For some time, I haven’t been the most attentive husband. It’s not like I have been cheating on my wife or anything immoral. I do spend a little too much time with the boys. Yes, I may drink a little too much. After all Carroll and I have been married 15 years, everything gets old after that many years. I do love her dearly, but it has just gotten boring. There isn’t any fire now. I don’t know why when we argue she says it’s me and of course I don’t think so. Sometimes I think I love her the most when she is mad at me. At least then she tells me what she wants and expects.
Carroll has always been a good wife. She is very independent, smart, and has an excellent job. She knows what she wants out of life. In some ways, this is where our problems started. She is a little bit driven, and I’m happy just having a good time. Carroll always seems to have a plan for everything. I like to follow along.
But back to how we got here. I was standing on the loading dock at work, staring at a stack of invoices and pallets of boxes trying to make sense of whose order was what. A truck driver was backing up to the dock, the next thing I know I’m laying under a ton of boxes. I’m beat to hell, two vertebrae with compression fractures, a broken shoulder, a few cracked and broken ribs. The next thing I know, I’m on disability. The company closed the warehouse before I was released to return to work, so I didn’t try hard to get a Doctors released to go back to work. It was kind of nice getting paid and not working.
Being off work with an income can make you very lazy. I got to think a full day was going fishing (going fishing is defined as drinking in a boat) with a couple of the guys. Stopping for a beer on the way home and sitting in front of the TV until bedtime.
After one delightful weekend of fishing Carroll was pissed. I came home and found the doors locked, and the locks changed. I was too drunk to drive anywhere, so I decided to sleep in my boat parked in the driveway. Carroll let me sleep out there for four days before she decided to take my calls or to talk to me. I was like a lost puppy I begged to stay. After hours of begging Carroll told me, I could move into the spare room and there would be some new rules, and the first one was drinking had to stop. I was surprised how cold and distance she was the first night. When I awoke the next morning, there was a long list of chores on a list attached to the refrigerator. She wanted the kitchen and bathrooms cleaned. Plus there were other chores. Thinking I was a good husband, I did about half the items on the list and the ones I did, I did half-assembled.
I was sitting on the couch with a beer when Carroll came home from work. The shit hit the fan Carroll went ballistic. She packed up my stuff and moved it out to the boat. I started begging again. After about an hour Carroll told me if I wanted to stay I should go to the bathroom. She walked into the bathroom and told me to drop my pants. I started to ask why; her response was because if I wanted to stay, I needed to learn a lesson. She repeated to drop my pants and underwear. She then bent me over the bathroom counter and took the hairbrush to my ass. After about 15 minutes of getting my ass whipped, she told me to go to my room. I bent to pick up my clothes, and she said to leave them, you have to earn the right to wear clothes. I walked my red and bruised ass to the spare room.
The next morning Carroll woman me, she had the rest of my clothes in a box. She handed me my list of chores for the day. She left for work after reminding me she didn’t want another night like last night. I worked a lot harder on the list today. I did find it very hard to work in the nude. I keep having to check the curtains before entering a room. I thought the house was perfect. Carroll arrived home, and I was waiting by the door, ready to show off my handy work. Carroll was a lot more impressed with today’s effort. I got five swatts for an issue in the kitchen and couple more for not closing the lid on the toilet. Carroll spent some time that night showing me how to fix her favorite dinner. Then she had me set the table for one. I ate in the kitchen after I served her dinner. After I clean the kitchen Carroll invited me into the family room where she was watching TV. I was surprised to see she was watching a soft-core porn show on Cinemax. She directed me to sit on the floor in front of her chair, facing her, not the TV. After about 15 minutes she slipped her hand inside her robe. A few minutes later, she let her gown fall open. Her hand was working between her legs. I sat there gazing at her incredible body after all these years. I made a couple of moves to offer my help. She stopped me. The orgasms started to roll thru her body; she came 3 or 4 times in the next ½ hour. She then closed her robe and said good night. I had a raging hard-on. I went to my room to masturbate, and I did several times.
