Under Everyday Clothes

(This is a f/m light femdom story with graphic sexual and BDSM descriptions, including spanking, collaring, teasing, bondage, male crossdressing, and a remote control vibrating anal plug. All characters are enthusiasically consenting and, of course, over the age of 18. For the reading pleasure of interested adults only. This story was made possible by an anonymous commission. Enjoy!)


“Conner, could you pass me the pretzels over there?” Siobhan’s mother asked, pointing to a shopping bag filled with all manner of party foods.

I was helping her out in the kitchen while Siobhan and her father entered the rest of the guests around the pool patio.

It wasn’t the first time I’d been invited to my girlfriend’s parents’ house, but I still felt a strong urge to make a good impression, especially given the sort of family reunion vibe going on at this particular event.

It wasn’t officially called a family reunion, but there were aunts and uncles and cousins ​​everywhere you looked, and even if it wasn’t intended that way, there was an unshakable feeling of a tryout, a chance to determine whether I could sometimes be classified as part of that family.

As such, I reached for the pretzels with a little bit of extra flourish, bringing my arm around in an arc like an illusionist as I leaned over the bag.

Right when I was extended to my most precarious position, the remote-controlled plug wedged deep in my ass suddenly activated, sending out deep, powerful thrums of vibration.

Startled, I throw the bag up in the air and just barely managed to catch it to my chest with a crunch.

I held it out to Siobhan’s mom in one hand, steadying myself against the counter with the other, all the flourish gone out of me.

“Are you all right?” she asked me.

“Mm-hmm,” I answered, every part of my body clamping down around the dirty little secret inside me.

It was still vibrating, forcing a near-instant erection, which was trapped in the uncomfortable downward position in my pants, in addition to the even more uncomfortable position of being in the same room with my girlfriend’s mother.

“You’re white as a sheet,” she said, taking a step closer and reaching out, ready to examine me as if she were my own mother.

In my right mind, that might have been a nice sign of how she was growing to see me. At This moment, it made things so much worse.

I stepped away, maintaining the distance.

She glanced down, noticing how awkwardly, cautiously, I was moving my legs, and said, “The bathroom is… well, you know where it is,” she said, gesturing.

She must have thought — I hoped she thought — that I was dealing with a very different sort of embarrassing situation, but I couldn’t hang around and think about how embarrassed to be about that.

I took the out and shuffled down the hallway towards the bathroom, which was thankfully the same direction as thebackyard. The same direction as Siobhan.

A couple of other family members whose names I didn’t have the wherewithal to remember right now squeezed past me along the way, and it was almost impossible to convince myself that they were unaware of what was happening inside me.

The victory didn’t feel subtle at all to me, where it was right now, tickling my prostate and resonating against my tailbone, but we’d tested it, I reminded myself. We’d tested it so thoroughly. No one could hear it from the outside.

And the same stiff tightness around the crotch that was making my clothes so uncomfortable right now was also probably making me look flat as a priest in church to anyone who happened to look.

No one knew.

No one knew, except…

There she was.

Siobhan stepped in from the back yard before I had to go looking for her, and stood in the doorway in front of me, looking like the answer to all things.

Like a goddess.

Like a gorgeous, smug terror of a goddess.

By the particular sparkle in her eyes, I guessed that she’d already had a couple beers, and she’d obviously been swimming.

Her long, blonde hair was hanging in damp tempers over the top of her rose red bikini. The fabric was held together with ornamental knots, and the way it cupped her large breasts always reminded me of a present that demanded you take your time unwrapping it.

She had a towel wrapped around her waist, and her purse hung casually from one hand. The remote had to be in there. There was nowhere else she could be holding it. Unless she had someone else holding it for her… but Siobhan wouldn’t do that to me.

The vibrations were doing mad things to my thinking.

“Hey.” She smiled and tossed her hair innocently, as if she were just like Everyone else, wandering around without the slightest inkling of what was happening to me. “Are you ready to come outside? Because we’re about to–“

I grabbed her hand andtugged her towards the stairs, out of the way of further party traffic.

“Woah, all right, what–“

“Turn it off,” I whispered. “Please.”

Siobhan dropped the act and reached a hand into her purse, as she walked with me.

