Two Weeks a Slave

This story was originally meant to be fairly short. But like a lot of stuff it ‘grew arms and legs’ and changed as it went along. Some people might find it ‘slow’ to start with, but I think it is worth sticking with. I wanted to make the characters a bit more 3 dimensional than in most stories. I was also setting things up for more chapters (if I find the time and motivation)

Suggestions of what should happen to Sara in future are more than welcome.


Sara sat in the meeting room of Fantoch Technology, feeling a little overwhelmed. A lot of money had obviously been spent on the interior design – Swedish Minimalism took to the extreme. (which means fifty shades of white – and uncomfortable chairs.) The room had windows facing the street but the internal windows onto the corridor were opaque. One the table was stylishly modern phone and a box of tissues. She couldn’t help wondering if people did a lot of crying during meetings held here. Sara looked at the Fantoch representative across the table and found herself trying to recall his name – Daryl? Darren? He seemed to have been planned in the same design studio as the furniture, all angles and planes. Everything about him, suit, haircut, cologne; whispered that money had been spent. He appeared to be in his early thirties, black hair swept back from his forehead and dark brown eyes that seemed to skewer her Whenever he looked at her — which was often. Initially she blushed when he looked at her, feeling, somehow, that he could see her thoughts revealed in her face.

So she had been more than a little distracted by his attractiveness as they had chatted for the last hour about the ‘position’ she was applying for. That’s what he’d called it, and she appreciated the euphemism. She tried to continue the pretence that this was an ordinary job interview. In order to support that fiction she’d hurt her best outfit, smart, knee length, woollen skirt and demore blouse. Her bestShoes with heels higher than she’d normally risk as well as more make-up than usual; eye liner, mascara and pink lipstick. As well as taking more time than usual to style her shoulder length blonde hair, she’d shavourite everywhere and busted out of storage her favourite Victoria’s Secret underwear — her bra even matched her panties! Not that anyone else would know, but it gave her a little extra confidence that she definitely needed, considering what she was potentially letting herself in for.

Then Daryl/Darren brought her back from her reverie to reality.

‘Well Sara, if you have no more questions, I’d like to recap what we’ve discussed before I get you to “OK the paper work”‘. Sara could practically hear the quotation marks in his voice. She knew enough about sales to realize that he was trying to avoid scaring her off by saying “sign the contract”. He needsn’t have bothered. She had decided to sign days ago, when she’d checked her bank balance for the umpteenth time. She REALLY needed the money that was on offer.

‘What we are proposing’, Daryl/Darren continued, ‘is that Fantoch will employ you for two weeks. We will then place you with one of our clients from a select and pre-approved list. I explained previously how rigorous our vetted procedures are and you told me,’ he looked down at her application form, ‘that you were “more than satisfied”, is that correct?’

Sara’s mouth was suddenly dry, so she found herself only to nod, aware that they were getting down to brass tacks. The salesman looked at Sara and smiled, perfect white teeth revealed. She blushed again, feeling foolish.

‘Now, Sara, I need to confirm that you understand your employment will require you to provide sexual services of an…unusual kind. That you consent willingly to that aspect of your contract?’

Throughout the meeting Sara had been impressed with how matter of fact this man had been about the potentially touchy subject they were discussing, that she was agreeing, basically, to be a prostitute – if only for a brief time. A very specialised sort of prostitute. Needing to speak directly to him she was suddenly embarrassed that she could not remember his name.

‘I’m sorry’, she blushed. ‘Is it…Darren?’

‘Dane.’ He smiled again, no sign of embarrassment on his part.

‘Dane, sorry. I understand the nature of the…the position we are discussing. I consent to…what is required,’ she finished in a rush. Sara recalled that right at the start, Dane had told her that their interview was being recorded and realized at that moment the exact reason why. So she added, ‘Is that enough? Is that what you need to hear?’

Dane nodded encouragemently. ‘Yes Sara, that should be sufficient.’ Then he carried on. ‘The next consent required is possible the most important part. It is the thing that makes Fantoch unique. It is our unique selling point, the difference that allows us to remunerate our employees so…lavishly.’

Sara smiled at that word. The amounts discussed with Dane would allow her to pay off her college debts and get her car fixed – all for two weeks work! Although the nature of that ‘work’ still made her feel more than anxious, despite her determination to sign up.

