Tina waited for Dale to open the door and then walked into his house, surveying everything around her. It was simply decorated in a wood theme with nice plus furniture to accent it. He shut the door and activated the exterior security system.
“Would you like to give me your coat?” asked Dale as he opened the closet door.
Tina smiled and slipped out of her overcoat and handed it to Dale, who hung it neatly in the closet. She strolled into the living area, her high heels clicking on the wood floor as Dale made his way around the room to turn on the soft lights. The house was a small and cozy ranch house, smaller than what she had expected from a man that made loads of money cutting precious stones for most of the area jewelry stores. But she wasn’t here to criticize the house for Better Homes and Gardens, her goal was all the uncut gems he stored in his workroom.
Through a few days and nights survey she had ascertained that he kept all of his stones in a dresser like safe in the workroom. The safe had a lock, as well as the door to the workroom. Both required separate keys, which Dale had on his body most of the time. Tina’s plan was to “bump” into Dale at a music store, and hit it off, and then “bump” into him again at the Mall’s food court. It worked and he asked her to sit with him. She agreed and based on her survey, talked about her interests, which was the same as his, gathered by observing him. They laughed and chatted a while then he asked her out on a date, which she shyly accepted. Since then, they have been dating for a couple weeks. It has gotten a little more serious over the last few days, with Tina dropping the appropriate hints that she wanted to take things a little further. Tonight was the first time he invited her into his house. After seeing his security measures a few weeks back, she figured it would be easier to seduce her way in.
She never had a problem getting attention. She was of medium height, and had an athletic build. She kept in shape to help accent her legs and ass, which she used to draw attention to herself. Her breasts were of modernate size, easily filling a C cup. She kept a nice tan, which set off her blue eyes and compiled her dark brown hair. Tina knew she had what it took to get attention and always worked at making it easier. Tonight’s outfit was used to get Dale’s blood flowing. She had Donned a dark gray blouse with a black above the knee skirt. She also wore a low cut vest, black as well, to accent her bust. All were rather tight and showed off her curves very well. She topped it off with black stockings and three and a half inch heels. The black lace thong back teddy was the only thing on underneath. Tina figured it would be more than enough.
Tina figured that if she was to go the distance and she had to sleep with him, it wouldn’t be so bad. Dale was attractive in a mousy sort of way. He had sandy short hair and brown eyes. He was slender in frame and wasat eye level with Tina while she was in her heels. Dale dressed casual, in dockers and a button down shirt. It looked natural on him. The odd thing was that Dale had not one speck of jewelry on. Tina thought it was weird that a man who cuts gems for jewelry doesn’t wear any kind of it. Tina kept her jewelry simple, diamond stud earrings and a gold necklace.
Dale placed a CD in the player and hit the play button. Soft instrumental music filled the room. He turned to her and asked if she would like a glass of wine. Tina nodded her approval and Dale walked off to the kitchen. Tina took the time to walk over to the security system’s command plate and study it, then moved from window to window, looking over the set-ups. Dale finally entered the room and placed two glasses of wine down on the coffee table in front of the couch. He smiled at her and then walked down the hall to his bedroom. Tina moved over to the couch and sat down, crossing her legs, and picked up a glass of wine. Itsmelled nice and went down smooth. She took a couple sips and awaited Dale’s return.
Dale eventually came back in and set down beside her on the couch, picking up his glass of wine and sipping it. Tina had thought about getting him drink and taking the stones when he passed out. He did drink quite a few at dinner, at least a few more than she had. She was glad that she had a few drinks herself, with the look in his eyes now, she might need the extra courage to release her inhibitions that came with alcohol. She took another drink and then smiled at him. Dale set his glass down and smiled back. He slowly leaned over to her and gently placed his hand on her knee. They both looked down at his hand, and then back up at each other.
“Is this what you want?” Dale asked.
Tina could only nod a yes. Dale began rubbing his hand across her stocking covered knee and a little ways up her thigh. Tina closed her eyes, it felt really good. She felt the heat began to rise in her body,but wasn’t quite sure if it was the alcohol, or her own sexual hunger that was responsible for it. She cupped her glass with both hands and leaned back against the couch. She felt Dale slide closer to her and start kissing her neck all the while rubbing her knee and tigh. She let a slight moan escape her lips. A good night of password wouldn’t be so bad if she could get out with the gems, eventually. If Dale was like most men, it was only a matter of time before they bedded down and he fell asleep.
