Under Construction Ch. 07

Morning broke into Shawna’s room and stalled her in the eyes as she slept. She squinted against the assault as she gathered her senses.

She throw an arm over her eyes to block the sun, her shirt flashed white as the silk covered her face. The pulses and pressure behind her eyes clouded out anything close to rational thought for a few moments longer. Her mouth couldn’t wet a q-tip and tasted like Chester missed his litter box.

She moved her forearm slowly off one eye and peered out at the empty wine bottle on her bedside table.

“No glass,” she muttered. “Classy.”

Chester mewed at her from the foot of her bed.

“That’s enough out of you,” she croaked. “Get me some water, Chester. Go on. Go get mommy some water.”

Chester considered her for a moment, then stood, had a good long stretch, turned his back to her, and laid back down.


Shawna struggled up to her elbows. The pain in her head made the error of her ways quite evident and she fight a valuable battle to keep from falling right back on to her pillow. She won, but only because she was about 20 seconds away from peeing the bed.

The cold water felt amazing on her hands after her needs were attended to. She pooled water in her hands and splashed some onto her face. The shock of it cleared her head some, and the pain in her head became tolerable after a few splashes and some deep breathing.

The monster in the mirror must have had a tough night. Her make up was running off her face, her hair was everywhere at once, and she was still dressed. But not in what she remembered wearing the night before.

“What the hell?” Shawna looked down at a beautiful silky white shirt and that plunged down quite a bit, exposing her black, beat up old bra between her breasts. It bore some water marks and red wine.

What else did I do last night? She thought, dread welling up in her stomach.

That’s not dread, Shawny. She spun around and yanked the toilet seat up, pumping her face to bowl level as fast as she could. She waited for the reversal, head pounding from the sudden change in elevation. Her mouth watered, but the feeling passed.

Close one, she thought. One bottle did this? She thought as she stumbled into the living room.

Her coffee table held up another empty wine bottle and a mostly empty mickey of vodka. A half finished pink drink sat beside a wad of wet pink paper towels.


Her phone buzzed from somewhere under the wet message on the coffee table. Shawna walked past it and into the kitchen for a glass of water.

It buzzed again.

And again.

Finally, she marched over to the table, moved the sticky, wet wad off the magazine that sat on top of her phone, and prepared to face the inevitable messages from Darren.

It was Tracey.

Oh my god! Are you serious? He’s married? Whaaaaat the fuuuuuuck?

Shawna’s panic alarm went off. What had she done? Dear lord, what had she done?

She fumbled through her password, ignored the red dot beside Darren’s name, and clicked on Tracey’s messages. The brightly lit reality of her situation was she had drunk texted Tracey about the email, about her grandmother, and about bouncing back at the club tonight.

Thankfully she had left out the juicier bits. She wondered if she hadn’t passed out when she did if that would have all come out as well.

Shawna stared at the messages for a minute. They didn’t ring a bell. The last thing she remembered was singing Wonderwall at the top of her lungs and wishing she could stop thinking about how badly she wanted Darren there to put her in her place.

She straightened her white silky shirt and typed back: let’s keep that stuff to ourselves. I’m not super proud of that.

Shawna put her phone down and began cleaning up. A few moments later, her phone buzzed again.

Ummm…I can keep most of that quiet…

Really, Tracey?

Sorry. I didn’t tell anyone about your gramma and I only told one person about that lying asshole.

Don’t tell anyone else, please. Deny everything if anyone asks.

Are we still on for drinks tonight?

Shawna’s stomach turned at the thought of a drink.

You bet.

It was late morning, but she’d be ready to go by the time they started their night.

She bought herself the rest of the day, and recovered from the night before by mid afternoon. She was embarrassed to have gotten blackout drink and sending out texts to someone fifteen years younger than her, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

Darren sent her a message that evening while she was in the shower preparing for the night. She ignored it, and concentrated on looking her best.

Tonight, I’m coming home with man-drool all over me, she thought while doing her make up. They won’t know what hit ’em.

Gross. No actual drool. Numbers, maybe. At least three or the night’s a failure. I can get three guys intersted in me, no problem.

Only one matters.

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

Shawna’s door buzzer went off, starting her out of her head.

“Come on up,” she said into the intercom, and pushed the door button.

A few moments later, Tracey stood in her living room, excited and ready to go.

She wore a tight pair of dark blue jeans, black slip ons, and a tight, low cut white tank top under a light black jacket. Shawna wished she was twenty something again.

