Uncle John and Aunt Beth – Part 1
Although I was almost in my twentyties my parents still sent me for a holiday to my father`s brother and his wife and children in the lake district.
I think Uncle John and Aunt Beth were stricter than my parents when it came to discipline. I remember when they visited us last year for a long weekend their two children Arthur and Alex Always seemed to be in trouble. My father commented on it when they had gone.
“I think John was a little, maybe a lot, too harsh with Art and Alex, strapped for dropping a fork at dinner.”
“Well, she did drop it twice dear, perhaps she felt she needed to show off her young body to us, I saw our Billy’s zipper on his jeans nearly burst when he was watching.”
“I never realized she had dropped it twice, obviously attention seeking, so fair enough, what do you think Amy?”
“On it being harsh or seeing her naked Sir?”
“Both I would say.”
“I think I agree with mum, attention seekingg, maybe I did it a little when I was eighteen and we had visitors. Seeing her naked was nice Sir, she has the most grogeous body. Did you hear Art taking advantage of her body when they were in bed Sir”
“Yes, I did as it happens, but that is no different to Billy taking you, or you wanking him every morning is it?”
I must have gone as red as Alex`s bottom went.
“No, I guess not Sir, I suppose it`s what we do.”
“Did he interfere with you at all during the night Amy?”
“Not during the night, no Sir.”
“If not the night, then when?”
“He just came into my room when I was getting changed, slapped my bottom a few times and slapped my breasts Sir.”
“And what did you do?”
“Folded my arms behind my back Sir, as you teach me.”
“Good girl.”
In case you are wondering why my Father said, ‘good girl’, well, we live in a faith led community in which some of the stories and parallels are read in a different way to the mainstream faith. For example, spare the rod and ruin the child, is taken pretty literally. The wrongdoing of Eve on Adam is a case to make all girls born for service. Jobs around the home and running errands, until they become of age!
Me and our Billy were taken up to Uncle John’s and we all spent the day together until our parents left. I could see my uncle could not wait to find fault with me, I was not wrong.
“Whose bag is this, left as a trip hazard in the hallway?”
“It`s mine Uncle John, sorry, no one told me where I should leave it?”
“Ah I see, so it is someone else who has deserved a spanking for not telling you?”
Art was in the room with a few of his mates and Billy, make you wonder if this was premeditated!
I feel a little tingle below, me naked in front of so many cocks, I mean young men.
“No Sir, it is my fault and mine alone, should I get naked for a spanking Sir?”
“If you feel that is the correct punishment, then, yes.”
“Will you spank my bottom in here Sir or in mine and Alex`s bedroom?”
“Do you boys mind me spanking a naked young lady in here?”
I looked and everyone was adjusting their cock positions.
“Only if it`s easier in here for you Sir.”
And it was easier, so off came my dress and I folded it neatly over a chair, then my knickers which I accidentally dropped on the floor and had to bend, legs slightly apart, to pick them up, and finally my bra holding back my fine pair of 32 A titles. I turned to my uncle as he too had his hand down his pants making adjustments.
“My Amy, what a fine young lady you have almost grown into, he pinged my taught nipples, shade about your pink, fluffy, small breasts.”
I pretended to weep as the boys laughed as I was turned to face them. I was then turned back to face him as he rubbed my mound.
“Such a shame they never grew as fast as your cover.”
Again, I was spun back to the boys, and he rubbed and patted my hairy:
Over his knee I then went.
“Look at the even spacing on her sit spot from her dad`s cane, pay attention all, that is what you do if you send a daughter or wife away for a few days, it`s your mark. I will not spank over them Amy; they look a little sore.”
“Yes, they are Sir, I got two extra.”
“I was bent over and moved off the spot.”
“Did you hear that boys?”
“No Sir.”
SLAPP, “Speak louder Amy.”
I raised my voice.
“My father gave me two extra stripes for moving off the spot on his last cane stroke, Sir.”
