~She watched ‘him’, her last two years at high school. Now in college she made her move and talked to him; Astennu had been thrilled. About two months later he asked her to move in, giving her a room all to herself. To fix however she wanted. She moved in gladly, to be with someone whom she trusted deeply already and was getting feelings for. As for Astennu, he would do little things to show Her that he cared. Her time was taken up mostly by her study and work. When she had free time and Astennu was at work, she would work on her room; slowly changing it to fit her style. White walls painted black, bland tan carpet now black shag, and a silver colored night stand to the left of her bed. Her bed consistent of black sheets, silver pillows, and a two-toned comforter on her bed. To the right of her bed in the corner was her black dresser that had silver handles, which stands next to the closet, hiding from view of the door; which was diagonal from it. In front of the bed was an altertable. A black cloth with a silver pentagram on it, trinkets, small boxes, candles, dragons, and wolves scattered across the top.~
Today would be different with Astennu though, her nineteenth birthday was coming up and they were going to work together on her room.
I heard a knock on my door. I should have been up by now but I wanted to see if Astennu would come into my room to greet me. It had been ten minutes since my alarm had hurt me up at 7 o’ clock. I smiled to myself; I brushed my reddish blond hair out of my face. I must have tossed a lot while sleeping, it feels like a mess and it only just reach my shoulders! Then I heard a second rap on the door.
“Umayma! I’m gonna come in if you don’t get up and answer me!” comes Astennu’s soft chatising voice. I only smiled more, wanting him to come in. Even if I was wearing a thong when I slept; I wanted him near me.
“I’m coming in if you’re ready or not!” He said while he came in and is greeted by my broadsmile. “You know Umayma, if you choose to become my sub you had better answer me.” He spoke sternly. I couldn’t help but keep my smile. The thought of being his sub was exciting to me. I reached my hand out towards him from under my covers and motioned for him to come to me. His green eyes were brightened by the frame of black hair that runs down to the middle of his shoulders. His body not heavily built but toned nicely. Damn his clothes always just slightly lose, leaving the mind to wonder, what did he really look like?
“Morning Astennu.” He smiles and plants a kiss on my forehead. “Get up and get your painting clothes on. I’ll be right back.” With that he left. I got out of bed and moved to my dresser. I grabbed a skimpy bra and a clean thong. I throw on my painting clothes While Astennu comes in carrying two paint cans, one larger then the other.
“You got the glow-in-the-dark paint!” I said excitedly.
“Yes I did. Come on lets get this stuff outta the way so we can get to painting.” he said while he smiled at me.
We began to move each item away from the wall. We moved the dresser last since it is the heaviest item. I smiled at him as I went to the closet and pull out an old shirt that I no longer wore and ripped it into two pieces; handing one to him. I dipped the shirt into the larger paint can and then snapped it at the wall. Paint splattered everywhere on the wall in front of me. “Are you sure this is how you want to do it, Umayma?”
“Yes on all four walls.” He joins me in slinging paint all over the walls. It took us a good four hours to cover the walls from top to bottom with splatter marks. I then looked to the ceiling wondering how I’m gonna get it painted. Astennu came and wrapped his arms around me.
“Don’t worry about the ceiling.” he kissed my neck, “I’m gonna have a specialist come in and use the paint to make it look exactly like the night sky.” I looked at him and smiled big, “Thank you Astennu.” I hugged him and letmy lips graze his.
“Come with me Umayma, I have another gift for you” he whispered into my ear. I followed him out of my room down the hall going to the right we passed the stairs that lead down to the living room, kitchen, dining room, and a spare room that normally stays locked. We walked past the bathroom and towel closet to where we came to his room at the other end of the hall. His room is twice the size of mine. Since the computer room is across from mine cutting that end of the house into two. As he opens the door I smell dragon’s blood incense. His room is a heavy burgundy color; walls, carpet, even his bed. Navy blue is worked into places here and there; pillow, dresser, two-tone comfortableter. As I look around I see the black dragon incense burner and a box beside it. Astennu walked over and picked up the box. “You can have a seat on my bed.” he said, as I move to sit down he handed me the box “Here open this.”
Smiling I open the box to find a collar inside. It was lined with soft black velvet, a d-ring that would hang in the front and small metal circles around the collar. So now was the time for my answer. I smile warmly and hand him the collar, standing up, I put my back to him and hold my hair out of the way. “You’re sure?” he questioned.
“Yes” I said softly.
While he put the collar on me he spoke sternly, “You must always remember to tell me what you like and don’t like. Let me know when you are uncomfortable with any situation that I put you into. You have no reason to not tell me anything. Do you understand?”
The collar is secured around my neck. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dog’s tag in the shape of a dog bone. He handed it to me; it is metallic rainbow colored and inscribed on it is ‘little one’.
“Put this on your collar when you get the chance if you want.” He smiled gleefully, “Take your pants off little one and sit back down on the end of my bed and lie back.”
I looked at himand hesitated for a moment wondering what he is up to. Then I moved near the bed and I took off my pants and thong with them. Sitting down, the comforter is chilly; a shiver runs up my spine. I look at Astennu and then lay back waiting. His hand brushes against my knee and then moves up to my inner tigh. He stopped before touching my pussy. I looked at him and see him smiling and I smiled back.
“Raise your knees little one and open yourself to me.”
I lifted my knees and placed my feet on the end of the bed. I opened myself to him the best I can. His hand slid gently along my pussy. My breath caught in excitement. I wondered if he will take me today, take my virginity, which I’ve treasured so much.
“I won’t take you today little one. It will be for another time.”
His breath was against my thigh. My body became tense while he kissed down my leg. His finger rubbed softly across my clip. My breath caught in my throat as his finger pushed in. My legs began to weakn.
“Keep your legs up little one” he said softly.
His tongue lashed across my lower lips and played with my clip. Unable to help it my legs begin to shake. He stops for a second then does it again and I moaned weakly. I feel him moan as my legs tightened up involuntarily.
“You taste so good” came his voice.
His warm breath caused my pussy to become wetter. His hand then works hard on me. He pushed softly and heavily on my g-spot. My hips began to rock in time with his hand to help him go deeper. As he fucked me with his fingers his tongue lapped up my juices joyfully.
“Will you cum for me little one?”
With that question he worked hard on me and brought me to my climax. I moaned heavily, body jerking, as the orgasm moved through my body. He sucked softly on my clip, licking up the last of the juices.
“Damn little one you taste so good.” He licked his fingers, “Get up and get your pants back on. The specialist will be here soon to finish your room.” With that I got up and shook slightly on weak knees. I got dressed and followed My Lord.
~I’d like to thank my friend Rain for helping me edit my work~
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