The girls and I got all the cold and frozen food put away. The rest of the groceries would be fine for a day or two sitting in the back of the truck in the garage. I gave them a tour of the house. All six rooms took about a minute. I got the big fireplace in the blind going, and the house slowly warmed up.
Pussy asked, “Master, please don’t be mad. You’ve been good to us, and we like you a lot. But I have a few questions please?”
“Sure, what do you want to know?”
“Master, slaves sleep in cages. Where are our cages? Can we have a blanket in our cages? Please? And will you make us wash outside in the winter? Please don’t make us? If you leave us at home alone, where are your chains? Our old master would always chain us up if he had to leave us alone.”
“Pussy, I don’t have any cages! You don’t have to sleep in a cage anymore! I won’t chain you up! I’m helping you by letting you stay with me. I’m not keeping you prisoner! There is no other good place foryou to stay around here, but if you really want to leave, you can. You can bathe or shower in the bathroom. Getting wet outside in the winter is awful! You can get frostbite, or even die!”
“Master, how many men a day do you want us to fuck? You bought us a lot of clothes, and at home slaves are always naked. You must want us to go out and fuck lots of men so you can get money, Since you got us all those clothes, right, master?”
I was speechless and shocked.
“If we don’t bring you money, you won’t want to keep us. Our old master always said if we didn’t bring in enough money, he would throw us away, and we would die alone! How can we get you money, so you won’t make us leave, master?”
“NO! I would never make you do that! You are NOT whores any! You don’t have to give me anything. I’m trying to be a friend and help you.”
She sat on the floor, started to cry with a big smile on her face, and hugged my knees. “Sorry master! Thank you for being so good tous master!”
The other girls were all smiling widely and were about to cry from happiness.
I asked them, “So what do you want for dinner?”
They were all silent for a long time.
“Well, what do you want?”
Butt spoke up, “Sorry master, but slaves eat what they are given. Their master decisions.”
I surprised loudly. I was getting frustrated with all This ‘master’ stuff. I said, “If one of you doesn’t decide, tonight you get pickles and must. Pick something!”
They followed the rules.
I put two pickles and a spoonful of mustard on each of their plates, and made myself a big bowl of chicken soup with a moose meat sandwich. I showed the girls my meal. “I know what I want, so I get this.” I put the plates on the table. The girls sat on the floor, looking up at their unappetizing meal.
“Well, come eat!”
“Sorry, but master, slaves always eat with their bowl or plate on the floor. And slaves may not use furniture unless commanded to.”
“Fine!” I put their plates on the floor. They still wouldn’t eat. I finished my sandwich.
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“Sorry master, we can’t eat dinner until after our confession and punishment at 7 o’clock. It’s only 6:40.”
“I am ordering the four of you as your master, eat your damn pickles and must! You’re adults, or nearly adults. How difficult is it, to just eat a freakin meal!”
They left the plates on the floor, leaned over, and ate without using their hands. I could tell they were far less than happy with the flavors.
When I finished eating and left the table, Mouth picked up my bowl, put it on the floor, and started licking it clean. Pussy did the same with my plate, but only got a few crumbs of bread.
“What are you doing?”
“Master, after the master finishes a meal, the slaves may clean the master’s bowl or plate, one per slave, starting with the smallest slave first.”
Pussy said, “Master, it’s time for confessions and punishment, then inspection. Please master.”
I let out a big sight. “What are the rules about confession, inspection, and punishment?”
Butt recalled the rules. “Master, at 7pm each night, each slave will confess any times during the day they broke the rules. They will also confess all the times they wanted to break the rules. Then the slave is punished, by spanking, whipping, or other methods the master may choose. After punishment, the slave knees on the floor nude with her face down and ass up, presenting herself for inspection. The master inserts a finger into his choice of her vagina, asshole, or both, and may smell, taste, or play with her as desired. After inspection, the other slaves tell of any rules the slave broke but did not confess. Those are punished at least three times as seriously, and the slave reporting the violence gets a reward. During confession, the slave may tell her master her preferences and likes or dislikes, but at other times she may not unless ordered to.”
I was getting annoyed. “That’s stupid! Besides the bathroom crackiness, you four behave better than most people I know.”
“Master, please! We can’t go to sleep until after confession, punishment, and inspection!
“Fine! Slaves, remove all your clothes. Put them by the washing machine downstairs, then come back.”