“Are you ready to get your flirt on?” She asked. “You look hot! I love that top. Can you undo another button, maybe? Perfect! You better not buy a single drink tonight.”

“Easy now,” Shawna said. “We have to get something to eat first.”

“Ok,” Tracey said. “There’s a little dinner down the street from the club. We’ll go there first. Are you almost ready?”

“Yes, child,” Shawna laughed. “Let’s go.”

The dining sat about ten people, Shawna and Tracey took the last two seats at the counter.The atmosphere was upbeat, and food was excellent. Shawna made a note to come back here one day.

Night had fallen while they dinner. Tracey looped her arm through Shawna’s as they strolled down the brightly lit street towards the club.

“I’m so happy you invited me out,” Tracey said. “This is going to be a great night.”

“I’m happy, too,” Shawna replied, and meant it. She felt better than she had in days.

They arrived at the club early enough to avoid a line up, but just barely. They weaved their way through the undulating crowd of dancers to the fluorescent lit bar at the far end of the expand space. Shawna felt hot bodies press against her every step of the way. Some points along the way, Shawna couldn’t see Tracey despite holding her hand as they made their way across the dance floor.

Tracey wasted no time. As soon as they arrived at the bar, she wedged herself between two guys about to order drinks from the well dressed bar tender.

“Hi boys,” shesaid. “I love that shirt! It looks amazing on you.”

Stupid boys, Shawna thought. They’re so easy.

Two hours and countless flirt-borne drinks later, Shawna was lost on the dance floor, sweaty, and free. Hot bodies pressed against her, men and women, and she pressed back. She couldn’t count how many hands had roamed over body, and she didn’t care. She felt fantastic.

As the night progressed, any hope of counting the men she’d danced with long behind her, Shawna noticed one man’s lingering attention. She had danced with him several times, maybe a little dinner than usual for a few songs.

He was handsome in his own way, well dressed, and a good dancer. His fake tan and too white teeth matter less and less as he brought more and more drinks out to her while she danced the night away.

He was a pretty good kisser, from what she could tell, with busy hands. His body felt good so close to hers, grinding as the songs stopped mattering and they found their own rhythm.

She pulled his head down to hers so she could be heard over the music. “I like it rough,” she blurted.

He pulled back and looked at her, surprised for a moment, then excited by what she said.

“Rough?” He said. “I’ll show you rough. You’ve never had rough like mine.”

Shawna laughed at his obvious line, but her body wanted to know what he had to offer. She craved the sense of powerlessness, the pain, and DEAR GOD the submission. She needed to be owned again.

“Prove it,” she yelled.

“Right now?” He said through a huge unnatural smile.

Shawna just nodded, took his hand, and headed for the door.

They caught a cab outside. Shawna thought she heard her name, but she couldn’t see who was calling her as she glanced around quickly before getting in the cab.

Once in the cab, she had an extra tongue in her mouth and hands on her breasts. She forget about everything else.

Entwined in a drunken carnal dance, they stumbled through thedoor of his apartment. Clothes and shoes joined the pizza boxes and empty beer cans on the floor as they made their way to the bedroom.

They flopped onto the unmade bed with grace of a train wreck, hands grabbing at anything they could get a hold of.

He pulled at her bra clumsily, snapping the strap on her back more than once as he fumbled with he clasp. Finally, with practiced ease, Shawna reached her arm back and undid it herself, freeing her breasts.

“You have great tits!” He blurted before lunging for them like a man rescued from a desert island seeing food.

He grabbed and squeezed them, jumping his mouth from nipple to nipple, like he was afraid she would take them away. She laughed while he flailed away on her chest, not knowing what else to do.

She grabbed one of his hands and moved it up to her throat. He didn’t even look up from her breasts, and pulled his hand back down as soon as she released his wrist.

Disappointment seen into her drunken brain, like a single drop of blood the ocean.

Shawna pulled him up from her chest and kissed him deeply, thrusting her tongue in and out of his mouth. He returned her kiss, a little too enthusiastically and pinched her lip between their teeth.

“Ow,” she said, breaking the kiss.

“Too rough for ya?” he said, bleached teeth flashing. He sat up and undid his pants, freeing his erection.

“Enough fucking around,” he proclaimed proudly. “Let’s get down to business.”

Shawna laughed again, louder this time, rolling onto her side. She brushed his erection with her knee as she closed her legs. He jerked back reflexively.

“What’s so funny?” He asked, hurt strreaking across his face.

