Uncollared Reprieve

So much time has passed. I’m no longer the greenhorn submissive, driven by her desires and needs. I walked away from that lifestyle, uttering the words which are hard enough to break even the most steadfast girl – “Uncollar me.” With no pomp or consideration I was thrust from that world, forced into a prison tighter than any restraints, one of my own making.

Years passed, I grew and became numb to my desires, my Master, now a distant memory. But old habits die hard, the stress of everyday life was becoming too much, work commitments, family grief, I was losing the calm and composure I once had, and on such a work trip I stumbled.

Sitting in the hotel room all alone, I began to notice my pulse, it was racing. I can’t say what brought it on but I became hot, flushed with a desire I had not felt in years. My cunt was soaked and my mind delicious. To quell the encompassing burn I decided to go out to a bar, a whisky burn would help relieve the stress and guide me back to thecomposure I so needed, of that I was sure.

Entering into the shower I quickly washed, dipping my hands lower and cupping myself before groaning aloud. I could stay here tonight and indulge…but where would that take me, would it truly satisfy or would it bring about the longing that I had since locked within my very core. Drying quickly and pulling on my most acceptable work wear nightwear outfit – a knee length black skirt and a plain white blouse unbuttoned slightly at the collar I rolled on my stockings and smoked my makeup until I looked acceptable. Heels clicking on the bathroom tiles I strode towards the bedroom door, unclear of where I was, this was after all just another business trip, but I was sure I could find a quiet bar somewhere.

Apparently my prayers were not to be answered. After Entering into the fresh winter air my breath was taken away, the cold nipped at my clothes and my work jacket did nothing to warm me. With the breeze blowing up my skirt and fanning the flames I half walked half stumbled into a small club. Pauling to survey myself I could tell I wasn’t in a right frame of mind, I could feel my control failing and I knew I needed a stiff drink. Staggering to the bar I propped myself against it and looked the bartender up and down, he was attractive, but not my type. Fresh out of University was my guess, no muscles or strength, a greenhorn, someone I could play with but who could never control me. As my mind wandered I falsed noticing his gaze on me,

“Oh sorry, seems I was lost in thought – one double jack on the rocks please.”

Feeling the rough caramel hit my tongue and the familiar burn I nearly groaned in satisfaction. This was one of the things I needed, as the drinks began to flow I looked around the club, there were the usual dancers, gyrating and grinding against their lovers. Usually this would make me smile or make me grimace at the very sight but tonight, tonight they seemed to be the pinnacle of nirvana,indulging in the pleasures of the flesh which I so needed. Finishing my third drink I gazed longingly at the dance floor, feeling the tears prickle at my eyes I knew that I couldn’t join in, if I did I would lose all control.

Instead I picked up my jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders smoothing it down, heading towards the door I felt a hand wrap firmly around my wrist. I looked back started and was About to shout when I noticed it was the bartender. Our eyes met and he led me outside, and into the alley. He wasted no time in pulling my blouse away from my tits, his hands searching eagerly. My head was beginning to swim as he pressed me against the stone behind, the tears that were threatening to fall could no longer hold. I was lost in a sea of ​​desire and of longing. I gazed up to the overcast sky as his hands left me and fumbled with his zipper. Feeling his hands on my shoulders I was pushed to my knees, the broken glass and stone beneath me tearing at my stockings. He was small and unappealing. I didn’t want this but was so lost I opened my mouth to pleasure him. I reached my hands up for balance and went to place them upon his thighs but stumbled and fell to the ground…where was my young lover?

Gazing up I noticed a man towering above me, he had grabbed the young lady by the collar and pushed him off down the alley. Looking up I began to try and gather my thoughts, comprehend the situation. While I was lost the Man’s hand reached down and stroked my cheek and for a second everything became clear. The key was turned in the lock and everything I had kept bottled inside for so long came crashing forth. As soon as the Man’s hand left though I was lost again until it returned with a sharp hard smack across my cheek. His words stung worse than any whip,

“So this is what you’ve become you slut, sucking cock in the back alley like any teenage hooker. You were once a prized pet, a true submissive, but now, I doubt your skills are even half of what they were.”

I recognized the voice, my once Master stood before me, towering over me and judging me and I knew in that instant that he was left wanting. I needed to serve. The burning desire which had been so powerful now became unbearable. I wanted, no I needed to please Him as I once had, my cunt was flooding, my mind racing and I begged, like no slut had ever begged before to service Him. I felt his hand close tight around my throat lifting me, gazing into my eyes I waited for the slap, to be thrown to the ground and for Him to walk away. I had spoken the words no submissive ever truly wanted to say, I had ruined what we had through fear and through desire for normality. In that moment when everything was rushing over me and everything was beginning to be lost my mind was cut dead. His lips, firm and hard pressed themselves onto mine. I was roughly pushed against the stone behind, feeling it scratch at my back as my skirt was hit higher.

His expert hands searchingfor my cunt, stopping he crooked his eyebrow at my lack of panties…I hadn’t hurt any, had I intended for this? In my condition I wasn’t sure but when He entered me I wrapped my legs around Him locking my heels tight never wanting to be left again. Over and over He thrust into me, this wasn’t about a Master’s love, this was a claim. I could feel myself getting closer and closer as I panted heavily,

“Ma..Master please let me cum, pleasesee let this slut cum.”

Ignoring my pleasures over and over he pumped, driving me harder his one hand reached up to cradle the back of my head as His lips moved towards my ear. His tongue snaked out licking at my most sensitive area I couldn’t hold I began to whimper, His thrusts became shorter, more ragged as He got closer, pumping his cum deep inside my cunt, claiming me He roared for me to join Him. I couldn’t have held any longer if I had had to, His teeth sinking into my neck my legs fell to the ground unable to keep wrapped as I came aroundund His cock.

Once He was done He moved back from me and I instantly fell to my knees cleaning Him just as in times long gone. I wanted to ask how He knew I was there, was it chance, was it planned. Where did we stand, but for one moment in a very long time I felt content, knowing I had served well just as I always had.


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