You told me yesterday that you want to meet me. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time and now I’ve finally been told where and when to be. You’re at work in your office. I’ve come to meet you here. It’s Friday and I have an appointment for 11.30. An appointment! We’re going to get the initial ‘hello’s’ out of the way and then hopefully go for lunch.
I have always imagined you as the picture of propriety at work. I don’t really know what you do exactly but I think of you as the no-nonsense guy who everyone likes but know not to fuck around with. I don’t like meeting you here. I’d have rather met you in the pub where it’s more relaxed and I don’t feel quite so obviously. You told me that it’s perfectly normal for you to meet clients and then go for a pub lunch. No one will think anything of it. Unless I give them reason to.
“And Alice, clients don’t fidget and look nervous” You told me yesterday, “So neither will you.”
So I’m here. I’m wearing a straight kneeleth black skirt, plain but high heeled shoes and a top that’s probably a little too low cut to be a work top but could still pass for business meeting attire. Just. I’m bang on time and I’m looking confident and composed even though it’s every effort to keep my hands still. I know better than to be late. You warned me that if I was late You wouldn’t be available at all. I shouldn’t both even trying to see you.
Your secretary brings me to your office and announcements my arrival. You invite me in with a charming and very disarming smile. Wow! You look good in pictures but face to face you’re even more gorgeous! Very imposing too. What are you, six three, four even? Even with me wearing heels you tower over me. In a second I take in everything I can about you. Your well cut suit, your poisoned shoes and as you step close to me to greet me I take in the sexiest thing of all, your scent. I don’t recognize it but I know instantly that if I ever smell it again I’ll always think of you. You close the door behind me and walk over to your desk. I head towards the other chair.
“Stop!” my heart lurches. I stop.
“Stay right in the middle of the room. Face me.” I step to the middle and face you. My heart has sped up.
Your voice is calm but there’s no mistake the commanding edge it has. I like your accent. It’s not what I expected. You slowly look me up and down. My hands find each other and begin a squeezed match in front of me.
“Did you have a pleasant journey?”
“Yes, I did. It wasn’t bad anyway. Thank you.”
“Good. Right then!”
Right then what? I wait. My eyes try to dance around the room. I hold them still.
“Strip naked.”
What? Just like that? I’ve hardly said a word yet. I gawp at you. My mouth hangs open and the air suddenly disappears from the room. I’m stalling I know but I can’t move. Except for my hands that is. The right hand has found the ring on my left middle finger and is unscrewing it with such determinationion that you might think the finger will actually come off.
“W w what? Here? Right now?” I manage. I look around wildly like a cornered rabbit. “What about..?” I trail off when I register the look you’re giving me. There’s more than just a hint of announcement. This isn’t going well. I thought you would be pleased to see me and we’d get to know each other a bit before, well before anything.
“If I ask anything of you that you don’t want to do you can say no but then you’re to leave immediately and that’s the end for good. Do you understand?” You’re smiling again.
“Yes, I er, of course.”
“Then decide. I don’t have all day.” Your smile vanishes. You look down at a blank notepad on your desk. Fuck! You’re so dismissive!
I’m suddenly not sure what I’m doing here at all. I’m afraid someone will walk in but more than that, I’m impossible uncomfortable about striping naked in front of you. I scan the room again but take nothing in. I look back at the door. And the way out. Do I run? I want to stay. Oh fucking hell! I’m still stucking.
“It’s not locked.” You say without looking up.
“I’m sorry?”
“I said it’s not locked. The door. I saw you look at it. I assume you were wondering whether or not it’s locked.” You look at me. “It’s not,” you tell me again. “You have one minute to start.” You pause for a second, then almost an afterthought, “And you will address me as Sir.”
Didn’t i? How did I miss that? “Yes Sir” I whisper.
My embarrassment rages but my paralysis has broken. I’m not leaving. I drop my handbag to the floor and look at you again for something, reassurance, encouragement maybe. I get neither. I’m met with a flat, almost bored look. I drop my gaze back to the floor but tell myself to keep going. I undo my skirt and let it fall into a puddle at my feet. I stop. I think I’m breathing too hard. I vividly take one deep breath, hold it and exhaust slowly. It clears my head a little but not much. I slip my top off over my head and drop it next to me. You notice with some amusement that my face is burning red and that I’m making every effort to suck my stomach in without it being obvious. It’s so obvious.