The vibrations mercifully stopped, and I was able to walk more or less normally, although the erection would take more time to quiet down.

I led her all the way up to her old bedroom on the second floor, and closed the door behind us.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, only half teasing now.

She wasn’t denying knowing what she’d done, only knowing what was wrong with it.

And here, behind a reassuringly closed door, still hard and faced with the sight of Siobhan in a wet bikini, I was suddenly having a difficult time putting my finger on the answer to that myself.

“I was helping your mom,” I tried to form the argument aloud before it dissipated completely, like a whisp of smoke.

“I know,” said Siobhan. “It was sweet of you.”

“She was looking right at me when…”

“When I pressed the button on the remote you gave me?” Siobhan continued for me. “For the plug you wanted to wear tonight?”

“I…” I falsered and mumbled the rest. “I was thinking it would be more for maybe playing in the car, or slipping away together…”

“Well, we’re slipped away together now.” Siobhan smiled indulgently.

Now that she was satisfied I wasn’t hurt, or suffering some unintended consequence she didn’t know about, all the doubt was gone from her face, and she was back to full teasing again.

“Aww, sweetie, was it really that bad?” she asked, stepping forward to stroke my chin, and pinch my ass through my clothes. “It’s just an itty-bitty baby plug, and I was only using the second setting. You can take that, can’t you?”

“She could tell something was happening,” I said, embracing the whining that I could feel entering my voice. Siobhan was the onetaking the lead today, so I didn’t have to be quite as diligent about being sensible and in control as I would if it were my turn.

“You couldn’t hold the feelings in all the way?” Siobhan asked, still griping my ass.

I shook my head.

“And you didn’t like that?” she went on. “It didn’t make you just a teeny little bit excited, having to lie to her, wondering if you might get caught?”

I started to shake my head again, but that wouldn’t have been entirely honest, so I said, “She’s your mom. What she knows… it could matter.”

“So, what you’re telling me is that you don’t want me to be ruthlessly tearing and distracting you with that thing all night long, all through dinner and charades and water polo and the latest updates on how so-and-so is enjoying retirement?” Siobhan asked, keeping one hand on my ass, and reaching the other one down to my crotch, expertly finding the downward-bent head of my cock, which had still not quite calmed down.

Inodded. “That’s what I’m telling you.”

“I see.” Siobhan shrugged thoughtfully. “Then maybe I should just get it all out of my system at once. What do you think?”

Laughter echoed up through the floor and in through the window that faced the back yard, the party continuing not too far away.

Was there a chance of them hearing us too? How soon would someone come looking? My stomach fluttered at the possibilities.

Siobhan reached back into her pursuit and pulled out one of my favorite things in the world: a fluffy pink collar with a thick buckle.

The collar only came out when one of our soft, casual little power games was about to get less casual for a while. When one of us choose to wear that collar, it means we fully belonged to the other one.

“I promise,” said Siobhan, “when we’re done, I’ll leave the plug off all night. Well, at least until we leave.”

I thought for a moment, and Siobhan witnessed.

“Or you could always just take it out,” she said. “If you’re that scared.”

I guess I must not have been, because that last option didn’t appeal at all.

“Can we lock the door?” I asked.

Siobhan told. “Fine. If you insist.”

She turned the little latch in the knob of the bedroom door and reached up to place the collar around my neck.

I turned around to make it easy for her to fasten the buckle.

When she finished with it, she kissed my shoulder.

“I love seeing you this way, darling,” she whispered, and another wave of victory buzzed through me, many times more powerful than the last one.

My knees buckled under me, and I dropped down onto them.

Staying vertical was just not a priority among all that my muscles and nervous system suddenly had to contend with. Tingles of arousal spread outward, not just to my cock but through my whole body, bright enough to blind other senses.

Even though I knew how discreet the plug actually was, I could have sworn a person would beable to touch my hand, or my foot, or the top of my head, and feel the vibrations all the way from there.

“Aw, you really are pretty sensitive, aren’t you?” said Siobhan, stroking the hair on my tingling scalp. “No wonder you couldn’t handle yourself downstairs. That’s okay, baby. Sensitive is the new strong. It makes a lot of things so much more fun.”

