Under Construction Ch. 01

She had seen him around the office. Darren South didn’t stand out the way the other guys around the office did. He was a little older, a little balder, and for some reason a little more unforgettable. There was just something about him, she thought.

“Hello? Shawna? Are you there?”

It was Tracey from accounting. They had just finished eating lunch when Darren had come in for coffee. He said hello to each of them by name, and Shawna swore there was a hint of flirt when he said hers.

“Yeah, sorry. I zoned out a bit there,” she said with a laugh. “Where were we?”

“I don’t know where you went,” Tracey said smirking, “but I bet I know who else was there.”

“You shut your pretty little mouth,” Shawna said and slapped Tracey’s hand playfully. “I was thinking about…um…Nepal for your information.”

“Bullshit you were,” she replied. “I don’t blow you one bit. Darren’s a pretty good guy. Everyone likes him around here. I’m more of a Kyle girl myself.”

“Kyle’s nice to look at, but having a conversation with him is kind of painful,” Shawna replied.

Tracey laughed and asked playfully. “Whatever do you mean?”

Tracey was in her mid 20’s and pretty. She was good at her job and worked hard, but her taste in men was still rooted in biceps and hairstyles. Shawna was divided from just such a man after too many loveless years together and was just now getting herself put back together.

“He’s all yours, my dear,” she said. “I’m out of his age range and not interested in hearing about how much he can bench press.”

“Mmmm,” Tracey replied. “Momma like!”

They both laughed at that. Tracey was her best friend at work, and if the truth be known, her only friend at the moment. Shawna’s dividend had been a little messy, and she lost a lot of friends that weren’t really her friends at all. She was currently in the market for some better ones.

Later, as Shawna was finishing up her day, Darren popped his head into heroffice doorway.

“Hey, Shawna,” he said with a smile and that tone of voice that made her tingle just a little. “I’m glad I caught you before you left for the day.”

She smiled back at him, lost just for a second in the subtle grip he had on her. “I’m glad you did, too,” she said, too urgently perhaps. “What’s on your mind?” She asked.

“That’s something for Another day,” he said flashing her a look that disappeared in less than an instant but set her heart racing. “Can you find me the invoices for Northwest Steel from the last three weeks, please? I can’t find some pieces they are sure they delivered.”

For a moment, she just stared at him. His shirt was clean, ironed, untucked, and rolled up at the sleeps to expose his forearms. He wore thin framed glasses Just slightly ask, making him seem intelligent even before he opened his mouth and proved it. His jeans were clean, but not an expensive brand. His shirt was just short enough for her to see he was doingalright in the parts department.


Jesus! Off again to fantasy land, and this time totally checking out his package. Nice one, Shawna. Real professional.

“Yes. Of course,” she stammered. “Northwest. Sorry, I left for a second. It seems to be happening a lot today.” She could feel her cheeks burning and she looked at her computer to avoid looking into Darren’s striking light brown eyes.

“Thank you,” he said without mentioning her staring problem. “I know it’s late, but I would appreciate it if you could find them before you go.”

“No problem,” she replied. “It won’t take me long.”

“I knew I could count on you,” Darren said. “Don’t tell anyone, but you’re my favourite.” He gave her a wink and left her office, leaving behind a faith memory of his cologne and cascade of feelings in Shawna.

As she looked up the invoices Darren asked for, Shawna fought a little battle in her mind. Had he means what he said about being his favourite? No, of course not. He was joking. Or flirting..? I wish he was flirting! He wouldn’t want me. My ass is too big and he has all these pretty little twenty things to choose from. Isn’t he married? Oh, and good job staring at his bulge right in front of him. Real subtle, Shawna. Real subtle. That’s probably why he said that. He didn’t want you to feel like an idiot. God, what is wrong with me?

She found the invoices and sent them to the printer down the hall. She gathered up her jacket and her lunch bag, shut off her computer, and changed into her boots. This office complex was on an active and busy construction site, so no muddy boots were not allowed once you got past the first set of double doors. The office staff were required to put protected covers over their boots for the walk to and from the inner doors.

She heard the printer kick into gear and start pumping out her invoices. She made her way to the printer before it finished and took a few moments to gather herself before she went to Darren’s office to drop the papers off.

