After what had seemed like years, it was finally happening. I had agreed to fly to Phoenix to meet Katherine. In reality we had only been chatting online for a few months, but our conversations, while starting off innocently enough, eventually turned into kink and BDSM. I have been a sub for as long as I can remember, and it felt good to be able to open up to Katherine about how things were going in my home town of Charlotte, NC. Katherine was a Domme herself, and had bounced from a few different guys and had never really been able to find the one that clicked with her. I didn’t have many kinky experiences as I have a hard time opening up to people about a lot of my kinks. Bondage was an easy one to talk about with others, and usually girlfriends would be curious, but the excitement would eventually die off. With Katherine being thousands of miles away, it was easy to discuss with her my kinks and fetishes, and she offered no negative judgement, merely offering support and encouragementment that the right girl was out there. It was so relieving to be able to be open with her like that.
As Katherine and I continued chatting, she asked me to come see her. I shrugged it off initially, and made some excuses on why I couldn’t make it there, blaming work, or plane ticket prices. She didn’t relent, and every couple weeks would again bring it up again. Now don’t get me wrong, she was Extremely attractive. She was about 5’4″ with long wavy red hair. She was a fire cracker for sure, and she was very persistent. I’m not sure why I didn’t want to go see her. Maybe it was shame, maybe it was embarrassment for telling her things about me. It wasn’t until she had sent me a text teasing me that she would let me kiss her feet that I began to think about it seriously. Once I told her I was thinking about it, she knew she had me. Our chats shifted to more about the things she would do to me, and what I wanted her to do to me. About a week later, we discussed very seriously me going to see her, and that if I was looking for submission, she would gladly give it to me. I booked my tickets that night. I had plenty of vacation time from work, so I booked a couple weeks off. I made a deal with myself that if she ended up being crazy, I could always change my flights to come home earlier.
The next couple weeks seemed to fly by as the date got closer. She took on more of a Domme role in Our conversations, and continued to ask about more of my kinks. She confirmed if I was comfortable to wear a collar, and explained that once she places the collar on me, that it means business. I pictured myself standing in the hotel room and her placing the collar around my neck. I giggled at the thought of her being so short, probably needing a chair to reach my neck.
And now, the day was finally here. I had just Stepped off the plane, and started to make my way to baggage claim. I was definitely feeling much more nervous at this point than I had been. I sent her a quicktext that I was on my way. I started thinking to myself about how crazy this was. I thought about our chats over the last few weeks, and all the things I shared with her, including the humiliation that I asked for. I told her not to go easy on me, and that I expected her to be strict with me because I will try to weasel out of things if I can. She had said I would be begging for her to go easy on me Before the week was over. I chuckled at that thought.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and as I looked at it, I saw her text “I’m at baggage claim waiting for you… hope you’re ready.”
Was I ready? What was I getting myself into? She knew what I looked like, but I told her what I would be wearing so she could find me easier. As I got to baggage claim, I began to Look on the belt for my bags. Part of me wished that Katherine wouldn’t see me. As my mind wandered, I was quickly brought back to reality.
“Hey darling!”
I jumped in surprise. I spun around to see herstanding there.
“Hey!” I stammered back. “How are you Katherine?” I questioned.
She smiled at me. She looked amazing! Her hair was pulled back into a neighbor ponytail, and she was wearing a light pink tank top along with some cute shorts. I gazed down at her feet. She was wearing bright orange Nike sneakers which hide her ankle socks. I brought my gaze back up to her face and smiled, and then shifted back to looking at the luggage conveyor.
She giggled as she spoke, “Hoping I would be wearing sandals so you could finally see my feet?” she asked.
I started to blush and responded quickly, “No, no.”
“Don’t worry, you are going to have plenty of time at my feet,” she responded.
I didn’t respond initially. I wasn’t sure what to say. She knew I had a foot fetish, and she had already made it clear that I would spend a lot of time worshiping her feet. I continued to blush at the thought as she continued speaking, “Now, I am going to collar you in a moment. Beforee you think about resistance, let me make something very clear. If you resist, not only will I make sure everyone in this airport knows that you are going to be collared, but I will also walk you through the airport on your hands and knees with a lean attached to your collar.”
