TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara Pt. 03

TXR-92U-2280 — Call Name: Sara — Part III

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and used for any purpose, including: hard labor, breeding, menial work and sexual servitude.

This series of stories, which is not presented in any particular order, explores the daily life of a prostitute-slave named Sara. Purchased at auction by a Las Vegas casino, she is tasked with fulfilling the sexual urges of its clientèle, who pay for her favorites along with room service and Wi-Fi access. Subject to their every whim, she has known both anguish and delight, but most often casual exploration.

When she is not engaged by a guest, Sara must contend with capricious and underpaid corporate overseersand occasionally vicious slave stable politics.


Continued from Part II

The first time the elevator opened onto the skyway, Sara could not muster the courage to step outside. After a moment, it closed and carried her back down to the maintenance corridor. For a time, she stood staring at a distorted image of herself in the scratched and batteryed metal doors.

It was not a slave who stared back at her — it was a woman.

In place of her strappy black heels, she wore a pair of casual cork weddings with tan leather accents. Her legs were covered by a pair of tattered jeans, which fit almost as snugly as the stockings they replaced. Beneath them: a simple white cotton thong, which peaked above her waistline in the back.

Her midriff was bare, below a tight, faded t-shirt with “I love Las Vegas” on the chest, except that the word “love” was replaced with a plump red heart. Underneath that, she wore a white shelf bra that showed off the natural shape of her breasts and bared her nipples, which stood out through the clingy t-shirt.

At her side, she held the shopping bag that contained her house dress and the toys that Cruz instructed her to bring.

Steeling herself, Sara pressed the button marked “S” again and the elevator dumped into motion. The doors parted, and she forced herself across the threshold. She nearly panicked when the doors closed behind her, and she looked back and realized that there was a lock in place of the call button. After taking a moment to control her breathing, she walked up a short flight of concrete steps which deposited her on the pedestrian bridge.

Sara had looked down on this bridge countless times, watching the people walk back and forth, imagining where they had been, where they were going and what wonderers they had seen. She had never, ever dared to hope to walk across it herself.

Having lived virtually her entire life insides, the sensings weree overwhelming. The air was so hot and dry that she found it difficult to draw into her lungs. It was being carried along by gusts of wind, which brought with them scraps of paper and tiny particles of grit that she could feel impacting on her face and skin.

No longer diminished by the tinted windows of Helios, the sunlight was blinding. Even the white concrete surface of the walkway made her squint against the glare.

From beneath her feet, the roar of the traffic was continuous. She could actually feel the bridge tremble every time a heavy truck rumbled past.

Although her senses were under constant assault, it was a tiny change in the behavior of the people around her that stood out the most. When she was on display or just walking the floor of the casino, men would star at her unabashed. Their eyes would settle on her cleavage or her ass, with no more regard than looking at a picture on the wall.

It was subtle, but that had changed. Rather than staring, men stole quick peeks at her or avert their eyes altogether — only to look back as she passed.

Women, who usually ignored her, looked on with a mixture of admission and envy. She saw one woman actually drive her elbow into the ribs of the man next to her when his gaze lingered little too long. It all came together in a heady rush that flowed into her, fulfilling some part of her that she never knew was empty.

“Hey, baby!” said a young man who suddenly appeared out of the crowd. He had dark skin and curly hair.

“You love Las Vegas? Uh, yeah — me to! Do you want to go somewhere, maybe a club? I could buy you a drink… or dinner? Whatever you want… Where are you from, baby?”

Sara carefully set her face with a cool expression and a small smile. Her eyes flicked up and down his body, then she continued across the bridge. Another young man, standing next to him, burst out laughing.

“Ice cold!” he said. “Ouch, Fadi! She is just way, way, way out of your league!”

Sara walked on, smiling. Stepping into the shadow of Camelot, she was grateful for the relief from the blazing sun. Looking back over her shoulder at Helios, she was surprised by how small the pyramid looked. Before, its vast atrium and endless ranks of guest rooms had seemed like the entire world.

Turning back towards Camelot, she identified its cavernous entryway — a mighty stone arch beneath a huge banner that read: “Lords and Ladies, Welcome to Camelot! Enjoy the Many Pleasures our Castle has to Offer!”

