Two Toms and a Brain Cell Ch. 03

Author’s Note: I know my uploading schedule has never been consistent, but I’m really sorry for the lack of updates these past few months. I started working on this chapter shortly after the previous part was out, but long story short, a variety of life circumstances means that I really haven’t had much time to write stuff like this (I feel like it’s just been one thing after another for the past 6 months). But it’s here now and I’m trying to reincorporate writing into my schedule more, so hopefully, there won’t be such a big delay next time. Thank y’all for being patient, and for reading my work!!

Ash slowly woke up to see the pale winter sun shining through the window. She groaned and rolled over, hoping to cuddle with Casey just a bit more before getting up. When she turned over, however, she saw that he was no longer in bed. Still barely awake, she began wondering if he’d just randomly left. That is, until she noticed the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen, accompanyied by the smell of pancakes and sausage.

Scratching her bedhead and smacking her lips, she walked down the stairs to see her new boyfriend making breakfast in the kitchen.

“Good morning!” He greeted with a smile. “You’re just in time, the pancakes are almost finished and the sausages are ready. Oh, and I put a pot of coffee on too. I’m guessing you want some?”

“Yeah…” still grggy, she poured herself a cup and immediately started drinking the black liquid.

“Not much of a morning person, huh?” He observed, flipping the last few pancakes over.

She grunted, before taking another sip. Until she finished her first cup of coffee, she was never in the mood to talk much. He was much more chipper in the morning it seemed, which a part of her was annoyed by. That announcement with morning people, However, was overpowered by the prospect of waking up to pre-made breakfast and coffee.

Once the food was done cooking, they brought everything to the table and began eating. After munching on the sausages for a moment, she absent-mindedly took a bite of a syrup-covered pancake and froze. It was good; insanely good, actually.

She looked at the brown-haired man sitting across from her. “How did you make these pancakes?”

“You like them?” He smiled with pride. “It’s a recipe I picked up from my grandmother, everyone in the family always loved them. Just the right texture and sweetness, and a hint of cinnamon.”

“Wait, did you make the batter then?”

“Yeah, you probably realized when I last spent the night, but I’m a bit of a morning person. Figured I might as well spend a little extra time putting it together. It’s not too hard and I enjoy cooking for others, so it’s really no trouble.”

Finishing off her coffee, she softly smiled. “That’s…really sweet of you, thanks. And uh, I guess I should thank your grandmother too.” She chuckled. “For making a good recipe, I guess.”

“She’s enjoying herself in heaven, I’m sure.” After finishing that sentence, he furrowed his eyesbrows as if a concerning realization dawned on him. “Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not sure she’d be there given…everything else…”

She tilted her head. “Everything else?”

He shook his head. “Forget I said anything, it’s a long story. Let’s just say she got up to weird shit in her younger years.” He went back to eating, acting like he didn’t just drop an information bomb on her. She felt that would be lingering in her mind until he told her the whole truth.

Since he had that day off as well, they wound up spending most of the day together. They sat together on the couch and went back to watching the show they’d started the previous night. Resting his head on her shoulder, Casey found that it was much easier to pay attention to the plot when he wasn’t getting pegged or eating her out.

They had only gotten through a handful of episodes when Ash’s phone chimed. He peered at her phone as she checkedWhat the message was, and saw it was a text from her friend Astrid. It looked like she wanted to meet at the mall.

Knowing he’d seen it, she glanced at him. “Would you be cool with that?”

“I mean, I’d be down. Astrid seems nice, and we’re not exactly busy here. Unless I’m intruding or…?”

“She’s chill, I doubt she’ll mind.” She sent a text back to her, and Astrid quickly replied. “See?” She said, showing him the response. “She doesn’t care.”

“Alright.” He said, reassurement that he was more than welcome to their little hangout. “Guess you should get ready then.” While Ash was still in her pajamas, Casey had already dressed by the time she woke up. With a dark blue long skirt and a floral-patterned shirt, he was ready to get up and leave.

As he waited downstairs, Ash went back to her room so she could get ready for the day. Just after she got dressed, he approached her. Standing in the doorway of her bedroom with something behind his back, he looked rather nervous and was fidgeting with whatever he was holding.

“What is it?” She asked, buttoning up her flannel shirt.