“Quite right.”
Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, “Owww,” slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap.
“Into that corner please Amy, Art, you will need to be in charge I have an errand to run, give her ten minutes and if she moves a muscle, over your knee.”
I heard the gate close and his car as he drove away.
Billy called me.
“Come over here Amy we have five stiff cocks that want wanking.”
I did as I was told, my, what a nice association. Alex came into the room.
“Join in Alex, unless you want a tanning too.”
Art’s mates cum first and left.
“Who do you want to fuck Billy?”
“I will take Alex, I fucked Amy before I got up this morning.”
I was taken to Art`s room and Alex took Billy to hers. He had fucked her before a few times a while ago but now his cock was more manly and his fucking stroke almost perfection.
I undressed Art to suck him back hard again and he took me in lots of positions until he pulled out and I swallowed his cum. I had cum lots of time, but Art still fingered me to cum again and again.
We lay on his bed and chatted, I thought I would check if he was ready to go again. With my forefinger I traced from the inner side of his knee, up his leg, bypassed his cock and balls but brushed them with my pinkie. I circled his tummy button, and his raised nipples then retraced my journey until I was wanking him. He was not big, nowhere near the two hands-full plus of Billy. I rode him until I sensed a cum then finished him off in my mouth.
We lay chatting again, then…
“Ready for a swap Art?”
“Don`t see why not Billy.”
“She Maybe want an arse warming, she never responded much.”
“She will get one, as you will probably hear soon enough.”
Billy was sucking my nipples, we heard voices then Alex being spanked, it sure stiffened Billy up and gave me a nice cum without touching. Billy gave me a lovely brotherly fucking and lay me on my front so he could pound my cane stripes and recent spanking. He did not wish to hurt me but had learned how such slapping on it can turn me on.
We all showed and went down for dinner; it was one of my Aunt’s famous casseroles with a home-made apple pie and cusstard for dessert. Thechat was general, and we both said how much we enjoyed our work and were happy we never went to college.
“Did Amy do as she was told Art?”
“She was here talking to us before you had closed the garden gate Sir.”
My uncle stood and began to unbuckle his belt.
“Can the girls clear the table before Amy gets her whipping please John?”
“Yes of course, her disobedience can be dealt with a little later, perhaps at bedtime, in the meantime Amy, ponder on your naughty actions and how you will be sleeping on your front tonight.”
“Yes of course Sir, sorry.”
Art chuckled with Billy, probably looking forward to the bedtime floor show. Billy told me after I tidied up to come to the bedroom. He was laying on the bed rubbing his crotch.
“Wank time Sis.”
“Yes Sir.”
I lifted my jumper; he likes to play with my tits and nipples as I wank him.
I once refused, he told my dad, and I was able!
I took out his cock, spat on it and wanked him as he squeezed and slapped my tits and nipples. He pushed my head down to catch his cum.
It was soon bedtime, and I was sent to put my nightie on and report back to Uncle John, and his audience.
“What did I tell you when I left you in the corner yesterday?
“To stay ten minutes and not move.”
“Alex pass me the downstairs belt.”
She unhooked it from the hook and passed it to her dad, with a huge grin on her face.
“Do not worry young lady, I will make sure you get your share. Let`s lose the nightie Amy.”
Before I could take it off my uncle had removed it for me.
“Move up a little on the sittee guys, over the arm Amy.”
I am not saying it was the hardest belting I had ever had but I was soon crying.
“Get up Amy, corner time, half an hour. Bed time all.”
He set the kitchen timer to thirty minutes, and I was left alone as Uncle John turned out the light. Before long the blind door opened again, and my bottom was being rubbed.
“Bend over a little Amy.”
“Yes, Uncle John.”
His hand moved to me wet pussy.
“Looks like you have been expecting me.”
“Yes Sir.”
It had been a year or so since Uncle John had used me, he was just as good as I remember, and his title and nipple play really blew my mind.
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