Before she stepped inside, Sara looked further along The Strip in the direction she had been walking. In the distance, she could see a collection of glass towers, sparkling in the sun. Below them, rising from a pool of water was the mighty figure of a woman in long robes, rendered in a green patina — the Statue of Fortune.

It was another casino, The Big Apple, which Sara knew from her recent training had been built to resemble New York, a great city far, far away. She took one step towards it — one step towards that next unexplored marvel — and then she felt every prod that had ever been touched to her skin and triggered come upon her at once. She turned back and walked into the castle.

The space was bustling. Jugglers, musicians and acrobats performed all around her while the churning crowd pushed in a dozen different directions at once. Moving deeper into the air conditioned space, Sara spotted a utility in a brightly colored harlequin uniform. She approached him, mentally rehearsing the words she would speak.

“Boy,” she began.

“Yes, mistress?” he replied immediately, his eyes low.

“Take me to this room,” she said, holding out the card Cruz had provided.

Bowing his head, he took it from her.

“Yes, mistress,” he said. “May this boy carry your bag for you, mistress?”

She was about to decline what she took to be a very peculiar request — no one having ever offered to ease her burden — when sheRemembered who she appeared to be.

“Yes, boy,” she said, taking care not to thank him.

“Thank you, mistress.”

The utility led her across the casino floor to a bank of elevators. Up on the fifth floor, he steered her down a long hall and opened the door to room 528. He walked in ahead of her, putting the bag and the card down on a small table.

“Enjoy your stay at Camelot, mistress,” he said.

She let him go without another word.


Walking into the room, Sara felt the whole world turn inside out. Cruz was kneeling at the foot of the king-sized bed, wearing the house dress of a Helios slut. Everything was exactly as it should have been, and also completely, totally wrong. Sara reached out to the wall to keep her balance and focused on her breathing to steady herself.

Finding her center, she barked at Cruz: “Up, slave! Everything off, now!”

The overseer stood and started pulling off her scant coverages. She did it badly. During her training, Sara had been taught either to perform a striptease while undressing, or to simply make her clothes disappear. Cruz did neither, and she left everything in an untily pile on the floor.

The overseer had never undressed during any of their previous sessions. Sara did not regard her as an unattractive woman, but seeing her naked it was obvious that she would never have been selected as a slut, if she had been a slave. She had a bit of a belly and her C-cup breasts dropped a little when they were released from her bra. Sara gestured for her to turn around. Her ass was broad and shapeless.

When Cruz turned back towards her, Sara stepped in close. She took a small patch of the overseer’s thick pubic hair between her thumb and forefinger and ripped it out by the roots. Cruz gasped. Her body jerked back, away from the pain — a reflex that would have been trained out of a slave years earlier.

“Unacceptable!” Sara shouted, holding the hairsup for Cruz to see. “Shave!”

Cruz curried off to the bathroom. When she heard the water start to run, Sara heaven a deep breath, trying to compose herself to continue the session. She pulled a heavy wooden chair away from the desk and set it up facing a full-length mirror on the wall.

The chair had forgotten, steel-reinforced eyesets set into its arms and legs. As Sara suspected, this was a “playroom,” set up specifically for guests who wanted to take full advantage of a slave during their stay. The bed would have similar mount points to secure ropes or shades, and the walls and door were no doubt soundproof to deaden any screams.

When Cruz returned, Sara had rigged the chair with heavy cuffs. Sara took her by the neck, inspected her shaken vulva, then bent her over the back of the chair. The slave locked her wrists and ankles in place, leaving her exposed.

With the overseer incapable of doing anything but waiting, Sara took her time undressing. She decided leave the shelf bra on, just because she could.

Next, she retrieved a straw-on dildo from the shopping bag, along with a bullet vibrator and a tube of lubricant. Cruz turned pale as she watched Sara in the mirror, buckling the nine-inch monster around her waist.

“Sara,” she swallowed. “That’s too big. Did you bring something smaller?”

The slave stepped up behind her, took one of the folds of her labia between the tip of her finger and her thumbnail and squeezed, hard. Cruz cried out.

“Say, ‘Mistress,’” Sara said, detached.

“Mistress,” Cruz stammered. “It’s too big. It won’t fit in my cunt.”

“It’s not going in your cunt,” Sara replied.