The next morning Carroll came into the room and asked if I enjoyed jacking off. I was quite embarrassed, but I answered, yes. She said it was the last time I would masturbate without her permission first. Over the next couple of weeks, I got drunk up and was doing quite a good job taking care of the house. On nights I get an outstanding job with the day’s chores. I was allowed to jack off in my room. If there any problems I was bent over the bathroom sink. I had earned the right to wear some clothes when Carroll wasn’t home, but she did require me to be nude when she was home. The clothes was nice since I was now taking over all the shopping. I became quite a good house husband. I know Carroll was starting to whip me into shape as a household service.
By the end of the second week, we were getting in a little bit of a routine. Friday night Carroll had me sit down at the table with her for dinner. Sitting on the table was a typed document with the cover page that read Scott’s trial period contract. The next three pages were a typed copy of the rules Carroll expected me to live by if I wish to remain in her house. The short version of the contract, it is a 60-day trial. It would be renegotiated at the end, as a long term permanent agreement. Carroll assumed control over the money, house, and cars. She had control over all sexual decisions with some limits. At most anytime I could decide I didn’t like the agreement and then leave. I would be given a daily list if complete I would be allowed an orgasm by masturbation if completed exceptionally well I would get an orgasm from her. I was expected to complete any sexual requirement she required without expectation of anything in return. I did all the household chores. I was to maintain my body’s appearance to her standards. She would be addressed as Ms. Carroll or Ma’am, I would answer to little house boy or boy.
After reading, I tried to negotiate some conceptions on her part, and her response was goodbye. That was hard, so after reading the contract several more times, I decided to sign. After all, I do love her and love to see her happy, and the last two weeks hadn’t been that bad now that I know what she wants out of me. After I signed Ms. Carroll gave me a big kiss the first I’d had in over two weeks. She then took my hand and led me to the bathroom. My first thought was she was going to use the brush on my ass; she seemed to love that. She laid a towel on the floor then told me to lay down. She placed my right foot to my left knee, making my legs in a giant 4. Next, she used a wooden tool to spread warm wax across my public area. It felt warm and relaxing. Next, she took a long strip of clothes and rubbed it into the wax. I’m not sure you jump lying on your back, but I was well off the floor when she pulled the wax and half my pubic hair off. Thirty minutes more hell and it was over I was as smooth as a baby butt. I was informed this would be my new look, and by the end of the week, itwas to include any hair below my chin. It took several days before I got all the hair removed. I can say the second time isn’t as bad. I was getting used to being naked in front of Carroll all the time, but now I felt really exposed. The rest of the night Carroll watched TV, and I laid with my head between her thighs bring her to one orgasm after and other for hours. With a kiss on the cheese, she sent me to bed with instruction to masturbate myself twice for being such a good boy.
As the days rolled by, Carroll was taking more control of what I did. Often I wouldn’t finish her list until a minute before she got home. Then came the night I make the huge mistake. Carroll walked in looking a little pissed the house and yard look perfect, so I hoped she had just had a bad day.
“So how many times a day do you masturbate a day without my permission,” she asked as I was serving her dinner.
I knew I had always cleaned up the mess. There was no way she knew what I did every afternoon. So I boldly said, “None.”
“So that’s your story?” I could tell from her look she knew something I didn’t, but I was too afraid to change my story.
“Yes, Ma’am,” I said with a little less assuredness in my voice. She handed me a computer disk. And told me to put in the Disk Player on the TV, the first scene was me masturbating in the bathroom; the second was me in the spare room. I looked up, and darn, I could see the little camera in almost every corner. Why hadn’t I noticed them before?
She stopped the recording and softly asked: “So how many times a day; do you masturbate a day without my permission.”
I quickly responded with “I’m sorry Ms. Carroll it won’t happen again” I got on my knees and begged. I knew I was in trouble. I wasn’t sure how much.
She looked coldly at me and repeated: “So how many times a day do you masturbate a day without my permission.”
“Three today Ms. Carroll,” I knew my last answer was wrong may the truth would help.
“And the day before?”
“Twice Ms. Carroll” and to my surprise, she drops the subject and finished dinner. I was very attentive during dinner, hoping to minimize any punishment with a little good behavior.
