Under Construction Ch. 08

A warm blanket of hope wrapped Shawna’s heart as she slept off the effects of her Friday night out with Tracey. Hope that she could still salvage what she had with Darren, hope that he would forgive her for her actions, hope that she could find that happiness she only had with him.

Her hope sprang from those two beautiful words in Darren’s messages: ex-wife.

A fog hung over Shawna’s brain when she stepped back into the real world. A fog full of hammers mixed with Christmas morning.

“He’s not married, Chester” she croaked at the sleeping cat by her feet. “That email I told you about; the one from his wife? That’s his ex-wife!”

Chester lifted his furry head and contemplated her rambling for a moment before putting his head back down.

She grabbed her phone and read Darren’s messages again. The earliest messages from that blackest of Mondays told a story about an ex-wife bent on ruining his life, refusing to let go of him and move on with her own life.

The lengths she had gone through to make him miserable were right out of the crazy ex-wife handbook. Threats of going back to court, made up violences of their dividend conditions, near constant demands for more money, and a dogged determination to interfere with his life as he tried to move forward.

She’d been over the texts numerous times already. Even through the haze of too much alcohol, she got the message that made her heart soar. Darren was hers again.


She hadn’t been a very good submissive, but if he would let her, she would make it up to him tenfold.

Her thumbs prepared to type her heart to him when her phone buzzed in her hand.

Oh shit! Tracey!

Shawna where are you? Are you ok? I’m calling the cops if you don’t answer me. This is all my fault. I never should have left your side. Call me as soon as you get this.

A warm ray of sunshine touched her heart. Although the age difference, Tracey cared about her. She smiled as shetyped back.

Good morning. I’m fine and I’m at home. Thank you so much for your concern. That was a crazy night.

Oh thank god!! I saw you getting in a cab with that guy. I was yelling at you, but you didn’t hear me. I thought you were in a freezer somewhere. What happened with that guy?

Shawna ran over the events of last night with Vance. She rolled her eyes and burst out laughing.

I’ll tell you about it later. I have to get my arse moving or I’ll sleep the whole day away. Thanks for coming out with me last night and checking in on me.

You better tell me all about it after desserting me like that, bitch! Lol. I’ll talk to you later. Muah

She swung her feet over the end of the bed to get up and catch a whiff of herself. She smelled like gym socks and failed sex and her legs were so tired they almost refused to hold her up.

I’m not as young as I used to be, she thought as she made her way to the bathroom. My god do I need a shower.

The warmwater cascaded over her body, washing away the film of a night pressed against sweety strangers and spilled drinks. Flashes of the dance floor came and went, and poor Vance passed through her mind for a moment or two as well.

It was all sort of dream-like. Nothing about it seemed real to her. It was real of course, the evidence of that washed down the drain as she idled over it all. Still, it all felt sort of detached from her and she turned her mind to Darren.

What am I going to say to him? Will he forgive me? I never even gave him a chance to explain. I have to make this up to him. I can start right now.

She grabbed her razor and got to work.

Twenty minutes later, cleaned shavled and dressed, she knew what she had to do. She picked up her phone and called Darren. Her heart raced in her chest, trying to burst free and make a run for it.

“Shawna? Thank god,” Darren answered.

His voice swirled up a huge pot of emotion in her. She had no idea how muchshe missed it.

“Hello, Darren,” she said, her voice trembling just a little bit. “How are you?”

“So much better now that I hear your voice,” he said. “Are you ok? I heard your grandmother passed away. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, um, about that,” she replied. “Thank you, but my grandmother is alive and well. I lied to get the time off.”

Darren was quiet for a moment. “I think I know why and I understand,” he said finally. “Shawna, I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am for all of this. I never wanted you to get hurt, and I feel terrible.”

Shawna’s eyes blurred as the tears ran down her cheeses. “I’m so sorry I didn’t even ask you about it. That was so horrible of me. I panicked, and my heart was so broken, I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Please, you have nothing to apologize for,” Darren replied. “I’m sure that was quite a shock. I don’t blow you for reacting the way you did. I don’t know how my ex found out about us, but I should have warned you about her.”

“What’s her problem?” Shawna asked, wiping the tears away and regaining her composition.

