three…’

Shit, fuck, he wasn’t going to make it!


His balls had drawn up tight and he could feel the pulsing starting at the base of his spine. There was no turning back, it was happening.


His pent-up seed arced out in a thick white rope to splash stickily across the top of her boots. A second spurt coated her shins, while subsequent aftershocks splattered the toes until the black surface was soiled with his creamy leavings. David’s eyes had rolled back in his head. He’d sunk back on his heels, his hands braced against the floor, panting like he’d run a marathon.

David came back to his senses with the sound of Kate clearing her throat and the tab of her crop under his chin.

‘Better?’ she smiled with one elegant eyebrow raised.


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