Under A Pale Moon

A cicada bleated in the back acreage as Sandra stepped out onto her porch. She lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, and scanned the horizon. Summer’s heat blanked her, and she feel herself getting far too hot and sticky within just a few moments. She stepped off the porch, the wood creaking beneath her flip flops as she looked westward.

Dustin was nowhere in sight, but the field had been tended to already. She glanced over at the stable, and saw that the doors were wide open. She walked towards it, scanning the ground until she noticed hoof prints-still fairly fresh-leading towards the barn. As she came close, she poked her head inside and said “Dustin? You did with the field? It looks good out there.”

Dustin-a stocky centaur, with a spotted coat and rippling labor man’s muscles, stepped out from behind a wall. He patted his browser with a towel, and gave a solemn nod. His nostrils flared as he panted, and his tail idly flicked at the flies near his rump. Sandra placed her hands on her hips, and jerked her head towards the wall.

“You got enough water there? Need some ice? Maybe a beer, something like that?”

Dustin snorted, and shook his head. He gave a weak smile, and said “No ma’am. I’m fine.”

Sandra grit her jaw, and gave a nod. Dustin was awkward to work around-not because he kept to himself, or stayed mostly in the barn, but because of what he was. A mountain of a man, and the feet of an ass. The way he stamped and snorted when he worked hadn’t helped matters. But Sandra shrugged, and pulled herself from the door frame. She adjusted her flip flops, and surprised.

“Well, dinner will be on after a while. ‘Reckon I got plenty for myself, so you’re welcome to join me if you like.” she said, placing her hands on her hips.

Dustin slapped a hoof against the dirt, and shook his head. His hair, a wild mop of black and brown, smacked against his shoulders, splattering sweat against the wall.

“Nah, ma’am. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

Sandra tilted her head, and began to speak. Before the words left her lips, she closed her mouth and nodded. She turned around, walking a few paces from the barn before looking back over her shoulder.

“Well, if you change your mind, it’s salad, pork, and beans, okay?”

Dustin nodded, and turned, his enormity disappearing behind the stable wall. Sandra heard the slap of water in a trough, and figuring the farmhand was giving himself a bath, walking back to her home. She stepped onto the porch, and made a note to have Dustin look at it the next day. She turned, and eased herself into a rocker.

She hadn’t lifted a finger today. It’d all been Dustin, and he’d completed cutting forty acres of grain without machinery or stopping. As her rocker creaked against the wood, she stared at the stable door and racked her brain for what she really knew about the centuar. About centaus at all, really. They were strong, and had stamina, sure. But Dustinwas the only she’d ever encountered-and he was quiet, unsociable, and smelled like sweat at almost every hour.

She then thought of who else she could hire to fill his role, and came up empty. Dustin agreed to work for her on the grounds she built him a stable, and gave him food and water. Money had never exchanged hands, and hadn’t in the two years she’d retained him. But she knew next to nothing about him. She’d tried talk to him, just as she had moments ago. She’d attempted to treat him as an equal. But the fact remained that Dustin refused to give her much notice after the stable was built. He spoke in mono-syllabic, one to four word sentences. He never smiled, and seemed to display two distinct states of being-rested and exhausted.

She stood, and smoothed the edges of her shorts as she opened her back door.She went up to her bedroom, and opened her roll-top desk. She booted up her laptop, and went to a job posting website. Her hands ran mad across the keys as she typedup an ad for a farm hand, deleting the line about the pay three times before setting on “Call for details”. She hit enter, and the ad was posted immediately. Sandra let out a sight, and let loose her hair from the bun atop her head as she walked towards her bed. She stripped and pulled the covers over her, and fell asleep thinking of how she’d let Dustin know he was out of a job the next day.


The bang was loud enough to reach the second story of her house.

Sandra opened her eyes. She faced the window on her mattress, and slung her legs over the side of her bed. She walked towards the window, and rubbed her eyes before looking past the panes.

The window faced the back forty. The stable was lit, albeit from inside. Dustin was still awake. Another bang-this one louder than the first-echoed through the stable, reaching her window again. Sandra stared at the barn as two more rapid knocks came from inside. She turned, and walked towards her bed, reaching for her flip flops at the foot of it. She slid them on, grabbed her robe from a neary chair, and walked down and out into the yard. The porch creaked beneath her, but she paid it no mind as she hurried towards the open stable doors.