“There’s too many to explain over the phone,” Darren surprised. “It’d take all day.”

“I’m free all day if you are,” she said.

“Really?” He replied, geneine surprise ringing in his voice. “I don’t blow you if you want to run for the hills. A crazy ex wife is a good reason.”

“I can be over in fifteen minutes,” she assured him.

“I’ll be waiting for you,” he replied. “Anxiously.”


“Yes, Shawna?”

“What would you like me to wear, Sir?”


Then, “A long jacket and a smile. Bring a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt for later.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said already trembling.

Shawna flew around her apartment gathering the necessities for what she hoped was a great night and a great morning at Darren’s house. She found the new jeans she bought with the white shirt but never wore and a snug black t shirt and stuffed them in a bag. She filled Chester’s food and water dishes to the brim, much to his delight.

She rifled throughout her closet like a maniac until she found her long black jacket and a pair of strappy three inch heels to wear with it. She stripped off every stitch of clothing she had on and slipped her jacket on with her pulse racing. She fumbled the shoes on and fought the strraps into submission.

She felt so gloriously naughty as she stepped out the door in nothing but her freshly groomed birthday suit and thin black jacket. To serve Darren again made her pussy tingle and her nipples harden under the slippery material of her jacket. She was never going to disappoint him again.

Tonight, she was giving herself to Darren one hundred percent. No hesitation, no more going slow. She knew enough of what she would have to do to know she wanted nothing more than to please him. This is where she belonged.

Her heart was in her throat when she rang Darren’s doorbell. A slight breeze ruffledher jacket swirled up her legs. She’d never been quite this exposed before and it was intotoxicating.

Darren opened the door and she caught her breath. He was wearing the blue shirt she loved on him, the one she had borrowed the last time she was here, and he looked magnificent in it. His cologne wrapped her up in him, the very air she needed to live coming from him like a gift.

He didn’t say a word. He reached both hands out to her face and drew her into him, locking his lips onto hers in a kiss born of desperation and longing. Shawna melted into him, her arms wrapping around him, holding him as close to her as she could hold him.

Holding the kiss, he carefully backed through his door, drawing her with him, and kicked the door closed. She could feel his body reacting to her touch and pride swelled inside her.

Finally, Darren broke the kiss, and looked at her. “Hello, gorgeous,” he whispered. “I’ve missed you.”

Shawna’s heart over flowed down her face as she smiled through her emotions. “Hi. I missed you, too.”

“Come in,” he said, escorting her into the living room.

“Should I take off my coat?” She asked.

“In a minute,” Darren said. “First, we should talk about all this business and get that out of the way.” He motioned to the couch. “Sit, please.”

“Darren, I don’t want to talk about any of that,” Shawna pleased. “It was terrible, and I reacted badly, but all I want now is to be with you. To be yours again. To go wherever this will take us.”

Darren’s smile crossed two time zones. “I’m so happy to hear that,” he said. “And we’ll get back to your training in a few minutes.” He sat down beside her and took her hands in his. “I want to say first that l’m sorry about all this. You didn’t deserve to be attacked like that. Her anger is not your burden to bear. I should have warned you about her, and I didn’t. Please forgive me.”

“I really don’t remember a time when that would have come up,” Shawna replied. “EVery knows you don’t talk about exes on the first date. I didn’t tell you about mine either because that’s just not what people do.”

“You’re right,” Darren said. “She’s not your typical ex.”

“I don’t think there’s such a thing as a typical ex,” Shawna said. “They’re all different and sometimes, they’re nuts. It’s not your fault.”

“I can’t imagine how that made you feel,” Darren continued. “And for the record, there hasn’t been a long line of sluts, and I would gladly get rid of her for you.” He smiled and kissed her again, softer this time, but still touching her soul with his lips. “Honesty is important to me in a relationship, so I wanted to make sure you know that.”

“It was quite a shock,” she replied.

Vance’s ninety white teeth and spray on tan strolled into her mind just then. She tried to stuff him back down into the haze, but he persisted.

Dammit! He just said honesty is important to him. How can I hide this from him?

Easy. You keep yOur fool mouth shut and don’t say anything. He’ll never know if you don’t tell him.

I can’t do that. He’ll find out one day and it’ll ruin everything.

