The noon sun peaked through the window, its warm light beginning to melt the snowy ground as the spring thaw came. Casey could hear the birds sing outside as if heralding winter’s end. Flowers had already begun to grow, and the trees would soon regrow their leaves. Things were becoming more colorful, but there was still a chill in the air. He didn’t mind the cold, however. He felt that it just added to the whole experience of spring.
A part of him wanted to look out the window and admire the beautiful day outside, but he was unable to move. Bright red ropes intersected across his body, forming knots, and tying his hands and legs together. The sounds of nature outside served as background noise to the sound of squelching and heavy breathing coming from inside his room.
Ash, his girlfriend and master, paid him a visit once again. They’d eat lunch together and had only recently gotten back to his apartment. It’d been several months since they started dating and becamePartners. Master loved spending time with him, but when she got horny, she took what was hers. The foreplay had left him covered in hickeys and little scratches, which served as marks of ownership. As if being tied up and roughly fucked wasn’t enough, she was keeping her hands on his throat. She was a sadistic master and was like a beast in the bedroom; it really turned him on.
His dick was kept desperately swollen by a cock ring. He’d come twice at that point, but it seemed she wasn’t quite satisfied yet. Slamming her hips down, grinding, and touching herself, she was just as intense as when they started. She always enjoyed fucking him, but the cock ring made him feel even thicker, and she enjoyed the sight of Casey tied up for her.
“You’re always such a good boy for me, kitten.” She said, before licking her lips. “I’m getting close again.”
“Me too…” he secretly hoped this would be the last since he was getting tired. As good as it felt, he’d probably have to use the safe word if she keep going after that.
Bringing herself down on him one more time, she climaxed. Biting her lip, she dragged her nails along his chest as she came again. He felt her insides twitching wildly, before feeling her raise her hips back up until his dick was out. That last little bit of stimulation was just enough to push him over the edge. Just a second his dick was out, it started spurting semen out onto his chest. Cum had already pooled on his body, but that final climax didn’t add too much since he’d already been mostly drained.
Releasing a heavy sight, Ash sat back and looked at him. “Naughty kitten…you made a mess.” She said, seeing his body covered in the thick, white liquid.
“I’m sorry…”
She softly smiled, before getting back on top of him. Her face was right up against his. “Well, you did good today, so I guess I can overlook it.” She continued, before giving him a peck on the forehead and licking his cheese.
Since he was tied up,she had to clean him up herself. Wiping his torso up with some paper towels, she then took off his cock ring and got him untied. On top of the hickeys and scratch marks, now there were soft lines on his body from the rope. At that moment, he felt thankful that it was still cold outside.
After some aftercare in the form of cuddling and tea, the two sat on the couch and chatted for a little bit while they played video games together.
As even approached, Casey suddenly recalled something Ash had brought up during lunch. “I almost forgot about it because of…what happened after, but didn’t you say something about going to a bar tonight?”
“Yeah, I was hoping we could go together!” She perked up when it was mentioned. “I’m in the mood to get shitfaced, but I don’t wanna do that kind of thing on my own. Speaking of which, I never asked: you want to be the designed driver, or should I get an uber?”
“I mean, you’ve driven me all over town at this point, so I feel like I have to return the favor.” He chuckled. “And I will say, I’m pretty curious to see what you’re like drink.”
“It’s a deal then! I don’t know what time you wanna leave, maybe in a few hours?”
“Sounds good.”
Once the sun set and it got dark again, the couple headed out. Riding in Casey’s little white car was a very different experience from going on her motorcycle. It was certainly ideal for cooler weather since it had heating, and the wind wasn’t constantly in their faces. After grabbing a bite to eat at a Chinese restaurant, they headed for the bar.
Walking into the establishment, they quickly realized that they’d lucky out crowd-wise: there were other people there, but it wasn’t terribly packed and loud like it often was on weekends. The wood floors and Walls, coupled with the orange lights, made the whole place feel warm and warming as well. For a night of drinking, it felt ideal.
Walking up to the bar and observing the menu, it didn’t take longBefore they decided on drinks. Ash ordered a pint of Porter to start out, while Casey got some ginger ale. Finding a table in some quiet corner, they started on their drinks.
