Shawna’s phone buzzed away in her purse, but she didn’t look. She cried on her couch instead until her eyes dried out and her head hurt.
You couldn’t see that coming? She asked herself. How desperate are you? You just bow down to the first guy that gives you an order and then act all surprised when he turns out to be married and his wife finds out. Real nice job, Shawny.
Chester looked up at her from his spot on her lap. He was entirely indifferent to her suffering, but wondered why she stopped petting him. He mewed at her.
“Sorry, buddy,” she said. “What was I thinking?” She began to stroke Chester’s warm, soft back.
Chester had no idea what she was thinking, nor did he care. He put his head down, pursued loudly, and closed his eyes.
Over and over, the email she’d been slapped in the face with that afternoon slammed back into her mind’s eye. It was relentless. It tormented her.
And she deserved it.
You sure know how to pick ’em, she thought.Stupid stupid girl!
When she could take no more self abuse, she moved an indignant Chester off her lap, and went to bed. She found a few more tears to put on her pillow before drifting off to a restless sleep.
Tuesday found her quite unable to get out of bed. She woke up around 5:30 am and decided there was no way she was going in to work. Tomorrow didn’t seem like a good idea either. She laid in her warm bed and tried to go back to sleep.
It didn’t work. She couldn’t just not get up and not go to work. Her boss would ask questions and surely try to call her. Was she going to tell him that she had foolishly slept with an abusive married man from the office and now she couldn’t look at herself in the mirror? That was a conversation to avoid at any cost.
After an hour of trying to find a way Around it, she finally dragged herself out of bed. Chester greeted her as he always did; his hunger causing that temporary affection she actually quite enjoyed.
She staggered over to her pursuit and found her phone. There were 31 messages and 6 missed calls. She ignored them all.
She quickly composed a sad message about the unfortunate and unless demise of her dear grandmother and her need for bereavement leave and sent it to her boss. She was certain he would understand.
She dumped some food in Chester’s dish and fell back into bed.
Fuck Tuesday, she thought and fall back to sleep.
She dreamed of Darren. His strong grip on her throat, his hand in her hair, his magic fingers and his complete control of her mind and body. She swam in it, soaking in it like a warm bath.
For a moment upon waking, her life was beautiful again. Then she took her punch in the face and stared blankly at reality. It was 10:45 am on Tuesday, the day after her new and beautiful life had been shattered.
How beautiful was it? Really? You were going to just lay down and serve that man? Who does that? That’s not a thing. That’s some weird mind control thing he did to you and you couldn’t figure it out. There’s nothing great about that.
Somewhere way at the back of her mind, a tiny voice — barely perceptible amongst the heart break and sadness — said I have never been happier in my life than I was in his grap.
I’m done with that bullshit, she thought. There’s no way in hell I’m ever falling for that crap again. It was exhilarating, but it was wrong, and it wasn’t me. I’m done. Experiment over!
Shawna spent herself for the rest of the day by rearrange her furniture and cleaning every nose and cranny in the place. By the time she was done, she had created some much needed distance from yesterday’s events, and she was happy with the results of her work. The place needed a good shake up.
She went to bed physically and emotionally drained. Her sleep was deep and dreamless.
Wednesday morning Shawna finally looked at her phone after it buzzed her wake around 7 am.
It was Tracey,thank god.
“Hello?” Shawna said through thick lips and the last webs of sleep.
“Oh my god,” Tracey burst at her. “Are you ok? I heard about your gramma. That’s terrible. I’m sorry for your loss.”
Shawna struggled to get a grip on what was happening. Her gramma? What happened to her gramma? What was Tracey — oh, right.
“Thank you, Tracey,” Shawna said. “I miss her already.”
“Were you guys close?”
“Yeah, we were,” Shawna lied. She liked her grandmother and everything, and she would be sad if she had passed away, but Shawna really only saw her at Christmas, weddings and funerals. She made a mental note to see her grandmother more often.
“You’re forty something right? She must have been pretty old,” Tracey said. “At least she had a long life, right?”
“She did, yes,” Shawna replied. “She was a sweet old lady.”
“If you need anything, call me,” Tracey said. “I mean it. I know people say that stuff all the time, but if you don’t call me, I’ll be pissed.”
“Ok, I will,” Shawna said smiling. Hostile compassion was still a sweet gesture.
“Now get to work before you get in trouble.”
“Alright,” Tracey said. “Hey, how’s it going with Darren? Is he comforting you?”
Shawna’s stomach turned to ice. “I’ve been pretty busy with funeral arrangements, so I haven’t talked to him.”
“Oh, ok,” Tracey replied. “I’ll let him know you’re ok. He seems upset lately. Probably miss you around here as much as I do.”
“Maybe,” Shawna said holding in a slew of competing emotions. “I have to get going, Trace, and so do you. I’ll call you if I need anything.”
“Promise,” Shawna said. “Now get off the phone and get Some work done.”
“Ok, fine. I’ll check in on you later,” she said. “Bye.”