If you tell him, you’ll ruin everything now.

“Darren, I have to tell you something,” she said. She couldn’t look him in the eye, and her tears would have blurred his face if she tried.

You can Still get out of this. Tell him you like country music or something.

“What is it?” He asked softly, holding her hands a little tighter.

Don’t do it.

“I…I went out with a friend last night and got pretty drink,” she said. She tried looking at him, but turned her head away and closed her eyes. “There was a guy dancing with me, buying me drinks. I was so hurt, and so… broken. I just wanted some attention. Someone to want me that wasn’t…you. I…I…we…”

Darren’s fingers touched chin softly and turned her head to face him. Shawna still couldn’t open her eyes, though tears flowed freely from them like she left the tap on. She felt his lips on hers again.

Her eyes snapped open and she pulled back, shocked. She couldn’t manage to form a sentence so she just froze with a confused look on her tears streaked face.

“It’s ok,” Darren said softly. “We had one date, and then an unmitigated disaster.”

“You’re not…angry?”

Darren paused for a moment and Shawna’s heart dropped. “No,” he said finally. “I’m not angry. If we had been together for a while, then yes, I’d be angry. We’ll just start over like none of this ever happened.”

“Are you sure?” Shawna asked, stunned.

“You came back,” Darren said. “Imagine if we spent the rest of our lives together and look back on this moment. What would we miss out on if I pulled the plug over Something that happened under stress and in a messed up situation? How many years of happiness would be lost?”

She sat for a moment just staring at this unbelievable man. “I’m so sorry,” she said, the dam finally breaking open. “I was stupid and I don’t deserve your forgiveness,” she sobbed.

Darren held her as she soaked his shoulder. “Shush,” he said. “You deserve to be happy, Shawny. I hope I can help with that.”

Shawna sat up, and tried to wipe her tears in a lady-like fashion. She failed. Darren got up and brought her some tissue.

“Are you even a real person?” She asked as she cleaned herself up. “No one else I’ve ever met would be ok with this.”

“You haven’t met the right people,” Darren replied. “There so many more important things that make up a person than the mistakes they’ve made. Besides, I think you’ve probably figured out I have some unorthodox thoughts about sex.” His smile warmed her from the inside and she began to hope things were going to be good again.

“Speaking of which,” he began as he wiped away one last tear. “We have some catching up to do. Your training was going extremely well before we were interrupted.”

Shawna smiled proudly. “Thank you,” she said. “But I have to talk to you about that, too”

Darren looked at her quizzically. “Ok…is something the matter?”

“Not exactly,” Shawna replied. “It’s just that I don’t want to go slow anymore. I want to give you whatever you want, whatever you need. Whatever that may be, that’s what I want to do. This last week has shown me something. I realized that I have literally never been happier than I was with you. Being a sub had never crossed my mind my whole life. Now I can’t think about life any other way.”

“Shawna, I’m flattered, but the training is for us to get to know each other. So you can learn the things I expect from you and I can learn what you need from me without punishment or penalties until we are sure of each other,” Darren explained. “It’s for our own sake that we go slow to start.”

“Darren, are you going to try and injury me?” Shawna asked.


Are you going to make me do things I tell you I don’t want to do?”


“Do you want me to be yours? To serve you, and do with as you please?”

“Yes, I do.”

Shawna stood up and undid the buttons on her jacket, letting it drift open as she released the last one. She held out her hands for Darren to take them. He did, and she pulled him gently until he stood up in front of her. She shrugged the jacket off and let it fall to the floor.

Naked and certain, she knelt down before Darren, placed her hands on her knees, lowered her eyes, and whispered “I’m yours, Sir.”

She smiled hearing Darren’s breathing quicken. She could feel his excitement rising with her own, and she loved it. She felt a rush of power, mixed with anticipation for what would happen next.

“Don’t move,” he said in his commanding voice. He left her there on her knees and went down to the basement. Her skin flushed as she waited there, not even lifting her eyes, straining to hear what Darren was doing downstairs.

After a few moments, she heard him returning.

“Close your eyes,” he said standing behind her.

His hand went softly to her neck and scooped her hair over so it all hung over her right shoulder, exposing the left side of her face and neck.

