Two Nights Ch. 01 – A Wife’s Duty
This story was written over the course of two days. The writing of Chapter One led to the events of Chapter Two.
It’s one of my early stories, from a time when I was still finding my voice. Chapter One has no SM content but later chapters will. This chapter does have a strong D/s theme.
Here I am writing another surrender story. It seems like all I can write about is me being in a submissive role. I haven’t even been on top of hubby in a while – haven’t been in the mood.
About 4am.
He went up to bed before I did, by about half an hour or so. We had played some games (board games that is) late into the night and we were both tired. He was moody and I sensed that he was down About something, but I wanted to wait until he was ready to talk about it.
When I got to the bedroom, he was naked under the covers. It looked like he had been crying.
I touched his forehead and he kind of smiled a little. I debated with myself about wearing a nightgown but decided it would take too long to find something. “Give me a minute,” I said. I figured he would rather have me sooner than later, so I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail with a hair clip (one of his favorite things). I also took some earrings from the bathroom counter with me as I entered the bedroom and closed the door.
We have reading lights on either side of the bed and his was on but dimmed. I turned off the rest of the lights, lifted the covers and climbed in. He put his arms around me and held me to him, while I put my right arm underneath us and put my left across his tummy. He rubbed my back with his left hand and stroked my side with his right. He started crying again and I kissed his chest (that’s where my face was).
He was in a mood to be selfish and needed me to go along for the ride. I was OK with that.
We talked for a while about what was bothering him. It was an intractable problem withone of his high-school students who seemed bent on self-destruction (not literally). There was nothing I could do to help, except listen and be supported. It was one of those frustrating problems that really get to him. He really wants to make a difference in their lives, especially with the kids who don’t think they can make it in life.
He didn’t need me to solve anything; he just needed me to make him feel better. I knew what to do and didn’t embarrass him by making him ask.
I ran my left hand down to the top of his thigh. Immediately his body tensed and he groaned.
OK, this was going to be easy. I put my hand down farther, skimmed his crotch and stroked his inner thigh, then carefully worked back upward. At the end of that first stroke, I found a hard shake. He had been soft on the way down.
Taking it in hand, I massed it, using my pinky to put a little pressure between the balls. My thumb and first finger worked the area just under the head (thumb on the”top” side and forefinger opposite just under the “notch”). The other two fingers just squeezed.
(Several minutes later).
Maybe it wouldn’t be so easy to get him off after all. He was relaxed and enjoying it but not building to an orgasm. “What do you want, sweetie?” I was thinking of leaning up and kissing him and letting him take over. I could put the earrings on as a warm-up tease, and let down my hair after a while to put him over the edge.
He looked off into space for a moment and told. “I’m, sorry, I want to hold you down on it, make you swallow it.”
My announcement was only exceeded by my exhaust. I like going down on him, and I don’t mind the “power trip”, especially since he needed the ego boost, but it’s a lot of work if you’re tired – and I was very tired. “Naw, I’m not in the mood.”
From him: an amused chuckle. “Even better. Do it anyway”. He slide his hand up to the base of my neck and under the ponytail. I tried to change his mindby starting to stroke instead of massaging. He began slowly thrusting up into my hand in response.
Four or five thrusts later (like about ten seconds), his hand applied a little sideways pressure to my neck and shoulder. Nope, he was frustrated with the world and wanted to take it out on me, primarily because I’m the one person he can insist on getting his way with.
I shifted, turned a little and got up on my hands and knees, moving to be perpendicular to him. His hand relaxed but stayed on my right should blade, guiding me into position. I centered my face over his very stiff rod and lowered myself back down to the prone position with my knees bent, so my feet pointed straight up (a favorite visual for him). My lips were about six inches above the target. I gripped him with my left hand and started to stroke again.
“Un uh” he said and tapped the back of my head. I took a deep breath and kissed the tip of it briefly while I continued to stroke.
This was a rareoccur. Most of the time, if I don’t want to do something, we talk about it and work it out. Sometimes he changes my mind by getting me excited, and it becomes a non-issue. Tonight, however, he didn’t argue or ask or encourage. He insisted. His tone was gentle but he clearly expected obedience.