My mouth dropped. I did agree to be collared, but I assumed it would be once we got to the hotel, not in the airport! I Didn’t want to be collared in front of everyone, but I knew damn sure that I wasn’t about to be lead by the leash on my hands and knees.
“Do we have to do this here?” I asked.
She smiled, “Yes, of course. This is the first step in your complete submission to me. I want you to remember this, and understand that not only did you ask for this, you want this.”
“Okay, this isn’t what I was expecting though,”
“I know, if I had told you, you may not have got on the plane. Now, I want you to get on your knees and bow your head down.” She pulled the collar out of her pursuit.A black leather collar with a silver ring attached to the front. She sensed my hesitation. “Perhaps I wasn’t clear about what would happen?”
“Fuck,” I said aloud as I began to get down on my knees. She pulled the collar around my neck so it was snug before doing up the buckle. She was still fidgeting with it, and I wasn’t sure what she was doing, until I heard the padlock click shut. I lifted my head and could see some people were staring at me. I immediately started blushing again.
“Stand up, darling,” she said as she helped me to my feet. “This collar only comes off when I decide, is that clear?”
“Very clear,” I meekly responded. She smiled and hugged me.
“This is going to be so much fun!” I sheepishly smiled and looked down at my feet. “Oh no, no. You will Keep your head up and make eye contact with everyone. I want you to see their eyes looking at your collar. I want you to see that they know you are my sub.” She pulled the ring on my collar until my head was up.
“Oh my God,” I could not believe this was happening.
“Yes ma’am is the only appropriate response,” she added.
“Yes ma’am.”
It had been about 5 minutes since I met her, and I was already humiliated. I knew it would only get worse.
After what seemed like an eternity, I saw my suitcase on the belt. I quickly grabbed it, and looked for her direction on the way to leave. She kept smiling when she looked at me, and down at the collar around my neck. She reassurered me that I asked for this, and she was only giving me what I wanted. While she was right, I wasn’t about to admit it. As we walked out of the terminal, I could see people turning to look at me. I felt some better once we were outside as there were less people. Every time I tried to look down, Katherine pulled on the collar and told me to keep my head up.
After what seemed like an hour, we made it to her car. She opened the trunk, and I grabbed my suitcase and placed it inside. I headed tothe passenger door, and started to open it, but Katherine was right beside me, and told me to turn around and place my hands behind my back.
“What?” was my meek response.
“Put your hands behind your back,” she repeated.
She grabbed some rope that she had on the back seat. I knew what was coming. While I did want to be tied up, I definitely didn’t think it would be happening already. Hell, I was already collared. I knew there wasn’t much point in arguing so I placed my hands behind my back. She crossed my wrists and before I knew it, my hands were expertly bound. There was no hope of getting them free. I was just thankful that there was no one that saw this happening or they may have thought I was being kidnapped and called the police.
She opened the door for me, and helped me into the passenger seat and then placed the seat belt on me.
“Remember what you told me about being gagged?” she questioned.
My mind immediately shot to our texts where I had shared that I like to be gagged with socks.
I looked at her with a blank star. I was thinking about how to respond.
“Well, you don’t need to answer, but you will be gagged until we get to your hotel.”
And with that, she reached for my sneakers, and untied the laces and took them off. She peeled off each sock, “Have you been wearing these since yesterday like I asked?” I nodded. “Good. Open your mouth,” Knowing arguing wasn’t going to help, I compiled. She pressed both socks into my mouth. I could immediately feel the dampness, and taste the sweat. I was regretting wearing them since yesterday. She used another piece of rope and tied them into my mouth ensuring I wouldn’t be spitting them out. My brain and cock were sending different signals. My brain asking what the hell I was doing, but my cock betraying me by getting harder.
I was starting to get worried about being seen like this, but my thought was cut off when she grabbed my sneaker.
“I know you’ve been afraid to tell anyone that you like to be forced to sniff your own sneakers, but Jim, I am very happy that you trusted me enough to share it with me. I plan to use it against you quite a bit, so I hope you like it. In fact, consider this an added treatment because I am going to tie your sneaker to your face while we drive to the hotel. I am sure that people are going to see you smelling your sneaker the entire way, just so you know.”