My cock was back to struggle Almost painfully against my clothes, and I reached down, just to adjust myself a little.

Siobhan shacked my hand away and pulled it behind me, followed by the other one.

“Mine now,” she said, simply, and rummaged in her pursuit for a moment.

Soon, I felt one of my other favorite objects in the world close around my left wrist, and my right.

Though I couldn’t see it from this angle, I knew it was a pair of fluffy love cuffs, almost a match for the collar, but in a slightly more vibrant shade of pink. They were nicely cushioned, but strong. I had struggled against them with all my strength on many an occasion, and never damaged either them or me.

“I’ll be the one taking your clothes off,” Siobhan said, croouching down beside me and unfastening my pants. “That way, I can make sure your special ones stay on.”

She tugged the pants carefully but firmly down to my ankles, leaving everything else in place.

By my “special” clothes, Siobhan means the baby-blue lace panties and stockings I’d elected to wear under my everyday clothes today. They were another little secret thrill that had seemed like the easiest thing in the world to keep secret when I’d got dressed at home.

All I had to do was say no to swimming, and there was no reason for anyone here to see me undress.

Now, with the sunset light streaming in through Siobhan’s old bedroom window, it was easy to imagine the party-goers catching a glimpse of me. It was only the angle of the second-story room, and the fact that Siobhan had not ordered me to stand directly nextto the window, that was keeping me safe for now.

“I can’t get over how cute you look in these!” said Siobhan, running her fingers up the thin stockings, over the bare strip of skin at the top, to the lace trim of the panties.

“Nor can I,” I managed to say through the mind-addling visas, stretching out my legs and looking down at myself. The look always gave me a thrill, both the transgressiveness of it and how gratifyingly well I could pull it off.

“Mm,” said Siobhan. “You’re even cuter when they’re all nice and tight and scratchy like this. Just like they’re supposed to be. Beauty is pain. Every little girl knows that. I love getting to teach it to you too.”

The panties were definitely uncomfortable tight right now, not because they weren’t well made or a good fit, they were, but they were never meant to accommodate a raging erection. It was straining the lacy, barely-elastic material to its limits.

Siobhan straightened up, sat down on the little twin bed that still held place of pride in this vacant room, and grabbed me by the collar.

“Come here, you still need to be punished for sulking at me.”

Without my hands, I couldn’t do much to lift myself up onto her lap where she wanted me. I could only follow along as she lifted and dragged me across her knees. The brief pressure on my throat further intensified the sensing of the viruses pulsing through me, and the tightness of the panties.

Once I was in position, Siobhan ran her fingers lightly over my ass, stroking the outer areas of the cheeses exposed by the high cut panties.

Then she worked her way inward, over the fabric, to the base of the plug, and pushed.

I felt a recklessly loud moan escape from my mouth as the victorys hit deeper and more unyieldingly inside me.

“You really thought you had a right to be upset with me earlier, didn’t you?” Siobhan asked, in her softest mocking tone.

I shrugged, embarrassed. “Maybe.”

Siobhan spanked me on one ass cheek, sending another flash of extra concentrated vibrations through me.

“That was very, very spoiled of you,” she said.

I could only groan in response.

She spanked me again on the other chef.

“For a moment,” she said, with another smack, still altering sides, “you sounded like one of those slutty boys,” smack, “who goes around begging every woman he sees,” smack, “to fuck him,” smack, “and then tries to make her feel bad,” smack, “for giving him exactly what he asked for.”


“I’m sorry,” I said.


She stroked my skin softly for a few seconds, cupped my ass in a tight, possessive grip, and then spanked it again.

“You could never be one of those boys, could you, sweetie?”

“Never,” I agreed.

“You’d better never.”

She pulled down the back of my panties to give herself clearer access, keeping my erection trapped in the front./p>

This…” she spanked me harder, faster, without even the thin barrier of lace to blunt the sting of skin on skin, “is to make sure… you remember to never… be… that… boy!

“Never,” I promised more fervently.

She pressed on the base of the vibrating plug again, and while she held it deep, the vibrations changed from a constant buzz to a rapid pulsing.

“You wouldn’t want me to take your toy away, would you?” she asked sweetly.

