Ukiah's Ruined, Again!

Ukiah thought of himself as a fairly tough customer, but the chatity belt was starting to turn him into jelly. Scarlett was worth it, but barely.

He knocked on her door and she opened it, smiling slightly. God, look at all that curly hair.

Ukiah remembered the first time he’d seen Scarlett, and she’d wandered to the door, greeting him in bra and panties, and of course it was an instant sale.

In the eight months since their first (expensive) visit, Ukiah had learned much about Scarlett, her pale skin, the heaving breasts, and such a lively sense of humor!

But now, he focused on the present.

“C’mon in, cowboy.” Scarlett giggled. Ukiah ran the Buttermilk Falls Country-Western Wear Shoppe. He also sold saddles to rich girls since the horseback riding stables were within a mile.

Ukiah probably wouldn’t have made a living at this, to say nothing of affording Scarlett’s services, but he’d inherited a chain of frozen food warehouses…

So he couldstrut around, considering himself another John Wayne. Sometimes Scarlett would read about a speech Ukiah had given to the Buttermilk Falls Chamber of Commerce where he’d talk about how the poor needed to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps…

It was no wonder Ukiah was considering a run for Town Alderman…

Whenever Scarlett, a former welfare brat thought of this, she wanted to beat Ukiah all the harder.

Back when Scarlett had been Jessamine Dunleavy, a very poor child, her mom had to hide the telephone they owned in the closet when the relief worker visited, so it didn’t seem like they were living beyond their means.

Mom had gone out every day, her oxygen tank attached to her back, and cleaned houses for money under the table, so her benefits wouldn’t stop, and we know what Ukiah would have thought of that.

So, perhaps Scarlett was a little tough on him, but it was true catharsis.

“Take off your stuff. I’m surprised you don’t wear chaps, babe. Jesus, look at the Stetson ten-gallon hat.”

She always made fun of Ukiah. It was true, Buttermilk Falls was nowhere near the Southwest, but Scarlett was always teasing Ukiah, and on their second appointment she’d made him watch that weird movie, “Midnight Cowboy.”

It was about an idiot from Texas who thought if he went to New York, there would be sex-starved women looking for a “real man” in cowboy relative…but of course the idiot’s only customers were fat Jewish boys.

As Ukiah was essentially, a fat Jewish boy himself, this could prove confusing.

Scarlett watched as Ukiah undressed. She was wearing a snug rubber dress. It really wasn’t appropriate outside the session, but since Ukiah’s wasn’t really either, who thought about the Lone Ranger anymore…

She figured she could wear whatever she wanted, right?

Ukiah put his hands behind his back without having to be asked (this had taken a good deal of trust on the first few sessions) and Scarlett, smailing, went to the back and cuffed him.

“I’ve had a helluva week, Scarlett. I’m really sure the belt is too um, you know…”

“Snug?” Scarlett giggled, and Ukiah watched hungrily as her boobs bounced.

“Do you think maybe I could cum this week?”

“But you got your prostate massaged, didn’t you? T-Bone said you did.”

“Y-yes. But it’s not really the same.” Ukiah stared at Scarlett’s boobs.

Scarlett snickered. Under her dress, she tapped her boobs together to accentuate her cleavage, though she always acted slightly offended that Ukiah “objectified” her.

She’d be worried if he didn’t! Scarlett seemed to have gained five pounds this month that she couldn’t get rid of, and feared looking pudgy.

But Ukiah seemed not to be critical. Could he bulge out his eyes any further?

It reminded Scarlett of the cartoons where the guy’s eyes sprang out of his head by actual springs when he saw a hot woman…

Of course that was an ancient Looney Tunes thing; Ukiah wouldn’t remember it.

Scarlett was twenty-eight years older than her submissive, but it didn’t seem to matter.