“Do you want to continue?” asked Dale. He nibbled on her ear for a persuaded response. Tina moaned out a soft, “Yes,” in reply. Dale sat up and took Tina’s wine glass away from her and set it on the table. He looked her over and then kissed her fully on the lips. Tina claped her hands in her lap and searched for the insides of his mouth while his lips were pressed to hers. Dale surprised and sat back. This wasn’t normal, Tina thought, and opened her eyes to look at him.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“Well, I need to get something straight before we continue.” Dale replied, looking a tad bit sheepish. Tina was wondering if he was going to say something about it being too soon, or might ask her if she was here because he was wealthy. She was quickly thinking up responses to any possible question he could ask.
She smiled at him. “Go on, honey. I’m listening”
“I do want to continue this, but I need to let you know that I’m kinda into unorthodox things, stuff you might consider kinky. I have been into it for so long that straight sex just doesn’t excite me anymore…”
Tina was not expecting this from Dale and it surprised her a little. Something inside her pushed her to go along with what ever he had in mind, as long as one question was answered first. “Will it be painful?” she asked after he trailed off.
Dales eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, no, no. Nothing like that. It’s soft and consensual.”
Tina gave him a very playful smile and said,”Then do to me what ever you want to do.”
Dale looked at her for a few seconds and then asked, “Are you sure?”
She smiled again. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Ok, then.” Dale said as he reached into his back pocket. “Close your eyes and face away from me.”
Tina turned so her back was to him and closed her eyes as instructed. A few seconds later she felt the silky material of a scarf slide across her eyes and then tighten around her head as Dale knotted it off in back. She moaned slightly, to encourage him to continue. This blindfold idea wasn’t new to her. She has had it done to her a few times, and those times were kind of erotic.
“Now sit still and don’t move.” Dale instructed as he got up off the couch and made his way back to the bedroom. Tina did as she was told and didn’t move much. She sat still and listened to the music. It had a nice flowing sound to it, really relaxing. A few seconds later Dale returned. He set something down on the table and then sat back down next to her. Dale placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly messaged them. This helped Tina relax. She moaned softly, a moan that indicated that she enjoyed this treatment. Dale kept this up for a while longer, working only her shoulders and neck.
Tina felt so relaxed from the message that she hardly noticed Dale slide his hands down her arms and gently grap her wrists. He pulled both of them gently behind her back and crossed them, holding them in place with one hand. Tina was wondering where this was leading to. She had her answer soon enough as Dale wrapped a soft nylon rope around her wrists four or five times and then tightened it down before hatting it off. This did surprise Tina a bit. She would have never expected this kind of foreplay from Dale. Once he let go of her wrists, she quickly pulled at her bonds. They seemed to hold her wrist in place. Well, getting past him to the gems just became a little tougher.
Dale slipped off the couch and knelt on the floor by Tina’s legs. He uncrossed them at the knees and crossed them at the ankles. He reached up to her calm muscles and began to knee them. Tina leaned back against the couch again and moaned a little more. The heels made her calves just a tad bit tight, and this was just what she needed. Dale kept this up for a while, like he did with her shoulders. At this point, Tina didn’t care, he could keep the messaging up all night long if he wanted to. Then she felt the ropes pass around her ankles a few times and tighten up as Dale tied the knot to hold them in place. He also pushed her knees together and looped rope around her legs above the knees, just below the hem-line of her skirt. It was knotted off and the loose ends tucked in. She could not separate her legs, which she tried a couple times.
Tina was wondering what kind of sexual situation could be achieved with her knees bound. She was about to tell Dale to stop and let her go, this was making her uncomfortable, which it wasn’t in reality. Tina had a boyfriend tie her up a few times and then just had sex with her, but not someone like Dale that made it a sensitive part of foreplay. Besides, she told herself, if you stop this, it may be a long time before you get this close to him and your price. The last thing you want him to do right now is to alienate you. She licked her lips and waited for his next move.