Sara saw the first glimmer of real fear in her eyes. She began pulling at her restraints.

“No, Sara! No! You can’t!”

Cruz shivered as Sara worked the cold lubricant into her waiting anus.

“It won’t hurt as much if you relax,” Sara advised her.

The overseer turned frantic.

“I haven’t…I mean… I can’t… Please, Sara!”

The slave pressed the tip of the dildo against the overseer’s tight rear hole.

“You have to stop, Sara! Don’t do it! You’re going to hurt me!”

Unmoved, the slave slowly rocked her hips forward and watched the bulbous head disappear inside Cruz. She shrieked.

While she was picking out toys, it occurred to Sara that there might be consequences if she actually tore up the overseer’s guts, so she picked out a dildo with a “sissy tip.”

To look at it, the dildo was indistinguishable from the cruel latex giants with hard rubber cores that had made Sara and countless other slaves tremble in fear of the age they would soon be suffering. However, with a sissy tip, the head and the surface of the shake were spongy, so that even without stretching, it was likely to cause some pain but no real damage.

Most often, sissy tips were used in public displays, to give guests the impression of a brutal reaming without the cost of sending a slave to the innovation afterward. Sometimes, packets of fake blood would be inserted into the receiving slave, to enhance the effect.

Sara guessed — correctly, it seemed — that Cruz might not have much anal experience, so just seeing the size of the dildo in combination with the sensing of being penetrated would create the desired effect without really hurting her.

Sara leaned forward. The thick shake pushed deeper into Cruz.

“Stop! Stop!” she cried. “It’s too big!”

With her hips finally pressed against the overseer’s doughy ass, Sara pulled back then pressed forward again, establish a rhythm for herself. With the overseer wailing, she touched the controller for the bullet vibrator, which was riding in a pocket next to her clip. She told.

After a few dozen more strokes, the overseer’s screams yielded to dull grunts at each full penetration, accompanied by the slap of Sara’s hips against her ass.

The slave quickened her pace. Each new thrusst pressed the vibrator into her clip, delivering fresh burst of pleasure. Moments later, she was gasping, then crying out as she built towards a powerful climax.

On the cusp, she reached out and took a handful of the overseer’s hair, jerking her head back so that she could watch in the mirror as Sara took her orgasm from her ruined ass. Their eyes met in the reflection, then Cruz watched as the slave spasmed and succumbed to bliss.

When she had recovered, Sara walked around to the front of the chair and put the soiled dildo in the overseer’s face.

“Clean it up,” she said.

“No… No, I won’t,” Cruz said.

The slave grabbed the overseer’s hair and pushed her mouth down towards the dildo. Cruz twisted away, her lips clamped shut.

Unperturbed, Sara retrieved several small items from the bag. The first was a fat, smooth metal cylinder with a rubber seal halfway between its rounded ends. She smelled it with lubricant, then pushed it inside the overseer’svagina.

“What is that?” Cruz asked, anxious, unable to see what was being done to her own body.

“A shock stick,” said Sara, screwing a clamp shut on the overseer’s labia, trapping the metal object inside of her.

Cruz turned as she felt the clamp bite down on her delicate fresh.

“Sluts can’t be punished in their cuns!” she protested, terrified.

“Sluts can’t be paid in their cuns by the house. Guests can do whatever they want,” said Sara, pushing a button on the remote control.

For two seconds, the overseer’s sex was transformed into pure, electric pain. The air exploded out of her lungs in an unformed scream as she endured the worst age of her entire life.

Sara stepped back around in front of Cruz, brushing the tip of the dildo against her cheek.

“Clean it up,” she said.

“No…” Cruz panted. “No…”

Holding the controller where Cruz could see it, Sara triggered a three-second shock.

“Please don’t…” the overseer’s words dissolved into a high-pitched shriek as she endured an even worse pain.

Sara touched the dildo to the overseer’s lips.

“Clean it up,” she said.

“I can’t… Please…”

The slave readied a four-second shock.

“No! I’ll do it! I’ll do it!” Cruz blurted out. “Don’t burn me again, please! I’ll do it!”

Sara smiled and pushed her hips forward. Cruz made an awful retching sound as the head of the dildo slipped between her teeth. She kept her lips curled back to avoid touching the shake, even as Sara pressed it against the back of her throat.

