Tying up a Relationship


Jim Walker was heading south in his camper van on a quiet secondary highway in the Central Plateau of New Zealand, passing through thousands of acres of pine forests recovering up green-like sentries on both sides the route, when he spotted two female hithikers up ahead, with small packs on their back.

“Traveling light and sexy,” Jim announced to aloud.

His mom would have said don’t stop for anyone when driving alone but his mother wasn’t riding with him in the white camper van and neither was his off-again/on-again girlfriend Fiona who would have expected to stop.

So he stopped, preferring the freedom to make his decisions without female knowledge-alls telling him what to do.

The women ran to the driver’s side and Jim leaned over the open window to ensure he could check out their legs After close inspection of their tits and faces.

“Hi girls.”

“Have you stopped to give us a lift or just to chat us up?” said the taller one, a blonde witha slightly mean-looking mouth. She appeared to have disappointingly small tits and looked about twenty-four.

“Whereyougoing?” he asked lazily, running those words together and looking at the darker-skinned younger one who touched a big wobbly breast as if telegraphing to him, ‘I don’t get enough sex.’ Er, that’s if women thought that way.

She stared at him with liquid-like brown eyes and rolled her tongue hard inside her cheek, pushing it out.

Jim’s fingers turned pale as he gripped the steering wheel as it dawned on him she was simulating having his dick in her mouth. His palms felt sweaty.

“Er where are you guys going?”


“I can take you as far as Taupo but one of you will have to sit in the back because there’s only one spare seat here in the cab with a seatbelt. I’m Jim.”

“Hi Jim,” said the blonde, taking the leadership role and showing plenty of teeth but little warmth in her smile. I’m Heather and this is my pal Kiri.”

Pal? Oh hec, they were gay sweetheart. Or where they, he thought, recalling the brazen come-on Kiri had given him earlier?

“Hi Kiri, you have very lovely dark hair and great teeth.”

“I’m part European and part Maori,” she said.

“Shut up,” Heather said without explaining why she thought Kiri had stepped out of line.

“Jim we have been on the road for a While and are thirsty,” Heather said. “We’d welcome a cup of coffee.”

Jim took the opportunity to play the hero. “Jump in and I’ll pull off the road at the next rest zone,” he said and was surprised when both entered via the passenger door and stayed in the living area. He’d expected one of them to sit beside him and chat to establish goodwill. Or had goodwill deserted the young these days?

He turned up the Country Greats CD so he didn’t have to talk to the rude bitches. He wasn’t to know the two women appreciated that because they had been whispering and now could talk almost normally. They were conspiringhow to roll and rob the softhearted sucker.

“Nice coffee,” Heather said, surprising her host. He’d expected Kiri to be the appreciated one.

“Thanks,” said Jim.

He emptied and rinsed the coffee pumper and stood it and then sat facing the women in the tiny locke that also served as the dining area when the table was erected and later as a double bed with the table top linking the two facing sofas and the back rests becoming part of the ‘mattress’.

“Do you enjoy screwing?” Heather asked.

Jim didn’t think she was talking to Kiri so said yes, adding, “When I can get it.”

“Oh poor boy,” Heather said, poking Kiri in the ribs.

“Oh yeah,” Kiri said.

“Show him your tits Kiri.”

Kiri hoisted up her top and bra in one movement, releasing big volumes of title fly.

“Very impressive,” Jim said, making a great show of licking his lips. He still had no idea this was an entrance… the very reason why his mom had often warned him not to pick up hitchhikers when driving alone.

“Kiri has the big tits and I have the big cunt. Would you like to watch her fist me?”

“N-no. How revolting.”

“Would you like to fuck my butt?”

“No thanks Kiri but you could suggest I fuck your tits.”

“Perhaps we could get to that,” Heather said. “Should we begin with a sedate threesome?”

“Yeah, why not?” Jim leered.

He noticed Kiri look sharply at Heather, being unaware the plan for Kiri to club Jim on the head with the heavy torch she had in her backpack while he was fisting Heather had gone array and Heather now appeared to be offering him a sexfest.

But Heather was adlibbing Plan B.

“Very well Jim,” Heather frowned, “but we girls are a bit appreciated of allowing you to rut us without restraint way out here where we are defenceless. Would you allow us to handcuff you? I happen to have a pair with me because I’m big into kinky sex?”

Jim now looked suspicious.

“Beautiful kinky sex,” Kiri said, pushing her tongue against her cheek while cupping a boob and bouncing it.