Hesitantly, he revealed it was a vibrating butt plug and its remote. “I was thinking…I’ve seen this kind of thing in porn before and thought about trying it. Like, I have this in me while we’re in public and you have the remote?”

“I mean, yeah that sounds great, but you’re sure you’re comfortable with it? I just wanna make sure, since we’ll be in public and all.”

He nodded. “I’m sure.”

After setting things up with that, he rode with his girlfriend to the mall. He was nervous about how he’d be able to control himself, but excited nonetheless. They had only recently started dating, but he’d very quickly figured out that dating her had a major bonus: she was a dominant willing to try the sorts of things he’d previously only fantasized about.

After arrival, they met Astrid at the front entrance. Seeing them arrive, she raised her hand. “Sup.”

“Hey.” Ash nodded.

She looked to Casey. “Glad you could tag along, didn’t get to talk much last time.”

“Yeah, you seemed cool so I thought it’d be fun to spend a little more time with you.” Casey said, occasionally darting his eyes to Ash. Each time she stuck her hands in her jacket pockets, a part of him wondered if she would press the button.

“Fuck yeah I’m cool!” The leather-clad butch let out a hearty laugh. “Anyway, what stores do you two want to check out? Personally, I wanted to see what patches I could find for my biking jacket and figured I’d drag someone along with me.”

“We could go clothes shopping, maybe find something cute in the women’s sections for my boyfriend.” Ash put her hands in her pocket and looked at him. “What do you think? Since you made me breakfast, I can treat you to something nice.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” He said. Just when he started to question if she would turn the remote on or not, he suddenly felt it start to vibrate. He covered his mouth, feeling the toy tickling his prostate. As much self-control as he had, acting like nothing was happening wasn’t the easiest task.

As he feared, Astrid apparently noticed this. “You good?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a bit of a yawn, feeling a little drawsy I guess.”

“Hm…okay then.”

“Uhm…anyway, as I was saying,” he Continued, desperately trying to maintain his composition “I’m always happy to find new clothes, especially if someone else is paying.”

There were multiple clothes stores, but Casey very quickly led them to the one he shopped at more regularly. It had some nice clothes but wasn’t so fancy that everything was unaffordable. He eagerly looked through the selection of women’s clothes, while the two actual women stood around scratching their heads.

“Geez.” Astrid furrowed her eyesbrows, seeing the assortment of feminine clothes. “I have no eye for these kinds of things.”

“Same here.” Ash slumped herShoulders “I didn’t think about that when I made the offer.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here,” Casey said “because I’m having no trouble finding good stuff.” Thumbing through the racks of clothes, he plucked out a black dress. “The simple elegance of it is lovely, no?”

Ash gave him a thumbs up. “Looks good! Anything else you want to try on?”

“Hm…” he quickly walked over to the collection of tops “there was this one sweater that looked cute. I know I already have some nice sweaters, but I just keep finding cute ones! Like this.” Snagging it from the rack, he showed them a fluffy sweater that depicted cows grazing on some rolling hills.

“That’s tacky as fuck.” Astrid said. “I love it.”

They took him over to the changing rooms and followed him into one of the little booths. The changing rooms were just big enough that 3 people could fit in. Casey first tried on the black dress.

“Who do you think?” He asked, spinning around.

The way the dress tWirled while his long hair flowed along behind him, to Ash he looked ethereal in his beauty. As grogeous as her princess was, however, she still hadn’t had quite enough fun with the vibrator. She’d been fiddling with the remote in her pocket since she sat down, but only then did she press it.

“This bastard!” He thought, feeling it vibrate at a time when he was trying on different clothes. He could Feel his dick start to get hard the way she kept teasing him. “No, down down!” His bulge was already prominent when he was just in his underwear, and this would only make it worse. He was comfortable with his body, but in moments like that, he cursed himself for having such a big dick.

“You’re so beautiful…” Ash surprised, a smile on her face. Though the compliment was genuine, she’d secretly hoped that complimenting him would spice things up.

“Yeah, for sure. Damn.” Astrid said, leaning back and crossing her arms with a rather surprised look on her face. “Ash knows how to pick ’em.”

He giggled, desperately trying to ignore the buzzing toy in his ass. “Thanks!”

Ash gestured to the sweater. “Well, try that on as well. If they fit, I’ll buy ya both!”

