UFS Sunrunner Ch. 01 Play Time

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are over 18, and have consented to rules before the events in the story. All events are consensual and agreed to beforehand. This story takes place in a scifi universe, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. It contains bloodplay, humiliation, and bondage.

Captain Aubrey Blake leaned back in her chair on the bridge. She looked about her in content. Her crew were in order, each focusing on the station before them, and here was an air of anticipation, which was to be expected, but no nervousness. Good. Her first mate stood by her side, ready to carry out her whims. For now. She gave him her attention, Commander Cyrus Wagner was a tall man, and worth attending to. Which she did, at leisure, when off duty. On the job, however, he was a consummate professional. He was her right hand, an extension of her will which made her the next thing to god on this tin can in the frozen wastes of space. She relied on him, more than she probably should, but his rock hard confidence… and cock, if she was being honest, had gotten them through more scrapes than she cared to think about. He was massive, standing a head above anyone else on the bridge. A native of a rough outworlder planet, he reminded her of the pictures she had seen of the old Vikings of Earth. His auburn hair was cropped short to fit beneath a space helmet, but he left a long braid down the back. He worked out daily in the gyms, and at higher gravity than she would touch, and his muscles showed it.

The countdown reached 10 minutes and she turned her attention back to the task at hand. A few more minutes and the mission would be done. And well done, celebrations were definitely in order all the way around. She glanced at her first mate again, but caught herself, and brought her attention back to the mission countdown. Four more minutes. It had gone well, overall, a relatively simple diplomatic mission made a little wonkyby politics. The crew performed admirably, and there will several comments in the pipeline. As for her, it had been a particularly stressful mission, since it was the first one they had made with the new hardware and software upgrades. She breathed a sight of relief when the countdown reached zero and they emerged from hyper at Jupiter Station.

The UFS Sunrunner was a great little exploration vessel. She held a crew of 437, blended alien and human, of course. The crew was set to be a long-term vessel, with missions that could exceed 20 or 30 years at a time, and of course, rejuv was commonplace. Theoretically, this would be her ship until she died or retired. She had heard through the graspivine that the next mission would be a long mission, but the higher ups were being uncharacterically silent on the details.

She stood up, “All right everyone, initiate docking procedures. I’ll be in my cabin, let me know when we dock.” Cyrus followed her out the door, and down thecorridor to the lift. A few salutes to crewmembers on the way, and then they were at her cabin. She looked at him before walking towards her bedroom, “I’m going to change out of this uniform, I’ll be right back.” She changed into a soft red dress, easy and flowing. It was very comfortable, and quite revealing, showing the top of her lace bra at her cleavage. When she came back out into the living area, she saw him on the couch. Cyrus had taken his tune off, revealing his firm and muscled chest as he locked on her couch. He was framed by the viewing portal behind him, a full half wall of the view of Jupiter Station, with Jupiter herself hanging behind like a large demented moon. The lights were dim, and the glowing pallor of his skin was set off nicely by the black pants and boots he still wore. There were two glasses on the coffee table, with a bottle of Kuiper firewine between them.

He had tattoos down both arms, usually covered by his uniform. She remember when he got them, years ago. It was on one of the Kepler planets, and the mission had sent them through deep and dangerous jungle. He killed two giant serpent like beasts with his bare hands, and the locals had convinced him after much beer to get the tattoos as a mark of valor. They were beautiful, dark and curving around his arms, seeming almost alive in the little light coming through the window.

She felt a hint of nerves. No matter how Many times they had played out this scene, she always felt a little nervous. That was part of the fun. They had been serving together for almost 35 years at this point, a stable command team on it’s way up the ladder. She never knew the reason why Personnel was okay with some teams and not okay with others, but she knew that they knew about her personal relationship with Cyrus, and that they approved as long as it helped her stay stable in command. The Federation had learned early on that its captains were vulnerable to particular kinds of stress. They were out,alone, no one to answer to or ask help from, in the edges of known space. It was important for their mental health for them to have a way to relax and refresh. Since BDSM was her stress relief, her and Cyrus got to stay together.

