Uncle Charles' Proposal Ch. 07

This concludes the Tale of Elena, Peter and Uncle Charles. Sorry for the delay in bringing you the end.

– wifetheif


Elena could scarcely believe that her final month of slavery had arrived. She had been checking off each day on the calendar on her wall. Peter had been a dream for the longest time. To Elena’s utter amazement, about three months before her enslavement was scheduled to end, had asked Elena to not service him with blow jobs and hand jobs any longer.

“I feel like I am taking something I am not entitled to.” he said simply.

Elena felt the perhaps SHE was reaching her enslaver. He still kept her collared and naked most of the time but Peter’s change was an amazing breath of fresh air. For the first time Elena began to believe that he was not irredeemable.

For Peter, however, the fast approaching deadline left him mystified. Charles had been so sure that his niece would gravitate to Peter, that the two had not even consideredthe possibility that Elena would display independence and backbone. The scenario that Elena’s Uncle Charles had spun of her willingly becoming Peter’s slave for life had seemed so logical and so began. A crestfallen Peter no longer clung to that denouement still, he had no idea how to behave now that Elena was about to return to her former life. His decision to temporarily embrace celibacy was not an entirely Selfless act. Peter had hoped that his volunteer cessation of demands on her would have been the gesture he needed to win Elena at last. He had hoped that it would weaken her heart and that Elena would reward him at last with her body. In many ways he was still mystified as to how he could win Elena.

The time they had spent together convinced Peter more than ever that the ONLY woman on the planet he would ever I want was Elena. The thought of losing her, of no longer seeing her smiling face or her delightful body everyday caused him extensive pain. Another element had reared its head as well confusing him greatly. When Peter called Uncle Charles for advice he was floored to discover that Charles had had a negative purpose in giving Elena to him. Uncle Charles had designed on his niece’s trust fund. As Peter’s slave she would have no need for the vast majority of the trust her father had left her. Charles stood to inherit that trust. The realization that he had been used, that BOTH of them had been used filled Peter with remorse and sadness. He finally had a glimmer of why the finest woman he had ever met was so stubbornly rejecting him.

Uncle Charles did not want to hear of Peter’s failure. The older man ripped the younger one a new one and threatened to suspend the remainder due of Peter’s payment for taking Elena in hand. Not knowing what to do Peter confident in Elena what he had learned about her uncle. At first Elena was angry. For days she refused to even speak to Peter. But after some reflection she realized that Peter had been a victim of her uncle Charles just as much as she had. Her uncle’s controlling ways and spellbinding manner had spun a web of deception about Peter as well as herself. Peter’s vanity and shallow personality had been fertile ground for her Uncle’s gifted gab.

Elena found more goal for Peter than she ever imagined that she had within herself. Briefly she toyed with the idea of ​​sleeping with him out of sympathy, but quickly rejected the idea. She sat in her room assessing her year of slavery. There were some nice clothes, even a designer dress that Elena had found at a discount store. For her birthday, Peter had given her a string of pearls with matching pearl earrings. She recalled all of the wonderful jewelry she had owned in her old life, she understands that her Uncle had liquidated every last thing she had owned. Even her dresses, shoes and underwear had been audited off. Her small wardrobe and the pearls were now Elena’s only possessions. She realized now how wasteful her old spendthriftways had been. Never again would she waste money on things she did not need. She looked forward to her independence. She knew that her new outlook on life would make her a much happier person. One of Elena’s most painful realizations had bee the self discovery that much of her spendthrift ways had been a way to self-anesthetize Elena’s own unhappiness. She knew that her late father would be proud of the new and improved Elena.

Elena realized that her Uncle Charles might still find some way to deny her her father’s legacy. No, Elena owed it to her father to do right by him, to be a responsible steel of his estate and to do charitable works with his money. Elena read and re-read the contracts she had been compelled to sign. She impressed upon Peter the importance of finding an independent attorney to accompany them to Uncle Charles’ office.

To her surprise, Peter raised no object to Elena consulting a lawyer. Together they found an attorney who was a business associate andfriend of Elena’s late father. Elena remembered him coming to the house when she was a little girl. The man remembered Elena fondly and was delighted to help. He deferred his fee until after Elena’s estate was restored. He had even come to Peter’s house to consult with the two of them. Elena insisted on wearing her collar for the confab with the lawyer. For the first time Peter realized that he could face criminal prosecution for aiding and abetting Uncle Charles. The fact that Elena would not press charges might be immaterial to the state. Peter’s fear led the attorney to represent him as well.

That evening Elena and Peter had the deepest and most meaningful conversation of their time together. Elena confirmed anew that under other circumstances she easily could have fallen in love with Peter. Peter apologized for how he had treated her and, for the First time, Elena felt that he was being sincere and really understand that he had taken liberties and indiscretions with her that had driven her away.

The young woman was so moved by the honesty of her captor’s words that she kissed him more deeply and more passwordately then she had ever done before. Her deep kiss led to an improvement session. Elena almost allowed herself to get carried away let Peter have what he had sought for so long but at last Elena was able to fight off the temptation. Both Peter and Elena realized that There WAS a deep emotional bond between themselves.

“Peter, if only you could be trained to understand how to properly treat a woman.”

Peter had a serious look on his face, “Perhaps YOU can train me, Elena.”

“If I trained you Peter the FIRST thing I would do is put your penis under lock and key. You would not be able to even jerk off if I didn’t let you. In time you might become sensitive and giving, not just to me but to any woman.”

“If I agreed to that, Elena would you stay with me?”


