This story is intended for mature audiences. Every character is over the age of 18. This story is not to be taken serious as it’s fun and sex heavy drive. Please enjoy and thanks for your support.
“Be right back. Going to the little girl’s room and then we can leave,” Nancy announced to her impatient daughter as the two were out shopping at the mall.
“Well that’s what happens when you have one too many lemon slurries,” Meg sarcastically replied. “And who calls it the little girl’s room anymore? It’s 2017.”
Nancy entered the restroom only to find 3 out of the 4 bathroom stalls had out of order signs on them.
“What kind of a restroom nearly has every single stall out of order?” Nancy questioned herself as she curried to the last bathroom stall against the wall. When she entered, she instantly noticed there was a sizable hole in the wall. “Umm, okay?”
Nancy sat down to handle her business and midway through, a considerable-sized pale penis and fat ball sack appeared in the hole catching Nancy completely off guard.
“AHHH!” she screamed, turning her head away from the penis and quickly putting her hand over her mouth.
“Mom, Is everything alright in there?” asked Meg shouting through the restroom door.
Nancy turned her head to look at the suspicious cock and it was quite a beautiful ivory white cock with a beet-red helmet and clean-shaved balls longing to be fed into a starving mouth.
“Yes honey, everything is alright,” Nancy shouted back. “I’ll be done in a few.”
While the cock wasn’t as massive and thickly as her husband’s, it was the most beautiful clean cock Nancy had ever seen and it was dangling flaccidly out of the hole in the wall with walnut-sized hairless balls beneath. It was like a temptation from God himself in Nancy’s eyes. Up until a few weeks ago, her masseur Gook was the only cock she fooled around with that wasn’t her husband Ed’s. Nancy wasn’t a virgin when she met Ed butfucking the same old dick no matter how big it was got boring after awhile.
“Nice penis,” Nancy complimented. In response, the person behind the wall swung his soft elongated dick from side to side as if he was using it to hypnotize Nancy. The big doe-eyed trophy wife fell for the bait and yearned to suck the delicious swinging cock. She appreciated the dangling member and progressively tugged it up and down. Nancy opened her mouth wide and swallowed half of the ivory white cock down her gullet. She kept one hand jerking at the base of his shaft and moved the other to squeeze his balls. The cock started swelling largely and extending between her sucking lips so she sucked harder and faster. “Hmmmmm.”
Meanwhile, Meg was standing outside the restroom wondering what was taking her mom so long. As time went by, guys of All ages made sure to make a pass at Meghan including guys brave enough to make flirty passes at her while walking with their significant other. She looked downat her watch and grow even more impatient. Meg watched as other women entered the restroom and immediately walked out with bothersome looks on their faces.
“What are you doing mother, taking a shit that’s stinking up the place,” she asked herself. Meg was completely naive to the fact that her mother was on her hands and knees with her mom jeans and lacy pink G-string around her ankles sucking a strange man’s cock to full hard 9 inches. Her hands were ideally probing her wet pussy while the lovely cock plowed into her cheeks and down her slender throat.
The stiff dick picked up momentum and started face fucking the former beauty pageant. Nancy moved her face closer to the wall until her forehead was touching and the long dick was engulfed fully between her lips. She deep-throated the stiff penis and felt it invading the back of her esophagus each time the man pushed his throbbing tool forward. The hanging scrotum smoked back and forth up against Nancy’s saliva-covered chinand the wall with each thrust.
After a few minutes of intense deep sucking, Nancy pulled her face back and relinquished the slobbery cock from between her tight lips. She gave each one of his hanging clean-shaved testicles a quick sucking before sitting back on her heels and staring at the pulsating penis. Even at full mast, dripping in saliva, and throbbing dark pink, Nancy still admired the big durable cock. Her pussy was extremely moist and ready to ride the handsome cock sticking out from the wall.
“There’s gotta be a good way to get us both off without being uncomfortable,” Nancy thought. “But of course, Ed’s favorite position.” She stood up and turned around, steadily backing her firm heart-shaped ass against the hard wet dick. “You know, this could work a lot better if you had hands.” Nancy reached between her legs, seizing the enlarged penis and aimed it at the entrance to her pussy. Inch by inch, Nancy inserted the stranger’s dick into her soggy cunt until she felt it penetrating deep enough and in the right position.