Seeing their boobs bounce as my four young ladies walked up the stairs naked was very nice. Maybe being a master wasn’t all bad.
“Ass, start your confession.”
Other than begging to suck me at the store earlier, Ass spoke for the first time of the day and said, “Master, I did not break any rules today. I wanted to break the rule about master choosing the slaves’ food. I hate must. I wanted to give the master a blowjob, but you told me not to.”
I asked, “What would your old master usually give as punishment for that?”
Butt said, “Two swats with the hose whip.”
“Do you know how to make a hose whip?”
Butt answered, “Yes master, you cut two pieces of garden hose as long as your arm and wrap tape around the ends.”
“Butt, there’s an old garden hose in the garage next to the workbench and tape hanging up near it. Go make one and bring it here.”
Butt was in the garage and thought, “When I told him about the whip and didn’t mention the sandpaper, he didn’t say anything. Maybe he doesn’t know! The sandpaper on the end makes it hurt so much worse! I’ll leave it off, and maybe he won’t notice.”
The next day, I would find a piece of coarse sandpaper on the workbench and think, “Sandpaper goes over by the table saw. That’s weird.” I put it away.
In the living room, Ass still faced the floor and looked a little worried.
“What are the other ways your old master would punish you?”
Mouth said, “He would hit us with a cane, a flyswatter, a wooden ruler, or a frying pan.”
“He would use all of those on your ass?”
“Master, no. He would use the cane, hose whip, or fry pan onOur asses. The flyswatter and ruler were for our nipples or faces.”
“I think I saw most of those in the groceries we brought home. Pussy, go in the truck, and get them.”
Butt and Pussy returned with the items.
“Since Ass didn’t break any rules, and only wanted to break two of them, a fitting punishment is two swats with the flyswatter.”
Ass rolled over on her back and looked a little worried.
“No, no. Two swats on the butt.”
Ass looked very relieved and rolled over again. I scratched her ass twice with the flyswatter, and she barely seemed to notice. She didn’t even flinch. I saw she had big bruises all over her butt.
“Thank you master! You are so very kind to me master!”
“Ass, present yourself for inspection.” She kneeeled and leaned forward, sticking her bottom in the air. I carefully checked for any sores or other signs of disease. I would also check the other girls carefully in turn. I know not all diseases can be seen, but it was goodto at least do what I could.
I gently slide my pinky into her pussy and lightly ticked her clip. When I moved away, I saw a big smile on her face.
“Does anyone know of any other rules Ass broke today?”
They all shook their heads.
I said, “Ass, you did very well today! You’re a very good slave! As a reward, when we go to the blind later, you get a glass of wine and three cigarettes.”
Ass said, “But master, but…” I didn’t know it, but she had never gotten a reward so good before.
I interrupted, “Are you trying to disobey me?” I thought some wine and 3 should be enough. It wasn’t like the blowjob she gave me was the best thing ever.
“Master of course not. I obey you!” She had a huge smile and was obviously Very happy.
“Butt’s confession is next.”
Butt said, “I broke the rule about slaves not making a mess, I peed on the floor. I’m very sorry master. I wanted to break the rule about the master deciding the slaves’ food. I hate muststard and pickles. I wanted to disobey the master when he ordered me to make a hose whip. I know how much they hurt and I was afraid.”
“What punishment would your old master give you?”
“Twelve swats with the hose whip, master”
“Butt, your punishment for today will be one smack with the hose whip, and two with the flyswatter, on your ass.”
I gave her two with the flyswatter and she actually looked happy. She clenched her teeth and prepared for serious pain before I hit her ass with the hose. There were a lot of bruises on her butt too, so she had obviously gotten this before. I wasn’t sure how hard I should go, so I made it a weak stroke. Smack! Butt wasn’t impressed. She smiled and said, “Thank you master! I’ll try to do better.”
“Does anyone know of any other rules Butt broke today?”
They shook their heads.
“You did well, Butt. As your reward, you get two cigarettes and a piece of candy when we go in the locke later.”
“Thank you master!” She was very happy too.
“Present yourself for inspection, Butt.”
I slid my pinky into her pussy, then pulled it out and told her to lick it. She did.
“Do you like how it tastes?”
“Master, I like it a little, but I like dick much more!” She blushed and giggled.
“Pussy’s turn to confess.”
