Mr. Raj was waiting for us as we stepped out of the mansion. He’d brought out the smallest car in Madame´s frame, a three-door mini Cooper with a special seat in the back means for only one occupation. Given his massive frame, the front seats of the car were pushed all the way to the back, leaving little space for the legs of the back-seat occupation.
“Hop into the back, Jimmy, and make sure your knees are spread nice and wide or you won´t fit,” said Mistress Dominique with a sharp slap to my bottom.
Once seated, Mr. Raj strapped me into a special double shoulder harness that connected to a seat belt which was tightened firmly around my waist. I could barely breathe much less move. But my cock and balls, which were easily discernible through the thin hot pink polyester shorts, were lewdly on display right between the front bucket seats.
Mistress Dominique and Mr. Raj sat comfortable upfront as we began the half hour drive to Stephen’s beauty salon and barber shop.
“Boy, I want you fully hydrated for today´s outing. These four bottles of spring water have to be finished by the time we reach Stephen´s.”
“Yes, Mistress!” I said obediently as I began to chug down each pint-sized bottle. I had begun on the second when Mr. Raj drove slowly out of the mansion grounds.
Turning to him, Mistress Dominique asked, “I saw your erection tenting your trousers in the hallway Raj and I was very impressed! How big are you?”
“Thank you, Ma’am. My wife Vandy likes to measure me. I am almost ten inches in length, a little over seven in circuit at the crown and about six along the shake.”
“My goodness, Raj, you’re as big as a horse! No wonder poor Vandy is always so sore! She is such a lovely and petit woman.”
“That is true Ma’am. My cock head is so big that she has real trouble taking me in, no matter how much stimulus I give her. She also can´t manage to wrap her lips around my cock, Ma’am. Her mouth is just too small. I feel badly about it.”
“I see,” said Ms. Dominique.
As she continued to probe Mr. Raj, I began my third bottle of water already beginning to feel bloated. I had not been allowed to go to the bathroom before leaving Madame’s house and it was just a matter of time before I would need to pee.
“Raj, what do you think of Jimmy?”
My eyes and ears picked up as they began to speak about me.
“Well, Ma’am, I think he is a lazy boy that needs a very firm hand to keep him on the straight and narrow. His life here at Madame’s house has been far too easy and he gets distracted altogether too often,” said Mr. Raj as he eyed me in the rear-view mirror with a stern look.
“We are all in agreement that Jimmy needs a lot more discipline and regimen in his life, Raj. That´s why I am here. But what I mean is if you find him attractive? That is, do you like the boy physically, in a sexual way?”
Seeing that Raj was a bit disconcerted about this line of questioning, Mistress Dominique gently nudged the hulking muscle driver with that monstrous cock.
“No reason to be shy about the matter, Raj. Neither I, nor Ms. Valerie are in the least bit judgemental regarding your sexual preferences and orientation. What we want is your happiness.”
My eyes were bulging out and I nearly chooked on the water as I heard the casual banter about myself and whether Mr. Raj fancied me sexually! He’d spanked me and pawed me a lot. He also had recently started to give me deep full mouth kisses when he greeted me.
But he had never had his way with me; in fact, no man had. What on earth had I gotten myself into promising Madame that I would obey Mistress Dominique to the letter?
Slowing the car down to a crawl, taking his time to respond and literally undressing me with his eyes glued to the rear-view mirror and my clearly discernible groin, I saw Mr. Raj lick his lips repeatedly with his thick pink tongue before answering Ms. Dominique.
“Yes, Ma’am. Even though I believe he needs a great deal of discipline, I do find the boy appealing.”
“Excellent, Raj!” Said Mistress Dominique. “Ms. Valerie and I want to encourage you to have your way with Jimmy as we know you need to vent your sexual needs and desires. We also think that it would be a good opportunity to give poor sweet Vandy a break from her painful marital duty. She really is so very sore from your attentions, Raj.
“So, if you agree, what we would like to propose is that you assist me in Jimmy’s supervision and discipline. Once he is broken in and properly stretched, you should feel free to use him as you please. But there is one condition which you must always honor, Raj. Madame’s fervent wish is that Jimmy remains a chaste boy. Only I will be allowed to provide him carefully regulated releases.
“Do you agree to these terms, Raj?”
The enormous bulge in Raj´s trousers was confirmation enough, and he sealed the agreement with a resounding, “Yes, Ma’am! I would like that very much indeed!”
“Then it´s settled,” said a very pleased Ms. Dominique.