And then she immediately placed my sneaker over my mouth and nose. Oh My God, I could smell the sweat, I could smell my feet. I could not believe she was doing this in public. What if someone sees me? Yes I had asked for it, but I just thought it would happen in private. I remember being so afraid to tell her that she would think I’m gross, but now she was doing exactly what I had fantasized about so many times. As she used another rope to tie the sneaker to my face, I realized the position that I was currently in. All I could do was smell my sneakeror taste the sock gag. I had no option for removing them. I never believed this was going to happen, but I was starting to get really turned on by it. I was about to be driven through town while I was collared, sock gagged and being forced to sniff my sneaker, with no way to avoid it. It was extremely embarassing, and humiliating, and I couldn’t understand why it was turning me on.
“Once we get to the hotel, you are going to be really fucked. Not literally though. We’ll see how you behave this week,” Katherine said as she got into the drivers seat. I couldn’t respond, so I just moaned into the sock gag, and sneaker tied to my face knowing I was in for humiliation that I only dreamed of. My brain was trying to make sense of what was happening. I kept flipping from embarrassment to being turned on.
As Katherine dropve Through the streets, I reflected on the position I found myself in. The collar was still locked snugly around my neck. My hands were still tightly tied behind my back. I had been trying to find the knot to loosen them since she tied them at the airport. The socks that I had been wearing for the last day were firmly tied into my mouth, and if that wasn’t enough, my sneaker was tied directly over my nose and mouth forcing me to smell it with every breath.
I couldn’t believe she did that to me, and was driving me to the hotel like this. Every time we stopped, I could feel the eyes of everyone looking at me. Katherine made sure I knew they were looking at me.
“You know, everyone is staring at you right now. I mean, why wouldn’t they be? It’s not every day you see someone with a sneaker tied to their face.”
“Mmmmph!” was about all I could respond with.
In all truthfulness, while I was completely embarrassed and humiliated, I secretly loved the position I was in. As I moaned to myself through the sock gag and shoe, it was obvious that I was turned on. I could feel my cock at attention through my pants. Katherine noticed thisas well, and every now and then would reach and rub it through my jeans. Each time she did, I would try to grind into her hand. I was moaning louder and trying to beg through the sock to keep going, but she would only edge me and then stop.
“Those dirty socks and the sneaker are getting you all worked up, huh?” Katherine asked with a smile.
I nodded my head and did my best to say yes, but all that was heard was a moan.
She chuckled, “Good, you’ll have plenty of time this week to enjoy them. And you’ll also have the privilege of having my sneakers tied to your face after I’ve done my 5 miles on the treadmill each day. I have to warn you though, my feet stink after running so I hope you can handle it. Not that you will have a choice!”
We finally arrived to the hotel, and Katherine laid out some instructions for me.
“Now, I don’t want people to think I’ve kidnapped you, and I know you will need to check into the hotel, so I am going to do you a favor and remove the sneaker and the sock gag from your mouth. I will also notie your hands.”
She got out of the car and walked around to my side and opened the door. She helped me out of the car and then began to untie the rope holding the sneaker over my face. As it was released, I was able to breath fresh air for the first time in what felt like an eternity. She removed the sock gag next.
“How was the drive?” She asked with a grin.
“Holy fuck. I never expected that at all.”
She seemed to be enjoying this. “Good. Now let’s get your hands untied and get you checked in. We have some business to take care of.”
She moved behind me and began untying my hands. She then unlocked the collar and removed it.
I gave her a puzzled look.
“Don’t worry, we’ll discuss it in the room. Now put your shoes and socks back on.”
She watched me as I put them back on, and gave me a big smile. We grabbed my bags and headed for the front door. I was still reeling thinking about how direct she was, and how she wasn’t afraid to put me in my place, regardless of where we were. She definitely wasn’t going easy on my, but that’s exactly what I had asked for. After I checked in, I asked Katherine if she was hungry. She replied that we would get something to eat a little later after we discussed the plans and rules for the next week. I feel myself blush as she said that.
