I’m frozen in my tracks. You’re fucking Abbie. She’s bent over your desk and you’re fucking her from behind. And you’re grinning. My jaw hangs open. I’m not sure what to think yet. Am I shocked? Am I turned on? Well yes. Jealous? I don’t know yet. I look into your eyes and pull my mouth closed until I’m biting my lower lip instead. I so wish you were fucking me, that much I do know.
“Sit in the corner pet.”
“Yes Sir.” My eyes flick to each of the corners of the room.
“That one.” You gesture towards the one behind me. I take a step to turn.
“Move properly!”
Fuck! I drop to my hands and knees and crawl away from you. My head’s down, hair hanging in my face. I reach the corner and turn round to kneel straightening my back and letting my hands rest on my thighs. I have a perfect view of you, from your feet all the way up your legs where I gaze at the sight at the top of them. Your trousers are undone and pushed down onto your thighs. Your fingers are digging into the flesh on her hips where you’re holding Abbie, pulling yourself into her. You’re slowly sliding your cock almost all the way out, enough so that I will see its shiny wet tip, then ploughing right back into her.
Higher. I take in your stomach and chest, lightly covered in hair, showing through your open shirt. Then finally your face. And you’re looking right at me gazing back at you. I can’t read your expression. Is it pleasure that’s making your eyes close a little or are you mocking me?
I glance at Abbie. Her eyes are closed and she’s pouting. She’s mewling and gasping quietly. There’s no doubt that she’s enjoying herself.
I grin. I can’t help it. She looks amazing. So do you. And I know that sooner or later, hopefully sooner, I’ll feel what she’s feeling. And that look in your eye, even if it is mocking, means you want me to feel what she’s feeling too. As much as I want to be where Abbie is, watching you fuck her is turning me on so much.
My legs part slightly and one of my hands begins to slowly stroke up my thigh. I look at you as my hand slides all the way between my thighs and my fingers touch my lips. You’re not looking my way now. Your eyes are forward looking at Abbies back. Your face is upturned and with every thrust into her. Your lips part just enough for me to see your teeth. I want to watch you, to drink in every detail of Your pleasure.
My fingers slip easily past my pussy lips and feel the heat and wetness inside. My clip is a rock hard bud that feels as though it’s almost vibrating with need. My finger brushes past it and the shock that is sends out makes me quietly gasp. I look again to you. Abbie looks up from the desk. Her hair is starting to stick to the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She looks over to me through half lidded eyes and see me masturbating. Her eyes widen.
“Oooh,” she purrs, “you really are a slut.” It’s the first time she speaks to me directly. I’m not sure if I should replybut I don’t know what to say so I say nothing.
She grins and closes her eyes again as her head rolls back to face forward.
“Your slut’s enjoying the show after all”.
My fingers rub up and down my slit, wetness spreading onto my hand and tighs. I part them more and slide my left hand down to pull to my clip hood up exposing it fully to my rubbing fingers. I’ve still not cum yet. I can feel it starting to build, that tingle deep inside but I still don’t know if I should let it happen. But I so need to.
I lean back against the wall and tilt my hips forward and slide my fingers into my pussy but it still feels empty and aches for your cock. If you look you’ll see every part of me now. I want you to see. Look at me. Please look.
But you don’t look. You ignore me, you even ignore Abbie’s comment about me. I feel invisible now and once again very small. Have you forgotten about me? I don’t know what to do. I feel as unsure and afraid as I did when I walked in yOur door.
To watch you fucking is such a sight. The heat is burning inside me. I want you so much right now it hurts.
“Turn around.”
At first I think you’re talking to Abbie, telling her you want her on her back. She must think that too because her head has lifted again, trying to look over her shoulder at you.
“Not you.” You grip her hips harder and slam deep into her causing her back to arch and a moan to escape her lips. “You!” You’re looking at me. “And keep your hands behind your back where I can see them from now on.”
I slowly turn around and face the wall. My knees are pulled under me and I draw my hands together behind my back, not holding each other, my palms facing backwards. Open. They’re exactly as handscuffs would hold them.
My knees are starting to ache from kneeling on the hard floor. I shuffle my position a little and my heels dig into my bottom a little. The pain had subsided but my heels dig into the welts and the pain renews itselfmaking me wince.
The image of how you look fucking her is burned into my brain. My nipples, my pussy, my singing cheeses all serve to remind me that when you’re finished with her you’ll want me.
So I wait. I’ve always waited. For today, for you. I relish being caught in the bondage of your words. It’s so much more powerful than any physical bonds. I hear Abbie gasping and panting, moaning as she approaches her orgasm. I’m not listening to her now though. I’m just waiting.
I’m feeling the welts now. Really feeling them and understanding what they mean to me. And as I do I feel my pussy tighten. My hips rock a little. I close my eyes and feel the beginning of an impossible orgasm. My heels are grinding into my burning welts. Each rock sends fire through me and rests at my clip. My breath is deep and slow. Oh, do you know where I am? My head drops. I’m so still. I could never cum without touching or being touched but I can let the feeling flood me.
I’m started bya soft hand on my shoulder. I look up and round. Abbie is dressed and smiling at me. She has an envelope in her hand and I think I understand who she is now. You’ve just paid her!
“He wants you over there now,” she says kindly with the emphasis on ‘you’, and gestures with her head but her eyes don’t leave mine.
I gaze at her. She’s not just pretty. She’s beautiful. Her eyes are the clearest blue with a darker blue ring round the edge and the longest lashes frames them perfectly. She touches my cheek with the back of a finger and strokes downwards towards my parted lips. I meet her finger with my tongue and gently suck the tip for a second before she blinks and pulls away.