After I finished cleaning up after dinner, Ms. Carroll instructed me to the spare room. She told me to hold out my right hand. After ten whacks with the bamboo cane, I was Begging and promising it would never happen again. She handed me a cold can I rapped my sore, aching hand around the cooling. She took the can after a few seconds and took me to put my hand out again. After ten more whacks, she handed me the can back it fell to the ground. I could not squeeze it hard enough to hold the can. She smiled “Now I’m sure it wouldn’t happen again.” She reached back into her bag. I was almost afraid to look, but I watched as she brought out a shiny chrome thing. It had a curved tube which she slide my penis into then around my scrotum it snapped shut with what looked to be half of a pair of handcuffs. “Now I know it won’t happen again,” she said with a smile. I started to protest but was reminded that orgasms control was her responsibility. I asked how long I need to wear chatity control. She rushed and said as long as it takes.
From the very day, I signed for the trial period control more and more adult toys, and BDSM device started showing up at the house. Plus I spent quite a bit of time in garage building bondage future Ms. Carroll had seen online. Almost every day, Ms. Carroll tried something else out on me. Something she seems to enjoy others just got used the once.
I don’t think I prefer any one piece of equipment over another, but I was sure to not cross the line on the rules because there were lots of items I didn’t want to try if she was mad.
About a month into the trial period one Friday night, Ms. Carroll was very wound up. I could tell she was very horny. After dinner, Ms. Carroll looked at me and said, “I need a real cock tonight, someone who can fuck my brains out. I need a man to blow my mind,” Hoping she was referring to me, I moved to her and hugged her. Ms. Carroll rubbed my head and said, I’m glad you understand. She walked me to the spare room. Sat me on the bed and cuffed my hands behind my back. My mind started to wonder what she wanted. Next, she put the head harness that holds a ball gag in place on me. I dislike the ballgag because it makes it impossible to talk. The head harness is even more frustrating; it has two leather straps that cross my face going right over my eyes. It’s not that I can’t see it’s that I can only see bits and pieces of what’s happening. You can get a general sense of what’s going on but not really know what’s happening. I started to realize I wasn’t going to be the man who fucked Ms. Carroll’s brains out a trusted up like this. She then cuffed my ankles together with a short chain between them. The was the most bondage gear she had ever used on me. There I sat nude bound from head to toe. Ms. Carroll kissed my forehead and said, sit tight, she may have a surprise for me later.
After some time in the bath, I saw Ms. Carroll leave in a scorching short black dress and very high heels. It was hard to tell what else she was wearing but what I could see she looked hot. I tried lying down, but sitting up was more comfortable. The clock didn’t seem to move. I heard Ms. Carroll, and someone coming, they stopped in the hallway outside the spare room where I was sitting. They were laughing. They went into Ms. Carroll’s room, and from the noises, Ms. Carroll was getting what she wanted. They were in there for almost two hours when the intercom next to my bed buzzed Ms. Carroll asked: “Can my sweet house boy comes in here?” I knew it wasn’t a question but a command. I hobbled myself into the bedroom, between the dim lights and head harness I couldn’t see much but I could tell they were both lying on the bed Ms. Carroll was laying on his arm. She removed my ball gag and directed me to his side of the bed.
I was told to clean up the mess on his cock and balls. I was a little slow reacting, but I moved faster when I felt Ms. Carroll’s hand slap the side of my leg. I knelt on the side of the bed that was the first look I got at his cock it was huge. Limp, it ran almost all the way to his navel. It was more prominent soft than I am hard. I’d never seen anything like that in real life, I have seen a few in porn movies; I started licking the cum and juices off the man’s crotch and the area around the huge cock. After a few licks to clean the cum and Ms. Carroll’s juices off the man’s balls. I made a few more long licks up his cock, then he picked it up and put it in my mouth, soft the monster-filled my mouth he ran his finger up the back of his cock pushing the leftover cum into my mouth. He then pushed my head down to clean his balls the crack of his ass. After about 10 minutes, Ms. Carroll said that looked good and I needed to moveover and clean her. There was a mixture of both their juices but the one I tasted the most was his cum.
‘When I finished, Ms. Carroll instructed me to wait in the corner facing the other way. I was happy not to have to watch. I could hear the kissing and making out again. Ms. Carroll called me to the bed an instructed me to start sucking the man’s huge cock. I did it like I like women to suck me. As it got harder less and less fit into my mouth, Ms. Carroll said to the man it was helpful to have a helper. He had me move to Ms. Carroll’s pussy and start sucking on her. The strange agreed a helper was useful. After I got them both all hot and bothered, I was sent to the corner, and he fucked her again and again. After a final clean up, Ms. Carroll reattached the ball gag and sent me to the spare room. A little later, I heard Ms. Carroll walk him to the door. On her way back to bed she stopped by the extra room to cover me up, it’s hard to adjust your covers with your hands are behind your back. I spent that night bound and gagged in the spare room.
