Two Widows Pt. 01

The tears flowed on this mid-July morning as Elizabeth and Jennifer sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee and sharing their frustrations with each other. It had been a long five months for the two widows and friends, whose husbands had been killed in a February car accident as they were driving home from a college basketball game.

Elizabeth, called Lizzie by her closest friends, and Jennifer, who was called Jenny by most, were a study in contrasts. Elizabeth was 44 with jet black hair and a skin tone that looked like she had a perpetual tan. She was 5-4 and had a nice figure, although she hid that well with how she dressed. Today, she was in jeans with pantyhose – she always wore pantyhose – and a baggy dark top that obscured her breasts that were contained in a plain 38D bra. Jenny, 24, was 5-2, pale skinned and blonde. She was wearing a denim miniskirt that barely covered her cute ass and a thin white top that made it clear that she was not wearing a bra. She had a 34B bus size with prominent nipples.

Lizzie thought of Jenny as the daughter she never had. The two had met in Jenny’s sophomore year at the local college. She was an education major and was assigned to work a few hours a week in Lizzie’s third-grade class to gain some practical experience. The two had hit it off and Jenny had worked in Lizzie’s classroom every semester she was in college, had done her student teaching under Lizzie’s tutelage then had gotten a job teaching at the same school.

Along the way, they had discovered they were both submissive. They served their husbands in vastly different ways but both were very submissive.

Lizzie, an only child, had married at the age of 17, one month after graduating high school. She had grown up in a home where her mother was openly submissive. seen her mother slapped, heard the sounds of her mother being spanked with the paddle or belt, and, a few times, had been punished alongside her mother by her strict father. It wasan arranged marriage, really. Jim was 22. His father and Lizzie’s father were friends. Jim had been brought up to believe that a woman’s place was to serve.

In her private moments, Lizzie would admit to herself that she never really loved Jim. She respected him and they had built a comfortable life together but Lizzie always knew that she was there to cook, clean, do the laundry, serve his sexual needs and accept his punishment for her shortcomings. Jim worked long hours in the family business – his family owned a furniture store – and would spend hours at night tinkering with the latest car he was restoring in the garage.

Jim had only a few rules for Lizzie. She had to dress modestly at all times, wearing long skirts and dresses in public. She was not allowed to wear heels because he was only an inch taller than her. She was allowed to wear only plain underwear. She was not allowed to wear short pants outside the home and was required to wear pantyhose anytime she left the house. The house was expected to be kept spotless and dinner was to be served at 7 p.m. nightly. A paddle was kept hanging in his closet to deal with any infections. He allowed her to work, which her father never had allowed her mother to do. Lizzie’s biggest disappointment was that they had not had children.

Jenny had discovered an interest in BDSM in college. She had met Matthew on a website. The Two had played, dated, fallen in love and married. She lived for his punishment and humiliation. At home, she frequently was nude, sometimes with heels. She always wore a collar at home and an ankle bracelet as a public collar. She always wore nice skirts or dresses, usually with heels, to work. She loved sexy bras, thong panties paired with a garter belt and stockings.

Lizzie and Jenny were thrilled when Matthew became friends with Jim, coming over to the house and tinkering with the cars in the evenings and on the weekends. The two played golf together, hunted together andwent to sporting events together. That allowed the two women to spend a lot of time together.

After the accident, Jenny had moved in with Lizzie. The idea was the two women could help each other get over their grief. Lizzie had decided to take a sabbatical for the next school year. Jenny resigned her position, saying she planned to earn master’s degree before she returned to the classroom. The move had not gone as smoothly as expected.

Jenny had been there about six weeks by this point, and the house, to put it charitably, was a mess. There were boxes in the garage, boxes in the dining room and boxes all over Jenny’s room. The two were always going to take the boxes “tomorrow.” It had been weeks since Lizzie had dusted and she could not remember the last time the kitchen had been properly cleaned. There had have only surface cleaning of the rooms. Jenny had been going to bars, sometimes coming home after 3 a.m. with alcohol on her breath and in what Lizzie felt was no condition to drive.

“I admit it,” Lizzie said, wiping tears away from her face after pouring out her frustrations to Jenny. “I am totally lost without Jim’s discipline. I don’t know what to do but we cannot go on the way we are, Jenny. We are going to end up hating each other.”

“I was so pissed off at you when you yelled at me for coming home so late,” Jenny said. “Then I went to bed and just tossed and turned. I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about how disappointed Matthew would have been with me for drinking and driving. He would have used the switch on me for that.”

“The switch?” Lizzie said, raising her eyesbrows.