Turning to me she said, “You better finish that fourth bottle before we reach the barber shop, boy, or I will spank your bare bottom right in the middle of Main Street!”
“Yes, Mistress!” I responded as I opened the fourth bottle of water and drew a long swallow. Strapped into the tight seat belt harness, with my knees spread wide, I was beginning to feel very bloated.
To make matters worse, the discussion between Mistress Dominique and Mr. Raj had gotten me hard. The “agreement” was a complete surprise and quite disconcerting, especially since they hadn’t even asked me! But my true nature was evident from my fully erect cock which I couldn’t possibly hide seated with my knees spread wide.
Tracing the length of my erection with her sharp nails and gently tickling my balls, Mistress Dominique said, “I see that you find this conversation to your liking young man. But you have not been given permission to get erect. This is another black mark for you today, Jimmy. You have already earned a severe bedtime spanking right after your evening bath!”
I saw that Mistress’ eyes had an ominous twinkle anticipating the punishment session she was planning for me. She continued to trace the length of my very erect cock through the thin polyester hot pants as she gently pinched and circled the tip of my cock with her fingers. Over, and over again.
I was lost in the thrill of Mistress’ touch as she rubbed the tip of my cock and I drank from the bottle.
The inevitable happened and a small drop of pre-cum became visible where my cock took out the hot pants.
Smiling, Mistress Dominique asked, “Jimmy, how long has it been since you last came?”
Waking from my near trace like state, I responded, “Three weeks, Mistress Dominique.” The drop of pre-cum spreading a bit on the front of tight pink hot pants.
“I see. You know, Jimmy, I was planning to let you release tonight to mark the occasion of our first meeting. But since you are showing such disrespect by staining your panties without being told to do so, you will now have to endure one more week of chatity.”
I was crushed and my eyes began to water as my cruel Mistress removed her hands from my still slightly leaking appendage and turned again to Mr. Raj.
“Ms. Valerie tells me that you were a prize-winning body building and weightlifter in your day, Raj.”
“That’s right Ma’am. I worked out for years at the Y and as a matter of fact I met Stephen there. He is seriously into bodybuilding.”
“That is interesting, Raj. But it seems such a goal that you abandoned bodybuilding which both Madame and I find so thrilling for a strong man like yourself. In fact, we built the new gym thinking about your bodybuilding activities in the past. Would you be interested in taking it up again?”
“Why that would be a dream come true, Ma’am! I onlystopped because I could not find the time to do it due to my regular work. I miss it a lot.”
“Good! Ms. Valerie and I would like you to renew your bodybuilding routines in the new gym and to begin training Jimmy. That would become one of your new jobs. You should still have plenty of time for the garden work where the boy will also be helping you regularly.”
A widely grinning Raj responded, “I would love to go back to bodybuilding Ma’am, and I can assure you that I will whip Jimmy into proper shape!”
I could hardly believe what I was hearing but knew enough not say a word. All I could think of doing was to finish the fourth bottle of water I had been given as quickly as I could.
Mr. Raj added, “At 180 pounds Jimmy is overweight for his five-foot eight-inch frame. But once his training begins, under my direction, he will need to bulk up some more. That would mean he would need to supplement his diet with rich foods and probably eat more than he is used to.
“He will need a steady diet of liver and eggs for protein. Raw is better, so he would have to get used to the taste. And he will need plenty of milk and bananas for calcium.
“At a minimum, he will need three hours of training in the gym every day to whip him into shape.”
“That all sounds very reasonable to me, Raj,” said Mistress Dominique. “Once we drop off Jimmy at Stephen´s beauty salon, I thought that you and I could continue our discussion on how we both would be supervising and disciplining Jimmy in the future. We can also discuss his dietary requirements for the very demanding training that you have envisioned for him.
“We will have to wait for a few hours for Stephen to groom the boy anyway, so we can also pick up some items at the pharmacy and the pleasure chest shop in town.
“Penile sounds, plenty of suppositories, a good thick rectal thermometer and a lot of castor oil to help him with the digestion of all the rich foods of his new regimen, are some of the staples we will need.
“At the pleasure chest we can also buy some gym clothes. I had thought something revealing to allow you to see what your training is doing for the boy’s physique. Say a small red swimmer’s jock strap, or a G-string. They might also double as bathing suits when you require him to do laps in Madame’s pool.”
