Under His Desk Ch. 02

“Don’t leave me for long” I say to the empty room. The last hour is a blur. I don’t know what to make of it. What am I doing here? Why am I sitting under a desk in a strange place waiting for a man to come back from lunch when I should be with Him chatting over a cheese salad sandwich and an ice cold G&T! I should be teasing Him, flirting with Him and ultimately fucking Him. Instead I’m wedged in a hole wearing nipple clamps and wishing the floor was still as cold as when I first sat on it. Now it’s just hard. And uncomfortable. And not soothing anything!

And then there’s the gentle but independent buzzing inside my desperate pussy. Yes! Desperate. It’s not a word I would ordinarily associate with any part of my body but right now my pussy is desperate for the cock that it’s already been teased with.

I tilt my hips forward a little. “Oooooh fuck!” That just makes the jelly nub press harder on my clip. It’s just so thrilling. I rock back and forth a little. On a little, onharder, on a little. What a way to pass the time.

I look down at my pussy. It’s perfectly smooth and soft. I had it waxed a couple of days ago so there’s at least 2 more weeks before anything starts to show again. I love how it feels. It’s so much nicer than shaving. It feels just the same as my skin everywhere else with no chance of any rough stubble. I stroke the skin where my hair would be, my fingers wandering downwards to rest on the toy purring away.

Mmm the vibrator. Oh my God though! It’s soaking wet! My slippery juices are all over it. I allow my fingers to slide down the side of it. My index finger easily slips past the top and into the warm wetness inside. It’s tight in there with the bulbous plug filling me. I pull my finger out and look at it fascinated. I press it to my thumb and part them slowly. A silver thread hangs between them thinning as they part more until it breaks and vanishes. I press them together again and circle them against each other. They moveEasily with no friction whatsoever. I part them again and again the tiny silver strand stretches then breaks. I close my eyes and lick my finger and thumb clean then send it back to my pussy for more. Delicious! Just once more though. That’s all I can allow myself. I can’t get carried away.

‘And don’t you DARE cum.’ I can hear your threat ringing in my brain. It’s ok though, I’m not going to. I’m just passing time.

My fingers slide across the jelly and two find their way into my pussy again. I groan with pleasure and feel myself contract hard. My other hand finds the chain holding my nipple clamps together and pulls on it gently. The pain flare adds to my excitement. It’s dangerous. I let go of the chain and reluctantly, almost painfully slip my fingers out of my pussy and back up to my mouth.

‘And don’t you DARE cum.’

‘How will he know?’ Ahh it’s such a great thought but then so monumentally stupid! ‘How will he know? For fucks sake! He’ll know because you’lltell him when he asks. And if he doesn’t ask your wet cut will tell him when he touches you. He will check you know.’

I know I’m right. I stop rocking and try to ignore the vibrator. It’s not on fast at least. It shouldn’t be too hard as long as I keep myself in check. How long has passed now? Ten minutes? I think so.

I look at my nipples crushed by the clamps. They’re looking swollen. They hurt a little but it’s a hurt I like now. I remember the first time I wore them. My nipples objected to the new sensing so strongly that I only lasted five minutes I think. I couldn’t bear it. But it got better. Each time I tried them I could manage longer. And tighter. Now I can wear them for ages. It’s sort of a personal achievement. But no matter how long or short a time it is, nothing, and I mean nothing, ever prepares me for the excruciating pain of having them removed. No matter how much they burn when they’re on that’s always doubled, no quadrupled, when the blood is allowed back into them. I dread that bit every time, sometimes even wearing them longer to postpone the inevitable.

I gaze around the room, well what I can see of it from my limited perspective. There’s really not that much to see from here. There’s a window but I can only see slices of sky between the blades of the blind. The walls are plain. The floor is probably the most interesting thing I can see. Who am I kidding? An interesting floor? I think my new enemy is going to be boredom. God I hope you’re not going to be long.

Fifteen minutes. I think. It’s funny how we try to measure the passage of time without any kind of timepiece. It’s not much more than a perception. Time flies or drags; how can I factor that in? It’s dragging now big time!

I don’t know how far you’ve gone for lunch. I don’t remember seeing any places on the way in but then I don’t remember noticing anything outside apart from your building. I doubt though that you will have gone more than five minutes away eiter on foot or by car. So five minutes there, five minutes back. How long to eat? Ten minutes maybe? I don’t think you’ll leave me like this for longer than you need to. How long does that leave then? Five minutes maximum? I hope so.

“I want to cum” I say out loud. Where the fuck did that come from? “That fucking toy he’s got you sitting on, that’s where.” Oh great! Talking to myself now. I press lightly on it over my clip and it sends a jolt through me. My head rocks back and bangs painfully against the underside of your desk.

“Ow! Fuck!” I won’t do that again!

The bump’s not enough to distract me though. My fingers slide down the side of the nub towards my pussy. I take hold of it and pull on it slightly. The vibrating part Feels so much stronger when it’s half out and it sends new shock waves throughout my entire lower half. It’s really slippery with my juices and hard to hold there. I push it back in hard. I can feel my pussy tighten and grip onto it. Mmmm thisFeels so fucking good. I pull it half way out again and feel my pussy hungrily suck it back in. Again I pull it out and again it’s sucked back in.