I reach behind me and unclip my bra, slide my arms out of it but still hold it over my breasts and look right into your eyes.
“Drop it.”
I hold your stare, feigning a little More confidence now and let the bra fall. I hope you like my breasts. It makes me feel braver now you have them to look at. I pause for a second waiting for you to look at them. You don’t. My bravery evaporates.
I slip my thumbs into the sides of my thong and without breaking eye contact, bend forward at the wait and pull it down to my feet. I straighten up. Our eyes still locked together, I step out of my underwear and skirt and kick them both to my top and handbag. I stand, still wearing my shoes with my feet slightly apart, hands now still by my sides, shoulders back and my head up. I’m still trying to look confident but think I probably look insolent. I’m almost challenging you to look me over. You don’t.
Instead you break eye contact and look back at your notepad in front of you and begin writing something. I’m completely thrown. I’ve only been here 5 minutes and already I’m naked and standing right in the middle of your office. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I’m sure it wasn’t this.
Without looking up you say “Turn around.” I do. I hold my head up and arch my back slightly emphasizing my round bottom. If you’re looking at me now you’re looking at my bottom I’m sure. I think it’s my best asset. I still don’t have a clue what you think.
There are people going by outside the frosted glass window but nobody stops. I watch their fuzzy outlines pass by and think just how surreal this is. Panic is simmering quietly in my belly.
“I want to see your wet cunt and arse first.” I suck in a breath, blow it out through my nose too hard then lower my head slightly. Cunt. I hate that word! I’d never use it. It’s so vulgar. Maybe you think I’ve just blushed again. You’re dead right.
I start to bend forwards.
I straighten up again.
“Stand wider. I want your feet about a foot and a half apart and only then will you bend to touch the floor.”
I do it. I wait for you to say something. I think a minute goes by, maybe more, but probably less. I drop my head and look at you through my legs. You’re sitting upside down at your desk writing something. You’re not even looking at me. I wiggle my ass a little. Barely at all really. You slowly raise your eyes and look right into mine with such contempt that I look away immediately.
“I’ll look at my slut’s cunt When I’m good and ready. Until then it’s to remain presented to me.”
You go back to writing. I wait. My calm muscles start to feel tighter. I look at the floor. It’s quite a nice floor; laminate but not a cheap one. I look to the left, nothing to see there except a door to either a cupboard or an adjoining office and to the right only a waste bin. I look up towards the main door again. That damn door! The door is the end. It seems symbolic now. Is it too late for the door? I think it probably is now. I look away from it.
I wait. I’ve tried so hard to show myself to you without being brazen. To be confident but not seem arrogant. To not be a slut but to by your slut. To be filthy yet deepen. It’s a bit like trying to be a virgin whore I think. And it’s a thin line to walk let me tell you!
God I need to be in the zone! This is still too hard. I need to focus. I close my eyes and allow myself 1 minute to think about the door. And about whether or not you like my breasts and my bottom. And how long you’ll have me standing like this. And will I have a minute before you stop me and what are you writing. And just how much of a slut do you really think I am or want to be. And and and any fucking thing else that’s in my head keeping me from where I should be.
1 minute of noise. I could go crazy in here!
It’s all gone. I’ve found the place. I look back at the floor but I’m not really looking at anything.
“Now that’s much better,” you say.
“Yes Sir.” It is too. But how do you know?
“Because you’re still now.”
“I didn’t ask Sir.” Not out loud anyway! So you know my thoughts too now! Of course you do.
I can feel your eyes on me. Scrutinising the outline of my pussy and asshole. I know I’m wet, I can feel it but I don’t know how obviously wet I am. I hear your chair move. I don’t move but my clip sends a jolt through me for no good reason and I gasp quietly. I can feel my pussy clench in anticipation. It’s starting to pulse. It’s demanding attention. I’m certain you’ll notice. I squeeze it hard in an effort to shut it up. You definitely see that.
“Bring that cock hungry cunt here”
I start to stand up.
“Properly girl!”
Fuck! I curse myself for being so stupid. Again!
I immediately drop to my knees and with my head lowered and my hair hanging over my face I crawl round the desk to your feet. I turn around and keeping my head down and my hands on the floor I jump to my feet and straighten my legs again. Just as I was before. Only now I can feel my wetness has leaked out of my pussy and onto my thighs.
“You really are a cock-hungry cunt aren’t you!”
“Yes Sir,” I answer and I feel my pussy response with a violent twitch almost as though it were addressed directly.