Casey sipped the fizzy ginger soda and watched his date grab the glass of black, foamy beer. Apparently diving straight in, she started drinking and tilted her head back slightly. Seeing the stout gradually go down as she chugged it, he was impressed.
She’d already swallowed a sizable portion of it before she finally slammed the glass back on the wooden table. She leaned over and took a breath. “Phew, that’s the good shit!”
“Not one to savor your drink I see.” Casey observed.
“Like my technique? How do you think I’m so good at swallowing you?” Crossing her arms, she leaned back in the chair. “Yep. At one point I could drink a whole pint in one go but I’m out of practice these days. I can definitely still do the thing where you crush the can against your head, though.”
“Can crush thing?” He just laughed softly. “I’d like to see that.”
Still holding the beer in one hand, she put her arm around his shoulder. “By the way, don’t you drink as well? Next time I’ll have to be the designed driver.”
“I don’t recall the last time I went out for drinks…that would be nice.” He gave her a peculiar look. “Is it a good idea to ride a motorcycle with a drink person? I’ve mostly seen people do it with cars…”
“Don’t worry about that, my old car will get us around fine.”
“Oh.” He’d only ever seen her on the bike, so he assumed that was her sole method of getting around. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that such a scenario wouldn’t make much sense given how impressive it would be.
She got through the beer in short order. She went through several more pins as they idly chatted, but eventually, she decided to spice things up and order a neighbor bourbon whiskey. By the last pint, she’d already been slowing down a little, but she seemedcontent to sip the whiskey. Frankly, that’s what he expected, but it still would’ve been both suprising and impressive if she’d decided to chug down the whiskey as she did with the beer. In any case, he could tell she was starting to get a little tipsy by the time she’d began savoring the brown spirit. The cumulative effects of the beers were really starting to kick in.
Swaying about, Ash got out her phone. “By the way, I’ve put together the perfect playlist for when I’m pegging you.” She proudly announced, before handing him her phone.
He scrolled through the list of songs and quickly noticed a pattern. “This is all just sea shanties and Irish folk music, you shithead!”
She just cached. “It’s perfect background music, cause you see, my piratesona has a peg leg. They call her Peggie, but it’s unrelated to her peg leg.”
“God damn it.” He told. “You’ve clearly drunk too much; I’m not letting you get more after the bourbon.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”She hung her arm around him and poked at his cheek. “Now are ya gonna let me fuck you or not?”
“You’re drunk, I’m not having sex with you. However, if you’re sober tomorrow, I’ll consider it.”
“Tomorrow? Hell yeah! Be careful though…” she leaned in and whispered in his ear, a noticeable cent of alcohol on her breath “I might just get you pregnant.”
He furrowed his eyesbrows. “I can’t get pregnant, what? Can you impregnate other people? How would that work?”
“I’ll find a way, boy~” she swayed back and forth “Nature always finds a way~”
“…sure.” She kept saying weird stuff, and he noticed they were starting to get some looks. He was no stranger to that sort of thing, but this was getting to be too much. Causing a scene would be bad, so he figured it was best to get her home and have her sober up there.
After paying the tab, he held her by the hand and made his way back to his car. Just after they got into the parking lot, she suddenly stopped.’d planted her feet so firmly that he almost fell over.
“What is it?” He asked, annoyed that he’d been jerked back.
She pointed off in the distance. “Cat.”
He looked to where she was pointing, and there was indeed a cat in the parking lot. He didn’t know whether it was feral or if it was someone’s pet, but either way, it looked skittish.
“I want to pet cat.” Ash said, trying to pull him along.
“No, he doesn’t look sociable and we don’t know where he’s been!” He cried, desperately trying to pull back to no avail. She dragged him along like a big dog on a leash. “You’re so fucking strong, holy shit!” Normally her strength was a turn-on, but in this specific scenario, it was an announcement. He was hoping to avoid making a scene, but it seemed this was difficult to avoid once she’d drunk enough.
Once the rowdy couple got too close, the cat curried off into the dark woods.
“No, kitty!” She cried. “He doesn’t know I love him…”
Casey released asight. “I love cats too, but he looked skittish. I doubt he would’ve let us get much closer.”
“Fuck this.” She lowered her head. “Okay~ we can go home.”
