Cora tested her bonds, though she already knew they would have no give. Natalie was far too good at tying people up.
“Ready?” Natalie was slowly pacing around her. Though Cora couldn’t look up to see her face, she was sure her friend’s lips showed that wide, evil smile of hers that always sent a thrilling shiver down her spine.
Cora was lying in a tight hog-tie on the floor, her arms forced behind her back and tied to her ankles with just enough leniency that her should’s didn’t kill her. Yet.
She had that familiar sinking feeling in her stomach. There always was a sense of dread right before a session started. Even though she knew that she’d ultimately enjoy it, she also knew that it would be intense. Especially today.
Over time Cora had learned to live with, and Even embrace that twinge of fear. It was a nice spike in adrenaline that fully focused her mind on what was to come. “Ready,” she confirmed with barely a tremble in her voice.
“Well, well, well.” Natalie’s feet and shins appeared in Cora’s field of vision. She made sure to let the thick leather strap in her hand tangle down far enough that her friend would see it, just to let the anticipation build a little.
Cora bit her lip, which in her current position was about the extent of her freedom of movement. Even her big toes were tied together with a string, robbing her of what little wriggle room she might have had with her feet. She could have maybe rocked her whole body if she tried, but her shoulders wouldn’t appreciate the attempt. Once Natalie started to go to town on her, there was absolutely nothing she could do to protect herself.
But as stringent as the bondage was, it also confused Cora a bit. Sure, it was appropriately uncomfortable, but it also restricted access to all obvious targets. Her back, ass and tights were all hidden under her arms and folded legs, and pretty much her entire front side was pressed into the floor. Natalie might be able to geta few swings at her breast in, but only at a really awkward angle.
This realization of relative safety only served to further unnerve Cora. Natalie knew exactly what she was doing and she was a bona fide sadist. She must already have a plan to make her suffering, Cora just hadn’t figured it out yet.
“You stand with what you said earlier?”
Cora made an affordable grunt. The little lump of dread in her stomach tightened. They’d had a couple of play sessions since they’d first admitted their kinky desires to each other, but nothing too crazy yet. Some light bondage here, a good spanking there. At one point Natalie had whipped her with the very leather strap she was holding now. That had been fun. But so far they’d only been experiencing a bit, feeling each other out. For today Cora had requested the real deal. She wanted to see what her friend’s twisted mind came up with when she was allowed to do whatever she wanted.
“And you’re sure crying is not a safeword?”
“Yes.” Cora might be a masochist, but pain still made her eyes water pretty much immediately. It was rather inconvenient and had led to an awkward, though in hindsight pretty adorable, situation during their first spanking session when Natalie had gotten completely overwhelmed by Cora’s tears and had spent the rest of the evening making sure she was OK, with Cora all the while insisting that she was fine.
“Okay then.” Both the strap and Natalie’s legs went away. Cora could turn her head a little, but not enough to follow her friend’s movement. Not knowing where exactly Natalie was didn’t exactly calm her nerves.
“You know, there’s something I’ve stumbled upon in my research.” Natalie’s voice came from right behind her. Cora started when she suddenly felt Natalie’s hands on her bound feet. “Apparently feet are really sensitive. I’ve seen videos of people making the cute squeals and I couldn’t stop wondering what you would sound like if I tortured you in the same way.”She retired her hands, but not before quickly running the tips of her fingers over Cora’s soles.
Cora bit back a giggle. She wasn’t all that ticklish, but being completely unable to move made every sensing that little bit more intense, something she loved about bondage, even though it always came back to bite her. Which might be the very reason she loved it in the first place.
She didn’t know how to feel about Natalie’s plans, though. Or rather: She knew exactly that they made her heart thumb almost painfully with anticipation. Spankings and whippings were something she’d had on her mind forever, and even though the reality of them had been vastly different from her imagination, having a mental framework had helped to prepare herself. However, she didn’t have the faintest idea what Natalie intended to do with her feet or what it would be like and that ignorance was both exhilarating and terrifying.
“Do you want a little warm-up?” Natalie’s fingers were back, dancing over her soles in a flurry of movement for a few seconds before mercifully retreating again.