“Well okay but if I object?”

“We’d release you immediately you remove your dick from the one of us who has the key,” Heather said, providing a reasonable imitation of a sinceré smile.

Kiri took the handscuffs from Heather and said, “This will be fun Jim.”

“Try cuffing his hands behind his back first because we won’t want his hands getting in the way of his probing cock,” Heather said.

Kiri rubbed a hand over Jim’s erection that that brought him under her control. She cuffed him and was unzipping him when Heather asked, “Is it OK if I put this collar round your neck darling? I just happened to have it with me. It’s the classic prop for kinky sex.”

“Yeah it’s OK,” Jim consented, watching Kiri dribbling over his throbbing erection.

He thought oh boy, was he loving this.

He watched the women strip and fall down beside him and commence a sixty-nine.

“What do I do?”

Heather snarled, “Just watch.”

Rude bitch he thought but he’d known that by her earlier surliness. It was about as exciting as watching a French movie farce, er running slowly backwards. He wished he had something to read but how would he hold the publication with his hands cuffed behind his back. Why was he cuffed and why behind his back? And why was he wearing a collar with a fucking chain attached?

Then the penny dropped.

Jesus. That fucking mean-mouth blonde was in control. Jim berated himself for being such a fucking idiot. He imagined being left on the highway and his vehicle and all his personal and camping possessions stolen. They would probably leave him nude with the words ‘I’m gay’ to ensure no one would stop and save him, err apart from an Army truck of gay male soldiers.

Jim’s head dropped in shade and despair and his erection deflated.

Heather was now fisting Kiri while Kiri had a couple of fingerers up Heather’s butt.The squelching noises were disgusting.

Heather looked at him across the gap between the sofas and jerked the chain hard.


“Get your dick back up. I’ll need it up my butt in a minute.”

“I don’t butt-fuck.”

She jerked the chain hard, leaving him gasping, as she said, “Well you do from today big falla, my virgin.”

Heather attempted to mount Jim after sucking him up hard. He bucked and she went flying and screamed abuse. She tied the chain to the grab handle at the side-door entrance and told Kiri to sit on his legs.

“Listen mate, attempt to deny me again and… well I’ll not force you to have sex with me but I do suggest you think of possible consequences.”

“That’s a threat,” Jim retorted.

“No it isn’t darling, that’s just me being nice.”

Heather sat facing Kiri and Jim could hear Heather’s tits being sucked as Heather wet his dick with a handful of her leaking goo. He’d decided to allow her to have what she wanted.

Well at least her anal opening wasn’t overly large. He felt his dick pleasantly encompassed as it slip in and he was thick enough to have her huffing and puffing and she had to have a couple of rests.

“I advise you no to climax too early,” Heather said, almost pleasantly.

Jim worried how early was too early?

Kiri was now standing and Heather was sucking those big tits and Kiri was fingering Heather furiously, they were both talking dirty loudly as if enjoying themselves while poor Jim was imagining Heather was using a crowdbar to remove his balls in the hope that worse-than-death scenario would frighten his balls from firing.

Finally Heather sketched she was coming. “Come on asshole.”

Jim’s huge release made his eyes almost pop and he felt dizzy.

Heather, dripping goo over the floor, cooled, “Oh my aren’t you a good boy?”

She tongued him but with pressure on the chain and his hands secured under the weight of his body Jim reasoned he shouldn’t attempt to bite her tongue off.

“Mommy, can I have Jim now?”

“Yes it’s your playtime darling.”

Kiri placed her big tits around Jim’s re-aroused dick after slopping some juice from Heather’s pussy around it and she squeeze her heavy hangers around it.

Nothing happened.

“Do the work Jim or else I’ll ask Heather to drag the chain.”

Jim’s dick had to work hard without leverage from his hands and upper body. He began reasonably slowly and worked up speed when he felt close to climaxing and grunted at Kiri he was coming.

She pulled away and bending sideways jerked him into her mouth but didn’t swallow it all because Heather was demanding her share.

Jim felt sick. What a couple of animals.

When they were done Heather pulled out Another collar and placed it around his ankles and pulled the leather tight and looped the chain around the sofa.

“You can kick and shake attempting to get loose but if you fall off the sofa you’ll lie where you fall. Now I’m gagging you to keep you quiet. If you don’t struggle you’ll find everything reasonably comfortable. If you want to pee just pee; you won’t have clothes on to get wet and if you wet the sofa we won’t care because it’s your vehicle.”