Shawna read his features and got herself under control. “No, nothing,” she said. “You just caught me off guard a bit. I’m ready to get down to business.” She let out a short burst of laughter and rolled onto her back. She put her knees on the sides of his legs, spreading herself open a little bit.

He reached out and hooked his fingers into her panties. They slide down her hips and she raised herself up so they could slide under her ass and down her legs.

Fully naked now, she bent her knees and spread her legs open for him.

“You like?”

“Fuck yeah, I do,” he hissed and clovered on top of her.

She guided him into the ball park, but had to slow him down at the gate.

“Go slow,” she said.

“Too big for ya?” he asked, not looking up.

In her experience, his cock was middle of the road-ish. Nothing to write home about one way or the other. His technique was going to be the subject of a text or two later, though.

Finally she worked him inside her, slowly and carefully. She had to stop him from ramming it in a couple of times, but she was finally wet enough to let him free.

She wrapped her legs around his lower back and thrust her hips onto him, taking in as much of him as she could get.

Disappointmentdripped a little more freely into the ocean.

He took the hint and started to move himself in and out of her. Slowly for three thrusts or so before jack hammering into her, racing for the finish line.

“Whoa, there tiger,” she said from under him. “Slow down and take your time.”

“Too much for ya? Are you gonna cum already?”

Is he serious? she wondered.

“I’m Not quite there yet,” she said, stifling a giggle.

She shifted under him to free up one of his arms. She moved his hand to her throat again as she started grinding her pussy on his shake.

His hand rested on her chest for a moment, the web of his thumb and forefinger just touching her neck, and then slide down to her breast.

She pulled his hand back up to her neck. “Choke me,” she hissed in his ear.

“What? No,” he said, pushing himself up on his hands.

“I like it rough, remember?”

“This is rough,” he said and pounded his cock into her a couple of times to prove his point.

Shawna hesitated a few seconds, contemplating if he was serious or just messing around. The longer she thought about it, the flood gates if her disappointment opened further and further.

“Get off me,” she said quietly.

“Yeehaw!” He belted out suddenly and started jack hammering away again. “You like that, don’t you, baby? Yeah! Yeah!”

Shawna froze for a moment, a look of shock crossing her face. She grabbed his head with both hands and squeezed her legs on his hips, stopping his thrusts.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she screamed. “I said get off me!”

His face put on a display of all the shades of red a face can make. “I thought you said get awesome,” he said sheepishly.

Shawna couldn’t hold it in any longer. Laugher burst out of her in big, body wrenching blasts. She shifted him out of her pussy and sat herself up as he moved off of her.

“My god,” she laughed. “I’m sorry. I can’t stop.”

He moved to the end of the bed, sulking and retrieved his boxes. His erection had vanished, and left a shrivelled shell of its not so glorious self behind.

“You’re a bitch,” he while. “Get out.”

Shawna tried to stop her laughter, unsuccessfully for a moment, then finally got it under control.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s just I was expecting you to get off me, then you started doing whatever that was, and…” she stopped to focus on holding herself together. “That was awesome, was it?”

She lost her composition again.

“Get your shit and get your fat ass out of here,” he said. “You should be happy anyone even wanted to fuck you!”

Shawna stopped laughing. “I’m sorry,” she said again. Normally his words would have cut her like a knife, but they didn’t even phase her.

“Really, I’m sorry,” she said. She moved off the bed and began gathering her clothes. “Look…oh my god. I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s Vance,” he mumbled.

“Sorry. Did you say Vince? It sounded like you said Vance,” Shawna said.

“I did say Vance,” he said. “That’s my name.”

Transformation complete. The ocean was now just an endless expansion of disappointment.

“Ok…Vance,” she said waging another battle with laughter. “I’m just gonna go now. Thank you, um, for everything. Sorry about laughing, again. It’s the alcohol talking, probably.”

“Whatever,” Vance replied, averting his eyes as she put her bra back on.

She dressed in awkward silence, moving through the wreckage of the apartment Vance called home, gathering articles of clothing as she went.

Finally dressed and ready to leave, she checked to make sure she had her phone and all her belongings, and turned to Vance.

He stood behind her, shirtless, holding a beer in his hand.

“Ok, well it was fun,” she managed before turning to leave.

Vance didn’t reply as she walked out into the hallway of his apartment building. He just closed the door behind her, the sound of the lock sliding into place echoing down the hall.

Shawna took a deep breath and grabbed her phone. Tracey had called and texted her 14 times in a full fledged panic.

There was a message from Darren as well. She opened that one first.


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