Ok, Shawny, just relax. Forget about all that favourite stuff and your obvious star earlier and just play it cool. Remember what the books all say; act confident until you feel confident. Darren’s not interested in you, he was just being nice. That’s ok. Not everyone has to like you. Just go in there, drop the papers on his desk, and Say goodnight. Easy.

She gathered up the papers, checked to make sure they were the right dates, and headed down the hall to Darren’s office with her head held high, shoulders back, and full of fake confidence.

She gave a quick knock on Darren’s open door and peaked around the corner. He was sitting at his desk looking at his computer screen and glancing down at some pages on his desk. He looked up at her at the sound of her knock and her resolve melted.

“Thank you for this, Shawna,” he said. “I hope I’m not keeping anyone waiting for you at home.”

“No one but Chester,” she replied, stepping into his office to hand him the invoices. She could smell his cologne again and it made her nose happy.

“Chester?” Darren asked as he stood up to accept the pages from her.

“My cat,” Shawna said.

Darren smiled and she could feel her stomach flutter. “Mine’s Pedro,” he said.

“Pedro. Nice!” she said.

He came around his desk as he took the invoices from her. “I won’t keep Chester waiting any longer. I’m sure he miss you as much as I would if I were him.”

Now that was flirting. Had to be. And that wicked little grin. Wow, that’s quite a look. What is it with this man?

He was close to her now. She could smell him, hear him breathe as he looked her in her sparkling blue eyes, and he held her in a stare of his own. “Wear a blue shirt tomorrow,” he said firmly.

It wasn’t a request, she knew that. She also knew her heart raced and her nipples hardened as his voice barged into her mind.

“Ok,” she said quietly.

“Goodnight, Shawna,” he said in his usual tone. “Thanks again for getting these for me. You can go now.”

Shawna hesitated for just an instant before turning to leave. “Goodnight,” she said, her voice shaking. She was breathing heavy and a little unsure of her feet, but she managed to walk out of his office and out to her car.

What the hell just happened? Why was she so out of breath? She sat in her car and gathered herself for a few minutes.

That was flirting for sure. For sure, for sure. Flirting and something else…what was that? Did he give me an order to wear a blue shirt? He’s not my boss, he’s just a material coordinate. Why a blue shirt? Do I even have a blue shirt I can wear? I have that golf shirt with the white trim on the collar. It’s pretty tight on my boobs though. Wait, what the fuck am I even worrying about a blue shirt for? I’ll wear whatever I want. Who the fuck does he think he is telling me what to wear? I’m wearing a black shirt tomorrow because fuck him.

“Nice shirt, Shawna,” Darren said the next day. “I like the white trim.” He finished stirring his coffee and left the lunch room.

“Don’t look now, but someone has got their flirt on,” Tracey said.

“Shut up!”

“And the way he looked at you in that shirt…” Tracey continued. “It does look amazing on your boobs.”

“Thanks, I think,” Shawna said dryly. “I’m glad you like it.”

“It’s pretty obvious Darren likes it, too. You should talk to him,” Tracey said.

“I’m sure he was just being nice,” Shawna replied. She wasn’t about to tell Tracey about why she wore that shirt, partly because she couldn’t explain it herself. She had chosen a black shirt from her closet as soon as got home. Poor Chester was beside himself that he had been ignored when she walked in the door.

All night she had stewed about the blue shirt. She wasn’t about to take orders from some ego maniac. She didn’t have to do as she was told. She was a 41 year old woman for fuck sake,Not a child. Still…

As soon as she woke up that morning she fished the blue shirt out of her closet. She hadn’t hurt it in a while and hoped it still fit. She tried it on just to make sure it fit, but she was not going to wear it. No way, José. She would just ignore the warm feeling welling up in her pussy as she pulled it on. That didn’t mean anything at all.

She gave Chester a good bye cuddle then brushed his fur off her blue shirt as she walked out the door.

“I know when a guy is being nice and when a guy is flirting his face off,” Tracey said. “But suit yourself. If you don’t want to talk to him on your own, l’ll just have to do it for you.”

“Don’t you dare!” Shawna hissed. “I will honest to god kill you if you say a word to him About me.”