With her full round ass was pressed against the wall, Nancy proceeded to fuck herself back and forth on the throbbing hot rod. Her torpedoed shaped breasts lurched forward beneath her bra and beige designer shirt with each push forward. She couldn’t hear if the guy behind the wall was moaning or not from the entire sexual encounter but she was moaning loud enough for the Both of them. This made Nancy unaware to multiple women coming and going out of the restroom. It didn’t take long until Meg got fed up with waiting on her when she decided to enter the restroom and heard her mother’s boisterous moaning.
“Mom, is that you?” a terrified Meg called out, slowly creating into the women’s restroom. She got down on the ground and spotted her mother’s pants and G-string around her ankles. “Holy FUCK!! Mom?! What the hell are you doing?!”
“I’ll… be… out… in… a… minute, honey. OHHHH GOD! This feels good!” stuttered Nancy, replying back to her freaked out daughter. “Ahhhhhhhhh, I’m sooooo close! Oh yeaaah, feels sooooo good. You should seriously feel this dick, sweetie.”
“Are you for real? I mean, he sounds like he’s really giving it to you. Half the damn mall came running out of the bathroom for some odd reason and I knew you were the only one here or so I Thought,” Meg explained. The next sounds Meg heard coming out of her mom’s mouth were satisfied moans. “Well geez, Mom, don’t wear him out so I can’t get any.” Meg quickly crawled underneath the bathroom stall occurred by her mother.
“UGGGHHHHHHHHHH,” Nancy groaned loudly as she came.
“Okay, your done, my turn,” rushed Meg to get her mom off the unknown dick. She watched her mom slide her extremely slick cunt off the equally as slick hard cock. “Wow. He’s pretty big.”
Meghan wasted little time in pulling down her gray skin-tight yoga pants and little black thong in one swoop, expposing her enormous divine booty and hairless pink cunt.
“Wow, honey. Does your ass ever stop growing?” jokingly questioned Nancy, watching her elderly daughter mount a strange man’s dick jutting from a hole in the wall. Meg’s face was too distorted from the man’s swollen penis penetrating her taut pussy to answer back. Her cunt was scorching upon contact from the strange penis in the wall and her juices were flowing once it was deep inside.
Just like her mom, Meg was in doggy-style position and began grinding her young cunt all over the mysterious hard cock. Her ample ass jiggled with each collision against the wall. Her perky tits were moving about lively under her half cut off t-shirt that exposed her flat midriff. Nancy was beaming with glee towards her daughter as if she won the Noble Peace Prize. This was the first time she was witnessing her gorgeous daughter engagement in sex. Neither woman was thinking how embarrassing and utterly ridiculous this obscene situation was. The bathroom stall was built for one person so Meg had to lean against her mom as she pounded away on the anonymous big penis. She got a good whiff of cock on her mother’s hot breath.
“Ohhhhh, this cock feels good,” Meg moaned, repeating pushing back against the rock-hard cock as far as her big divine butt would allow. “I’m cumming!”
Meg held nothing back and let loose her juices all over the solid prick lodged between her wet cunt lips. Once her high died down, she climbed off and they both noticed the mysterious cock hasn’t cum yet but it looked dangerously close as it thumbed a deep pinkish purple color and soiled in both of their pussy cum.
“Let’s bust his balls together, shall we?” suggested Nancy.
“I guess this is one of those things a mother and daughter should try together at some point,” Meg replied nonchalantly. “Alright, I get the dick, you take the balls.”
The Lansing women put their mouths and tongues to work on the unidentified rock-hard penis and within mere seconds of the doubte suck job, a massive exploration of cum roped out from the engorged dick and down Meg’s throat. She kept sucking, bobbing her head rapidly as the man behind the wall continued to cum. Nancy felt both of his balls tighten up in her mouth, signaling his mighty orgasm. She kept her eyes glued to her daughter’s mouth sealed tight around the stiff man meat as she swallowed his entire sticky load. The man’s milky spunk drizzled down Meg’s chin and onto Nancy’s face. She took a finger, wiped up a cum drop and tasted it for herself.
After a minute or so, Megan pulled her mouth off the unknown cock and used some toilet paper to wipe the cum off and from around her mouth and chin.
“That wasn’t too bad,” Meg confessed. “Hmm. Quite tasty.”
“See. This mother, daughter outing turned out different than the rest,” Nancy happily gloated.
“Well I guess he must have been in a hurry,” said Meg, noticing the anonymous penis was gone from the hole.
“Maybe next time we bring yoursister along,” Nancy suggested.
“Nah,” both women agreed in unison.