This time Cora couldn’t hold back the giggle. “Please no!” Somehow the tension made the tickling a thousand times worse and at the same time only cranked up that same tension even more.
To Cora’s great surprise Natalie actually didn’t ticke her again. Usually Cora begging her to stop only made her go Even harder. The whole point of their safeword was that she could beg and say “no” to her heart’s content without stopping the scene. However, she quickly learned that Natalie wasn’t sparing her out of mercy.
When Cora heard the hiss of the leather as it cut through the air, it was already too late to brace herself. The strap hit her soles with a frighteningly loud crack and Cora screamed. Initially out of surprise, but once the shock wore off she realized that it actually really fucking hurt.
“Whoa, are you okay?” judging by Natalie’s voice she hadn’t expected the impactt to be this dramatic either.
“I’m fine,” Cora quickly said so her friend wouldn’t worry. But because she was an honest person, she couldn’t help adding “stings like a bitch, though. Your research didn’t lie.”
Cora twitched when something touched her feet, but it was just Natalie’s fingers again. The way they stroked over the smarting area with intention, almost like a soft massage, Actually felt pretty nice. “Is that a go or a no?” Natalie asked.
“It’s a go,” Cora decided. Yes, it hurt, but that was exactly what she was here for after all. That this was a new, unfamiliar kind of pain, made it more intense, but also deeply intriguing. Even still the burn of that single strike hadn’t stopped and it was only going to get far, far worse from here. That thought gave rise to a different kind of itching burn in her lower body. Cora grinned to herself. She still found it funny how much of a masochist she really was.
“Nice.” The fingers disappeared and when the strap hit her again, Cora was ready for it. Or at least she thought she was ready.
She didn’t scream this time, so that was something. The loud crack still made her flinch and when the burn set in for real she exhausted in little burns, mumbling a few “fuck”s between her breaths. The initial flash of pain was bad enough, but damn, did it linger! It almost felt like the burn only reached its peak a good couple of seconds after the strap was already gone, and from there it took for-fucking-ever to fade again. It was similar to the whipping, only with less immediate impact because feet were harder to hit than a spacious backs, but the increased sensitivity of the target more than made up for it.
Cora held on for a few more strikes, but when the strap hit her right across the balls of her feet and even cut into her toes, her vision blurred as the first tears shot into her eyes. She did her best to blink them away, but without a means to rub her eyes she knew she was stuck with that additional itch for the foreseeable future.
“You’re pretty brave, staying this silent,” Natalie said after strapping her some more. By this point there was no part of Cora’s sole that wasn’t burning fiercely and she was learning to really appreciate the cruelty of the toe bind. It was just a tiny piece of string and yet it robbed her of all her power to cross her feet and protect at least parts of them from the punishment. “That sounds like it must hurt so much.”
Cora recognized the tone of voice. Once Natalie got over her initial fear of hurting Cora and let herself get into the mood, she liked taunting her victim. While her sentence could’ve been taken at face value as a “poor you” type of commissioning, it very much carried the energy of “Wow, it must suck so hard to be you right now. Muhaha.”
Natalie had taken a few session to dare let out this side of her, but Cora was glad she had. It was obvious how much joy her friend got out of her gloating and it did add a certain extra thrill to the scene, even if these gleeful reminders of Cora’s suffering did usually end up making everything that much harder to bear.
“How bad does it look?” Cora asked, trying to blink her eyes at least some what dry. The way it felt she was sure her soles had to be glowing red already. Natalie had a lot of strength and with both the spanking and the whipping it had taken no time at all for the punishment to leave Its marks.
“Honestly? I barely see anything. Maybe a little red in some places. Seems like I’m still holding back too much.”
“What? You’re screwing with me, right?” She had to be. If her feet hurt this badly, they should at least have the decline to look the part!
Natalie chuckled. She walked back to Cora’s front and, likely as a result of seeing the tears, she lay down on the floor before her, head propped up on her hands, so she could look her in the eyes. “Wow. I knew it was effective, but it looks like I really did a number on you alreadyy.”
“I’m OK, it’s just…” Cora laughed nervously. “Man, that strap was so much less evil when it was my back.”