“It’s okay.” Since she sounded generally upset, he gave her a hug. “Maybe we can adopt a cat sometimes.” She booped him on the nose. “You.”
“I meant-” he had to stop himself, realizing there was little point in arguing with a drink. “Whatever, let’s just go home.”
After herding Ash into the car, they finally got back to his place. He helped her get her boots and jacket off, then she trusted into the living room and collapsed on the couch.
He joined her there, sitting beside her head. As if seizing the opportunity the moment it arrived, she dragged herself up further until her head was resting on his lap.
“Oh!” He giggled. “Wasn’t expecting that. How do you like my lap?” He started running his hand through her short hair.
“It’s comfy…fucking thigh pillow. It’sawesome.” She told. Squeezing his thigh, she felt her hands sinking into them. “Your thighs are too thick. I want to slap them.”
“There is no such thing as ‘too thick’.”
“Shit, you’re right.”
They stayed like that for a while. His fingers rubbed on her undercut, feeling the buzzed hair before migrating to the top of her head where it’d grown longer. She seemed quite happy laying there, using his thighs as a pillow while his fingers ran along her scalp.
He witnessed deeply, then recalled that he means to ask about her feelings. They’d been dating for a few months, and a small part of him was still worried about how serious she was about their relationship. Since she had been drinking, that probably meant her inhibitions were lowered, so she would likely be more honest.
“I love you…” he said, softly “do you love me?”
She looked up at him, a perplexed look on her face. “What do you mean~?” She reached up and booped him on the nose again. “Of course I love you. You’re like, my boyfriend and shit. You’re fuckin awesome, man.”
“Really?” He could feel his spirits rise hearing her say it. Even if she was tipsy, he could hear the honesty in her voice. In hindsight, it seemed silly that he was worrying about such a thing, but it was comforting to have confirmation.
The next morning, he’d already started cooking breakfast by the time she woke up and lumbered out of his bedroom.
“Geez, have I got a headache.” Blinking her eyes, she noticed what he was doing. “Oh, cooking breakfast again?”
“Yep! I figured you’d be hungover, so I thought a nice breakfast would help you recover.”
“Nice, thanks!” She walked into the kitchen and watched him do his work.
“Aside from the headache, are you feeling better?” He asked, as he flipped over the pancakes.
“Well, I slept some of it off, but now I feel grocgy…”
“Nothing some food and a bit of coffee won’t fix. Oh, and you should stay hydrated too! That’s always a good rule of thumb.”
“Yeah, I’ve dealt with this before, I know how to deal. You don’t have to lesson me like you’re my mom.”
He huffed indignantly. “I’m just making sure my girlfriend feels alright!”
“I appreciate it, just saying I don’t like being lectured.” Walking up to him, she held him from behind as she watched him cook. He felt himself blush a little, feeling her body pressing against his back while her muscle arms wrapped around him. “So…what was that question last night all about?”
“What question?” He asked, wondering what she remembered from the previous night.
“You know the one, when you asked if I loved you. I was drunk, but I thought it was a little weird even then. I mean, isn’t it obvious that I love you?”
“Oh…that was…” he released a heavy sight “it wasn’t that I doubted your interest in me. It’s just…I feel like I’ve really fallen in love with you. I knew you were interested in me, I just wasn’t sure how much you wanted to pursue a serious relationship.”
“Is that what it was?” She held him tighter. “Maybe I haven’t been expressing myself right. Just so we’re on the same page, I’d say I definitely feel a similar way as you do. I mean, I’ve started having dreams about making you my house husband. Do what you will with that info.”
“You dream about me?!” He looked up, meeting her gaze while the top of his head rested against her chest. “I have dreams about you too!”
“Oh really? What are they about?”
“Nothing!” He quickly lowered his head, turning his attention back to the food. He’d almost immediately regretted bringing the dreams up.
“C’mon~” she poked him on the cheese “what am I doing in your dreams?”
“Keep pestering me about this, and you won’t be getting any of these pancakes!”
“That’s not fair!” She cried. “You’re holding the flapjacks over my head! Abuses of power!”
With that, things had been confirmed. Now that they were on the same page, they wereboth left wondering how the relationship would develop from there and whether Ash’s dream of a househusband would become reality.
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