There was something pure and simple about it. I didn’t want to do it. He told me to do it anyway… Normally, I either go along willingly, delighting in his dominance, give in grudgingly while making him feel guilty or put my foot down and say “no”. Tonight, I decided to “just do as I was told”. Chalk one up for “delighting in his dominance.”
Our wedding vows were to “…love, honor and ‘cherish’”, not “obey”, but I need to obey him every once in a while – not Because he demands it but in order for me to feel like I’m being a good wife. (Hey, it’s just the way I am). I decided when and how, and this was a good time to do it. After all, an unwilling blowjob isn’t much of a hardship compared to some other things wives have had to do over the years.
His hand slid up my neck and around my hair clip. The gentle pressure increased on the back of my head and my lips got closer. “No”, I said, with a geneine feeling of reluctance. It wasn’t just his hand that was insisting. His hips raised up bringing him closer. (We have a safeword. “No” does not mean “no” for us).
If you’ve never been face to face with a husband’s penis, you don’t really understand the awesome power of it. My true “lord and master” was right there in front of me. I could reason with the man whose hand was holding me in place but not with the one right in front of me. With him, there’s no fooling around. Somewhere, hardwired into my brain, a part of me that I have no control over, silently said “yes, sir” and opened my mouth.
[My God! I can’t believe I actually wrote that! But it was how I felt.]
The hand and the head teamed up, one thrusting towards me and the other pushing down. After years of practice, I instinctively reached out with my lips and tongue. The pursued lips held him away from my teeth and my tongue met him as it came in. The tip of my tongue touched him just below the hole and followed the cream down to the shake and the bulge just below the head. Keep in mind that I was sideways to him. The cream was on the left so I had to twist my tongue a little to make it work.
Once the head and part of the shake was in, he moaned and pushed harder. I let him in but I grumbled (mumbled really, since my mouth was full).
Oops… that made him groan again and thrust even more. He says that when I make a humming noise, especially a low-pitched annoyed grumble, it makes it feel even better, like a vibrator. In other words, my complaining about it enhances it for him. Go figure.
My tongue was cupping the underside of the head and shaft. I licked and swirled as much as I could but it was in pretty far at this point. There wasn’t much room formovement.
I gripped him at the base with one hand and stroked his thighs and other things with the other hand. That got him going. He stopped pushing long enough to take the clip out of my hair, so I pulled off of him and shook my hair out to scatter it over him (another favorite thing of his).
I resumed kissing and licking the head (keeping him out of my mouth for the moment) as I gripped the shake and stroked it. I usually have to do some of this to get him off. I’m almost never able to get him off with just my mouth. In fact, he usually ends up taking some turns at stroking while I lick the end.
In this case, it was all my doing. I used my lips and tongue on the head to get him fired up and keep stroking with my hand. He put his hand down on my back and gave me a backrub; confirmation that I was doing what he wanted, but a reminder of my subservient position.
I could see him watching out of the corner of my eye. Apparently watching a woman go down on him isa good thing. (Duh, yah think?)
After a while, he started thrusting again to try to get back inside my mouth. I held back. I wanted to get him closer to getting off before having to take him in again. His hand had other ideas. It slid back up to my head. He caressed my cheek and gathered my hair together as he pulled it out of the way, moving it in a bundle to the back of my head. Resumed pressure from his hand and thrusting from my lord and master made their point and back down I went.
This time I bobbed up and down on it, fulfilling my role as wife-whore. His moans of pleasure and the intensity of his hand and leg movements were powerful, which at least made me feel appreciated. As I bobbed licked and flicked on the inside. My tongue focused mostly on the head. My hands were gripping the bottom of the shake and tickling down below.
A look out of the corner of my eye was enough to see that he was enjoying the show. Keep in mind that I was stark naked, lying on my tummy doing this. I raised and lowered my hips a few times to mess with his mind. It worked.
He started using his hand to push me up and down. I actually prefer it when he does this. It makes it easier for me to keep a rhythm. His hips were moving in time with his hand so all I had to do was go with the flow. I sped up my tongue and squeezed his shake in time with everything else.