Tracey gave her a huge grin and a wink and sauntered out of the lunch room. Shawna had no idea if Tracey would follow through with her threat or not, but she wanted to talk to Darren about this blue shirt businessanyway.

At the end of the day she gathered up her belongings and prepared herself to talk to Darren, she heard a knock on her door. It was the man himself, and he was looking at her like he was going to devour her right there and then.

He cheats burned as she stood staring at those magnetic brown eyes.

“That shirt looks amazing on you,” he said bluntly. “I can see it’s a little old. You deserve nice new things. Tonight, buy yourself a new shirt. Green or red, and wear it tomorrow.” His voice was firm and left no question that he expected her to do exactly as he said.

“Goodnight, Shawna”, he said in his regular voice. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She felt herself getting weak again. Her nipples poked out of her damned blue shirt, and her pussy tingled. She almost said “yes, sir” as soon a he finished his demand.

What in the actual fuck, Shawny?

One thing she knew for sure is that she would be buying a new shirt tonight and wearing it tomorrow. SheThought about refusing the same way she thought about it the night before, but she was certain it would end the same way. She felt compelled to obey Darren’s orders.

Her mind spinning again, she got in her car and collected her thoughts. I am a strong, self sufficient, confident woman, she thought. Not always as confident as I would like, but still. Confident enough to know that I don’t have to Take orders from Darren or anyone else.

But why did she want to comply so badly? What was it about him that made so hard for here to keep her head on straight? Why couldn’t she say no?

I don’t want to say no.

That was the truth and she knew it. Something about Darren and the way he looked at her and spoke to her made her want to obey him more than anything. It made her feel amazing to put that shirt on this morning, and as she drive out of the parking lot of the construction site and turned towards the mall to buy a new green or red shirt, she felt amazing again.

As she was trying on red and green shirts, Shawna couldn’t help but notice the heat between her legs. It wasn’t like her to be this horny just trying on clothes.

She started to worry a little that Darren might not like her choice. What if she picked green but he would have preferred red? Should it be tight and a little revealing? He would like that, right? But it was a work shirt, so she had to keep that in mind. No slut costumes in the office.

Several stores and a dozen shirts later she settled on a deep red blouse that crossed over at the front, a little bit low cut maybe, and snug, but not too tight. She really liked the shirt and hoped Darren would like it, too.

God she was wet by the time she got back to her car. She couldn’t wait to get home, so she moved her car to an empty section of the parking lot, opened her pants and shimmied them down just enough to get her hand down into her panties and slide her favourite fingers into her wet pussy. She went to work rubbing her clip hard and fast to a tremendous oragam that left her breathless and ashamed.

And also pretty surprised at herself for masturbating in public like that. She wasn’t that kind of girl! Well, she wasn’t before now, anyway.

On a whim, she sucked her fingers. – not bad – then pulled her pants back up and fastened the button. Her orgasm had brought her some relief, but there was still a much deeper itch that needed to be scratched.

Shawna barely slept that night. Chester curled up at the foot of her bed sound sleep while she continued to ask herself what was going on with her obedience to Darren. It went against everything all the self help books told her. She was her own strength, she was positive and confident, she didn’t need a man to be happy, etc etc, etc.

And yet, this man she barely knew had the audacity to give her orders out of the blue and she felt powerless to ignore him.

The more she thought about it, the more she began to realize that wasn’t exactly true. She felt somehow powerful when she obeyed him. She was drawn to him somehow, and when he told her what to do, it instantly seemed like the only thing that mattered.

It was so weird. Am I fucked up or something? I must be going through a phase. Menopause? Does this shit happen when menopause kicks in? I’m too young for that…I think.

Eventually she drifted off to sleep anxious to put on her new red shirt for work in the morning.

Shawna woman up before her alarm went off. Excitement forced her out of bed and compelled her to put a little something extra into her morning routine. She shaved a bit more than usual in the shower and felt a little rush of naughtiness doing it. Cleansed and lengthed, she took her time doing a few very discreet make up highlights to look her best.