‘What I need you to consent to Sara is, that during your employment, Fantoch Inc will be permitted to control aspects of your personality and memory – via our proprietary technology. What this means for you is simple. The control arrangement is an item of jewellery that you will wear throughout your contract term.’

Dane paused for a second. This was where he had to be so very, very careful. This was why he was paid so much, for his ability to walk the tightrope between revealing enough to keep the company lawsies satisfied — and not scaring off the applicant.

‘It will permit our client to exert the control that we discussed,’ he finished.

Sara took a deep breath. Here was the crux of the matter for her. This wasthe get-out clause that was going to make what she was doing bearable for her, the justification for overcoming her moral qualms. It was what had drawn her to Fantoch in the first place. She wasn’t going to be an ordinary whore, she was going to be a ‘Fantoch girl’.

‘This is the…the thing that means I won’t remember what I’ve..I’ve done, right? she stammered.

Dane laughed, politely, relaxing at the sound of desperation in her voice. He could tell that there was only one aspect of the control device that the girl was interested in. ‘That’s partially right Sara. You’ll know in general what you’ve done. Otherwise it might be tricky, legally, to prove consent if you didn’t recall that you worked for us for two weeks. But I can tell you that you won’t recall any specifics. Does that reassure you?’

Sara smiled weakly and nodded. That was enough to overcome any lingering doubts she had. She might be whoring herself, in a sense, but not knowing what she had done afterwards would somehow make it acceptable to her conscience.

‘So Sara, with that cleared up, can I ask you again – do you consent that, during your employment, Fantoch Inc will be permitted to control aspects of your personality and memory via our proprietary technology?’

Sara was consciousness that Dane was working from a well-rehearsed script and she knew what she was expected to say. For a moment she thought of asking what he means about ‘personality’ but she was conscious that she had already taken up a lot of Dane’s time.

Mind made up, Sara nodded decidedly. ‘Yes Dane, I give my consent.’

He gave her another view of his dazzling decoration and declared, ‘Perfect!’

Sara now expected him to present her with the contract to sign. But it appeared that he had a few more things to discuss.

‘When we talked initially Sara you said you wanted to use the money to pay off some debts and maybe get your car fixed, is that correct?’ Sara nodded, curiousto know where this was going.

Dane was staring at her intently now. ‘I was wondering if you’d prefer a new car, rather than repairing the old one?’

Sara laughed. ‘Is that a trick question? Of course I would. But how is that going to happen?’

‘There are ways Sara.’ He glanced down at the paperwork again. ‘As we discussed early on, your contract specifications what services you’ll provide whilst you are with our clients. At Fantoch we are very particular about consent. We want you to know that, whilst you won’t remember specifically what happened, you will have consented to every act that has taken place, do you understand?’

Sara thought back to the slightly embarrassing checklist she had gone through earlier in the interview and nodded. Dane didn’t say anything, till she realized what her was waiting for. ‘I understand’, she added

Dane nodded and carried on. ‘I have to tell you are just about the perfect girl for our clients. Pretty, mid-twenties, lovely breasts- a D cup is the preference of most of our customers. A combination of blue eyes and blonde hair is also very popular.’

Sara blushed, unaccustomed to such praise.

‘So we’ve circularized your profile and your picture to our best clients and we’ve been overwhelmed with the level of interest. Even a couple of what we call “option bids” for your services.’

Sara was shocked at this revelation. She hadn’t even signed the contact and some guys were seeing her pictures? But she bit down on her anger. She was going to sign up anyway, so did it matter she rationalised?

Keeping her face neutral she muttered, ‘Go on.’

Dane paused, studying her carefully. Maybe she’d given away more than she thought in her reply. ‘I’m only trying to get the best outcome for you Sara. So I want to inform you that some potential employees have suggested that your “extras are a little light”.’

‘What’s that mean?’ She said, still trying to sound reasonable.

Dane said, in matching tone of reasonableness, ‘You and I have been discussing a “safe and vanilla package” for your contract term. You know, normal sex and the guys use condoms. But, if you were prepared to, how should I put it, “tweak” your preferences, then we could more than tweak your remuneration. With a bit of flexibility on your part I could see, I don’t know, at least a 50 percent increase, possible 100 percent?’