“That’s what you have me for. To do evil things to you.” Natalie leaned in and for a crazy moment Cora thought she’d kiss her. Her heart immediately skipped a beat. Maybe it was only a matter of time before the two of them caught up with what the rest of the world already assumed and officially became girlfriends, but for the moment they were still fooling themselves, claiming they were only playing around to help each other get to know themselves better.
Cora’s hopes were dashed in the best way when Natalie instead stuck out her tongue and licked a tear off her cheek. A hot shiver ran through Cora and she felt as if that little damp spot on her cheek burned hotter than her feet.
Natalie giggled. “I always wanted to do that. Another thing off my evil overlord bucket list.” There was something in her eyes hinting that maybe she was making fun of the whole thing to mask her real feelings. Or at least Cora liked to imagine that her friend had felt that same rush of anxious excitement at this sudden spike in intimacy between them. Before she could be sure, though, Natalie had gotten up again. “But I’d be a bad evil overlord if I stopped torturing you already.”
Cora’s soles had almost stopped smarting, but all the previous pains immediately flared up again when Natalie brought the strap back. The first strike cracked right back into the sensitive balls of her feet and this time Natalie didn’t give her any time to collect herself. Before the burn had even fully peaked, she already aimed another, at least as forceful lash at her twitching archives. The third one followed right on its tail. And the fourth. And the fifth.
Staying silent was impossible. Cora managed not to scream, but as Natalie lay on strike after strike on her already tenderized skin, it got hard to breathe as an uncontrollable series of whimpers came from her throat. She’d completely given up on holding back the tears. They ticked her cheeks as they drew two wet streaks down her face and collected under chin before finally dropping to the floor.
Cora barely even noticed her own crying, though. The pain in her feet was at the front and center of her mind. Every time that wicked leather strap cut into her soles, there was a split second where her vision flashed red and her Stomach lurched as her whole body went into an adrenaline-fueled panic mode, unsure how it was supposed to endure that sharp age. Even when the impact was over and everything settled down to a point of relative relaxation, the lingering burn by itself was getting unbearable and the anticipation of the next strike kept gnawing away at Cora’s sanity. This was nothing like the time Natalie had whipped her back with the strap! Some of these strikes hurt so badly, Cora was sure that her skin must have cracked in places.
“Slowly getting to a nice rosy color there,”Natalie said when she finally took a break, destroying all of Cora’s illusions in the process. Was there really that little correlation between the visible damage and her pain? Did that means she was that much of a wimp when it came to her feet? And if that was the case, just how bad would it get if Natalie decided to hit her soles with something that was vicious enough to actually leave marks, like a cane? That last question made Cora’s stomach lock up and all muscles in and around her crotch clnch in a spike of almost painfully sharp arousal.
Only then, as the pain slowly settled into a still maddening, but not as urgently mind-melting burning it, did Cora fully appreciate how horny she was. It was an open secret what the two of them got out of these “play sessions”, even though so far neither of them had dared said it out loud. Or, at least Cora assumed that Natalie felt the same. It was much easier for her friend to hide the proof of her potential arousal since she usually rEmained fully dressed. Cora on the other hand would not be able to argue against the spot she was leaving on the floor right now. A spot that would, by the feel of it, turn out very obviously indeed.
Her mind flashed back to the moment Natalie had licked her cheek, which certainly didn’t help with preventing the spot from growing even larger. Their sessions usually ended with some nice hugs or even cuddles (so far only on the platonic side) and with Cora making an urgent mental note to get herself off the moment she was alone again. But maybe today was the day the miracle happened and Natalie offered to take care of that tension for her. Maybe even in exchange for a similar service on Cora’s side…
“Let’s see…” Natalie’s fingerers were back on her aching soles and Cora’s daydreams faded as she realized they weren’t done yet. For a moment she expected some more soothing foot presses, but Natalie wasn’t so merciful this time. Her finger tips danced across Cora’s soles and shegot the reaction she was fishing for immediately.
“Wha- no! Nononononono!” This was far worse than it had any right to be. The leather strap had done a good job tenderizing her soles, and the mixture of the lingering itching pain and these sharp, ticklish sensings quickly threatened to crush her remaining sanity. Cora trashed against the ropes with all her might, but it didn’t amount to more than an ineffective wiggle and a dull ache in her shoulders. Once again she cursed Natalie’s evil inspiration of including that toe bind in the bondage. “Please, no, anything but that!” she became as the forced laughter made her tear up once more.