Jim watched them walk to the driving cab and he burned, thinking murderous thoughts and then recalled Heather’s final words… ‘If you wet the sofa we won’t care because it’s your vehicle’. Did that means they wouldn’t abandon him and steel his vehicle?

He told and went to sleep.

Jim awoke later, having no idea how long he’d been sleep but it was dark. The vehicle stopped and the women left the vehicle, not bothering to lock it. He could smell food.

He felt very hungry and wanted to pee.

The girls returned, laughing. Well that was better than leaving him trusted up to rot unless someone had the brains to check why the vehicle had been apparently abandoned parked outside an eatery.

“Hi Jim, I’ve fetched you a burger,” Kiri said. “Heather said it was okay to not your legs and remove the gag providing you promise to keep the neck chain tied. Nod if you agree.”

He nodded vigorously and she grinned. He ate hungrily and Kiri said, “Heb hold up while I fetch him a can of coke.”

Leaving the motor running Heather asked nervously was the chain still tied.

“Yes but you have your knife so why worry?”

She left for the coke and Jim though that comment about the knife was for his benefit, a lie. But he decided it was too risky to prove he was correct.

Kiri returned with the coke and Heather drive away.

“You need to be in a seat belt,” Jim warned.

“You’re not in one without a seat belt so why should I worry?” Kiri grinned.

When Jim handed her the empty can she tossed it over her shoulder.

“Would you like more sex, um your way?” she invited.

He said yes and she yelled to Heather not to worry they were about to have free sex.

Heather yelled since when was sex free. Jim thought how true.

“We are on our way to Napier,” Kiri said, undressing, and Jim groaned inwardly but when the big tits swung loose he forget about not keeping to the route he’d scheduled.

“Now behave yourself and everything will be OK,” she said. “Attempt anything funny and I’ll yell to Heb. She’ll stop and deal with you terribly. Just remember, Heb is no stranger to violence.”

“All right, Jim croaked, reaching to for the swinging tits and eager to get on with it. He was told to do it his way and she’d be compliant.

“I’m tired of having forced sex and it’s mostly with Heather.”

They fucked and napped and fucked again and finally Heather called, “You better sit in the front Kiri and buckle up in case a cop pounces for a seat-belt and warrant of fitness update check on the vehicle.”

Kiri kissed Jim and smiled. “That was so lovely and here was me thinking my brother was the best ever.”

Keeping the collar chain tied Jim called, “I’m getting dressed … um in case we are stopped by cops.”

“Right but don’t do anything funny.”

“God one of you peed on my clothes,” he yelled.

“Oh did I?” Heather laughed. “It was too cold to go out in the cold night.”

Bitch, Jim thought. He couldn’t reach his bag to get a change of clothes but that sneer by Heather brought up a couple of ideas. Their backpacks were on the floor.

He picked up the largest one and peering with the help of the headlights of a car about to pass them he confirmed it the bag was Heather’s, with the name ‘Heb’ on it. His toilet back was in the overhead locker so he reached into the side pocket and pulled out six reefers. He enjoyed the occasional ‘happy’ smoke.

Digging into the backpack, Jim found Heather’s toilet bag and thought it was surprising those two washed and cleaned their teeth. He placed the reefers in the bottom of the small bag and then peed over everything hoping Heather’s clothes would absorb in to avoid leakage.

Jim went to sleep in his soiled clothing now quite convinced the woman didn’t intend to abandon him or harm him.

He awoke to feel the tip of a knife against his throat. Actually his first thought was it was heather returning his keys.

She leered, “I bet you thought Keri’s comment about me having a knife was a lie?”

He said yes but that was he being stupid.

Heather laughed and sheathed the knife and placed it in the inner pocket of her jacket.

“Don’t you dare move from here until we are out of sight,” she said, removing the chain. “I’ve hidden the keys to give us time to get clear.”

She kissed him and dribbled over his face.

Kiri kissed him sweetly and whispered goodbye.

As soon as they were outside the van Jim removed the dog collar and went forward into the driving cab. The first place he looked for the keys was in the passenger’s coffee cup holder and yeah, there they were. He crossed the street to a phonebox and called the emergency number, not wishing to have the call traced back to his phone and then to go through the humiliation of a police investigation.