“The switch is awful,” Jenny said. “The worst part is he would make me go into the yard and cut my own. I had to cut three of them, prepare them then bring them to him. They hurt like hell and left my ass and sometimes my legs marked for a few days. Sometimes I had to wear longer skirts or dresses to hide the marks at work.

“I hated the fucking switch with a password. Sorry about the language, Lizzie. I know you don’t like me talking like that. But I really did hate the switch. The thing is, though, I always felt so much better after he punished me. It was like all the guilt was gone. I had paid for my mistake and it was over. I know I need that again. I want that again. It makes me a better woman.”

Lizzie got up and hugged her friend and wipe away her tears. The women sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Then Jenny spoke. “Lizzie, I have an idea I’ve wanted to talk to you about. But first, I want to show you something online. Let me go get my laptop.”

Jenny came back almost at a trot, carrying her open laptop. She set down in the table in front of Lizzie. It was open to the profile page of a Dominant man from their town. “Lizzie, look at this photo,” Jenny said, pointing to the computer screen. The photo showed a variety of spanking implements – two paddles, a hairbrush, a belt , a razor strip, a riding crop anda cane sitting in the sunshine on top of a patio table.”

“The profile is interesting,” Lizzie said. “But what about the photo?”

“That’s Rick’s patio,” Jenny said. “I’m sure of it.”

Rick lived in two doors down. He was 30, single, average looking and worked long hours. Lizzie didn’t know him well – enough to wave and say hello – but after Jim’s death, Rick had used His snow blower to clear her sidewalk and driveway after each snowfall. When spring came, Rick had started mowing her lawn each time he mowed his. When Jenny had moved in, he had invited the two women over to his house one Sunday evening when he grilled steaks on the patio. Jenny pointed out a few items visible in the photo that matched what two women remembered of Rick’s patio.

“I found this profile a couple of days ago,” Jenny said. “I wrote him last night when I couldn’t sleep. He wrote me back this morning. He wants to know more about what I am seeking. Frankly, seeing his profile made my pussy twitch. I have an idea but it’s kind of daring.”

“What’s your idea?” Lizzie asked.

“We owe him a dinner,” Jenny said. “Let’s see if we can come over this weekend. Let’s cook him a nice dinner, let him drink a few beers. When he’s nice and loose, let’s show him his profile and tell him that we need someone willing to give us the structure and discipline we need.”

“That is so fucking scary,” Lizzie replied, then seeing the look of shock on Jenny’s face over her language, smiled and laughed. “But also exciting … Let’s go for it.”

Lizzie called Rick that day at his office and he agreed to come over Sunday afternoon. The week seemed to drag on but Sunday finally arrived. Lizzie wore a loose fitting long dress with sandals. Jenny wore a sundress that she knew looked nice on her, along with her favorite bra, a pair of thong panties and sandals.

Dinner went well. Rick volunteered to grill the steaks. They sat on the patio. Rick had a few beers during the day and with dinner while the women had wine. When dinner was done, Lizzie asked if they could move into the living room before the mosquitoes got bad. They moved to the living room and Lizzie guided Rick into the nice recliner while she sat on the couch. Jenny, who had said she was going to the restroom, came joined them a few minutes later, carrying her laptop.

Jenny looked at Lizzie then sat on the floor next to Rick. “I Want to show you something,” she said quietly. She opened the laptop called him the Dom’s profile page and handed the laptop to Rick, saying, “We think this is you, Sir. It’s your patio.”

Rick’s eyes narrowed. He looked first at Jenny then at Lizzie. “Yes,” he said, “that is my profile.”

“Thank god,” Lizzie exclaimed, which made Rick laugh. “I was so nervous. I have to go pee,” she announced and ran down the hallway. She returned a few minutes later and joined Jenny on the floor next to the recliner, saying “Sir, we really need to talk to you.”

“Go on,” Rick said.

Over the next hour, the two women told Rick their stories and recent frustrations with the way their lives were going. He mostly listened but also asked questions. At the end, Lizzie looked him in the eyes. “Sir,” she said. “We really need someone to hold us accountable. Would you do this for us?” Jim looked at Jenny. “Do you feel the same way?” he asked. “Yes, Sir, I do,” she answered.

Rick sat there silently, looking at Lizzie then Jenny. Finally he spoke, “Very well, he said. “We will begin immediately. Go to your bedrooms and wait for me. Lizzie, you will get your paddle and have it sitting on your bed when I get there.”

“Yes Sir” the two women answered. They got up and walked down the hall and went into their rooms.

Rick waited 10 full minutes after they had been sent to their rooms then got out of the recliner, went to restroom than walked into Lizzie’s room without knocking. He found her sitting on the bed, looking at the floor with the paddle beside her.