My breath is shortening. Faster I pull and let go. I’m feeling the first familiar twines building deep in my belly. Again, again! I close my eyes and start to breathe in short blowing puffs. I know I’m going down the road to an orgasm but I’ll stop in a minute. Really I will.

“Stop! Now!” a voice in my head says but it’s too quiet. I ignore it. I don’t want to stop. I’m beyond reason. I want to cum and the point of no return is just ahead. I didn’t come all this way to be left waiting under a desk. If you won’t fuck me then I’ll fuck myself!

“No, don’t do it” I try one last time to stop but it’s too late I’m powerless to turn back. I hear a groan escape my lips. In and out the toy goes. It’s not even turned up very high but combined with the surroundings, the build up and the now wonderful heat that I’m sitting on it really doesn’t need to be on high. I need to cum. I’m going to cum. The fluttery feeling in my core has begun. There’s no stopping now….

A knock at the door makes me freeze dead in my tracks and hold my breath. The vibrator slips back into my pulsing pussy and my wet fingers hold nothing but air. My eyes are bulging, staring at the wall then darting from side to side. Looking for an escape. Another knock, this time More of a tap and almost at the same time the door opens.

“Hello? Mr Martin?” A woman’s voice. “Hmm, shit! Not back yet.” The one who showed me in earlier I think.

Footsteps. Coming towards the desk. Towards me! I curl backwards into the hole trying to shrink myself the size of a doll, or hoping that a hole will open up under me and swallow me but instead I now feel like Alice in Wonderland, bigger than before, a giant in my surroundings. But this isn’t fucking Wonderland! What the hell am I going to do if she sees me? What will I possibly be able to sayto explain who I am and why I’m naked? I gingerly reach forwards and scoop my clothes into my arms and clutch them as though they will hide me. My breath is shallow and silent.

“Hello Mr Martin,” the voice says again but this time with surety. “I’m sorry to phone you on your lunch break sir but I need the Blueman file fairly urgently. They’ve been on the phone asking for some details of the…” she pauses. “Well yes” she continues, “I’m in your office now. I’m …”

Damn, you must be mad! Even I can hear you now! Faint but unmistakably annoyed.

“Yes, yes, of course Mr Martin. Everything’s fine. I’ll just get it then. Thank you. Goodbye.” There’s a small pip as she hangs up then “Arsehole! Who do you think you’re talking to like that? Dick!”

She mutters and complains all the way over to the filing cabinet against the right wall. I know she wouldn’t dare talk to you like that to your face.

Oh shit! I can see her! If she turns to the desk when she has herfile she is definitely going to see me. I shrink back trying at the same time not to move much. I cant breath, I daren’t breath. I close my eyes and wait to be discovered. I feel sick with fear. She’ll see me. She’ll scream. Others’ll come running to see what she’s screaming at. They’ll drag me out naked and ashamed. They’ll laugh, some will just stare. They’ll all demand to know what the hell I’m doing here under your desk. What will I say?

As if all that wasn’t bad enough the real terror that grabs my guts and twists them so tightly is the next thought that pops its bubble in my brain. What will you say? I will have shamed you in front of everyone. I will be the source of gossip that you will have to endure for probably years. Your professional reputation will be ruined and all Because of me. I think I’m going to puke. This isn’t happening. Please someone, wake me up!

She’s at the filing cabinet for an eternity! What’s she doing in there! Oh please hurry up! I close my eyes and hold my breath. The door opens then closes again. I open my eyes and look towards the where she was just standing. She’s gone. But I didn’t hear her walk away. Did she? Or did someone else just come in. I can’t trust my senses. The ringing in my ears is incredible. I realize I’m still holding my breath and slowly, carefully let it out. The noise quietens immediately. I hear nothing. I wait, listening. No, still nothing. I lean forward tenatively and peer around the drawers. I see no-one. I sit back down, afraid to look right out.

‘You told me not to move’ I think to myself. ‘Yes, well he told you not to cum too but look how well you were doing with THAT instruction’ I retort. At least I didn’t cum. God that was close though. I touch the vibrator. It’s soaking! There’s my juices all over it, my ass, the floor every fucking where! You’re never going to believe that I didn’t cum. I’m going to have to clean myself up a bit.

But first I have to make sure I’m alone. I lean forward and to a side a little trying to get my head to the floor to look under the desk. It’s awkward in such a small space though. I slide forwards a couple of inches then try again. Turning sideways slightly I rock up onto my knees and lower my face to the floor. I can see the floor almost everywhere. There are no feet. I raise my head and dare to peep over the desk. The room is empty. Thank fuck for that!

I sit back down. It hurts quite a lot now. There are bruises forming on my behind. I slide back into the hole and rifle through my clothes to find my underwear. There’s not much to it, a strip of black sheer material and a decorative lace butterfly at the top of the thong part. But it’ll do. I wipe around the vibrator and my ass trying to dry some of the wetness. It doesn’t do a brilliant job but it does make it better. I stuff the soggy garment back into my skirt and push it to one side.