The light of Jupiter and the station lights illuminated Cyrus from behind. She could not make out his expression, but she knew from long experience what was expected of her next. They were off duty, and while they were in these rooms, they were not Captain and First Mate. In here, she could relax, let go of duty and command, and just obey someone else for a change. She didn’t have to think, just be a good girl, and the release was incredible. They played when off duty during missions, of course, but she couldn’t really let go until the mission was over. There was always a chance something would happen and she would have to put her captains hat back on mid-play, so it was only now that she could fully give in. He was beautiful, sitting there, waiting forher. Aubrey walked over to the couch and knelt before him. She always felt so small next to him, her 5’7″ inches not even coming close to his almost 7 foot frame, and she was built like a dancer, all lean and firm, instead of bulk and sheer strength like him. His pants were tight on him, and she could see he was happy to see her.

He said nothing, but reached out and poured the wine into the glasses. It glimmered, the shine it drew its name from reflecting on the highly pollished wood of the coffee table. He left one glass on the table and took a leisurely sip from the other. She knew better than to take the other glass, or even move. He sipped it a few times, and put it back on the table. Her heart beat faster, and after putting the glass down he reached over to her and gently pet her hair.

“You are so beautiful,” he said softly, his deep voice rumbling through her. Suddenly his hand fists in her hair, and he forces her to look up at him. “Would you like some wine?” She can’t move to nod, with his hand controlling her head, and she knows better than to speak, but he knows her answer anyway. He let her go, a bit forcedly, and she rocked a bit on her knees. Cyrus took the second glass of wine and pulled out a dog bowl from beneath the table she hadn’t noticed. He poured the wine into the bowl, and gestured for her to drink.

Aubrey leans down, her short hair falling around her face. He brushes one fringe up and over so he can see her as she laps up the wine like a dog. Like his dog. A gentle wash of embarrassment flushed through her. She finishes the wine, licking up the last drops as she feels the wine course through her.

The thing about Kuiper firewine is that aside from the novelty of its luminescence, it also had several other properties. She felt it tingle through her nerves, Flooding her with a warm feeling that tingled through her nipples before setting in her groin. Her clip tingled, and she feel herself growing wet. She looked up at him,and saw in his eyes the wines other effect. His yellow eyes glimmered slightly, and it gave him a some sardonic appearance. She knew her own green eyes also glowed a tiny bit, and she could see her own vision improved slightly.

It was still dark in the room, but she could see his expression clearly. He looked at her sternly, with a hint of amusement, but his eyes gave the lie away by showing her love. She looked up at him, and he reached behind a pillow and pulled out a pair of menacles. She recognized them as one of the newest tech they had received in their last allotment.

“I’ve been wanting to try these since we got them.” He reached down and she held her wrists up before her. Cyrus secured them on her, and set them to be tight. They bit into her wrist bones slightly and she whimpered quietly. He stood up, pulling her up with him roughly by the manacles. He dragged her over to the middle of the room, and held her hands up. Holding them up above her head, so high shewas almost on tiptoes. Reaching down to a small gizmo on his belt he pressed a button and the menacles locked in place.

The menacles used new gravity tech and the ships own gravitonics systems to keep a prisoner, or an extremely submissive, in place once locked, relative to the ship. She tugged enthusiastly, but they were truly immovable. Short of the ships system malfunctioning or him pressing the release button, she was trapped. He ran his hands down her body, causing goosebumps to raise on her skin. She shivered, but not from cold, as his hands caresed her nipples before drawing down her ribcage to her crotch.

His hands caresed her gently, and after a moment he withdraw, right before touching her clip and leaving her gasping in need. “I’ll be right back, you just wait right here,” he gave a little chuckle as he Walked into the bedroom, “Not that you can go anywhere.”