She looks over to you then back to me smiling.
“Go on,” she urges as she turns for the door.
I wait until I hear it click shut and lift up onto all fours. Before I turn I take a deep breath. The crawl across to you take forever. My knee slides up to my wrist, my hand moves forwards. Everystep is measured and steady. My head is low, my back is dipped making my hips and my shoulders rock as I move.
I reach you. You’re standing, feet apart, facing me. I stop and sit back on my heels again. I don’t know what to do next. I wait. You wait. What are you waiting for? What do you want me to do? Anything? Nothing?
“Look at me.”
I look up. My eyes fix once again on your cock, standing out just above my head. With effort I tear my eyes away and look to your face. You’re smiling. You saw me bite my lip when I stared at your cock. You reach down and put a finger under my chin pulling up gently. I rise onto my knees. Oh God! Your cocks right in front of my face now. I can smell Abbie’s pussy. I can almost taste her again. I will my eyes to stay on yours. They don’t. They drop to your cock. My mouth drops open. I look up again. I realize I’m almost panting with need.
You move your hips forward. Your cock touches my lip. Why don’t I move? I just daren’t. I havethe strongest feeling that I have to be still. To put my mouth onto you feels like a trap, that you may pull away from me if I do. I’ve never second guessed myself like this. Your eyes hold me still.
Silently I mouth “Please Sir.”
Your cock slides along my lip glossing it with your sweet precum, and rests against my cheek. You flick it so that it bounces against my cheek. I lick my lips and wait.
“Please Sir.” I whisper.
“What do you want?” You ask. My eyes flick down to your cock and back up to yours.
“You Sir.”
You cock slides back towards my lips. You press lightly between them. I can taste her again. My tongue lifts towards my lips, hesitates, waits for you. So close. In my head I hear myself think over and over; ‘Please don’t get this wrong now’. You push forward. My lips part and you meet my tongue. I lick you, taste you as you slide deeper over my tongue.
“Suck Me”.
I don’t need to tell twice. My tongue swirls over you tasting everywhere. I push forwards impaling myself on your cock. You meet resistance at the back of my throat, I push further onto you, my throat opens, and I push more fighting a gag as my lips almost meet your belly. I draw back licking and drooling then slide onto you again, right into my throat again. I lick the length of your cock from the tip to your balls then back up like an Abbie flavoured lolly pop. Then you disappear into my mouth again. I’m lashing my tongue over you and sucking then trying to get that last bit deeper and trying not to gag. I nod onto your cock. Sucking and licking.
Your hands find my head and your fingers run into my hair. They get tighter towards the back of my head. Your hips move forwards, push into me. You’re holding me, you’ve taken over now. You’re slowly but Very deeply fucking my mouth. I’m hungry for you, you fill me. You stop again. My lips are so close to you. I can’t breath. You pull my face right into you. I gag and pull back. I don’t want to, Ican’t help it honestly. I try to babble ‘sorry’ but you revise your grip on my head and slide slowly but deliberately into my throat again. I relax. It takes every ounce of concentration not to gag again.
My eyes start to stream. I grab breaths through my nose when you pull back a little and hold it as you fuck me. My nose is running too. Spit is everywhere. You speed up a little. I can’t move my head away, I can’t do anything but take what you want to give me. My tongue still flicking across Your swollen head each time it comes into reach before plunging deep again.
My right hand reaches up and cups your balls. They’re hard and ready to release. My left hand finds my pussy. My fingers slip easily between my wet lips and start to circle my clip.
You fuck me harder. I gag and try to pull away again but I can’t. You hold me firm and keep going. I can’t breath. You feel bigger than before. And harder. I squeeze my eyes closed and grab a nose full of air when I can. I’vegot to stop you. I can’t take it any more. But I can’t stop you. I rub my clip instead. Oh God I could cum!
And then you do. You pull back and I feel your cock pulse in my mouth, then heat, and you slam back into my throat. Another pulse, another jet fills my throat. I try to swallow so I don’t choke but I can’t swallow with you so deep still.
“Don’t swallow any! I want to see it all.”
I press on my clip and start to cum too. You pull out of my mouth and another load hits me across my mouth. Some lands on my tongue and some runs down my chin. My own orgasm takes over and I shake and shudder and throw my head back. I would cry out but my throats full of cum and all I manage is a tough gargle.
Another jet of cum lands on My face from my cheek to above my left eye. I twitch and my orgasm subsides. My head is still back and most of your cum is trickling to the back of my mouth. I lick some that I feel next to my mouth. I open my right eye. The left one is gluedshut. Cum and spit are running down my chin. I catch it with my finger and wipe it upwards into my mouth not wanting to spill any more.
“You may swallow.” I close my mouth and move my tongue around savouring the taste of you and then I swallow it down. I carefully lick and suck your cock clean. You let me then pull away. I settle back onto my heels and again lick at my cheek as more cum slips down my face.
I wait. I realize that as calm and still as I might look my heart is racing and I would jump up whooping if I could. You dress and only when you slip your shoes on last do you hand me my clothes.
“Get dressed.”
I look for my bra. You have it and my thong in your hand still. I reach for them.
“You don’t need these.”
The thong I can live without but my nipples will show! I blush. You turn away but I’m sure I saw you start to grin. I grin too and pull on my skirt.
“We have to be going. Are you ready?” I pick up my handbag with shaking fingers.
“Ready for what Sir?” You take my hand and squeeze it reassuringly.
“Ready for the weekend Alice.”
You take my arm and look into my eyes, smiling.
“You’re mine now.”
The End
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. After all that is the point of writing it!
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