“This cunt talks to me!” you laugh. “Now this is a first. What does it want I wonder?” You cup your hand under me with your thumb resting maddeningly close to, but not on, my clip. You ask again “What does it want?”
I gasp “It wants your attention Sir.”
I can barely speak. I suddenly need fucking so badly that I can’t think straight.
You pull your hand slowly backwards and your thumb slides over my swelling clip sending a jolt of shock through my whole body that I can’t conceal. You slowly push it in between my wet lips and wait right on my opening. I can feel it circulation ever so slightly round and round. I want to push back onto your thumb. No, I NEED to. I have to have something inside me to feel and grip onto.
I’m trembling all over. Round and round you go. I think I can do this. I think I can stay still. I’ve got it under control. And I do have. Right until I slam backwards and your thumb disappears. My pussy reacts immediately by clenching and pulling upward so tightly that I almost believe I can keep your thumb whether you like it or not. But less than a second later it’s ripped from me.
“Nooooooooooooooo!” I whine. I can still feel where it was. And I want it back.
In a flash you kick the back of my legs to unlock my knees and I drop down heavily to all fours again. You grab a handful of hair, yank my head back and you’re right over me. I can feel your breath against my neck and your weightt bearing down through my shoulders and arms. You’re heavy.
“This cunt will only have what I give it from now on.” You growl in my ear. And just as suddenly you drop behind me still pulling my head painfully backwards further still.
“Don’t move!”
I hold my breath and freeze as your fingers untangle themselves from my hair. I strain to hold my head so far back without it being pulled or held anymore. My back is arched painfully and my pussy is pouting almost upwards. And then I feel it.
Something has replaced where your thumb was. Oh! It’s your cock! It really is! I’m overjoyed! I can feel the gentle pressure of it pushing against my lips, nudging them open. You’re sliding it up and down from my clip to my ass, moving so slowly past my waiting hole. Pausing, pushing forward a little, daring me to move away or impale myself on it completely. I hold still. It’s ago.
“Please Sir,” I whisper. “Please fuck me. Please. I need to feel you inside me more than anything right now. Please fuck me. Fuck me, fuck me.” It feels inevitable.
I can feel my pussy clenching and letting go over and over, searching for your cock, trying to lure you in. Trying not to push back. Trying to let you feel how good it will be to be wrapped around you, pulsing and pulling you in deeper. Milking you until your balls erupt hot cum deep into me. Willing you to slide in, to fuck me, to feel me, to fill me.
“Pleeeeeeeeeease fuck me Sir. Pleaseeeeeease Sir.” I’m whining.
I hold so still. My whole body is rigid and bent. I hold my breath, I think I might be rewarded. No, I’m sure I’ll be rewarded. I feel you push forward a tiny bit, my pussy enveloping the tip of your cock and pulsing madly on it. I’m going to have it, here it comes.
“No! You don’t deserve it.” And then it is gone. All I feel is empty. My head drops and I cry out in sheer frustration.
You sit back into your chair. “Kneel. Facing me.” You order. I bite back my absolute disappointment hard and try to conceal it. I scramble round, slip off my shoes and tuck my feet in under me, straighten up and bow my head. “Good girl.” You say sounding almost surprised.
I’m elated. Just to hear you say that spreads a grin so wide on my face but my head remains down. “Thank You Sir,” I utter. My disappointment fades. Maybe I can please you after all.
“What do you want?”
“I, er…” My brain just froze! What do I want? “Sir, I want to please you.”
I venture a look up. You’re sitting facing me, looking relaxed and comfortable. And curious. A weak smile is on your lips. Your head is slightly cocked to the left. You’re stroking your chin absently.
I look down again.
“Now. Again,” you say as though you’re speaking to a small child. “What do you want? Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear.”
Oh God! I’m thinking fast. “I want to feel something new. I want this experience. And I want you to want me. And remember me always,” I blur out.”I want to be the best. I er…” Argh! That sounds wrong. It’s not an ego thing, I don’t think of myself that way and it would be hard to explain that being the best only means being able to do whatever is asked of me therefore it really depends on you to ask things of me that you’ve never asked of anyone before. “I want to be the best I can be.” That’s better. That’s what I mean. “And I I whisper with a grin. “Sir” I add quickly.
“You think you’re such a tease don’t you?” You sound more annoyed than curious.
