Unbelievably Cruel

“Don’t you think we’re being a bit too cruel?” Lana lifted the vibrating wand off Alice’s pussy for something like the millionth time that night.

The ball gag did little to muffle Alice’s frustrated groans. She pulled against her bonds, tried to follow the wand with her hips, but there was just no give in the cuffs. That she was still fighting only showed how much tension she had to be under.

“What do you mean, too cruel?” Lisa smiled down at their bound and blindfolded friend. Her finger idly traced Alice’s lips, even spreading the drool over the shiny gag. “We’re only doing exactly what she wants.”

“I know. But the poor girl didn’t get a break for at least an hour now. Look how swollen her pussy is already.”

Lisa leaned over to look at the fruits of their efforts. Alice’s pussy lips were bright pink and puffy. Her enlarged clip protruded from its hood, oblivious to the fact that this only opened it up for even worse torques.

“Wow, that pussy reallyis something,” Lisa said, raising her voice to make sure Alice wouldn’t miss a word. “Such a beautiful shade of pink. And look how she’s throbbing. It must be absolute torture for her. If my pussy looked like this, I’d be a sex-crazed animal already. No idea how she manages to hold on.”

Alice’s whimper indicated that she was holding on just barely and being reminded of how bad it was certainly didn’t help.

“Come on, vibe her again. I wanna see her reaction from up close.”

Lana lowered the wand again. They’d already had to dial the vibrations all the way back to prevent any accidents, but even this lowest level was enough to make Alice scream when the head of the wand made contact with her exposed clip. Lana would’ve lied if she’d said Alice’s wanton moans weren’t hot as fuck. Or that it didn’t give her evil joy to rip the wand away at the last second and listen to Alice’s desperate screams. But still…

“I just want to be sure we’re not going over her limit. ItMust be pretty fucking intensity for her already.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Lisa said with a dirty grin. “Especially if I were to do something like this.” She let her finger glide over Alice’s slick pussy lips, starting all the way down at her gaping entrance and stopping with the tiniest flick against that swollen button at the top. Before doing it again. And again, each iteration raising the volume of Alice’s wils by a tiny bit until it was a constant cry of frustration.

“And she was very clear that she doesn’t want any mercy. That she wants to live out this fantasy where two evil bitches do the most terrible things to her and won’t stop no matter how much she begs. And — that — is — exactly — what — she — gets.” Lisa emphasized each word with a quick tap against Alice’s clip. “But if it makes you feel better we can quickly check in on her.”

“Let’s do it. Just for my piece of mind.” Lana kissed Lisa. A kiss that quickly turned into a tongue-heavy make-out session. Lana just couldn’t resist her friend when she put her evil side full on display like that.

“I’ll take the gag out.” Lisa hungrily licked her lips after the kiss. “Vibe her again so she doesn’t get bored in the meantime.”

Lana brought the vibe back, but this time she slowly dragged it over Alice’s crotch, making sure not to let it touch her clip too much. She didn’t know long how Lisa would take, so it was safe to drag this edge out.

Alice’s moans cut out for a second when Lisa pulled out the gag, just long enough to swallow once, before the tension got too much to stay quiet any longer “God, please, please, please please please please please please…AH!”

A spasm went through Alice’s body. Lana ripped the wand away immediately. Alice tensed up once again, but After a few seconds of uncertainty the tension stopped and Alice let out an anguished scream, shaking her fists the tiny bit she was able to. Seemed like Lana had been just in time.

“Oh God, please. I can’t take it anymore!I need it so much! Please, please-“

Lisa clamped her hand over Alice’s mouth, shutting her up. “We know how bad it is. That’s what makes it fun.” She let her fingers drop into Alice’s mouth and giggled when her friend immediately started sucking them. “Do you remember what you told us in the beginning? What you wanted us to do?”

Alice whimpered, but she gave a slight nod.

“Would you be so kind and repeat it for us?” Lisa pulled her fingers out of Alice’s mouth and wiped them on her chest.

“I…” Alice’s hoarse voice broke and she had to start again. “I wanted you to be mean to me.”

Lisa let her still wet fingers dance over Alice’s nipple. “Just mean? I think it was more than that.”

“Yes. I wanted you to be cruel. Un-” Alice swallowed. “Unbelievably cruel.”

“That’s a tall order.” Lisa pinched Alice’s nipples, eliciting a cute gasp. “And what did you want us to do if you begged for mercy?”

“I wanted you to… to ignore it. And make it evenworse for me.”

“What an unbelievably cruel thing to do, indeed. And how long were we supposed to make you suffer?”

The interrogation was getting Lana all hot and bothered again. If Alice would’ve seriously regretted her situation, she’d have made it unmistakably clear by now. She was nearing her limit, sure, but as long as she didn’t give up, there was no reason to stop just yet.

It wouldn’t be productive to make Alice scream with the vibe again while she needed to answer Lisa’s questions, but that swollen, glistening pussy right in front of Lana smelled so good, it would’ve been a sin not to indulge it a little bit. She leaned forward and lapped away.

“Haaaaa…” Lana’s tongue clearly distracted Alice, but she managed to pull herself together enough to answer “I said… I said… you can do it as long as… haaaa… as long as its fun for you.”