She waited, giving a little struggle now and then, aware she was trapped and at his mercy. Mercy, howeverr, didn’t seem to be on his mind as he came back in the room holding a small duffel bag of things. He reached into the bag as he walked towards her, and pulled out a panel gag. Cyrus puts the bag down on the coffee table, but when he tried to put the gag on her she whipped her head back. She didn’t want to make it easy for him, and her slight nerves and fear of what else was in the bag gave her impetus.

Cyrus grabbed her roughly by the hair again, and forced the gag into her mouth with the other hand. He locked it behind her head, and she breathed heavily through her nose as her adrenaline kicked in. She was bound and helpless and couldn’t even scream or order him to stop. Not that she really wanted to. Bound like this made her skin oh so sensitive, and his touch was like fire and life all at once. She craved it.

The wine made her skin feel more sensitive. The feeling of his fingers over her nipples was enough to almost make her orgasm. Being unable to move heightened every feeling, and she lost herself a bit in sensing while he played with her body for a bit, always bringing her close but never allowing her release. Finally, after what felt like an eternity but was not long enough Cyrus stepped back from her, and went back over to the bag.

He pulled out two single cuffs, same style as the manacles holding her suspended in the air. They were slightly larger, and she knew what they were for. He put one on each ankle, and spread her legs before locking them in place. She had most of her weight on the manacles now, her toes barely touching the ground, but he had complete access to her body.

Aubrey was nervous now, full on nerves, but in a good way. She had no idea what he had in mind, and he had seemed particularly mischievous of late. He stood up and admired his handiwork. Her legs were spread and held in place, and with her arms above her head he had full access to what he wanted. He went back to the bag and pulled out a few things, laying themon the table. She looked at them and saw a pair of nipple clamps, the spiky ones, a riding crop, and a small box the size of a pencil case she didn’t recognize.

Cyrus picked up the nipple clamps and turned back to Aubrey. He attached them one at a time, pulling on each nipple and sucking on them in turn to get them hard enough to slip the clamps on. He turned the little key on the side of each one, tightening them until she whimpered. They hurt like fire. Her nipples throbbed with her heartbeat, and she knew it would only grow worse. He picked up the riding crop and the small box and went behind her. She could hear him put the box down on the faux hardwood floor.

He touched her and she flinched, her pulse speeding up. She knew he held the crop, and she anticipated its bite. But it was a cares he gave her first, and she Felt herself lean into his touch. His touch was the most important thing in the world, and the sensings it left along her skin danced and grow until allshe wanted was to feel him take her. And then he hit her with the crop. It was a gentle swing, all things considered, but her body rocked with the impact, and she twitched and pulled at the menacles.

He hit her slowly at first, soft swings that made her scream through her gag but also crave more. Every once in a while a swing would be replaced with a care, and she found herself wanting the next lash because it was one closer to the feel of his hands running down her side or back, or a gentle kiss on the neck. A few swings made their way onto her exposed asshole and pussy, wrapping around with painful sharpness to sting her most private places.

“I’ve been planning this playdate for a while, you know. Remember when I had them upgrade the holosuite in the rooms for your birthday? I had them add a few patterns… and of course the menacles gave me the idea to begin with.” He kissed her neck again and she relaxed against him, her back burning but soothed by the feel of his skin on hers. “I have another present too. I picked these up on the planet. The locals use them for the same reasons we do, although the style is different. I really liked them, and the thought of using them made me hard enough the merchant noticed.”

He gripped her hair hard, and turned her head to look at him, although it was a bit painful for her. “I am going to give you these first. I don’t want to wait.” He let go and she felt a bit of panic rise in her. It had been a while since he brought anything new into the bedroom. One hand traced down her finger, and following it was a trail of what felt like sharp ice that bloomed into fire after a few moments. Blades, he must have gotten blades of some sort. She felt the cuts down her back one after another. Not deep, of course, barely more than scratches, but she knew the blades would be sharp, and she would be bleeding.

After what seemed like eternity, an eternity spent in a haze of pain and a strange peace that flowed through her and made her feel oddly safe and loved, and the pain flowed beneath the feeling and raised it up higher, the cuts stopped. She felt his fingers trace down her back, tracing the lines he had carved into her skin, and the welts he had left from the crop. She realized the genius of how he placed his marks, crisscrossing each other and overlapping to hurt even more.