The next day I went to the door, and it was locked from the outside. I could hear Ms. Carroll fixing breakfast and talking to her friends. The only thing she could talk about was what an incredible fuck the man was. She told all her girlfriends. I started to wonder what her friends knew about me. I usually stayed in the spare room When Ms. Carroll’s friends were over. When I was not in the spare room, I did wear clothes; I just stayed quietly in the background. Then I heard the words I feared the most. One of her girlfriends gasped, “You made him suck the other guy’s cock, you’ve got him under that much control?” Ms. Carroll reply, “Why, of course, I’m training him to be a good little slave boy.” Well, that answered my questions about what the neighbors and friends knew about what was happening.
After Ms. Carroll’s girlfriends left, she came into the room. You need some work on how to treat guests in myhouse, don’t you? She spent the next couple of hour teaching me how to respect a guess. My ass was red for the next couple of days. I understand my role when Ms. Carroll had a house guest over.
About a week later, Ms. Carroll gave me another chance to be respectful to one of her guests. I was very well behaved, and the guest was well cared for.
Part 2
The new contract
Ms. Carroll keeps my life very busy; it was entirely a surprise when she sat me down to tell me the 60-day trial was over. I almost didn’t believe it. Ms. Carroll and I had a great long talk about what we had learned. She asked me if I wanted to continue being her little houseboy. Even though there often are strange men in her bed, it was the closest we had been in years. I was sure our love was growing back to where it was before we drifted apart. I agreed to continue in the hope we could become closer over time.
Next, Ms. Carroll handed me the new contract. It was for five years with two more five-year options at Ms. Carroll’s option. I had no possibilities out before 15 years if she wanted. As she explained, she put up with me for 15 years now, it was my turn. 2nd I was her slave. I had no rights or the right to say no. As I signed, I knew I was signing for life to of servitude to her. I don’t know why, but I’m aroused by the humiliation felt when she controls my actions. I knew it wasn’t manly to give everything to Ms. Carroll, but it just seems so right.
A couple of days later, Ms. Carroll had an outing planned for Saturday morning. Our first stop was at a leather goods store. Where I was fitted for a 2″ wide leather collar, the collar has 4 “D” rings. The latch is in the back, and I can’t feel how it works. I can feel where the key fits in. The 2″ width makes it a little harder to move my head.
The second stop was a tattoo shop. It seemed the guy who ran the place knew Ms. Carroll. I signed the release Ms. Carroll handed me on the way to the back room. Ms. Carroll had me remove my pants and underwear in front of the two guys in the shop they both laughed when they saw my chatity device. I was instructed to knee on the work table. I could feel the men drawing on my right butt chef. 2 hours later, I had a tattoo of Ms. Carroll’s new logo an elongated football shaped “C” with “arroll” through the middle. I was permanently marked as Ms. Carroll’s property. I could barely walk my butt hurt so badly. I sat in the corner, recovering and watch Ms. Carroll fuck both the men. The man who did the tattooing told Ms. Carroll, he had some ideas for some piercing that would show off my servitude. I was glad she didn’t have time for the sales presentation. I could only think of one body part that a piercing would show slavery.
Her last stop was the grocery store; it seems we were to have some friends over for dinner. I feel very self-conscious walking through the store with the leather collar around my neck. Ms. Carroll had me pushing the cart several steps behind her. I do love to watch the way she walks.
That night I was told to fix dinner for Ms. Carroll and five guests. I was unsure who the guests would be, and Ms. Carroll wasn’t letting on. But none of the names on the list seemed very good for me. I decided it didn’t much matter who was coming; it was going to be an exciting night for me. My butt was still burning from my new tattoo, and my neck was still getting used to the leather of my slave collar. As I was sitting the table, Ms. Carroll handed me a box with my outfit for the evening. In the box was a frilly apron, leather cuffs for my wrist and ankles, my head harness with a ballgag and large butt plug something Ms. Carroll had started using on me lately. I was dressed and waiting with dinner ready when the guests began to arrive.
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