After fixing their composition, Nancy and Meghan exited from the women’s restroom in a calmly manner. They picked up their shopping bags and left out of the mall. Following the mother and daughter out of the women’s restroom a few minutes later was Ariel’s, formerly Meg’s Lakewood High School principle zipping up his jeans…
It was just about dusk when Leonardo arrived at his destination. He rang the doorbell and was abruptly taken aback when his newly signed study buddy Christmas Malone opened the door not wearing a bra under her loose-fitting gray crop top. Her prodigious F cup knockers hung massive and heavy on her slim frame, bulging impossible under the flimsy crop top with her big nipples piercing prominently through the material.
“You’re late,” Christmas said in her typical monotone manner.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I got lost. It’s not every day I get to drive into a wealthy neighborhood and walk up to a big fancy house,” Leo explained, dividing his attention between her enormous tits and freckled pale face. Christmas smiled and rolled her dark brown eyes.
“Stop staring at my tits and get your ass in here,” she scolded and impolitely invited Leo into her house. Leo blushed and entered Christmas’s home.
“Very nice place you have here,” he commented. “I never pictured someone like you living in a loaded neighborhood and big house.”
“Serves you right, dummy. Now stop with the small talk and head upstairs,” Christmas ordered.
Leo followed Christmas upstairs while admiring her small yet regrettably flat butt under her red silk pajama pants. He was more interested in the two massive globes that were unquestionably bobbing and swwaying underneath her loose crop top that his eyes didn’t have the pleasure of viewing.
He continued following Christmasdown a long corridor to a pair of double doors to the far left side that was covered with; Do Not Enter, Don’t Come Any Closer, Turn Back Around, Beware of Evil Bitch, and an abundance of other signs and stickers that weren’t very friendly. Leo concluded this must had been Christmas’s bedroom.
“FYI, I still live at home with my moms,” Christmas announced before opening up the double doors to her bedroom. Leonardo was first caught off guard knowing Christmas had lesbian parents. Then that she wasn’t as emo as he thought. There were a few posters of emo and thrash metal bands hanging on her purple-colored walls and a long black veil surrounded her queen-sized bed. Something about the bed seemed familiar to him.
“I pictured your room to be a lot scarier,” Leo admitted.
“Most people do,” Christmas replied. “Toss the books wherever. There’s not going to be much studying tonight.
Leo had a confused look on his face.
“Well, if we’re not going to study, then whatare we going to be doing?” he asked.
“We are going to be having a live sex show,” Christmas revealed, shockingly to Leo.
“A live sex show?” he nervously questioned.
“Yes. I take it you don’t watch porn much. You look like a guy who spends plenty of nights alone in his room watching porn,” Christmas deemed. Leo let out a fake chuckle.
“Nope, not me… I get plenty of action,” he boldly lied.
“Sure,” Christmas replied doubtfully. “Well if you’re ever online searching for some hot cam girl action, my username is ChristmasGift15.”
“NO FUCKING WAY! You’re ChristmasGift15?!” Leo shouted as if he just hit the lottery.
“Thought you didn’t watch porn, Mr. Righteous Man?” Christmas questioned, raising one of her thick dark eyesbrows at Leo.
“I may have browser though a porn site or two,” he replied shyly. “But wow. I would have never guessed. This is insane. Holy fuck! I’ve seen you naked! I’ve seen your tits! They’re freaking huge! So are your areolas and mouth-watering nipples! My god, I’ve seen your beautiful naked pussy! I’ve seen you ride toys and orgasm and cum live on cam. We have Journalism class together. And this whole time undressing you with my eyes, I’ve already seen your divide body in nude. You disguise yourself very well behind the mask and wig.”
“I don’t know if I should be scared for my life or flatter. My entire life is just a disguise, man. I wear many masks. My mask behind the camera is one of my favorites,” Christmas replied while applying dark lipstick in the mirror. “Enough of the chit-chat. I need you to get ready. The show starts in 10 minutes. Your outfit is on the bed.”
Leo walked over to her bed to find a black thong and a giant pink bunny head.
“Am I supposed to wear the bunny head? The thong I’m fine with but the head?” he curiously asked.
“I still have a report to maintain. If I get caught fucking a local boy, people will start to ask questions. So why don’t you stop being one of those people and just put the damn head on. I can always do the show without you,” Christmas forwarded. She put a green wig over her auburn chest-length hair that resembled Uma Thurman’s hairstyle from the movie Pulp Fiction and headed off to the bathroom. Leo couldn’t help but ogle and drool at her large swinging breasts that were naked under her loose crop top. “I’m changing into my costume. You better be in yours when I get back.”