“You’re okay with that, right? The dress is on the price side…”

She just waved him off. “Like I said before, it’s a thank you for making me breakfast. Besides, I just got my paycheck the other day, so I can treat my princess!”

Astrid smiled when she heard the pet name. “Princess huh?”

“She called me that on our first date.” Casey looked to the side, avoiding eye contact while tapping his index fingers together. “I didn’t like it at first but uh…well it grew on me. Just her tone of voice, I don’t know…”

Astrid just laughed. “Oh, she has a way with people let me tell ya!”

“So I’ve heard.” By that point, the conversation had distracted him enough that his dick had gone down a bit. He finally started to change and the toy stopped vibrating again when he pulled the garment over his head.

He gave his girlfriend a knowing look, feeling a bit of triumph. Just as he grabbed the skirt he was wearing before, the buzzer activated again. He could tell she was having a little too much fun, and making it go off at particularly inconvenient moments. Feeling himself start to blush, he covered his mouth as he desperately tried to maintain his composition.

“There you go again. Are you sure you’re OK?” Astrid asked, tilting her head.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He cleared his throat. “I’m just…feeling a little off today but it’s no big deal.”

She shrugged. “If you say so. But maybe you should like, get some tea when you get home or something. Maybe some ginger ale.”

“Uh, yeah I’ll do that.” He hastily put his clothes back on, slipping back into his skirt and trying on the new sweater. “So?” He asked. “What do you think?”

“Not quite my taste, but it works for you!” Ash said, giving him a thumbs up.

Now the most difficult partwas over; there would be no more changing clothes, and now he could better deal with the prediction he’d placed himself in. After Ash bought him the dress and sweater, the three moved on to some other stores to look for patches and stickers for their respective jackets and helmets. The bulk of their time, however, was spent browsing. Ultimately Astrid was able to find a few patches she liked, and their little mall trip was topped off with some lunch.

After leaving, Casey decided it would be best to head straight for his apartment since he’d gotten new clothes. Remembering his address, she rode him there on her motorcycle.

The two stepped into Casey’s small, cozy home, its warmth providing relief from the cold winter’s day outside. Before taking off her jacket, Ash pulled out the remote and waggled it in front of him. “You did a really good job of maintaining your composition, I was impressed!”

“Thanks.” Taking his boots off, he released a heavy sight. “I will say thoughh, this was a little experimental for me and I don’t think I want to do that again. I know I’m the one that suggested it, but actually doing it was different than I expected. Being in public was weird.” Setting his boots next to the front door, he leaned against the wall and started rubbing his temple. “God, and I came across as weird to Astrid too.”

“Well, at least now you know that you don’t like it. And don’t worry about Astrid; like I said earlier, she’s really laid back. I doubt she’ll bring it up again.”

“I know, I just worry a lot is all.” Walking into the living room, he stretched. “Well, enough about that. That whole experience left me feeling pretty horny so what do you say we, uh…”

“I was just about to say: I think you deserve a reward for holding it together.” She walked up behind him, her tall figure looming over him like a shadow. “How about I pleasure you some more, then fuck your brains out?”

“Oh!” He spun around, his interest piqued “So we hada similar idea!”

“Great minds think alike.” She took him by the hand. “C’mon, show me where your bedroom is, and I’ll show you a good time.”

After briefly heading to the bathroom to remove his butt plug, Casey quickly came back into his bedroom where she was waiting. Casey’s bedroom was immaculately maintained, at least when compared to Ash’s. It was also decorated with various anime and video game posters, along with a bi pride flag that hung over his bed.

They idly chatted for a few moments, but before long it was clear that they both wanted to go at it. Still wanting a bit of foreplay, they started kissing. The blushing boy only got a peck on the cheek, however, before she decided to spice things up. Reaching around him, she picked him up. Lifting his body off the ground, she supported his weight by holding his ass.

“I knew you were easily carried!” She laughed.

“Am I easily carried, or does it just seems that way to you?” He dragged his arms over herbroad shoulders. “You big strong woman you.”

“You flatter me too much.” She rested her forehead against his, smiling. “But you’re not wrong, I’d consider myself pretty strong. Doesn’t make you any less holdable though. It’s not a bad thing, only means I can treat you right.” Chuckling, she leaned for a kiss. He kissed back, and soon they were passwordately making out.