Pussy said, “Master I’m so sorry I broke so Many rules today. When Butt peed on the floor, I moved away a little, but you told us to stay where we were. I disobeyed you. You told us not to mention anything about being slaves, and say you were our friend Gary. When we were talking with Nan, I said ‘our master Gary’ so I disobeyed you twice by saying that, so that’s three so far. This morning I was trying to open your zipper and you said no, I kept trying to open it until you told me no a second time, so that’s a total of four times I disobeyed you. I wanted to break the master deciding food rule. I haven’t had any pasta in a long time, and I wanted to say spaghetti. I’mso sorry master!”
“What would your old master do to you?”
“He would give me forty with the hose for disobeying four times, plus one more for the food rule.
“Pussy, have you had anal sex before?”
“Yes master, lots of times. Maybe a hundred.”
“Do you like it?”
“Master, I do what I’m told, but I hate it! Sometimes it hurts a lot!”
“Pussy, I’ll give you four with the hose and a special punishment tonight. Ass, go get the lube and the sex toys.” Pussy looked worried.
I gave Pussy four swats on the ass with the hose whip, a little harder than I gave Butt. WHACK WHACK WHACK!
It didn’t seem to both her that much. She only said “Ow” a couple of times.
I selected a huge double-ended dildo. I held up the package to her and said, “Kiss the package.” She kissed it and began to cry silently. She was terrified. I put it down and picked up the smallest dildo, a little bigger than my pinky. “Take it out of the package and kiss it.” Shedid.
I lubed up the small dildo and told her, “Put it in your ass and sit on it.”
I lubed up a medium dildo, gave it to her, and said, “Get yourself close to cumming and stop.”
She stuffed the dildo into her cunt and moved it in and out. “Thank you for being merciful master! Thank you!”
After a few minutes, Pussy stopped. I told her; “Go clean the toys in the bathroom and get back here.”
“Right away master!” She did.
“Does anybody know of other rules Pussy broke today?” None.
“Present yourself for inspection, Pussy.” She did, and I finger-fucked her cunt until she was close to cumming again. “No touching yourself. That’s the rest of your punishment.”
“Mouth’s turn to confess.”
“Master, I don’t think I broke any rules today. I wanted to break the master deciding meals rule. I hate pickles.”
“Mouth, do you like smoking?”
“Master, I never tried it. It’s sinky and I don’t want to.”
“Does anybody know of any other rules Mouth broke today?”
Pussy said, “Master, you told us to get different perfumes but she didn’t, they only had three kinds.”
Mouth looked very sad and worried. “I’m sorry master, I forgot! I’m so sorry!”
“For remembering that and telling me, Pussy’s reward is, she gets to come in a few minutes.”
“Mouth, your punishment for not telling me is to give Pussy an orgasm. Your punishment for wanting different food is to smoke one cigarette in the locke later.”
“Priscilla said, “MMMM! Betty! Your mouth feels so good on me!” as I licked her cunt. Master had chained us up and left us alone. We couldn’t leave the room, but we could easily move around enough to lick each other. “MMMMMM! You’re really good too, Priscilla!”
Master Angelo screamed, “What the fuck are you two little bitches doing! Slaves are not allowed to touch each other unless ordered to!”
Master was home! And he was pissed! He did a really bad punishment to us, without even spanking or hitting us. I spent a whole day laying on my back, with my face under Priscilla’s crotch. She was sitting on one of those commodes old people use, with a bucket that can be taken out to dump the pee and poop. The bucket was out, and her pussy was only inches from my mouth.
Master Angelo made Priscilla eat and drink as much as she could, and she had to keep sitting there, pissing and shitting on my face, for a whole 24 hours! It was so terribly stinky and disgusting! The worst was the shit, it stuck to my hair and stunk so bad! Then he switched us, and I had to eat and drink as much as I could, and piss and shit on poor Priscilla. Each time my bladder would fill up, I would say; “Sorry Pussy, I have to.” then pee on her face. A lot of my pee would go up her nose. I knew that was really disgusting. She had to do the same to me at least five times too. After the toilet punishment, he locked us in the same cage, and didn’t let us wash. “You two want to be together! Fine! Enjoy each other’s stink until morning!” I had to sleep with my face in Pussy’s hair, which was caked with my shit!
The few times he caught us using Our old names, he had another evil one. He put hot sauce in a spray bottle and squirted it deep into our throats. Some would go up into our sinuses. “You still think those are your names! I’ll have to burn them out of your heads!” It stung and hurt so bad! Sometimes he even squirted it up our noses!