She was a make up minimalist to say the least. She looked at herself in the mirror after her deft application of the bare minimum and she felt good about it. Her blue eyes leapt out and demanded to be noticed, her skin defied her years and looked smooth and almost wrinkle free. Her cheek bones received the slightest highlight, so slight it would only register on a subconscious level, but once it did register, it would sneak around in Darren’s mind like a ghost, whisperering from the shadows. A little shot of lip stick that almost matched her natural lip colour and her face was ready to show the world.

But more importantly, to show Darren.

She put on her favourite dark blue jeans and whished for the millionth time she was four sizes smaller, and looked at her new shirt. Her heart sped up and her breathing quickly along with it. It hung there on its hanger looking all innocent, letting the light creeping through her window play over it’s folds and creams. It screamed sex hinted at something so much more.

Shawna slipped the deep red sensitive bloom over her shoulders and savoured the way it glided across her skin. It sent a hot bolt of naughty energy straight to her pussy and she loved every second of it. Her mind flowed with feelings of bold empowerment and and for the first time in several years, maybe even the first time ever, real confidence. It was like wrapping herself in the knowledge that she looked amazing and everyone would know it the second she walked in the office doors.

She walked through a mist of light perfume, and rolled out her front door like a movie star. Today was her day, and she was out-shining the sun.

Feeling bold and desperately wanting Darren to see her new shirt, she walked straight into Darren’s office as soon she got to work. She stood in his doorway, put her purse and lunch bag down on the chair in front of his desk, took off her jacket and displayed her gorgeous new shirt like a peacock in mating season.

God she felt AMAZING!

Darren’s big smile at the sight of her nearly brought her to orgasm as she stood there on display.

“Wow,” her said after slowly takingin every detail of her body.

Held in his hungry gaze, her hips didn’t feel too wide. Her soft belly didn’t feel like it needed to be harder or smaller. Her boobs didn’t feel too big, either. She felt fucking magnificent.

“That’s an excellent choice,” he said. “This is a great day to be at work.” He looked her over again, drinking her in. “Be in your office at 3:15, alone. We need to talk. I’m guessing you have some questions.”

Damn right I have questions, she thought. Like how am I going to keep my hands out of my pants when my pussy is screaming to be touched right now? That’s a question I have. Hold it together, Shawny.

“Yes, sir…fuck! Sorry. Ok. Yes. 3:15, got it,” she stammered. Dammit! That’s not keeping it together at all.

“See you then,” he said. “You look amazing. Now go.” He gave her a smile that flipped her stomach and went back to what he was doing when she came in to his office.

She gathered up her belongings and looked back at Darren as she left his office. He didn’t look up from his work and she felt the slightest disappointment. It was quickly overwhelmed by the rush of competing emotions that overtook her as she made her way to her own office.

Shawna was inundated with wave after wave of pride in herself, wild attention to Darren, sexual energy like nothing she had ever even imagined before, strong desire to do more for him, excitement and anticipation for 3:15, and another warming sensing she couldn’t name that washed over her and made her feel…safe?

She sat down and let all of these wonderful feelings take turns filling her up one after the other. It was delicious and she didn’t want it to stop. It was like the best drug imagine and she was high as she could be right now.

The very best part of it was how she felt about herself. No self help book or video could come close to making her feel like this. This was how she wanted to feel about herself, all day everyday.

After the initial blissful storm subsided, Shawna slipped into a state of deep, soul level contentment. Nothing was out of place in the world; her mind was quite, focused, and humming along without a care in the world. Her body ached for a release of the sexual build up in her pants, but that was something she happily accepted.

Around 2:30, anticipation began to build about her meeting with Darren. She smiled everything she thought about it. Truth be told, she was nervous and exited at the same time. She had questions, but how did he know what they were and that he could answer them? Her desire – need? – to see him again was much stronger than her nerves, however.

She watched the minutes tick by slowly. God, how can time slow down on someone? This torture can’t go on!

Inevitably, almost reluctantly, the minutes passed until 3:12 when Tracey plopped herself down in the empty chair in Shawna’s office.

“Hey,” she said casually. “What are you all smiles about today?”

Panic gripped Shawna’s heart and made her want to scream at Tracey to get the fuck out of her office.

“Nothing much,” she said instead. “Just having a good day, I guess.”

Tracey eyed her suspiciously across her desk. “Uh huh. Did somebody get some last night,” she asked, blunt as always.


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