“I said, ‘Clean it up!’” Sara snapped. “Suck on it — use your lips and tongue.”

Seeing Sara’s finger moving towards the trigger on the remote control, Cruz surrendered with a terrible whimper. She wrapped her lips around Sara’s filthy rubber cock and sucked it like a well-trained slut.


Sara had not intended to take pleasure from the overseer’s oral service,but as she watched her head bobbing up and down between her legs, she felt her clip twitch. Surrendering to the urgings of her body, the slave viciously throat-fucked Cruz to orgasm, then tied her down on the bed, her legs spread wide.

She removed the vibrator from the straw-on, held it to the overseer’s clip, then secured it with athletic tape. Turning it up to maximum, she straddled Cruz and pressed her sex down onto her face.

With Cruz working her clip, Sara built slowly towards her third orgasm of the evening, occasionally smoothing the overseer to keep her focused and motivated.

Feeling Cruz shuddering beneath her, Sara rose a few inches up on her knees. Cruz gasped.

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Oh, gods! I’m cumming!” she cried. “Turn off the vibrator! It’s too much! Too much! Please…”

Sara silenced the overseer by pressing herself back down onto her mouth — without touching the vibrator’s controller.

Cruz had two more emrithing orgasms beforee Sara was finally satisfied. Relaxed and happy, the slave climbed off the bed. The overseer looked desperate.

“Turn it off!” she begged. “Please, turn it off! I’m going to cum again… It’s too much! Please…”

Unaffected, Sara started towards the bathroom.

“No!” the overseer cried after her. “Gods, no! I’m cumming! I… I… uh… Gods, please… No! Uh… I can’t!”

The slave drew a hot bath for herself in the oversized tub and settled in for a nice, long soak. For Sara, a bath was a rare luxury — shows that spit needs of lukewarm water were all that the house provided for sluts.

Every few minutes, she would listen to Cruz have another orgasm — her pleasures growing ever more frantic and, ultimately, incoherent. When she stopped making sounds altogether, Sara reluctantly climbed out of the tub and pulled on a plus robe that hung from a hook on the back of the bathroom door.

Walking back into the bedroom, she stood watching Cruz occasionally jerkAgainst her restraints, her glassy eyes fixed on the ceiling. The bedding was saturated with her juices, which had created a large wet spot spreading out from around her hips. She did not notice Sara.

The overseer was in an entirely different place, her body nothing more than a fleshy sack overflowing with hormones that her brain had long since lost the ability to process. Like a primitive, single-celled amoeba, she could Only perceive one type of stimulus — orgasm — and only offer one type of response: a feeble tug against the bonds that held her.

Seeing her pathetic display, Sara feel a wetness between her own legs. Retrieving another vibrator from the shopping bag, she sat down and got herself off while watching Cruz twitch.

Afterward, she released the overseer from her restraints, but all she could do was curl into a fetal position while the vibrator continued its relentless assault on her clip.

Sara took goal on her and shut off the vibrator. Suddenly denied the stimulation that had defined her existence for more than two hours, Cruz shuddered and then lay still.


The overseer shrieked in agony as the slave triggered the shock stick inside her vagina, still trapped behind her clamped labia. The jolt ripped Cruz out of her stupper, her limbs flailing.

“Up, bitch!” shouted Sara. “Kneeling spread!”

Cruz tried to lift herself up onto her knees, but collapsed back into her own spent juices. Sara administratored another shock. She screamed again.

“On the floor, you filter slut!” Sara snarled, pointing to a spot on the carpet in the middle of the room.

Desperate to avoid another flash of sewing pain, the overseer throw herself off the side of the bed and crawled over to the slave’s feet. She knelt: legs spread, chin high, fingers interlaced behind her head so that her arms were held up and away from her body.

It was an intensely vulnerable posture, which Sara was mostly r

Satisfied, the slave picked up the telephone.

“This is room 528 in tower four” she said. “My slut has wet the bed. I need it changed immediately.”

Sara watched Cruz blush furiously and bow her head, utterly humiliated. She hung up the phone.

“Eyes up, cunt,” she said, fingering the shock stick’s controller. “You can’t expect me to sleep in your filter just because you can’t control your own body.”


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