Sara couldn’t help but let the interest and excitement this statement generated show on her face. The money that they’d discussed at first had seemed too good to be true. Now he was saying it could be doubled?!

She tried to calm herself, tried not to give too much away. ‘OK, kinda interesting. I’m not making any promises, but you can tell me more about “tweaking?”‘

Dane grinned wolfishly, sensing perhaps that his prey had taken the first nibble at this new bait. He took a form from a briefcase beside his chair and spread it flat on the conference table.

‘What I’m going to do Sara is go through a new checklist. These are all sexual acts or services that might be described as a bit more, “out of the ordinary” maybe? Although everyone has a different definition of ordinary, don’t they?’

Dane paused to check for any reaction from the girl to this question. Getting none, he carried on. ‘I’m not going to put any pressure on you Sara. All I’m going to say is that Every one of these items you agreed to add to your “services offered” package will add to your pay package, some more than others. I’ll read from the list and you just say “yes” if you consent to having them added to yours.’

He looked at the list, ‘I’ll begin.’ Then without further preamble, as if it were the most reasonable question in the world, ‘Anal sex? Anal toys or butt plugs etc?’

Sara squirmed in her chair a little as this particular curve ball was the first one thrown her way. This was why she’d gone for the “safe and vanilla” option – to avoid telling a complete stranger about her sexual preferences and experience. She’d known that this was the sort of question she was likely to be asked. She hadn’t wanted to admit that the first cock she had taken was in her ass, that she enjoyed it, that she was still a virgin when she first had anal sex. Nor could she admit that she liked having a butt plug in her tightest hole.

But now she felt she’d got to know Dane, a little, and had developed a sort of rapport. Besides, the way Dane was asking her the questions, she didn’t have to admit to the background of her answers, she only had to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

She took a deep breath, whilst blushing to the roots of her hair. ‘Yeah, sure, why not,’ she declared, a little too loudly. She felt a little tension release as she said it.

‘What about sex with a woman?’ was the next question. Easy, ‘No’ said Sara, ‘Not interested.’ Dane looked up, but was as good as his word and didn’t press the matter. His eyes flicked back to the paperwork

‘Now we’ve got some BDSM related questions Sara.’ Dane said. His gaze caught Sara’s and she could see his interest intensify. ‘Are you OK with that? Lots of extra money to be made with some of these.’

Having got the butt sex and girl/girl questions out of the way Sara had started feeling brave. This question brought her down to earth with a bump. It looked like it was time for some more embarrassing indirect confessions to her kinky desires. But there was no backing out now. ‘Fire away. I won’t know until you ask?’

‘Spanking?’ Dane asked, in a perfectly normal tone of voice.

Sara shrugged, suddenly full of bravado. ‘Yep, add it on. Love it, as long as it’s not too hard.’

‘Whipping or caning?’

Sara grimaced at the thought. ‘Nope, too much for me.’

Dane nodded, then added. ‘Our contract states that any marks or bruises left should only of the severity that fade after a maximum of three days?’ Phrasing it as a question seemed to Sara that he was trying to gether to change her mind. She decided to be firm.

‘You said you wouldn’t try to pressure me Dane. It’s still a no.’

He nodded, unperturbed, then he continued. ‘What sort of restraints would you consent to?’

Sara considered this question for a second. She felt like protesting again, saying that this wasn’t fair; this wasn’t a question that she could answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to. It was like she was being asked to reveal too much of herself to him by answering. But he had been utterly professional throughout their meeting, and not the least bit creepy; which she thought was pretty remarkable under the circumstances. So she answered the question the way it was asked.

‘I’ve not had a lot of actual experience. But based on what I’ve actually done, and what I’ve fantasised About doing, maybe seen on the Web, I’d say, ankles and wrists tied, with a leather belt perhaps, or handcuffs?’ Sara paused, squirming in her seat the tiniest bit. She realized with surprise that she wasstarting to get turned on by telling this man, this stranger, her dirty desires. Emboldened by this realisation she hurried on, her voice a little husky.