“Tilt your head up, but keep your eyes closed,” he said firmly.

She could smell Darren’s intoxicating cologne, but there was something else, too. Something familiar.

She felt a cold band slip around her throat, and heard a metallic clinging noise. Leather. That’s what she smelled, and that’s what was tightening around her throat. Darren snugged it tightly, but not too tight to restrict her breathing.

“Open your eyes,” he said.

Darren stood in front of her now and held out a small hand mirror. She took it and looked at the black leather collar around her neck. She ran the fingers of her free hand over it gently, tracing over the rows of blunted metal studs, and finally coming to the ring at the front of it.

“Do you like it?” He asked.

“Yes I do,”she replied. “Are you going to choke me with it?”

“Probably,” he replied. “But you should think if it as a symbol of my ownership of you. It’s a ring of sorts you could say. I was going to wait until your training was over, but I’m ready to commit to you if you’re serious about committing to me.”

“I’m dead serious and so happy to wear this for you,” Shawna said still admiring her new collar in the mirror. It felt so dirty and so very right. “Do you like it on me?”

“It’s a dream come true,” Darren said. “Now, my pet,” he continued, reaching behind his back and bringing out a long leather lean to match her collar. He hooked it up to her collar and said, “Come with me.”

Shawna stood and followed dutifully, loving the security her collar gave her. She couldn’t rationalize her feelings, but a dying belief clung desperately to the notion that this was wrong. But it wasn’t wrong at all. It was perfect.

Darren lead her downstairs to the basement and tied her leash to the pole he had tied her to on their first date. The memories of that night rushed back to her and her pussy gushed with the thought of doing it again. Her body hummed with anticipation.

Darren had his back to her as he rummaged through a dresser drawer. She couldn’t see what he was getting, but she was already certain she would love it. When he turned around he held a silver bulb that looked like a spade from a deck of cards and small bottle of clear liquid.

“Last chance to go slow,” he said through his wetness inducing smile.

“Pass, Sir,” Shawna said. “I’m here to please you.”

Darren untied her lean from the pole and lead her over the back of a plus arm chair. “Inspection position two,” he said.

Shawna immediately bent over at the hips, placing her elbows on the back of the chair and presenting her naked womanhood to her master. She was almost dripping when he ran his fingers lightly across her ass.

“Perfect,” he said tracing gentle circlesover her round cheeses. His fingers left her skin, the path he had traced still tingling after them. Then his whole hand came down with a loud stinging smack, sending hot bolts of fire through her skin.

She cried out, surprised.

“Did that hurt? We’re just warming up,” he said.

“It was a surprise, Sir,” Shawna replied. “I want everything you can give me.”

“Good,” he said. His hands caresed her ass gently again, tickling her skin and bringing her anticipation up again. He hovered for a few delicious moments and then brought his hand down hard across her other chef. The sting shot through her again, but this time she was ready for it.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Inspection time,” he said, the excitement in his voice plain as day. His hands separated her cheeks, presenting him with a view that no man had ever beheld before. He knelt down behind her, his face inches away from her uncharted territory.

Shawna squirmed a little with his face so close to her backend like that. Worries about her grooming crossed her mind, the dirtiness of where he was looking, and if he liked what he saw.

She felt his tongue slide across her asshole and gasped, her breathing catching in her throat. She frozen, not really sure what else to do.

“Relax,” Darren said from his spot on the floor. He adjusted his grip on her cheeks, spreading her open as far as he could, and then buried his face in her ass.

Shawna had never experienced anything like that before. His tongue felt amazing down there and her pussy flooded with appreciation, while her mind raced trying to justify what in the hell was going on.

Darren slipped a finger into her aching pussy while he continued to lick her olive. The combination of those two feelings together rushed her towards the edge of orgasm canyon like Thelma and Louise.

“Oh my god,” she panted. “Can I cum please, Sir?”

“Not yet,” he said and pulled his finger out of her pussy and tongue out of herass. He stood up and put his wet finger in front of Shawna’s lips. She took it in her mouth and tasted her wetness. She was so close already, stopping was torture.

She heard the lid of the little bottle Darren had taken out of the drawer open from behind her. There was a pause, and then she felt him lick her one more time and then there was something cold pressing against her wet pumper.


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