So now what? How long have you been gone now? Shit! I’ve really lost all trackof time now. It must be 25 minutes at least. Did that woman gives any hints as to how long until you’ll be back? I don’t think so. My pussy is aching to cum but for the time being at least has been shocked into behaving. My nipples are throbbing. God! I feel like a naughty child who has been left alone and is touching everything I’ve been told not to. I sight and resign myself to just waiting. I can’t imagine how angle you would be if I was caught. I’m already sorry for getting so carried away. It won’t happen again.

I straighten my legs out in front of me for a moment. My knees both pop. That feels better! I was getting stiff under here, I really need to stretch. I reach for my toes and pull myself towards them feeling the stretch along the back of both legs. The vibrator presses more inevitably on my clip as I bend forwards. I can’t stay like this; it’s too intense on my already super sensitive clip and pussy. I stretch the backs of my legs one more time then go back to sittingcross legged. This vibrator’s starting to really piss me off. I want to throw the fucking thing out of the window. It’s just a source of torque now.

My nipples are really starting to burn too. Oh please hurry up! Come back!

I need to pee! No! I don’t. It’s just because I can’t that I think I want to. Er no, it’s not. I really need to pee. Oh fuck off! I can’t pee and that’s that. Forget it! Stop imagining waterfalls. No thinking of taps dripping. Think of dry places. A dessert maybe. Desserts make you thirsty. And I’m back to water again!

So I can’t think of water, cumming, vibrators, nipples, moving. Anything else? Oooh yes, and minutes ticking by. Don’t forget that one. Tick tock tick tock. That could really drive me mad if I thought About time passing!

So what can I think of? Normally I would be on the phone or texting I guess. My phone! Brilliant! I’ll grab my phone, text you and tell you how scared I am, that I was nearly discovered and plead with you to come back. I reach for my clothes. Where’s my bag? I just assumed it was wrapped in my clothes when you dropped them. It’s not here. Shit! Where is it? I poke my head above the desk again and scan the room. No sign of it! I get right up onto my knees and look again.

Now I see it. It’s on the other chair by the wall! Fuck! It’s too far. Should I risk grabbing it? I know I Shouldn’t. And besides it got on the chair because you must have put it there. If I get it you’ll know I’ve moved. I sink back down again defeated. Right well I can add mobile phone to the list then.

I look around. I look at the underside of your desk, at the sides of the drawers. Of course! The drawers! I’m not a nosey person. I totally respect privacy and have no wish to invade yours whatsoever. I tell myself this as I reach for the drawer that you put the paddle in. I just want to see it. It’s not like I’m looking at anything I shouldn’t. And if there are any papers or anything in there I’ll close it immediately. No harm done! I don’t want to snoop. I’m just restless.

I lean forward and pull up onto my knees again to peer into the drawer. What lies there bent around the inside of the drawer makes my blood freeze and every nerve in my body scream “Get the fuck out of here”. I slide the drawer closed and sit back down not feeling the cruels on my bottom this time. Did I really see that? Would you really Keep a cane in your drawer? A cane for God’s sake?

I slide right back under the desk. I’m not going to move again. I’m reminding myself that I can be a good sub, be trusted to be left on my own and behave as I’m expected to behave. That’s to sit still and not cum. I just find it so hard to focus sometimes. Especially when, like now, I’m left to my own devices.

I don’t want to feel the savage bite of a cane. Ever. Do you really use that? Do you keep all those things in that drawer all the time or did you bring them in for my benefit? Did you bring that … that thing touse on me? Did you think I might deserve it? Do I think I deserve it? Maybe I do. No! If I had cum THEN maybe, only maybe I’d deserve it. But I stopped myself didn’t i!

“Well no, actually you didn’t stop yourself did you? Miss ‘I need the file right now’ stopped you.” Doesn’t that still count? I saw quietly. Probably not.

I’ll confess. I’ll tell you what I did and hope you’ll be lenient. But knowing what’s potentially in store for me, is that wise? But to not confess, that’s worse.

‘He won’t know you know, unless you tell him that is’ I think. Yes but I’ll know. Maybe you will be lenient. “He said he’d be cruel,” I taunt “Oh Shut up!” I hiss to myself. I need to think. I need to relax.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath and allow the feeling from my engaged pussy to flood all over me. I focus on the burning in my nipples, my now cooler but still tender bottom and even the dull call of my full bladder. I feel all these things and little else. I allow the pleasuresure to mix with the pain and for both to settle around me like a protective cloak. I feel warm, safe and quiet. It’s nice here.

I wait. How long has it been now? Half an hour? Three quarters? I have no idea at all. You can’t be staying away for more than an hour surely. It doesn’t matter any more. I’ll forget time, stop thinking about it and anything else and just wait.

The door opens, I hear feet coming closer. Mans shoes. I squeeze my eyes shut and try again to melt into the floor. It has to be you. Please let it be you.

The feet stop. Slowly I open my eyes. The feet are in front of me. They’re your feet. And I could kiss them.


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