They had made out on their previous dates, but this felt different. She’d previously demonstrated her ability to easily overpower him by pinning him down, but this was different. The fact that she was carrying him, hands firmly on his ass, while her tongue stuck itself into his mouth, made him feel owned. He was all hers. On Ash’s end, the teasing session had gotten her riled up. She could hardly wait to make a mess of him, but she couldn’t dive into things just yet.

After several minutes of kissing, he pulled out. “So…what was that about a reward?”

“Ready for it already?” She gave him a cocky smile, tilting her head to the said. “Just couldn’t wait to see what mommy has in store?”

“I was curious is all. But to be honest, the whole thing at the mall left me feeling unsatisfied and now the way you’re holding me is…” he told “Please? I’ve been good, I’ve earned it.”

“Well, I can’t refuse if you sound so whiny.” She set him down on his desk chair.

After he told her where his box of sex toys was, she got it out and pulled out some handcuffs. After binding him to the chair, she knelt before him.

“Now for your reward.” She reached up into his skirt and pulled his underwear down, making his bulge all the more prominent.

“Thank you, mommy.”

“You don’t have to be so polite, kitten. The only thing I want to hear out of you is Your slutty little moans.” Holding it by the end, she lifted his skirt so she could look up it. “You know, there’s a lot of awesome things about having a femboy boyfriend, but I just now remembered another bonus.” She looked up at the handcuffed man. “Skirts give easy access.” Giving him a wink, she pushed her head underneath the folds of his skirt. Her head was reduced to moving lumps beneath his clothes, and just a second later he could feel her mouth on his dick.

“Oh my…” he covered his mouth, and his whole face turned red. Something about the way she was sucking his dick without even taking his clothes off was turning him on.

“Well now I know you’re feeling good, I’ve got you talking like a little Victorian lady.” She ran a tongue along his length, while her hands rubbed on his inner thighs. Flicking her tongue at the tip, she started struggling him. She squeezed his thick thighs with her free hand, feeling her fingers sink into them.

Eventually, she started using both hands to work his long, thick shake while licking at his bulging tip. Lowering her head, she pushed more of his cock into her mouth. She groped his balls as she deepthroated him. Although she couldn’t swallow the whole thing, it still felt incredible. He could feel it going down her throat, while her tongue kept licking him.

She pulled out, taking a deep breath before stroking him again. After a moment of pleasure him, he heard her groan. “That’s it.” She said, grabbing the ends of his skirt. “As much as I like being underneath your skirt, seeing all the faces your making is like, half the fun of this.” With that, she pulled his skirt up until both her head and his dick were in full view. “There.” Going back to pumping, she licked her lips. “Just hearing the noises isn’t enough, I need to see your other reactions too. Your face, the way your body reacts…” she gropeed at his balls while her fingers rubbed on his tip. Precum started coming out a little, forming a little drop on the pink head.

Now that she could see his reactions, she was enjoying herself even more. His whole face had turned a cherry red, and it looked like he was desperately trying to keep his voice down. In lieu of full-on moaning, he just let out little whimpers and gasps.

“I’m getting close!” He cried, still feeling sensitive after the little vibrator experiment.

“Let it all out.” She commanded, before sticking it in her mouth again. While the tip hit the back of her throat, she started fondling his nuts as if coercing the semen to come out. He finally climaxed, spurting the thick, white liquid down her throat. She quegged down his load, swallowing every last bit of it. Licking his tip clean, she finally pulled out and took a deep breath.

“Did kitten enjoy that?”

He nodded, trying to catch his breath. “Yeah, it was incredible.”

She rose to her full height and looked down at him with a lustful gaze in her eyes. “God, after spending all that time teasing you, I almost can’t hold back. I want to rail on you all night and leave your pelvis shattered.”

“Then break me.” He didn’t realize it, but he was making a desperate expression.

“That’s a good little slut.” She licked her lips, then started taking off her clothes. She took off her pants and underwear, then unbuttoned her flannel. Leaving the top open to reveal her cleavage beneath, she put a condom over his dick. Positioning herself over him, she held his desperately swollen shake as the tip pressed against her pussy. Looking him in the eyes, she maintained her smug expression as she slowly lowered herself onto him.


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