“Open Your mouth a little bit.” Dale said. When Tina compiled, he put her wine glass to her lips and tilted it slightly. Tina let the sweet liquid pour into her mouth and then drank what was given to her. Dale took the glass away and replaced it with his lips. The kiss was long and aggressive. Tina returned the aggression with some of her own. “Is everything ok, so far?” he asked.
She whispered a seductive, “Yes.”
Dale got up on the couch and straddled Tina’s legs, facing her. “I want you completely helpless,” he said. “I want to have my way with you before we actually partake in sex. I will let you know now that I will be using protection. If everything goes right, it will be a long, eventful, but fulfilling night. Are you ready for what I have to offer?”
Tina whispered another semiconductor, “Yes,” figuring that he was eluding to oral sex. So when Dale told her to open wide, Tina did figuring he was going to place his cock into her mouth. Instead she felt a good sized rubber ball pass Between her lips and teeth, to be seated snugly in her mouth. Dale gently forced her head down to her chest as he pulled her hair out from under the straws and then tightened the straws and buckled it in place. She could hardly move her jaw and lips, effectively being gagged. She was not prepared for this. Tina tried to say something but the ball gag kept her words garbled and quiet.
Dale got up off Tina and picked up her legs, bringing them up to rest on the couch, causing her back and arms to lean up against the plus armrest. He picked her up under her thighs and back and moved her away from the armrest, then laid her back down so her head was resting where her back was a second before. Dale unbuttoned her vest and let the material fall to the sides. He moved up her body and began kissing Tina around her neck and collar bone. As he kept kissing her in that area, his hands were slowly unbuttoning her blouse, pulling the material off to the sides and exposing her teddy covered breasts. Tina didn’t struggle up to this point, instead she moaned softly into her gag and felt her sexual temperature rise. Once her breasts were uncovered, it was obvious that she was getting hot by the little mounds her nipples formed with the lacy material of her teddy. Dale pulled the blouse out from her skirt and let both halves fall to the sides. He looked her body over from her skirt up to her neckline.
“Very nice.” Dale commented as he ran a finger down the middle of her body from her chin to her naval. Tina tensed a little as his finger made its way between her breasts.Dale moved his finger up to her breasts and began tracing circles around each one, then moved his finger to trace small circles around each nipple. This only made her nipples harder and Tina could feel the tingling building up within her. She arched her back just slightly to thrust up her breasts, and bit down on the ball just a tad. She felt both of his hands covering her breasts and began to kneel them like he did her calculations. Occasionally Dale would roll her nipples between his fingers and thumbs. This was making Tina exited and for the first time she began to twist a little in her bonds. Dale kept up the fondling and rubbing of her breasts for quite a while. When he finally released them, Tina was breathing faster and lightly pulling at her ropes.
Dale slide his hands from her breasts down to her hips, then placed a hand on her pelvis Closest to him and pushed up, rolling Tina onto her side, facing away from him. He reached for the zipper on her backside and slowly pulled it down. He pulled the material as far down her legs as he could get it, and then let her roll back onto her back and arms. From there Dale pulled the skirt off her hips and down her legs until it was finally off. He looked back at the narrow piece of clothes the fed it’s way between her legs and smiled to himself. The teddy was very revealing. Dale also noticed that the stockings were stay ups, and did not require garters. He Really liked what he saw.
Dale placed his lips on the exposed flesh of Tina’s thigh and began to kiss it. He moved all around where there was no clothes covering her skin and kissed it gently. Every now and then he would stop to blow a long, steady breath of air onto her mound. Each time he did it, Tina would mew into her gag and rock her hips from side to side. Dale continued the kissing and blowing, while his hands messaged the stocking covered thighs. Tina was definitely enjoying this, he saw. Her mouth was clamped down on the gag and her nipples were standing likeTwo towers under her teddy. He liked the way the black accented her tan body, and the white ropes made a nice contrast.