Master Gary isn’t like that, not a bit. He doesn’t hit us and he hardly spanks us at all! He’s really, really nice! But we need a good master. I don’t think Master Gary is a master at all. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s not ready for it. He didn’t even have any cages or chains for us! Maybewe need to find another master.
“Ass, is it after seven?”
“Yes master, 7:18”
“Ass, get one thing you like to eat and make it in the kitchen.”
“Yes, master! Thank you master!”
“Butt, go make something you like too.”
“Thank you so much! Thank you master!”
Ass made a frozen pizza and Butt made macaroni and cheese.
Pizza was like gold in these parts. A frozen pizza you could get for five bucks in most places in the lower 48 sold for $30 up here. Ice cream cost $20 for a half-gallon. Shipping frozen food over two thousands miles was crazy expensive.
Pussy climaxed as Mouth sucked and licked her.
“There’s a new rule. When another slave licks you until you come, you need to kiss their face until it’s clean.” Pussy reluctantly did.
I hope that if I made a bunch of rules they hated, maybe they would give up on the stupid master/slave thing. “Ass, put a slice of pizza and a big scoop of mac and cheese on four plates, and put them on the floor.”
“Yes master! Thank you master!”
“Slaves, you may have your dinner. You’re allowed to use your hands to eat the pizza.”
“Thank you! Thank you master!”
After eating Mouth said, “Master, even the mustard and pickles is better than a lot of things we used to eat. Please don’t make us eat moldy bread or dog food? Please?”
“I don’t want you to get sick. I won’t do that. I just gave you something you didn’t like to make a point. If you tell me what you like, sometimes you get it. If you stubbornly go by the food rule, you get things like pickles and must. Girls, before you have any cigarettes, I want to remind you smoking is only allowed in the lounge, garage, and outside, and you only get cigarettes when I say you can have them. The air draft from the fireplace will pull the smoke up the chimney and outside. In the summer when we don’t have a fire going, smoking is only allowed outside.”
“Ass, get yourself that glass ofwine. Pussy, bring the cigarettes to the locke. Let’s go relax. “
Two of the girls had blown me already, and I knew what regular fucking was like. I wondered about anal. Is it really better, like I heard? I decided to find out.
“There’s a new rule just for the locke. Anybody who has my cock in their ass in the locke can smoke as many cigarettes as they want. Or if you don’t want to smoke, you can have anal sex with me until I come and not have to smoke the rest of the day if you don’t want to.”
“Ass and Butt like to smoke and got cigarettes today. That’s nice for them. Go ahead.” I passed Butt a lighter.
I watched them smoke their first cigarettes, paying close attention to their lips and the sucking motion of their cheeses. Nice! They were happy and their lips formed big smiles in Between puffs on their cigarettes. Ass had long fake nails, painted bright red and outlined with yellow. I thought they looked very nice. The way she held the cigarette with just the tips of her fingers and used a long fingernail to knock the ash off was flirty and kind of sexy. It reminded me a little of a hand job. Pussy also looked at the cigarettes longly, she badly wanted to smoke.
“Mouth doesn’t want to smoke her one cigarette, and Pussy likes to smoke a lot but didn’t get any. I’ll go from little to big. Mouth, do you want me to buttfuck you, so you don’t have to smoke?
Her eyes got big and she thought a while. “I’ll smoke it master, it’s just one.”
“Pussy, from the amount you put in your cart, you like cigarettes a LOT. Are you willing to sit with my cock up your butt, for all you can smoke tonight? Not just one. If my dick is in you, you get as many as you want.”
Pussy thought out loud, “I Haven’t had one in two days! I want to smoke so bad! But anal hurts…. I… I guess I can stand it. I’ll do anal.”
I held up a pack of cigarettes. “That’s the answer I wanted. If you keep me in your ass for three of these tonight, youcan have the rest of the pack in the locke whenever you want.”
“Thank you master! Thank you! Thank you!”
I wiped petroleum jelly on my cock and put a little in her asshole. “Sit on it nice and slow. If it hurts, go up a little and slowly back down.” My dick slowly slip into her anus as she sat on me. SO TIGHT! It feel SO GOOD! It’s true! It is even better! And so naughty, with my cock stuffed in where her shit comes out! So dirty and kinky!
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