As she approached, she noticed that the only light that was on was the overhead bulb she’d installed where Dustin slept. It swung back and forth, jolting as another bang echoed into the night. This time, Sandra was close enough to see the beams of the stable shudder with it.

“Dustin, what in sam hell is going on out here? Why are you making such a rail?” she yelled, her voice bouncing against the walls and back. The stable grow still, and a moment passed before Dustin replied.

“Sandra, that you?” he said.

“Well, yeah, who else would it be? The tax man? What’s going on, Dustin?” she said as she gripped her robe tighter. She gazed around the barn, and that’s when she saw them. Hoof prints. Big ones, slammed into banners and beams, deepenough to crack and splinter.

There weren’t any animals big enough on the property to make them. And only one strong enough to embed them that deep into the wood.

“Sandra,” said Dustin, a tremor in his voice, “You need to go. Now. I mean it.”

Sandra took a step inside, and swallowed as she felt the damp heat of the stable cling to her. She began to sweat beneath her robe, and cursed as she took Another step forward.

“Dustin, look. I don’t know what’s set you off, but ain’t no reason to beat the beams like that. Now come out here and talk to me. Let’s work this out.” Sandra said.

The stable grow still once more, and even the overhead bulb stopped swinging. She saw his hands, thick with hairy, called fingers wrap around the wall as Dustin came around. His flanks were slick with sweat, and he was panting, chest heaving as he came past the wall into full view. The tendons of his legs were trembling, and he swallowed before speaking to her again.

“Sandra, please. Now is not a good time. I’m fine, really. You need to go though. Now.”

Sandra couldn’t help but laugh and walk closer. She smiled at Dustin, and said “Dustin, what the hell could have you so riled up that-“

It was just a chance look at the floor, but that’s when she saw it. Huge, massive and pink, Dustin’s still cock dragged the floor. It pushed hay and dirty aside, and with every throb it smoked against the earth. Sandra’s face paled, and when she looked up, Dustin towered over her, his chest mere inches from his nose.

“Sandra, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he said as he gripped her shoulders, hauling her over him as he walked into the back of the stables. She screamed, and beat against his shoulders, but as he slung her against the wall, she stopped. wood here was broken in twin, with a three foot hole knocked clean through the south wall. She gazed up at the massive centaur, and scuttled into a corner. Her hands searched the floor for anything to grab, but there wasn’t so much as a straight splinter. Her shoulders fell slack, and she looked up at him.

“Dustin, look. If this is about money-“

The veins in his arm pulsed as he tightened his hands into fists, and snorted. His cock smacked against the ground again, and Sandra stared at it for a moment as she felt her cheeks flush.

“It’s not.” Dustin said.

Sandra looked up at him, her body shivering despite the night’s sweltering humidity. She claped her robe closed again, and shook her head.

“Dustin, I ain’t been with a lot of men. Least of all, well…like y’all. It ain’t going to be nice for either of us, I swear.”

Dustin shook his head slowly, and said “I know. And I don’t want that. Really, I don’t. But do you know what tonight is? Do you?”

Sandra stared at him, her mind racing as the centaur turned, his tail flicking against his flank as he looked up through the rafters. The lunar glow of the moon radiated sliders through the cracks ofthe rafters, and Dustin stood caught within one. The shadows of his muscles grow long, and his tail keep flicking, lifting and twirling against him.

“It’s the full moon, Sandra,” he said.

Sandra swallowed, and looked at the hole in the back of the barn. She gripped it’s edge, and began to rise, but Dustin’s hoof stamping down into the earth stopped her. She let out a yelp, and he looked over his shoulder at her.

“Centaur’s are children of Diana. The huntress. The full moon means two things. A hunt, or a heat. Which do you think tonight would be?”

Sandra stammered, and fought back tears. Dustin walked back, his tail flicking against her face as his ass grow closer.

“It’s a heat, Sandra. I’m in heat, and I’ve fought hard to control it every time it’s happened. But tonight it’s been bad. Really bad. I like you though. You’ve been kind to me. So I’m going to make you a deal. How’s that sound?”

Sandra gripped the beams behind her, and looked towards the smashed hole again. Dustin’s flank was too large, and a single look at his hoofs made her thighs quiver. She sat against on the floor, and did her best to control her sobbing. Dustin’s tail lifted, and he looked back at her as he parted his hind legs, spreading his pumped ass.