After contemplating for a second, Leo swallowed his pride and changed into the black thong. Just before he was about to put on the large pink bunny head, Christmas emerged from the bathroom in one of the most provocative dominatrix outfits he had ever seen. It was like a jet black leather bathing suit with a thin strap covering her bald pussy and ran right up the crack of her ass exposing her flat ass cheats. A black collar was around her neck connected to the suit. She also wore a long black stripper boots and black Bandit mask over her eyes but what harden Leonard’s cock to semi erection was Christmas’s giant F cup tits. They were splendidly rounded, cantaloupe sized and hung well on her chest, not saggy, but not perky. Her gorgeous breasts were fleshed out of two enormous holes in front of her suit. Her bronze-colored areolas were exposed, massive and surrounded a third of her porcelain white breasts. The big sexy bronze nipples he saw Earlier were sadly shielded behind black patches. Leo just stared in awe.
“Show starts in a minute. Put the head on, sir,” Christmas sternly demanded.
“Oh, right,” he quickly replied and put the bunny head over his own. “But I can’t see a damn thing with this on. How am I going to see you?”
“You’re not. I’ll be doing all the work. You just enjoy it and follow my directions, got it?” Christmas explained. “Now turn around and lay vertical on the bed while I turn the cam on.”
Leo did as he was instructed. Since he couldn’t see under the giant bunny head, he used hishands to feel out the bed. Once he touched it, he climbed on top and laid vertically.
“Sure is hot under his huge head,” Leo said.
“Shhh. No talking,” Christmas warned as she made her way to one side of the bed and handcuffed one of his hands.
“Hey!” Leonard said surprised. Christmas rudely tweaked his nipple.
“Didn’t I say no talking? Shut the fuck up!” she scolded, making her way to the other side of the bed and handcuffing his other hand. “Now just relax, keep that boss nice and hard and enjoy. We’re live on air.”
A thousand different things were racing through Leonard’s mind. He had never been in this kind of odd position before, handcuffed and wearing a giant pink bunny head. Strangely, he found it quite arousing.
Christmas lightly raked her fingerprints over his swollen bulge causing him to grap. She traced her fingerprints up and down his thighs causing him to squirm. She pressed her giant soft breasts against his side causing the bulge in histo expand. Leo feel the weird, tingling sensing of Christmas’s tongue, licking and swirling around his nipple. She alternated between his nipples, thoroughly sucking both while her whopping melons were plopped across one half of his bird chest. Both incredible sensings caused him to moan uncontrollable and had his throbbing cock ready to burst from the tight thong.
Christmas smiled with glee as she oscillated her massive knockers like pendulums over his thin chest. She moved them straight across and then up and down over his flat abdomen. She made big circles on his stomach with her big fun bags. Leo tensed up, his scrapny body emrithing and toes curling under the massive boob assault. He didn’t know how much longer he was going to last. His cock was ridiculously hard and producing a good amount of pre cum in his compacted thong.
“That feels good. You like feeling these big juicy tits on your body? You like the way I’m swinging my huge 28F cups all over your scrapny body? You want these massive milk jugs to pound away on something else? Something that’s much harder and thicker?” Christmas teased. Leo’s answer was a long grueling grunt.
Christmas lifted up her heavy mounds of flesh and plopped down onto his hard dick. Leo moaned longingly under the bunny head. He so desperately wanted to take the bunny head off so he could see Christmas’s mammoth F-sized jugs work their magic on his dick. She lifted and dropped her fat melons a few more times over his raging pole. She then molded and smoothed his cock under their ample weight. Christmas shook her shoulders vigorously sending her enormous breasts into a jiggling, swinging frenzy over his rock-hard, pre-jism spewing dick until he begged for mercy. Sadly, Leo wasn’t allowed to make sounds Other then the sounds of enjoyment. While all this was happening, multiple cams were set up in different locations around her room capturing the vulgar sexual act for a live audience. Leo was reaching his breving point under her boob assault.
“Time to lose these,” Christmas said, stopping her boob attack on his cock. She grabbed the hem of his thong and pulled it down to his ankles and around his feet. “Hmm. Someone has been busy.” She examined his thong and put them towards her nose. She took in a big whiff of Leo’s cum and musty funk. She tosses the thong to the floor and positioned herself between his spread eagle legs. “Hmmmm. What a fine looking healthy cock and its all mines.”
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