I could feel him starting to come. I was surprised. As I said, he usually can’t get off without stroking it himself at least a little, so I wasn’t expecting him to get off yet. I figured I just might be able to frustrate him to the point where he wanted to come and they might go back to Plan A (kissing him while I/we stroked him off). Nope, not today, I wasn’t going to get out of it. In fact, I wasn’t even going to get my mouth off of him long enough to wet my tongue and lips.
It helps if my mouth is really wet when he comes so that it doesn’t stick to my tongue or throat. His hand was not going to let that happen. He was speeding up, going really fast, and with one final thrust, he started coming. I pushed down to take it into my throat. It’s easier that way. I can just swallow and then wash it down with a swig of water.
Nope, wrong again. He pulled back with his hips and held my head still, positioning my lips around the base of the head. I took the hint and fluttered my lips around the ridge where the head joins the shake. His first spurt was a big one. It hit the back of the roof of my mouth and triggered a little of my gag reflex. I held on, though.
He pushed in a little more at the second squirt, positioning the head in the middle of my tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut and adopted the “grin and bear it” attitude. (All throughout this, hubby is moaning, telling me how much he loves me and Profusely thanking every deity he can think of).
Usually, after three or four spurts, he’s done. With the amount he was pumping out, I figured he had to be done afterfour and started to pull off. But… he locked me in place and (ahem) started “expanding”.
When he’s really excited, he can somehow make the shake and especially the head swell. If he does it while he’s coming, it grows in pulses with the squirting. In fact, I think it’s the other way around. I think whatever he does to make it get bigger also makes it squirt another load.
So, I already had more than a mouthful, but lover boy was blowing up like a balloon while squirting again and again and again. He continued to hold me in place. I understand. He wanted me to “take it”. The domination thing was feeding his excitement, which was feeding his desire to dominate.
It was demeaning, having him continue to squirt come into my mouth to the point where I was almost choking on it. But in a strange way, it was OK. I didn’t mind. In fact, it can be pretty satisfied to know that I’m a good wife to him in the old fashioned sense.
Eventually, it got to be too much and I expressed some irritation by grumbling (oops). That gave me another big squirt (good grief! how much did he have in there!) I tried to swallow but it wasn’t going anywhere; I was too dry and it was too sticky. One more squirt and I had to pull off or choke.
He knew instinctively that this time I mean it and he released me. As soon as I got him out of my mouth, I cought and choked a couple of times, but my lips remained closed.
Hubby was lying there with this ear-to-ear self-satisfied smile on his face. My hand gesture said what my mouth couldn’t: “Yes, dear, you came so much that I couldn’t handle it all, NOW GIVE ME THE DAMN WATER… YES, NOW!!!”
We keep a squeeze bottle of water on the headboard. He handed it to me and held my hair back as I took a big swig. Part of me wanted to spit but, after all I had done so far, I figured I might as well give him the full treatment. It took a while, a few hard swallows and some sloshing of lots of water but I got it all down.
The look on his face was worth it.
I rolled back onto my side, facing him. That gave him a full-expanse frontal view of me. I posed. He twisted a little so he could reach out and touch me, so I slide my leg over for him to stroke.
Of course he was smiling, but then, so was I. He asked, “Did you mind?”
By way of an answer I looked at his very soft noodle, twiddled it, then looked back at him saying, “Wifely duty”.
I blew him a kiss. He was smiling, staring at my body, thoroughly satisfied.And he had completely forgotten about the problem that had him upset in the first place. No, I didn’t mind. But if I had said that, it would have taken some of the fun out of it for him. He wanted me to mind and wanted me to have obeyed him anyway.
Now it was my turn to have some fun, “If I told you to go down on me right now, would you?”
He, of course, answered, “Sure!”
I looked slyly at him and asked, “Will you do absolutely anything I ask?”
Hesmiled warmly and said, “as long as it doesn’t require an erection.”
I said, “Nope, no erection needed.” I crawled up to lay next to him, bringing the covers with me. I buried myself into the crook of his arm. “Turn out the light first.” I said. He did. Then I whispered in his ear, “Go to sleep.”
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