Sometimes when she whipped him with her glorious swivel handled nylon snake whip, a gift from an Australian slave-boy…

Ukiah would scream out “Mommy” although from what he’d told her, his parents had never laid a hand on him…

Even When he’d insisted on wearing a hideous all white “western formal” suit with black Bat Masterson bolo tie to his Bar Mitzvah, apparently.

Smiling, Scarlett pulled her rubber dress over her head, and now was in her bikini underwear.

“So it wasn’t that easy, huh, babe? The belt was a little tight?”

“Well, I felt chafed.”

“God, what a sad little wimp you are, Ukiah. It’s no wonder you can’t find a girl who wants to date you, except for those fatties your mom sets you up with at Hassadah.”

Scarlett clicked her tongue and walked slowly, ever so slowly to where Ukiah stood, his handstrying desperately to leave the damn cuffs.

Scarlett dropped to one knee and used the key that was on her wrist charm bracelet to unlock the belt.

It was a good thing that one key fit all, since she had about twelve clients locked presently.

Ukiah’s penis came out, and looked a little sweaty and grainy. Scarlett carefully spat on one palm and kind of wiped him off. She really should bath him, but does such a small penis need that much of a washing?

Scarlett stood up and lightly kissed Ukiah on the mouth, those blurbery lips of his.

She took his quivering cock in her pretty fingers and ran them up and down his shaking snake.

Suddenly, she spun and rubbed her full bottom cheeses against his cock, and then pushed Ukiah to a plus chair and sat him down.

Then she jumped on his lap and giggled. Moving her hips in circles over his burgeoning cock, Scarlett kissed Ukiah’s neck and bit his earliestbe lightly.

Ukiah, of course was trying to jack hisdick up into Scarlett’s holes, but she was far too nimble for this.

She lowered her legs down and trapped Ukiah’s smoking prick between her ultra smooth thighs.

“Does that feel good, Ukiah?”

“Y-yes, Oh, they’re so smooth.” he breathed. Smiling, Scarlett began rising up and down on his penis, rubbing her thighs comfortable on his bouncing bonder.

“You’re lucky, big boy. My last appointment, I trapped his penis between two bricks and smoked them! You are getting the deluxe treatment here.”

“You know I love you, Ukie…you are Momma Scarlett’s favorite pet.”

She kissed him as if he was going off to war…

Ukiah’s legs were trembling and he felt his spooge rising to the tip.

“You’re not about to cum on my pretty legs, I hope.” Scarlett said suddenly.

“But-I need-“

“You have to hold off. I’m not going to be this intimate with you, if you’re going to define me with your nasty man-mess.”

She didn’t feel that way the last timeshe made me lick it up, Ukiah thought , annoyed.

But he tried to hold back, though Scarlett did not stop grinding.

“Just remember, cute-ness, that I still have those bricks, and I could also whip your pee-pee with a little conductor’s wand I got from, well, the conductor of the Buttermilk Philharmonic.”

It was remarkable that she could say these horrible words as she smiled…and she spoke so softly!

“I mean, maybe I should get my spiked heel out and teach you a little lesson, or bring out my stomping board.”

Ukiah shuddered. The “Stomping board” was a card table sized piece of plywood. It had a hole in the middle.

Unbelievably, now and then, Scarlett demanded that Ukiah stick his penis through the hole and she’d dance on it, and it was arousing and not arousing at the same time!

“Or I could get that lamp cord and plug it in the wall socket and run the sparks over your groin, how would that be?” Scarlett was so breathless when she said this, and then suddenly she grabbed poor Ukiah by the ears and shoved his face into her bouncing cleavage.

Then, she kissed him, her tongue penetrating his mouth relentlessly, and then hoped off his lap completely.

Ukiah’s penis spurted a bit of semen out, not too much.

“Aw. That’s a ruined not-quite orgasm, isn’t it honey?”

Scarlett laughed as she locked Ukiah’s Chastity belt back on, and he was sobbing, but on the other hand, he was more excited than he’d ever been.

What kind of a girl was this? And now she was kissing him…

He couldn’t wait until next week’s appointment!


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