(note: all characters are meant to be over 18. I’ve made some edits that hopefully leave no question about that.)
] For clarity, character Max has this brake on his lines of speech
} Layla has this brake on her lines of speech
“Hey man, what’s up?”
“Yo, I heard you the first time. What is it?”
]”Dude, I found her.”
“…the hell are you talking about, found who?”
]”A girl for us to share.”
}In the background, “I’m not a girl! I’m a butterfly!”
“Really? Awesome man, try her out and let me know how it goes.”
]”I did, we just got back from a Halloween party. She’s amazing. We’re on our way over to your place right now.”
“…Christ, you could give me some warning first.”
]”I know, I know. But she’s worth it, trust me.”
“You know I’ve heard that before.”
]”This- she’s not like last time. I swear. You should have been at this party, man, you missed out. She’s a riot, the whole gang likes her.”
“Alright, alright. Come on by, I’ll put some pants on. You’re lucky I’m home tonight.”
]”Oh yeah. Shit, I forget, you’re going on vacation. Can you sit her for the night? They’re sending me upstate for a project and I won’t be back until late tomorrow.”
“We’re gonna have to work on this ‘talking to each other about important things’ thing if we want this to work.”
]”Yeah, you’re right. Sorry. It just happened so suddenly, I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I’ve been seeing her for a couple weeks but I just knew she was the one after we went out tonight. Anyway, we’re coming up on your neighborhood, see you in a few.”
“Right. Bye now.”
“Well, so much for the video games. This is either gonna be great, or terrible.”
There’s a few beer bottles and take-out food containers sitting out. Into the receivers they go. Now pants.
At least Max is stoked. He’s already tried her out and liked her, that’s a good sign. He’s got good taste, even if he’s a little over-optimistic.
*riiiiiing* *gloooooooong*
That’s the door.
*clack* *clok* *creaaaaaak*
“Hey Max.”
]”David! Enjoying your time off so far?”
“I was until just a few minutes ago.”
]”Aw, don’t be like that. Look, this is Layla. Say hi Layla!”
“She’s pretty cute, I’ll give you that. A real butterfly, too.”
}”See, I told you.”
]”I don’t know where she got those badass fancy wings from. She won’t tell me.”
}”Girl’s gotta have her secrets.”
“I can find out if you want me to.”
]”Nah, it’s OK. She’s expensive enough as it is without buying her accessories for her.”
}”Oh wait, maybe I will tell you after all!”
]”Alright, look. I know this is short notice. I’ll tell you what, you watch her tonight, and I’ll buy the liquor on the next movie night we have if you don’t think she’s the best thing to happen to you since you were born.”
“You’re laying it on thick here, bro. I mean you’re including meeting you in that. You know the guys can knock back some serious brew on movie night.”
]”Yeah, I am. And I’m serious. Just give her a chance, you’ll see.”
“Alright princess, daddy says it’s time to go inside.”
}”He’s not daddy, he’s my teddy bear!”
“Whatever. Come along now.”
}”OK. Bye Mr. Daddy Bear!”
]”Really, Layla? Already?”
}”What? What did I say?”
]”He’s not like me, honey. I told you that. You can’t say things like that and expect to get away with it, not with him.”
}”Aw, he doesn’t look so scary. You’re a nice guy, aren’t you mister? I’ve heard so much about you!”
“In point of fact, no, I am not. Wait inside, grownups are talking now. And don’t touch anything.”
Door closes.
“You’re sure about this?”
]”Yeah man. She’s a handful, but be honest- isn’t that whatyou want? Tell me she isn’t absolutely adorable.”
“She is, yes. It’s going to be quite entertaining destroying her world.”
]”For the record, I hate it when you say it like that. I trust you know what you’re doing though.”
“Of course. See you later, Max.”
Open door. Close door. Locked.
“Layla, I told you not to touch anything.”
}”I’m not! I didn’t! Except walking in. Couldn’t help it, I can’t fly.”
“And where is it that you’re sitting right now?”
}”On the couch.”
“And touching the couch isn’t touching something?”
}”Well I have to touch something. It was either the couch, which is for sitting on, or the floor. And I don’t know if shoes are allowed or not, so I sat down and my shoes are off the floor.”
“Hmm, fair point. Well, we need to establish some ground rules before we go any further. You’re of age, right?”
}”Yep, I have an age.”
“That’s not what I asked. You’re over eighteen years old?”
“Either you are, or you aren’t. Come on, spit it out.”
}”I might be eighteen. I might be less.”
“Bullshit. Max isn’t that stupid. Where’s your ID?”
}”A princess has someone to do that for them.”
“You’re not actually a princess. Does Max have your ID? If I have to call him already, you’re going to be in trouble.”