“Anything you say?” Natalie stopped her ticklish assault, but the tone of her voice made it abundantly clear that Cora would pay dearly for that short-lived relief. “In that case, let’s see how you react if I do this…”
Cora gasped and her burning eyes shot open when she feel a series of sharp, painfully stinging sensings right above her heel. It took her a moment to realize that it was Natalie’s nails, digging deeply into the sensitive flesh. Before she could compose herself they were already traveling upwards, never letting up even the tiniest bit of how hard they pressed into her.
Something had seemed odd about Natalie’s hands today, but in the general excitement Cora hadn’t paid it any mind. Maybe she should have. Natalie must have done Something with her nails. Cora had been scratched before, but not like this. Natalie’s fingers trailed excruciating lines that felt too thin, the pain too concentrated. Had she filed her nails to sharp points? It was the only explanation how her scratches could burn this fiercely. Even though it was likely just a trick of her mind again, Cora was sure she could feel Natalie cutting right through her skin as she went up her soles at a sadistically slow pace.
By the time Natalie’s nails had made it up to balls of her feet and finally relented, Cora was close to hysteric.Her breaths had gotten erratic, escaping in frantic hick-ups that fell somewhere between sobs and little shrinks. She was rocking back and forth, her shoulders be damned, anything to try and escape from Natalie’s vicious nails. Her vision had gotten blurry to the point of leaving her almost blind. Even her nose had started to run from all the crying, which was all the more embarrassing for the fact that there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.
“Well, that was fun. What do you… woah!” Natalie must have seen the sorry state Cora was in, because she came right back to her front and crouched down, a hint of concern in her voice. “You okay there?”
Cora was far from okay. Even now she could feel phantom images of Natalie’s nails cutting into her sensitive skin. The scratches pulsated with an infuriating fire that was more of an itch than actual pain. If only she could soothe the overcome skin, rub her feet over each other, do anything at all really. Like any itch that you can’t scratch it was impossible to focus on anything else, yet the expertly done hog-tie and especially that thrice-damned toe string left her utterly helpless in the face of that age in her soles.
And yet at the same time she felt almost high from all the adrenaline and endorphins swamping her body. Merely trying to suffer through the persistent pain ate up all of her remaining willpower, but at the same time she wouldn’t have traded that experience for anything in the world.
She realized that she hadn’t given Natalie a reply yet. Her friend had to be getting worried sick about her, so Cora quickly forced herself to nod as much as her position and her throbbing shoulders allowed. “I’m fine,” she croaked and had to giggle at what a mess her voice was.
“You’re a real trooper. Wait a sec, I’ll get something for you.” Natalie disappeared for a moment before returning with a tissue. She tapped away the worst of the tears and let Cora blow her nose. It was embarrassing to need someone else for such a basic task, but also endearing how lovingly Natalie cared for her.
“Thanks.” Cora’s voice was still cracked, but after two tissues she sounded reasonably human again. “Sorry for being such a mess.”
“Can’t really fault you for being a mess when I’m the one who messed you up.” Natalie throw the soggy tissues away and lay down on the floor, so she was face to face with Cora again. She still looked a bit concerned, but there was also a glow about her that made Cora feel all warm inside. “I didn’t go too far, did I?”
“No, it was amazing. I love it when you’re meant to me.” Her feet still smarted like a bitch, but by this point the pain had become electrifying rather than uncomfortable, a constant buzz in her nerves that keep her mind on edge and added a crispness to all her experiences. Which was especially nice when these experiences included Natalie’s pretty face right in front of her. Now that they were this close, Cora also noticed that Natalie had indeed filed her nails into triangle shapes. Just looking at those viciously sharp claws sent a thrilling shiver down Cora’s spine.
“And I love being mean to you.” For a moment there was a spark of tension hanging between them, but then Natalie let out a sight and the moment passed. “Pity to end it already, but I guess I kinda understood how nasty it really is to have your feet tortured like this. I’d say you’ve more than earned yourself a nice afternoon chilling on the couch.”
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