“Well how about that? Lana, what do you say? Are you still having fun?”

Lana stopped licking and paused for a few seconds, acting as if she needed to think about it. “Don’t know. Give me a moment to try something. Could you cover her mouth again? It might get loud.”

“I’d to everything to help science.” Lisa clamped her hand back over Alice’s mouth.

Lana took up the wand again and crushed Alice’s clip under its head. At the same time she leaning forward and bit into the soft flesh of Alice’s inner thigh.

Alice did indeed get loud and Lisa’s hand barely had any effect on her guttural moans. She understood against the sensing, only to get bitten again, this time even closer to her crotch. Her moans got loader and loader until they peaked in an anguished wail when Lana once again took the wand away.

“That was pretty fun, actually,” Lana didn’t even both to hide her grin.

“I’d says so too. And how long do you think this will stay fun?”

“Hmm…” Another dramatic pause to pretend she was thinking. “I guess I might get tired in a couple of hours, but until then…”

“A couple hours?” Lisa repeated loudly, just in case it had by some miracle passed Alice’s notice. “But that would mean she’s not even half done yet. Look how desperate she is already. Can you imagine how terrible it must be for her if we keep teasing her for so long?”

“I can’t.” Lana giggled. “But I don’t have to imagine it. She’s gonna show us.”

“You hear that?” Lisa pulled back her hand, but not before gently tearing Alice’s lower lip with her fingers. “We can continue for a long, long time. For us it’s easy. We only have to play around a bit. And you’re such a fun little toy. I’m sure we won’t even notice how the hours fly by. For you, of course, it may be a tiny bit more difficult. So, the final question is: Do you stick with what you said?”

Alice groaned. “You’re evil.”

“I know.” Lisa laughed. “Just the way you want it. So, what’s your answer?”

Alice voice was barely audible when she whispered “Yes.”

Lana couldn’t believe her luck. InItally she’d only agreed to this whole idea because Alice and Lisa had been so excited about it, but now that she was in the middle of it, she didn’t want it to stop. This wasn’t just about letting Alice live out her fantasy anymore. Lana had never imagined how fun it could be to reveal in unapologetic cruelty. This was a whole new way to enjoy sex and she couldn’t get enough of it.

“I’m afraid I didn’t hear you,” Lisa mocked Alice. “Could you say that again?”

“Give me a sec, I’ll raise the volume.” Lana pushed the wand down again.

Alice started screaming immediately “Yes! Yes! Please…. Argh!”

After only a few seconds Lana had to rip the vibe away again. After all this teasing Alice was far too close. If they were really continuing this for hours, Lana would have to find a different way to tease Alice. “Looks like you’re pretty sensitive.”

“Yes!” Alice wailed.

Lana pulled Alice’s clitoral hood back with her thumb, fully exposing that twitching bunle of nerves. “It looks like it would be really intense for you if I did something like this.” She wetted her index finger on Alice’s folds before starting to tap her clip with it.

It was a technique she’d used on her girlfriends a few time when she was feeling bratty and wanted to give them a reason to put her in her place. Lana could attend both from second hand and from first hand experience that clip taps Without any rubbing friction were ridiculously infuriating. They irritated the nerves just enough to focus your mind on that little button, but gave no pleasure to release the tension. Any girl who wasn’t tied down got pissed enough to violently stop the tapping after not even a minute. The one time Lisa had tied her down and punished her with five minutes of tapping, Lana had been biting her arm so hard it bruised, just to deal with the frustration. And back then she hadn’t already been overly sensitive from a good hour of brutal teasing.

“You’re pretty brave, you know,” Lana said over Alice’s tortured growls while she took care to keep up the same maddeningly monotone rhythm. “If my clip was this crazy sensitive, I would never in a million years dare to let two evil girls play with it. They could do this and only this forever and I could do nothing to stop them. God, I’d go crazy if someone did this to me.”

“Please!” Alice was half sobbing at this point. “Please! Please do anything but this! Anything! Please! It’s too much!”

Lana stopped her tapping. By the sound if it, Alice was actually crying from relief. “Did she just beg for mercy?” Lana asked Lisa.

“She totally did.” By this point Lisa’s grin threatened to split her face in half. “Guess we’ll have to honor her wishes then and make it worse for her.”

“Guess we do,” Lana said loudly, so Lisa would hear her over Alice’s cries. “But how can it get worse? I think it’s pretty bad already.”

“Weeeell…” Lisa idly stroked Alice’s cheek as she thought about it. “I couldshove a finger into her and keep it completely still. That’s pretty frustrating.”

“While I’m tapping her?”

“Of course.” Lisa grabbed Lana’s fingers and sensitively licked Alice’s juices from it. “Can’t keep you from doing something you love doing so much.”

“Please!” Alice interjected. “That would be-“

“Unbelievably cruel?” Lisa finished her sentence. “Also known as: exactly what you asked for?”

Alice whimpered. She didn’t object though, which was all Lana and Lisa needed.

“Maybe gag her again,” Lana said. “She’ll be getting loud. And I think she’ll appreciate something to bite down on. I don’t think I’ll get bored of playing with her for a long, long time.”


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