“No Sir,” I lie regretting the last bit now. The panic is racing around my belly again making my breath short and my palms sweat.
“Get up here. On my desk on all fours! NOW!”
You slide back on Your chair and open a drawer in your desk as I spring to my feet and hop up. I don’t see what you’re taking out. I turn my head to look over my shoulder to you but you growl “Face on the desk.” I drop to my elbows and lay my face on the cool wood. Itdoes nothing to calm the fear.
Something cool and flat gently starts circulation on my bottom. My eyes widen.
“Do you know what this is?” Round and round. Caressing both cheeses and the top of my thighs.
“Yes Sir. I think so.” It feels like a paddle. I love paddles!
“Then you’ll know how it feels,” the caressing stops, “When I do THIS!”
SMACK! Pain exploits across my left buttock and the circuit continues as before. I stifle a scream only by keeping my mouth clamped shut.
SMACK! You deliver another blow to my right cheek. I can’t help it this time. “YEOWW!”
“You’ll be advised to be silent! Most of the office has gone for lunch but not everyone.”
What about the noise of the paddle though? Won’t they hear that? Before I can even finish the thought; SMACK! Right above the first one. I groan and close my eyes tight. The heat from both chefs is immense. I shake my behind in an effort to shake off the pain like a dog wagging its tail.
“Be still my pet.” Your voice sounds so soothing, taunting cruelly. “If you move your ass or cry out you earn another two.” I can tell by your voice that you’re smiling.
The care continues circuit round then contact breaks. I hold my breath and brace myself in anticipation. I know where it’s going to land. High right, high right, here it comes. Oh God please don’t hesitate! Don’t make me suffer the fear of it as well as the pain!
“Do it. Please Sir.”
SMACK! Right across my left cheek again! The shock from the unexpected as well as the seizing pain from being paddled in the same place again makes me suck in air so hard I’m dizzy. My lower legs waggle uncontrollably up and down. It hurts my shins and knees more so I stop. I bite my lip then, realising the danger it’s in, let it go of it.
I hear a voice soothing. “Relax! Come on now! This isn’t so bad. Just relax. You like this. Just enjoy it. Feel the heat.”
“I can do this” I whisper to myself. “Thank You Sir.” I say louder. The voice in my head’s still talking, soothing, calming.
SMACK! My right cheek. The pattern has resumed. I feel it. The burning spreading from my reddening bottom to my brain and touching everywhere in between. It’s a fire and it’s everywhere! Why did I think I like the paddle?
SMACK! The top of my left thigh. Oh God! That one hurt so much. I hear myself whimpering pathetically. I turn my face over then back again then over again. “Get a grip,” I tell myself.
SMACK! Right thigh. “Ooooooooh! Thank You Sir” I screw my eyes tight shut and grab a lungful of air while I remember then SMACK! The air rushes back out of me before I had a chance to use any of it. My cheeses and thighs are on FIRE. “Get a fucking grip girl” I demand this time.
I put my forehead on the desk and press my head down hard. You’re alternate cheeses and not pausing any more. You’re paddling everywhere from my thighs right up to the very top and sides of my buttocks. The pain isincredible, especially at the top. I zone out a little. I can still feel every blow but there’s no outward reaction. I can’t do this for long but its getting me through for now. And it’s starting to feel so good. I’m thinking about your cock sliding into my wet inviting pussy. It’s waiting for you, pouting at you as you paddle around it. Are you looking at it? Wanting it?
Smack! It’s quieter now. I can feel what seems like all of my blood going to my behind heating it to super-hot and then going straight to my pussy. My labia are feeling engorged and swollen. I want your cock. I NEED your cock.
“Thank You Sir.”
Please just fuck me soon. Please oh please fuck me!
SMACK! “Oooooh!” That one got Through! I’m snapped back to now again and the raging heat. I can’t take much more. A low moan quietly escapes me.
“Please Sir, I mean Thank you Sir”. My head lifts then goes back to where I was told to keep it. There’s a pause. I can feel my bottom glowing cherry red.”Thank you Sir.” God, my voice is wobbly.
The drawer opens, I hear the sound of the paddle being dropped onto the wood and the drawer slide shut. Relief floods over me. I breathe again. I lift my head slightly. The desk is wet! I blink at it, confused. Then I realize. It’s wet with my tears! Oh bloody hell! Now you’ll think I’m a total wuss. I swipe my hand across my face and the desk in one quick motion in an effort to hide them.
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