He pressed a few buttons on the controller at his waist, and she collapsed to the floor. She was sobbing through the gag, but he ignored her to position her limbs so she was kneeing. He locked the ankle restraints, and held her arms up over her head, so she was bent over almost doggy style, but her front was hanging from the menacles. He locked them in place. She looked down, and saw a few drops of blood on the floor beneath her. It made her even wetter, to know he had done that to her.

“Computer, initiate program BDSM 37.” The computer wasped, and she felt a displacement of air behind her that means something had been projected into the room from the holoemitters. Cyrus took the bag off the table and brought it around behind her. She felt something touch her pussy lips, exposed by her position. Then it pulled back and he said, almost thoughtfully, “I think I want you to see it before I put it in you.” He moves to where she can see and show her a massive dildo, shaped like a horses cock and almost as big. Her eyes go wide as she thinks of him putting it in her, and she struggled harder.

She felt limp, though, even as she struggled. He owned her body completely at the moment, and the feeling of being owned sacrificed her and made it hard to think. She wanted what he did to her, because he wanted to do it to her, and she wanted to please him. The pain through her back and nipples just reinforced the Feeling. She wanted him to continue. She wanted him to stop. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted him.

She felt him move behind her again and closed her eyes. The dildo pushed against her in a strangely mechanical action, and she realized he programmed in a fuck machine. It pushed the giant cock against her, pushing and shoving, and she felt her flesh give way as it thrust itself inside her. Once it achieved a rhythm, almost its entire length was inside her at its peak, and she felt Cyrus move once more. He touched her back again, running his hands down her through her blood and over her cuts and Welts. He pressed lightly, and the pain came rushing back through the endorphin rush that had begun its pain relieving way through her.

She felt his position his cock at her asshole. He didn’t use lube, and she knew from experience that this would hurt almost as much as her back. Cyrus was… not small. Not quite the size of the dildo currently thrusting its way inside of her, but definitely larger than average. He was rock hard, though, and too large for her ass without either lube or prep work. He ran his fingers down her back, and when he tried again he started to slip in, his cock slip with her blood.

He shoved his way in, working her asshole and sphincter muscles open until he could thrust as far as he wanted. She felt him deep within her, and the dual feeling of the dildo and him sent her over the edge. She orgasmed hard, and she knew he could feel it because he paused and grabbed her hips hard to avoid being shoved out of her ass. When her orgasm subsided, he resumed thrusting. He found a rhythm with the machine and thrust when the dildo did, filling her to the brim and sending her over the edge again and again. She could feel the weight of the clamps on her nipples and the pain in them grew with every thrust.

Eventually he reached around and pulled the clamps off. Then he grabbed her nipples roughly and used them pull himself into her. She screamed again through the gag as he gave one Final thrust and collapsed on top of her bleeding back. He quickly moved, and relieved the pressure on her shoulders. He left the machine on, however, and just took a moment to wipe his cock slightly off on a rag.

She hated what she knew would come next. It humiliated her and made her feel small and insignificant… and she loved it too. After barely wiping it off, he stood in front of her face, and she realized she was positioned perfectly to give him a blow job. He took the panel of her gag out and looked deeply in her eyes as he stroked her face gently. “You are being such a good girl, taking this all without any words of complaint.” The irony would be thick enough to chew if she weren’t gagged. “I have one last task for you. My cock is dirty now. You need to clean it off, and I want to cum again down your sweet throat.”

He always had amazing stamina, and powers of recovery, she though wryly, but briefly before he shoved his half hard cock down her throat. She could taste her own blood on it, mixed with other things. He shoved it down so hard she gagged, even when it was half soft. Slowly it hardened in her mouth, and his hands on the back of her head entwined with her hair prevented her from moving as he thrust in and out. He took his time, savoring the look of her on her knees before him, his view of the horse cock thrusting in and out of her abused pussy unimpeded.


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