“No,” I answered, feeling almost paralyzed by arousal, and the sensings pulsing through me, continuing to build it.

“You wouldn’t want me to give you back the remote, and tell you to manage your own timing and settings from now on?”


“How sad and boring would that be for you? Knowing that it’s just a dead hunk of metal in your ass, with no one on the other end? That it will never move, without you having to tell it to?”

“Very boring,” I acknowledged.

“So, when youask me to keep you on edge, to keep things surprising, and I do that for you, that’s me doing you a favor, isn’t it?”

“Mm-hmm,” I moaned, shifting in her lap without meaning to, rubbing my lace-confined cock against her damp towel below me. It didn’t help much, but I couldn’t stop.

“And the correct response to someone doing you a favor would be…”

“Thank you,” I answered meekly.

“Good boy.” Siobhan pulled the back of my panties back up into place with a snap. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson. You can lie down now.”

I couldn’t, really, on my own, but Siobhan helped hoist me off her lap and onto the bed itself.

Those swimming muscles of hers were no joke.

She rolled me onto my back, with my cuffed hands pinned under me, and finally, slowly, pulled the front of my panties down and let my cock stand free at its full height.

“Aww, look at you, all hard and dripping,” she said. “You soaked right through your panties!”

“I’m not… surpraised,” I panted, trying to pace my breath with the pulses of the plug. “You got me really, really going.”

“I didn’t hear you. Was that another thank you?” Siobhan put a hand to her ear, expectedly.

“Thank you,” I said.

Siobhan nodded approvingly and teased her fingers along my shake, not quite touching me, not in the good way, more appraising me.

She lifted up the edge of the precum-soaked panties she’d just pulled down, and let them snap lightly back down against my balls.

“I don’t think you’re going to be able to fit back into these, do you?”

I shook my head.

“Well, I can’t let you go back downstairs looking like this,” she said. “Maybe I should tell mom and dad that you’re not feeling well, and you needed to lie down for a while. You could rest in here for the evening, until I come back for you.”

I shook my head again.

“Of course, the door doesn’t lock from the outside,” she said thoughtfully. “And I doubt you’ll be able to get it locked after I leave with your hands cuffed behind you. So, you’d just have to hope that no one other than me comes in to check on you, and finds you all chained up, wearing sweet girly lingerie, with a big, swollen, drippy ection you can’t get rid of.”

She wouldn’t let that happen to me, but again, the visas were interfering with my ability to think.

I started to protest. Another quick setting change interrupted what lucidity I had left, filling me with slower but even more powerful pulses.

We had to be close to the highest setting by now. I’d thought we’d already been there.

“Or,” Siobhan witnessed, and let herself smile. “I suppose I could do something about this.”

She finally brought her hand to the head of my cock, and slide her fingers lightly down the underside, spreading the slick precum over my skin as she went.

I would have shivered at her touch if it weren’t for all the other fears running through me. OrMaybe I did, and I just couldn’t tell.

“Do it,” I managed to say.

Siobhan removed the towel from around her waist, tossed it across the end of the bedframe, and climbed up on the bed with me, straddling me low, her powerful bare legs wrapped around my stocking-clad ones. She took my cock in her hand again and gave it a squeeze and a couple full strokes.

“Is this what you want, sweetheart?” she asked.

I nodded, arching my back to move myself in her grip a little more.

“You want me to jerk you off in my old, little girl bed, all over your best baby blue panties, in the middle of a family gathering?” she asked, sliding her hand slowly, methodically up and down.

“Yes, please,” I begged.

“You want me to be very rude, and keep ignoring all the other guests, just so you can cum?”

“Please,” I repeated.

“You really want me to stop your fun little game early, and make you too tired and satisfied for me to tease all night?”

“Yes, please, I can’t wait!”

“How’s that little plug feeling inside you right now?” she asked, still pumping in that same slow rhythm.

“Like I’m going mad,” I said. “It’s been on for so long.”

“Oh, has this felt like a long time to you?” asked Siobhan, clicking her tongue. “Poor baby. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

Letting go of me for the moment, she untied the functional knots of her bikini top, so that the ornamental fabric twists fell away as well.


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