“Thank you, Ma’am,” said Mr. Raj. “When I was in training, we usually didn’t very little. Tiny briefs so we could see our muscle groups properly in the mirrors and work them right. Your suggested gym clothes for Jimmy would work even better,” said Mr. Raj with a malicious grin as he eyed me in the rearview mirror.
“No thanks needed, dear Raj! I’ve also seen a leather punishment pant set at the pleasure chest website, which will be perfect when Jimmy assistants you in the garden. Quite short, it comes with a belt that can be pulled up tight along the bottom crack and tied at the back with a lock. That will come in handy when he’s holding a plug./p>
“And, naturally, we will also need to get a full complement of plugs and dildos to stretch and break the boy in properly.”
I was shocked and mortified by everything I was hearing about my future regime. The ecstatic acceptance by Mr. Raj of all of Mistress Dominique´s conditions sealed my fate.
Having finished the fourth bottle of water and feeling very bloated, I saw that we finally had arrived at Mr. Stephen’s. The shop had a prominent “Closed” sign hanging on the front door.
Mercifully, Mr. Raj circled behind the store and let us know that we would be going in through the back entrance. Thank goodness, I thought. With a little bit of luck, I will be spared the indignity of having to walk Main Street dressed in this ridiculous outfit.
But out of the corner of my eye, I saw two young women in the parking lot smoking and Mr. Raj parked the mini-Cooper right next to them.
Mr. Raj took his time to unlock me from my seat, and kept shouting, “Keep your hands at your sides, boy!” That caught the attention of the ladies, who were looking intently at the back seat of the car.
I breathed a sight of relief and felt immediately better once the pressure had been taken off my wait.
Standing by the back entrance of Mr. Stephen’s beauty salon, Mistress Dominque shouted, “Get your ass out of the car now, boy! Don’t dawdle and get into Mr. Stephen’s! You are due for a full body grooming and he does not like to be kept waiting!”
Stunned by the remarks, the ladies riveted their attention on me and the minute I stepped out of the car, they burst out laughing seeing me in my scanty hot pink polyester shorts, tight t-shirt, and the humiliating shiny black little girl shoes with white ankle socks.
My embarrassment and humiliation seemed to know no bounds, but more was to come the minute we set foot into Mr. Stephen’s.
“Hi Ms. Dominique!” said the broadly smiling blond haired giant. I had not met Mr. Stephen before and standd in awe of this powerfully built man with a closely trimmed goatee dressed in khaki shorts and a sleepless white shirt that was about to burst from his muscular physique. He was only slightly shorter than Raj, maybe six foot three, but he was heavier and he had very muscular arms and tights.
“Hello Stephen! So glad that you could make room for us,” said Ms. Pegsworth.
“No trouble at all, Ms. Dominique. In fact, I am looking forward to this grooming.”
After shaking hands with her warmly, Mr. Raj stepped forward and embedded Mr. Stephen. The greeting was quite password and included an open mouth kiss that lingered for quite some time. Both hulking men were sporting huge bulges when they let go showing just how happy they were to see one another.
“Good to see you again, Raj!”
“Same here, Stephen! I see that you have continued to build your body and you’re bigger and stronger than ever!” said an enthused Mr. Raj.
“That’s right, Raj. Bodybuilding is more to me than just a sport. It is a way of life. Pity that you gave it up Raj. You really had potential to become one of the best around.”
“Well, then Stephen, you are in for a pleasant surprise!” Said Ms. Pegsworth. “Ms. Valerie has set up a gym in her mansion and Raj will be working out there again.
“You might come and visit one of these days and work out there too, if you like. I am sure that Ms. Valerie would love to see you two powerful men working out side by side.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun!” said an animated Mr. Stephen. “We really should plan on doing that sometimes soon.”
“Indeed,” said Ms. Pegsworth, “and you could help Raj with Jimmy’s bodybuilding too.”
And all eyes turned to me. I was Still beet red from the humiliation of having been laughed at by the ladies. My embarrassment grew even worse as Mr. Stephen’s eyes challenged me up and down, especially when he spotted the stain in my short pink polyester pants.
“The boy is overweight and he has not developed his physics at all,” he said disapprovingly. “But I must admit he really looks cute in those sissy pants and mary janes. Seems to have had a bit of an accident though,” pointing at the stain on the front of my pants.
“Yes,” said Ms. Pegsworth. “The boy is incorrigible, and he will be punished for his lack of control later this evening.
“Now, Stephen, I would Ask you to please give him a good short haircut especially along the sides and the back of his head. But leave about an inch and a half on top. I always want my boy to be properly combined, and if he misbehaves, I want to be able to grip his hair while I give him a good solid slap.”