“Stand up and take off her dress,” he ordered. “Yes, Sir,” Lizzie replied and quickly obeyed. Rick picked up the paddle. “Bend over the bed, young lady. “Yes Sir,” Lizzie replied and again obeyed. Rick moved behind her, yanked down her pantyhose and panties, pulling them down to her calves. Then lectured her on how disappointing her behavior had been sine Jim’s death. Lizzie was almost in tears from the lesson. All she could do was keep saying “Yes Sir” over and over as Rick’s lesson continued.

The first paddle stroke came quickly and without warning. CRACK. It made Lizzie gasp. The swats came quickly and hard. Lizzie was crying in no time at all. Then she was bawling. Her rear end was on fire like it had not been for months. Suddenly, it was over. “Stay here,” Rick commanded. “Yes sir,” Lizzie replied then collapsed on her bed crying.

Rick unbuckled his belt as he walked to Jenny’s room. He found her lying on the bed. She had removed her sundress andwas in her bra and panties. Her panties were obviously wet. “Oh you liked what you heard coming from the other room?” Rick asked. “Yes Sir,” Jenny answered.

Rick required Jenny to lie on the bed with two pillows under her, raising her ass nice and high. He removed her panties, leaving her in just her bra. He skillfully taught her on her reckless behavior, saying tonight’s session was just the first in what would be a series of punishments for her behavior. Then he attacked – there really is no other word to describe it – Jenny’s ass with the belt. A few of the strokes hit her tighs as she wiggled around on the bed. At the end, she was bawling even worse than Lizzie had been.

“Thank you, Sir,” Jenny said through her tears. “Please allow me to properly thank you for my punishment.”

She jumped up from the bed, guided Rick sit on the bed, dropped to her knees and looked up at him. “Sir, may I suck you?” When Rick nodded yes, Jenny unfasted his pants, pulled down hispants and underwear and took his hard cock in her mouth. Rick came hard a few minutes later, exploding in her mouth.

Jenny swallowed, licked her lips and looked up at Rick. “Please stay and fuck me, Sir,” she said softly.

“No, young lady,” Rick replied. “You are not allowed sex after a punishment.”

“But Sir,” Jenny while, causing Rick to pick up his belt up. “Do you need to go back over the pillows,” Rick asked? “No Sir,” Jenny quickly replied.

Rick dressed himself and walked to the door, looking back at Jenny when he got there. “In five minutes, put your dress back on and come into the living room,” he said. “Yes Sir,” Jenny said. Rick started to walk out of the room then stopped and walked back to her. “Jenny,” he said softly. “We are going to do something about Lizzie’s wardrobe. It’s going to take some time. But I’m sending the two of you to the supercenter tonight. I will explain more when we are in the living room. But while you are there, I want you to buy matching outfits for the two of you. Get three pairs of shorts in the gym trunk style and tight tops that go with them. Do you understand?”

“Oh, yes Sir,” Jenny replied. “I know Lizzie’s sizes so I don’t have to ask. Do you have a color preference?”

“You have really nice taste in clothes, Jenny,” Rick said, causing her to beam. “You pick. I just want You to match.” With that, Rick stride out the room, stopped Lizzie’s doorway and ordered her to dress and be in the living room in five minutes.

Rick was sitting in the recliner, calmly drinking an iced tea, when the two women came into the living room. They sat on the floor without being asked and waited.

“Ladies, I am on vacation,” Rick finally said. “It started today and I’ll be off for 8 days so I will have a lot of time to spend with the two of you.”

“That’s great, Sir,” Lizzie said softly.

“We’ll see if you really feel that way,” Rick said with a laugh. “Tonight, the two of you are going to takeInventory of your cleaning supplies. You will go to the supercenter and buy anything you need to give this house a thorough cleaning. Do you understand me?”

“Yes Sir,” the two women answered in unison.

“I will be here at 7:30 in the morning,” Rick said. “Both of you will be up, shown, dressed and ready to work. Breakfast will be ready. We will have pancakes and bacon with Two eggs over easy and iced tea. If we have to go to the store to get something you forget tonight, both of you will be spanked. Is that understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Neither of you are going anywhere and doing anything, without my express permission, until this house is properly cleaned. I don’t care how long it takes. Is that understand?”

“Yes Sir,” the two women replied.

Rick got and walked to the front door, As he opened the door, he turned and looked back at the women. “Lizzie, I have given Jenny some instructions for how you will dress tomorrow. You will put on what she gives you without complaint.”

He walked out the door without waiting for a response.


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