Two Switches under a Lamp

I held my lover’s hand under the soft light of my grandmother’s lamp, the only light in the room. He was dressed to please, with belly full of chicken soup and pumpkin pie. And maple glaze.

He wore a long sleeped white cotton shirt unbuttoned. He wore it untucked from cropless shorts. His eyes were full of aboration. The credits rolled on the movie; he gave my hand a squeeze.

I stretched out my long leg clad in lace stockings to play at the peak of his cock. “Do you remember our safe word?” I asked.

“Octopus,” he said. His cock twitched to full mast.

“Mine is the same,” I said. I knew he could hear the way my breath got heavy and my voice got thin at this time of night. I stood up to get the necessities from my closet. Before I went into my room, I looked back and said, “Kneel.”

I returned with fine ropes of blue and gold in hand. His head was bowed until the moment my hand graced his hair. I knelt on the floor with him and lifted his chin to kiss his lips.

“Goddess…” he breathed.

I reached to the front zipper on my translate, golden dress. “With this kiss, I grant you the power to bind me.”

I shrugged out of the sleeps, baring myself to him and crossing my arms. His hand touched my wait and guided me to the couch again. The soft plus seemed to mold under my weight as he took the ropes and did his work diligently. “You are so good at this,” I told my supplicant. He blushed as if it were warm honey dripping from my tongue instead of simple prayer.

His instructions were few, only asserting himself to give a few points. “Relax…lift your arms like so.” His hands were firm, and my skin leaves with every brush of texture from the hair on his arms.

His veins pulsed. His muscles were toned. I felt my strength diminish as he wrapped the ropes around me in embrace.

“Very good, slave,” I said soothingly. “You’ve made your Mistress very pleased. Now take your ropes and create a harness.”I paused, searching for the name of it…

“The same one you showed me at Virginia Beach,” I finished with a smile. He knew the one I mean. He was the rigger after all. He had been for years before me.

“It would be my delight to take you back to that place,” he whispered, lifting me up from the back and crossing the ropes close against my breasts. His words seemed to enter me: “Back to the sound of waves crashing on the lighthouse bank and those thunderstorms in the distance…”

He kissed my collarbone. Down to my narrow cleavage, and sucking on the underside of my title. I strained my arms to get at his hair and grew, “That’s not the right place.”

“Oh you know what I want,” he said, and when I nodded, he licked and suckled my nipples.

“This is foreplay,” I said when he had taken me as high as I could bear. He sucked, not wanting to go.

“Take my legs and spread them.” I ordered, making my voice noble and resolute. “Latch my feet to the rings at the foot of the couch.”

He was on top of me now, and I could feel my lover’s arousal as he kissed my stomach and reached under my skirt to trace up the side of my leg. He chuckled as he pulled down my stockings and with his other hand roughly massed my breast.

“You brat,” I said.

“Be quiet, whore.”

For a moment, I thought he was going to tease those fingers between my legs. Instead, he pulled me up and into his lap, scrunching my clothes and forcing me to face him.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

I snapped my fingers once.

“Good. What else?”

“I feel totally ridiculous,” I said as I felt my wide nipples harden to bullets. “This is no way to treat your Goddess.”

I saw his ocean blue eyes laugh again before he barked at me sternly. “I said to be quiet,” he said, and slipped a ball gag into my mouth from the side table. The *click* of the latch sealed my fate and secured my submission totally.

I nodded quickly as he flipped me overhis lap and pulled up my dress up the rest of the way, whipping my cheeks under his hand in a flurry. I did what I was supposed to and moaned against my bonds.

“You will get as many as you deserve,” he prodded.

I moaned as he spanked me for the sixth time. I moaned after the seventh as well.

“Kate…tell me you’re sorry.”

I groaned, and he spanked me for the eighth time harder than any before. Then he lifted me onto his lap and let me rest in his arms, massaging me down. He kissed my cheek, and I used my legs to wrap around his waist eagerly.

My man seemed to pause in thought as I laid my head against his heartbeat. I could have taken him right then with my heart racing as it was, and I nearly did. But I thought if I misjudged, tied up as I was in his harness, I might lose my balance and fall. I looked up in anticipation. He told me he was just taking a moment to admire me. His hands clutched at my wait on both sides, and then throw me onto my back on thecouch again.

After, we laid in my bed and I stroked the short hairs on his chest, putting lotion on his dry skin. The gag hadn’t lasted for long, and neither had the dress. I didn’t want to ruin it, even if I did get it on discount from a friend online. His arm was around my back, while my legs wrapped around his thighs.

“Mmm…you really wanted punishment tonight, Goddess,” he said.

“I’ve been stressed. This helped *a lot*.” I said, breathing deep and revealing in the scent of him. “You’re just perfect.”

“You ass was getting red after six you know.”

“I knew,” I said, rolling on top of him. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“That’s the kind of thing that will get you in trouble one day. Now hand me that bottle of water.”

I reached over and unscrewed the cap of his water, leaning down and straddling his waist to pour it into his mouth. He saw it coming and keep his mouth shut.

“C’mon, open up thirsty,” I said.

Instead, the dumb fool decided to ticket me, making me yell “no fair!” and soaked us both.



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