‘I like the idea of ​​being gagged, maybe with like a…cock gag? You know what I mean?’ When Dane nodded Sara blushed again, and feel her pussy becomes ever so slightly damp. ‘I’ve seen pictures of girls in stocks, like in the old days, and that looks horny.’ Unconsciously she licked her lips as she recalled some of her favourite pictures from the net.

But Dane had noticed. ‘It seems you have some submissive tendencies Sara?’. She realized it was useless denying the obvious. ‘I guess I do.’ she said, shrugging, as if it wasn’t much to confess.

‘In that case would you add that to the list? Lots of our clients are looking for that.’ Sara noticed that Dane’s breathing was getting a little faster, that he sounded a little less detached and professional than he had before. ‘Would you like to be made to dress to order, tolook like a slutty sub? Lingerie, stockings, corsets; maybe a collar and leanh?’

Sara couldn’t stop a little sight escaping her lips at this question. ‘Yes please’, she whispered and felt her pussy twitch.

Dane leaned forward, ‘You could go further down this line if you wanted to earn serious money? I have some very wealthy clients who like to fully control their Fontoch girls. Give them rules and restrictions they must obey, punish them if they don’t.’ Now Dane’s voice sounded hoarse all of a sudden. He felt his cock harden as he thought of the possibilities. ‘They want to control them in almost every way, even down to denying them their orgasms when they are most turned on and are becoming to cum.’

Sara shivered, felt her knickers become soaked through, as Dane uncovered possible her ultimate fantasy. All she could do was murmur, ‘Oh God yes. I want that. So much!’ Then she laughed nervously, blushing all over again, realising how much she had revealed about herself in those few words.

Dane seemed surprised at the intensity of her response. It made him sit back and stretch his shoulders, aware that he had been hunted forward, being a little bit too intense himself, giving too much away. He reminded himself that the contract wasn’t signed, yet. He had only to keep his mask only a little longer to get what he wanted.

‘Very good’, he said, trying to slow his breathing. ‘Very good’, he repeated in a more controlled, normal tone of voice. ‘With those additions to your services offered list I am positive we can get you at least 50 percent more than our initial offer. How does that sound?’

Sara looked at him, or past him, picturing herself in some of the situations he’d questioned her about. She was caught off balance by his next question. ‘What new car would you like to buy if you had enough money?’

Jolted back into the present by this question she answered without much thought. ‘A Honda Accura.’ Then she added, puzzled, ‘Why doyou ask?’

Dane dialled up his brightest smile and explained. ‘Before I answer that question Sara I want to explain that we have different ratings for our customers. In the top band we have men who are prepared to pay very well for some specialised services. In order to qualify for this rating, they obviously have their credit ratings thoroughly checked. But, in addition, they have all agreed to be regularly tested to prove they don’t have anything, how should I put it, communicable?’ Dane looked at Sara, eyebrow raised as he waited for a reaction.

He saw Sara’s eyes widen as she suddenly released where this was going.

When Dane saw the reality in her face he nodded. ‘Yes Sara, if you agree to forgo the “safe” aspect of your contract I could offer you double the initial amount discussed.’ He could see the doubts immediately showing in the face of the girl opposite him and he rushed on. ‘Our screening means it would be 100 percent safe, and during our interview youinformed me that you’ve had a contraceptive implant, so there is no risk of pregnancy.’ Dane stopped talking for a second. As Fantoch’s best sales negotiator he could sense that this argument wasn’t really swaying his prospect, so he tried another tack.

‘I’m going to go out on a limb here Sara and guess that you probably don’t like using condoms? Am I right?’ He saw the tiniest hint of a nod and He’d found the way past her defences. ‘No need to fiddle about with rubbers? A girl like you probably likes to taste and feel a man’s cum when he orgasms, right?’ This time the nod was more emphatic. Time to go all in he decided. ‘And you’d be able to buy that new Acura the day your contract was finished — with cash! As well as paying of your student debt’

Sara Shook herself and straightened up in her chair. Everything he had said was true, he’d read her right. She did love the feeling of being flooded with cum when a man was fucking her. Thinking about it, recallingpast experiences and thinking forward to what might happen if she agreed made her feel even more aroused, which surprised her.

‘And you can guarantee it would be completely safe?’ she asked in a small voice.


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