Julia breathed deeply, trying to regain control of her mind and body, struggling against the desire to thrust up her hips and turn the delicate contact of surprisingly gloved fingers into a care.
She closed her eyes and concentrated on the fact that she was undergoing a medical examination, nothing more, and yet the image of the well groomed, artistic and handsome doctor who was currently sitting between her raised and wide open tights Keep jumping into her thoughts.
He was carrying out what should have been a routine check up, something she had experienced a number of times before with nothing more than a slight aversion to the thought of exposing herself. This time, however she was unable to stop the feelings that flowed through her body.
His desk was large, sturdy and well organized. When he had sat behind it and spoken with Her before starting the procedure she had found herself enjoying the sound of his voice. He sounded gentle but confident, knowledgeable and totally in control of the situation.
She was in his hands. That had been the thought that was uppermost in her mind as she undressed, slipped on the thin gown, took her place on the couch and was assisted into the stirrups. He talked to her reassuringly while adjusting the stool, glancing at her notes and putting on the gloves and, as she listened to the sound more than his words, she found her whole body anticipating his first touch.
When it came it was electrifying.
As the warm and lubricated fingertips parted her flesh she almost orgasmed. Totally unprepared she fought for control of her body – which wanted so much to bear down on his hand and let the spasms that were so close tears through her body.
She knew that she could not let this happen, but even as she fought against it her nerve endings were vividly aware of his every touch – each move of his fingers over and between her slippery flesh became a further torque.
In her mind she was with her Master. She was wearing His collar and exposing herself completely to Him. He had given her instructions not to cum without permission and then proceeded to torture her with the exquisite mix of pain and sensitivity that always drive her to the compromise. But this was worse – she could not ask for permission to orgasm, could not beg for release, could only endure the sweet pleasure of being submissive to a man who must be absolutely sure by now of the predicament she was in.
Then the thought struck her. Of course he was aware, he knew exactly what he was doing to her senses.
She looked down her body and between her raised thighs. The gown had slipped down and the skin of her legs perfectly framed his face as he continued his exploration of her body ..
her vagina, her labia, her cliporis ..
the thought raced through her mind ..
the words took over her consciousness …
her wide …. open …. throbbing .. cunttttttttttt!
That was when she lost control.. screwed up her eyes, clinched her fists and let it happen. It was a gentle but persistent climax .. her body tightened time after time and she knew that a quiet but clear whine only served to underline her helplessness, her complete loss of control.
As the last of the waves of pleasure washed over her she looked at the surgeon’s face. His expression was one of quiet authority. He knew how much she had needed to experience his calm dominance, how his authority had stabilized memories of her submission. He smiled at her.
As he stood and turned away she spoke quietly
“Thank you, my master.”
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