“I know just what you mean!” said a grinning Mr. Stephen as he ran his enormous hand through my hair and yanked on my hair hard before letting go.
“His eyesbrows are also too thick. Trim them back please.
“And, of course, from his eyes down, kindly remove all of his hair.”
I was dumb-struck, and saucer eyed that I would be losing my body fur! I really was not very hairy at all, but I still valued what little I had, as a testament to my manhood, which seemed to be slipping away from me by the minute.
“Do you want me to just shake him, Ms. Dominique, or do you want a permanent solution?” asked Mr. Stephen.
“Permanent please,” responded Ms. Pegsworth. “And Jimmy While you are being groomed by Mr. Stephen, you are to obey him 100 percent. Do you understand me, boy?”
“Yes, Ms. Pegsworth,” I chanted, referring to her by the name she wanted me to address her in public, as I reverently looked up at the towering Mr. Stephen.
“A permanent solution will take at least three applications of a special hair removing cream that needs to be administratored Every ten days. Each application requires one hour to set before being held off and then there is a final laser treatment.
Has the boy was broken in yet?”
“Not yet, Stephen, but he should be ready for you by the next maintenance grooming session,” added a smiling Ms. Pegsworth.
“I would ask, however, that you please keep in mind that under no circumstances is he to be allowed to release.”
“Got it, Ms. Dominique,” said the grinning Mr. Stephen. “I see that Jimmy here is another chaste boy, just like my assistant, Miguel.”
“Oh?” Said Ms. Pegsworth, piqued at knowing that there might be another submissive boy lurking about the shop. “Is your assistant here to help with Jimmy’s grooming?”
“Unfortunately, not. Miguelito lives in a Female Led Relationship with his wife and mistress Rosa. He is very much a hen-pecked male kept firmly under her loving thumb. And since today she’s hosting a lady’s tea at her home, Miguelito has had to leave early. He was looking forward to meeting you, Jimmy, but he should be buck naked by now with a tiny little apron on and serving his wife’s friends.”
“Rosa sounds like a woman after my own heart,” said an approving Ms. Pegsworth. “I would like to meet her someday. But how did Miguel come to be your assistant, Stephen?”
“Ms. Rosa is actually a very successful businesswoman who feels strongly that her hubby-slave should be a bread winner too,” said Mr. Stephen. “We were friends from way back, and she knew that I was a dominant trainer of males. So, she asked whether I would agree to take Miguelito on as my Apprentice here at the beauty and barber shop, under the condition that he obey me in all ways. I accepted and he is a model employee. I punish him as needed and never allow him to cum.
“His salary goes straight into a joint account which only Rosa controls. He gets pocket money for bus fare. I provide for all his meals while he is working in the shop, and, at Rosa’s request, I broke him in. I think you would really like Ms. Rosa.”
“For sure, she really does sound like a lot of fun!” said Ms. Pegsworth. “Oh my, but just look at the time! Raj and I must be going to do some shopping. We should beback in about two hours.”
“Better make it three, if you would like me to start breaking in the boy,” said Mr. Stephen with a Cheshire cat smile.
“Why that would be very kind indeed, Stephen!” said Ms. Pegsworth. “Please do so!
“And you, Jimmy, better do exactly what Mr. Stephen says, or you won’t be sitting down for a week! Got it?”
“Yes, Ms. Pegsworth”, I said, aghast where all of this was heading.
Slapping my ass hard Mr. Stephen said, “Right, boy! I want you to go upstairs and strip off your disgracefully stained pink hot pants and t-shirt. Leave your cute little girl shoes on for now. You look so cute in them!”
And with another sharp slap to my ass, I scrambled up the stairs and prepared myself for my grooming.
“Stop fidgeting boy!” said Mr. Stephen as he cut my hair and I sat naked on a short and rather narrow metal stool that left most of my bottom hanging over it. Hands on knees, legs widely spread and instructed to keep my back straightt, I was under considerable strain given my blown bladder.
“Why are you fidgeting so much, Jimmy?” he said again with announcement, slapping my overhanging bottom hard and nearly knocking me over from my precarious perch.
“Answer me, boy!” as he gave me another singing spank.
“Mr. Stephen, I am so sorry, Sir, but I really need to pee badly,” I said as matter-of-factly as possible. With two quarts of water sloshing around inside of me, I really needed to use the toilet.
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