Awake and extremely comfortable and destroyed by Tracey’s call, Shawna got up and made her way to the kitchen. She made herself a coffee and prepared for another good cry on the couch.
The tears didn’t come though.
It was one date, Shawny. Just one. Get off your ass and quit your crying. It’s not the end of the friggin world here. You slept with a guy you didn’t know was married. It happens all the time. Men are pigs and they lie to get girls. Don’t sweat it.
Now get up, have a shower already and take these pyjamas off and burn them. They’ve been abused the last couple days.
The little voice way at the back of her mind said no man has ever done what Darren did. He showed me something about myself I didn’t know existed.
Chester jumped up on her lap to assume his favourite position. Shawna looked at him for a moment before gently pushing him off her lap. He mewed his displeasure at her and cast her a dirty look as only cats can.
“Sorry, Chester, but I have to go,” she said. “Distractions await my immediate and undivided attention.”
Shawna strolled into the bathroom, feeling a little more like herself. She was able to distance herself a bit from Monday’s horrible events. She just had to stay busy a bit longer and she would be fine. There was still the awkward work situation and probably Mrs South to deal with, but all that could wait.
Today, she was going to the book store.
After a quick and necessary shower, she scrambled through her closet. She found the new white shirt she’d bought on Sunday to please Darren crumppled on the floor. Her heart jumped a half step and she kicked it into her closet.
Fuck him.
She got herself dressed and ready to face the world. Hopefully my quick make up routine can hide the signs of bawling like a high school drama queen for two days or so, she thought and headed out the door.
She came back into her apartment a moment later a retrieved the white shirt she had kicked into the closet. She put it on a hanger and hung it up before running back out to her car and driving towards the book store.
The little voice in her head came as close to smiling as a little voice could.
Shawna loved a new book, especially when she was down. She needed a good story to take her away from all this, and soon enough she’d found it. The summary on the back cover fit the description of an easy read, as she called this type of book. Basic story, some sexual tension in the better versions, and a happy, nicely predictable ending. She needed something happy and predictable at the moment.
A half hour later, glass of red wine in one hand and her new book in the other, Shawna realized she had not picked one of the better versions. The book was about unlikable characters meeting under unusual circumstances and an early unhealthy observation by one character towards the other.
It bored her until one tantalizing scene where the helpless female character is kidnapped and tied to a post. Shawna Couldn’t stop reading that part, over and over. It ignored that thing in her she banished just the day before. She was not that kind of girl.
Yes I am, the not so little voice said in her head. That’s exactly the kind of girl I am.
Shut up! I am not that kind of woman and that’s the end of it.
Then why am I so warm down there?
She pulled herself away from the bondage scene in the book and read on, despite the distractions she faced from her traitorous vagina.
The rest of the book was everything she wanted it to be and she went to bed having spent the whole day reading it. Her body was stiff from sitting around all day; the inactivity exhausted her.
She dreamed in feelings that night. She was safe and warm, her mind at peace. Some wonderful surrounded her, protecting her. Then it was all ripped away and she was falling, feeling herself being torn from safety and left to the darkness, alone.
Thursday morning she awoke shaken and lost. Like she was missing something she had held just moments before, something she desperately wanted back.
You know what you want, she thught.
Shut up. Don’t do it. Don’t think it.
Dammit. I don’t. I am not going to do all this again. He’s married. He only wanted me because I was foolish enough to fall for his shit. He’s a predator that saw a weak target.
Something isn’t right about all this.
Yeah, that something is Darren being a lying cheating asshole and dragging me into it. That isn’t right. One of many, remember? How many?
And how did she know? How did she know about me, and how did she get my company email?
Who cares? She’s his wife, I slept with him, and she has every reason to hate me.
I’m not the married one. She shouldn’t be mad at me, she should be furious with him though.
I didn’t see any throw pillows on his couch.
Only one towel in the bathroom, too.
What does that have to do with anything?
If he’s married, why is there only one towel?
It’s laundry day for all I know. Or she has her own bathroom. Maybe he hasa separate place for his long line of conquests.
It’s a house though.
Shut up.
He felt so good.
Shut up, please.
I felt so good. I felt beautiful with him.
I just loved the attention, and he just wanted in my pants. Wake up, Shawny. It was a lie. A beautiful lie, but a lie all the same. Every man has a lie they tell to get what they I believed his.
I can’t believe that.
A thought bubbled up in her mind. If it was true, if all she really wanted was the attention, she could get that anytime she wanted. All she had to do was dress like a tramp and flirt with drink men at any club in town. The attention would feel the same from anyone, right? She was single and free to do as she pleased. Why not get some attention from handsome men?
That should put all this Darren business in perspective.
It’ll be practice for picking out the lies men tell me to get what they want. Maybe I’ll even hear a good one and see where it goes. A smile crossed her lips briefly.
Before she knew what she was doing, she was texting Tracey.. What the hell am I doing? She thought.
I need to let off some steam. You up for drinks tomorrow night, just us? she typed.
She waited a moment to let her thoughts finish forming, then she pushed the send button.
Was she really going to do this?
You bet your ass I am! What time and where? her phone blinked at her.
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