“Lick me. Lick me, and make me cum, and I won’t fuck you. Understand?”

Sandra sobbed, and Dustin smoked a hoof against the floor as he let out a snort. She grit her jaw, and stared up at his hole. The smell of sweat and labor filled her nostrils, noxious as it was gag inducing, but she didn’t rise.

“That’s it?” she said.

“Yes, that’s it. I rather enjoy it, and it’s the only way both of make it out of this. More or less. Now get started. I’m ready for bed.”

She rose to her knees, and rocked back and forth, emringing her hands as she looked at it. At the least, he seemed clean enough. So Sandra pinched her nose between her forefinger and thumb, and leaned forward, mouth open. She gavehim a single lick.

Dustin let out a whinny, and stamped his forelegs. Sandra jumped, and almost screamed, but leaned and licked again. Dustin’s entire body shuddered, and after a few more tonguefuls, Sandra let go of her nose. She buried her face between Dustin’s massive cheeses, and licked away, pushing her tongue past the rim and inside. She rolled her tongue against his walls, and the centaur clambered and held on to the only beams that were still stable.

Sandra came up for air, and felt herself drenched in sweat beneath her robe. She removed it, and placed it behind her. Dustin looked over his shoulder, panting even harder now.

“What’s the hold up?” he said.

Sandra smoked his flank, which caused the horseman to jump.

“Shut up. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to enjoy myself a bit as well. Got it?” she said.

Dustin smiled, and looked forward.

“Yes ma’am.” he said, neighboring as Sandra tongued his asshole again. She cupped her breasts, pulling her nipples as she rubbed sweat down her stomach, reaching between her thighs to stir her clip. She moaned at her own touch, and Dustin’s hooves began to beat in a steady rhythm against the dirt. She plugged one finger, then another as her free hands smoked against his flank, causing Dustin to let out a yell that shook the walls.

Her climax building, she pulled back, her face slick with his taste as she lifted a hand. She ran a finger against his hole, which pumped in response.

“Just what do you think you’re-” Dustin began, ending the sentence in another whoop as Sandra plunged her hand inside him. Her fingers felt up, and pressed against prostate. She twirled her fingers, and laughed as she rode her own hand.

“If you ain’t going to fucking cum, Dustin, I’ll sure as shit make you. Cum, you fucker-Cum!” she said.

Dustin pounded his fists against the wood, cracking the beams as his cock smoked against the earth wildly. He rose on his hind legs, letting out a yell as his cock unleashed a torrent. Sandra cowered, but keep pressing as Dustin’s load splattered against the opposite walls, coating it in a thick off-white battery. The centaur shuddered, his body going slack as he fell to the ground. Sandra stood, and pulled her hands from his ass with a sickening pop. She hugged the wall, and walked in front of him, laughing as she saw his eyes twitching.

She placed her hands on her hips, and stared at him a moment before she said “I’m gonna go back to the house now. I gotta wash up. Get some sleep, okay?”

Dustin stammered, and gave her a nod as his torso fell against his flank. His chest rose, but he stared up through the rafters, his body still in the moonlight as Sandra left the barn.

The next morning, Dustin met her on the back porch. His sullen expression was replaced by a touch of pink in his cheeses. He cleared his throat as she opened the door, stopping just short of opening the screen.

Sandra cleared her throat,and sipped from a coffee mug.

“Dustin, hi. Good morning.” she said.

“Mornin’ ” he muttered. He crossed his arms, and sniffed. He couldn’t meet her eyes, and she didn’t make him.

He’d came for coffee, and breakfast. It was the first time Sandra had recalled him ever doing so. And as she sat in her rocker, Dustin standing past the steps holding his plate, he spoke to her. Apologizing for the night. Explaining more and more about the heats, and the hunts. They’d spoke for almost two hours before she offered to help him during the next full moon. Dustin blanched, and asked if she was sure. She just laughed, and told him to go fix the stables.

She went inside, the screen-door banging close behind her. She went upstairs, and opened her desk again. She booted up her laptop, and pulled up the farm hand ad she had posted the day before.

She stared at it. She thought of Dustin, and how different he’d been the night before and this morning. Her thoughts drifted to the amount of spunk he’d shot against the stable walls, and she deleted the ad without thinking.

She’d considered replacing him because he was a hermit. But within the last forty-eight hours, he’d proven to be anything but. She smiled, laughing at her own joke, and walked down stairs, towards the stable.


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