He gave his name as Kevin House and said two women had just assaulted him. The bigger one, a blonde, had threatened him with a knife and appeared to be on drugs. She’s stolen $150 from him. Jim gave the descriptions of the two women, the location where he was and the direction in which they were walking.

Jim decided to continue south and stay in Havelock North. Three hundred yards along the street he spotted the two women and then a police car with lights flashing approaching. The cop car did a u-turn and then a brief blast of the siren sounded and the women stopped.

Heather and Kiri were greeting the cops with angelic smiles when Jim drove by and neither of him looked his way. He thought Kiri would go free but Heather would be done for carrying an offensive weapon and being in possession of cannabis cigarettes.She would deny any knowledge of them and would appear very convincing. Because the reefers were of insufficient quantity for Heather to be jailed as a supplier, nevertheless she would pass through a very stressful time.

“Fucking good job,” Jim yelled, having decided that was her punishment for taking away his anal sex virginity. He told and accepted actually it hadn’t been too bad.


Jim spent the rest of that night illegally camping, but out of sight of the highway and left at 6:30 for a fully serviced camping ground for two nights at Havelock North and lied when registering he’d arrived from the south in case the cops called up camp office to find if any guy traveling alone had arrived from Napier. Jim was pretty sure his female assistants wouldn’t have any idea of ​​the make of camper or it’s registration plate number so if the cops were hunting him they’d not worry two much about checking out the rather snooty town of Havelock North. He figured about 24-hoursIf not sooner the cops would be deciding Heather and Kiri were lying that a guy in a holiday home had stashed the joints in Heather’s bag after leaving them legless after a day and night of steamy anal sex, or whatever their fertile minds could conjure up.

Jim headed south from Havelock North and was having lunch on the side of the road, complete with a bottle of chilled off-dry Riesling, when he saw a thirty-something babe with a big backpack walking by.

“Hi,” he called.

She said in an English accent, “Oh hi, you look to be living the life of Reilly?”

“Yeah, would you like a cool drink?”

“Just finished one a few hundred yards back when the farmer dropped me off because he turned inland from there.”

“Then what about a wine? It’s an off-dry Riesling from Central Otago.”

She hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” Jim called. “It can’t be poisoned because I’m drinking it.”

“I don’t know you.”

“Did you know that farmer back when he stopped and you accepted a ride?”

“No but he was old.”

“So you think old guys don’t sweet-talk to babes like you?”

She laughed. “Babe? I’m thirty-one.”

“My name’s Jim Walker and I’m thirty-three. Do yourself a favor and come over here and make yourself a sandwich and down a glass of wine.”

“Okay. I expect you to be on Your best behavior.”

They talked for an hour, finishing the bottle of wine. Her name was Anna Baker from Bristol, England and she was a professional piano teacher, tutoring mainly the young and particularly retired people who suddenly decided they should learn the piano properly, having given up lessons by the time they turned eleven or twelve.

He packed up and said, “I intend driving for an hour and Then turning off somewhere and camping by a stream.”

“That sounds lovely.”

He smiled and said, “Why not come with me and stay a couple of nights?”

“What and sleep with you?”

“I could be rather nice.”

“I’m not having sex with you.”

“Please yourself.”

“Okay, yes please. I came to New Zealand for adventure. I’ve not camped beside a stream yet.”

Jim was a bit miffed she’d make it clear sex was not on offer. It was all take and no give with some women.

The camper van was all-wheel drive with good ground clearance, designed for off-road camping. Jim found a gravel road by a river bridge and went down it for a couple of miles and then turned off into rough terrain and headed in the direction of the river and finally found a great spot under a canopy of trees with the water gushing over river boulders, playing like music.

“Go for a swim,” he invited. “I need to set up camp.”

“I guess you mean nude?”

“Why not but it’s you call?”

She stripped off alongside the riverbank, less than 20 feet away. That was close enough for Jim to see she had a great body with the curvature of her breasts still uplifted rather than the start of slump not uncommon for some womenof 30-plus. She had a furry bush… well she was from Devon, a rather conservative part of England he recalled.

After frolicking in the pool and swimming only short distances, apparently determined to keep her hair dry, Anna gathered her clothes and walked towards him brazenly.

He looked away.

“Don’t you like what you can see?”

“You’re OK, packaged quite well actually. I was going to fetch your towel but thought I shouldn’t touch your possessions.”

“Oh trustworthy are you? That makes me feel good. My towel is in the top of my backpack. Fetch it please and they I won’t drop water in the cabin.”


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