“If that’s all it takes for you to be embarrassed, you’re going to be in for quite the week,” She said as she grinned.
“Oh I am sure,” was my quiet response.
As we got into the room, I fell back onto the bed. As I looked out the window, there was a view to the streets below from our second story room. Katherine was surveying the room, almost making notes to herself in her head as she looked around.
“Did you bring everything?” She asked.
I nodded my head.
“Good, please get it out and set it on the bed.”
She was certainly wasting no time. As I got up and went over to my suitcase, I started questioning if I should back out. My thoughts were cut off as Katherine continued with instructions.
“As you take each item out, please say what it is. I want to make sure you didn’t forget anything.”
I went back to thinking about what the fuck I have gotten myself into. I unzipped the suitcase and flipped it open, and began taking out the toys I had brought.
I took out the handsfuls of rope that I had brought and placed it on the bed. There was enough to make sure I wasn’t going anywhere.
Katherine was watching as I laid out each thing on the bed.
“Butt plugs. Ball-gag-harness. Anal hook.”
As I put the hook on the bed, I was wishing I didn’t bring it. I continue to bring out more items.
“Lube. Riding crop. Switch. Vibrator. Ball gag.”
As I looked at the items laid out on the bed, I thought about their use, and immediately felt myself blushing again. Katherine broke the silence.
“Good, thank you. Now come over here and we can discuss this weekend a little bit.”
I bit my lip, and moved to the other side of the room where she was sitting in the chair. I looked down at her feet.
“Thank you for bringing those toys. I will really enjoy using them on you,” she said as he looked over at the bed.
I continued to blush as she continued Speaking.
“Now for this week, let me remind you of the expectations and rules you are to follow for the duration of your time here, and a little of what you can expect. Then once I am done, you can decide if you still want to go through with it or not. That sound fair?”
I nodded my head.
“First thing. You will address me only as Ma’am, or Mistress at all times, and any place we are. If you fail to address me correctly, there will be consequences. You may only speak my name if it is Mistress Katherine. Is that clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” I replied as I nodded my head.
“Good. Now, like wetalked about, this week you will be kept in bondage for hours. Obviously we’ll need to eat, and go do some things, but you should expect to be tied up each day, possibly multiple times.”
I nodded my head. I thought to myself about how long she was actually talking about. Surely it won’t be for hours on end.
“You will have safe words, and safe gestures if You are gagged, which will be frequently. Red and yellow are your safe words. Yellow means slow down, and red means stop. If you are gagged, tapping your hands or fingers continuously means you need to have the gag removed so you can speak. Do you understand?”
“Yes, thank you,” I responded. I was definitely glad she had remembered about the safe words and that I Didn’t have to ask about it.
“I just told you about how to address me, and you have already failed. After we are done, you’ll have your first punishment.”
I stared at her, and quickly tried to correct myself “Yes ma’am,”
“I want you to quickly remind me of our previous conversations and some of the things that you are into, and how some of these items can be used on you.”
I was afraid of this. Afraid that she was going to make me tell her about my kinks. It was easy over chat, but now having to verbally say some of it. I wasn’t sure how to get the words out.
“Well,” I said quietly before stopping.
She just waited for me to continue.
“The rope you can use to, umm, tie me up.” This was harder than I thought.
“The, uh, plugs and the anal hook, well, those are, umm, self explanation. The flogger, switch, and whip can be used to whip my ass and my feet. The gag can be used to shut me up, vibrator can be used to tease me, and ummm force me to cum.”
I purposely did not say anything about the ball gag harness, but she wasn’t having any of it.
“And the harness?” She questioned.
“Shit.” I thought to myself.
“Well, the harness can be used to tie my head back to my feet or somethingg.” I quietly replied as I looked at the floor.
Katherine chuckled.
“I think you missed a few details about that, but that’s okay. We will just see how it works, now won’t we?”
I nodded my head.
“And what things to you want done to you?”
“Umm, well, I want you to make me worship your feet. And to umm, be humiliated by you. To be tied up. For you to completely, umm, own me this week.”
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