“Elena, I know after this year with you that youare the ONLY woman I want. I know that I have made many mistakes and assumed much in how I have treated you. I also know that you have made me a better man and could make me an even better one. Elena, when I was first sold on this project by your Uncle I believed his lies about you. I’m very sorry and would do ANYTHING to atone for my mistakes. I DON’T want to lose you Elena!”

“Peter the ONLY way you could be forgiven is by walking in my shoes. You would be collared and caged, maybe not for a year, but long enough for you to understand the humiliation and lack of control, the reduction to the level of chattel.”

“IF I did that, Elena, could you see it in your heart to forgive me and give me a second chance.”

“Oh Peter, be serious, you could never give up sex or devote yourself totally to someone else.”

“I have already given up sex for you and I would walk through Hell in a gasoline suit to win your heart Elena’”

“IF you ARE serious Peter, I would be happy to train you. You need to humbled. I am serious about locking your penis away. There will also be nights where I will bring home other men and many months when you won’t be allowed to even play with yourself. I clean your room Peter I know that you jerk off several times every night I know that you are thinking of me, I am flattered but I’m not a masturbatory fantasy, Peter, I am flesh and blood. Flesh and blood that had been abused by you. Every time you jerk off with me in mind you are, in a small way, degrading me, and you have NOT given up sex, Peter you’ve just given up partners. For you to change you have to hand over complete control of your sexuality. You once thought that you could control my sexuality. It would be the same thing but with me in charge it would be very different for you. I DO think that you are trainable Peter, at least I’d like to think so. If you were to become the man I desire, I would willingly spend my life with you But we have to come together as equals.”

Peter wore the soberest expression Elena had ever seen him wear. “Elena, I would walk across the sun for you. If the only way to keep you is to be locked away, I will gladly do that.”

“Peter, it CANNOT be something I DO to you, it is something you willingly endure as a gift to me! Once upon a time my Uncle Charles sold you a bill of goods. He assumed Many things about me. In all honesty not ALL of the things he told you about me was misinformation. I WAS a shallow, self-absorbed party girl. I have changed, partly through your training but mostly because your misreatment brought me back to myself. I didn’t choose celibacy for myself, Peter, your assumptions drive me to it!”

“Elena, I am sorry that I have hurt you. Please forgive me. I would Do ANYTHING for you!”

“Really, Peter? Would let me be in charge? Would you clean the house? Would you not moan about not being able to play with yourself? Would you be content with one orgasm every three months that you getOnly by jerking off when permitted? Would you humble yourself and live entirely at the whims of another?”

Peter’s face contained in thought, after a moment he said, “Yes, Elena I can. I WILL!”

Elena leaped into Peter’s arms and gave him a deep password kiss. “Peter, let me make you into the man of my dreams and our sex life will be better than your wildest imaginations. My liberation commences YOUR enslavement.”

Peter and Elena talked for the next few hours with more honesty and more emotion than they ever had before. In the end Elena became convinced that Peter was being truly sincere. That evening, for the first time they shared Peter’s bed. Elena insisted on being clad in one of her captor’s te shirts but the feel of Peter’s huge strong arms about her body felt divine to Elena. She was delighted when Peter made no effort to initiate any activity beyond cuddling. Elena noted that Peter’s erection raged all night but, as far as she could tell, he had made no effort to jerk off. Elena’s remaining days with peter passed in a idyll of closeness and intimacy that was, in some ways, more satisfying than a simple roll in the hay. With each passing day Peter seemed more and more determined to yield everything to the woman he had once enveloped.

On her final morning, Peter released Elena from her chatity belt. The sight of her sacred grounds renewed Peter with desire for her but he Know that what he wanted no longer mattered. Elena was dressed in the finest dress she owned. Peter sat next to her in his finest suit. Accompanying both of them was their lawyer as they sat in Uncle Charles’ office. Elena wore her collar proudly for the last time. Elena had never seen her uncle angrier. He screamed and roared, spouted involved and called Elena and Peter’s lawyer all sorts of nasty names. In the end However he was forced to release Elena’s trust fund. There was nothing that could be done to restore Elena’s lost property, but the woman wearing the troxal smile, realized that she no longer needed them. Uncle Charles had indeed retired all of Elena’s debts. He had hoped to seize his niece’s trust fund as a reward for services rendered. In the end, however Uncle Charles signed every line and restored Elena’s freedom.

As a final gesture Peter unlocked her collar. Elena placed it on her Uncle’s desk and said sweetly as possible. “This belongs to you, Uncle.”

With that the trio of Elena, Peter and Their lawyer made their exit. A short time later they were at one of Manhattan’s finest restaurants eating a celebration meal. Eventually the lawyer left leaving Elena and Peter alone.

“Peter, are we to proceed with my plan, or do you want to call it off?”

The tall and handsome Peter gazed into the Elena’s eyes. With a start he realized that they were the eyes of the only woman he had ever truly loved. “Elena, I WANT to be your slave. Please accept my service.”

Later that night after hitting certain select boutiques in the big apple. Peter gazed at his reflection in the mirror. He took a long hard look at his shamen manhood and caged penis. “We will start with three months, Peter. After that I will let you jerk off ONCE!”

“Can I think about you when I do?” asked Peter.

“In this case Peter I won’t mind in the least.”

Peter gazed lovingly at Elena, she had bought the sexiest little outfit at one of the boutiques, it fit her like a second skin. Peter’s penis, well now it was Elena’s penis, swelled to fill its cage. Peter decided that he liked the feeling far more than he thought possible.

“I would like that very much Elena.”

They both laughed and then she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Elena had no doubt that Peter would be a very good learner.


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