Dale quickly unbuttoned his own shirt and pulled it off, laying it on the coffee table next to his little bag of gear. He moved to her bound ankles and slowly moved his hands up her legs to the tops of her stockings. He drug them over her exposed flesh and stopped when he reached the material of her teddy. Dale took a finger and slipped it between her bound legs, pressing firmly against her pussy. It was very moist there. Tina gasped into her gag and began rocking her hips in little circles. Dale wiggled his finger and she gasped again, the circles getting a little bigger and trying to force her groin onto his finger. Dale let her have her fun and pressed up against her pussy, occasionally wiggling his finger. Her little mews had turned into breathy grunts as she worked herself against his finger. Tina’s hips began to move faster and soon she had redirected thehip circles into quick minute bucks. Dale sat back and watched her little show while finger stroke her covered, wet lips.
The orgasm came quicker than Tina expected. It surprised her so fast that she sat up straight, forcing Dale’s finger out from between her legs. She couldn’t release like she normally did and found herself struggle like crazy against her bonds. She was twisting in her restraints, screaming into her gag as the orgasm coursed through her. When it finally passed, Tina slumped back into her relaxed position, spent and not willing to struggle. Dale let Tina rest as he undid his pants and removed them. He enjoyed her little show immensely. She wasn’t moving, just panting hard into the gag.
Dale eventually helped Tina up into a sitting position, with her back against the backrest and her feet on the floor. He untied her knees and spread her legs at the knees. He then cupped his hands under her cheeks and drug her bottom forward a little bit, so she was sitting in a slouched position. Dale knelt down in front of her and placed his body between her spread knees. He hooked his fingers under the material of the teddy just above her mound. Dale slowly slide his fingers down to her pussy, pulling the clothes away from her skin as he moved his hands. Eventually he came to what he had hoped was there, a snap crotch to her teddy. Dale undid the snaps and flipped the fabric up onto her abdomen. He placed each hand on the tops of her stockings and pushed her legs further apart.
Tina was still a little light headed from the first orgasm to fight him in any way as he set her up for more pleasure. She hoped that he would finish her off quickly, get his rocks off, and let her go. She did notice that during her struggle through the first orgasm that the ropes did not budget and kept her well bound. Dale lowered his head to her groin, and once again she could feel his breath on her thighs. But Dale didn’t stop there, and she soon found his mouth on herExterior folds, with his tongue probing deep into her crevice. The first orgasm left her very sensitive, and the intrusion with his tongue caused Tina to jerk a bit and gasp into her gag. She bit down on it and tried to wiggle away, but Dale’s hands had a hold of her thighs and pulled her into him. The tingling sensing swept through her body and again Tina found herself fighting the ropes that hold her wrists together behind her back.
Dale munched and probed like a man possessed, sucking in her flesh and nibbling on it before releasing it and going for more. Tina tried to fight him by rocking from side to side, Dale held her down and kept up the assault on her sensitive pussy. Tina screamed into her gag and fought the ropes fiercely as the second orgasm washed through her. She closed her knees hard on Dale and he sat back, letting her clamp her legs together as she fight her restraints and harbored another climax. He could see her teeth making little dents on the ball’s surface and figured it was time to end it.
He only let her recover a short time, long enough to get his underwear off, put a condom on, and position himself back in front of her. Tina was breathing hard and gulping down saliva that was building in her mouth, rather than let it drool over her chin and onto her chest. Dale picked up her ankles and raised them over his head, spreading her legs at the knees again and bringing They back down around him. When her bound ankles came to rest on his hips, she was positioned just right to be impaled, and Dale slide in without any resistance. She was well lubed from her prior orgasms and Dale pumped at a graduate pace, his erection feeling like it would split the skin open if it could. It only took a little while and Tina was again active and struggled. Her legs clamped on his sides and she was Now whining into her gag. Dale looked at her body, it was covered in a light sheen of perspiration.
Dale kept up his rhythmic cycle and Tina was onceagain going nuts. She tried to plead for him to stop, but the gag only muffled her protests. It feel like she was going to exploit. She began to shake her head, hoping that she means no, but he was either oblivious to her or didn’t care. Dale moved his hands from her hips up to her breasts and began to playfully pinch and pull her nipples through the material of her teddy. This sent little sparks of pain and pleasure Through her body. Tina began jerking her body and yelping into her gag as each spark shot through her. Her body welled up for an explosion and she tried to stop it, but Dale had increased his pace instead of slow it.
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