}”No, I have it. But you called me a princess, I should have someone to carry it for me!”
“If I call you a butterfly can you keep your feet off the floor without touching the couch?”
}”No! It doesn’t work that way.”
“Exactly. You can carry it yourself. Show me your ID.”
}”Aww. Well can you blow me, really? I’m twenty, but I only get a birthday every four years. It’s not fair, if I take off a few years then I get to have more birthdays before I get to be my real age.”
“That’s not how it actually works. Your legal birthday anniversary still happens, it’s just you don’t get a whole day, it’s an instant right before midnight on February 28th when there isn’t a 29th. Leap Day is made by stealing seconds from every day for four years and putting them into a new day.”
}”It’s still not fair. How do I have a birthday party that only lasts a few seconds?”
“Well, I bet Max will be happy to help you make up for it. Just tell him you missed your birthday, and I’m sure he’d love to buy you something. Just don’t ask for your birthdays all at once.”
And Max thought she was expensive NOW…
}”OK, but I’m telling him you said so.”
“Good, if he asks then tell him to call me and that maybe he’ll remember how important it is to share details. Just remember, I only said your birthday happened. I didn’t promise you any presents.”
}”Aww. I’m bored, can we go to the park?”
“It’s late, the park is closed. Besides, you still haven’t shown me your ID, and I’m not going anywhere with you until you do.”
}”Pooh, you don’t get distracted like he does.”
“Damn right.”
}”Alright, here, Mr. Bossypants. Here’s my clinical results, too. Max said you were going to want to see them.”
“Thank you, kitten. You can have it back.”
}”I’m not a kitten, I’m a puppy. Rawr rawf!”
“Settle down now, we’re inside.”
}”But I wanna go for a walk in the park! It’s nice out and there’s squirrels.”
“The squirrels are in bed for the night. We can go tomorrow if you really want to.”
}”Yay! You promised, I heard it.”
“Yes, I did. But we need to talk about the rules first.”
}”No, no rules. Rules are dumb. We don’t need rules.”
“Well then you won’t mind me tying you up and leaving you in the bathtub all weekend right?”
}”I don’t like that idea.”
“I’m not too fond of it either, but I have stuff I don’t want broken, and that’s the only way I know you’ll behave, and it’ll be easy to clean up when you need the bathroom. I will feed you, of course.”
}”But I won’t break anything! I promise.”
“You’re breaking my concentration already. I couldn’t read a book with you around right now.”
}”Hmph. If it’s so important to you then tell me these rules so I can tell you why they’re stupid.”
David sits down on the left side of the couch, the opposite end as Layla. She turns to face him, keeping her shoes off of the cushions.
“First of all, you need to respect me and my house. This means don’t break anything intentionally, and try not to break anything accidentally. And don’t hurt anyone, including yourself or myself in this house, unless subject to an agreed exception.”
}”I already told you I wouldn’t break anything. I can’t help it if I’m distracting, that’s your fault.”
“Not a stupid rule then? No objects?”
}”It’s stupid that we’re Still talking about it. Next?”
“Secondly, never lie to me. The worse the lie is, the worse the punishment for it will be.”
}”I always tell the truth! Eventually.”
“Well you’re going to have to do better than that.I want the truth the first time.”
}”Mmmngh. Maybe. I’ll try. No promises.”
“That brings me to my next rule. If you tell me you’re going to do something, you need to do it, promptly if possible. If not, then tell me when to expect it to be done.”
}”But, but, but… squirrels! And glitter! And talking snakes with apples! And puddles to stomp! And unicorns with dildos instead of horns on their head!”
“You bring me a good quality picture of that last one and I might let it slide. My next rule is, I can make exceptions for special circumstances at any time.”
}”That’s silly, I’m always a special circumstances! Every time.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
}”You’ll see. I’ll show you, mister!”
“I also require you to tell me if anything or anyone in the house is making you uncomfortable when it’s appropriate to do so. That includes me and anything I’m doing. As a host, I take my responsibility to friends and guests seriously.”
}”You’re makingme a little uncomfortable with all this talk of punishments. Maxy-Max doesn’t do any of that.”
“He’s a bit of a push-over. Like he said, I’m not the same. But we are kind of a package deal when it comes to long term commitments. Last rule, I can apply punishments for breaking any of these rules to anyone that comes in once they know or reasonably should know the rules. Regular guests will be asked to Leave, but if you’ve made a deeper commitment to me or we have made an additional agreement, then I may apply harsher punishments. And of course I will call the police if necessary. Understand?”
}”I like the police. They make bullies leave me alone. Are you a bully, mister?”
“I may seem harsh at times, but that is because my standards are high. If you can live up to them, I can be very rewarding, too. If Max thinks you’re a good candidate for that, which he said you are, then I expect you’re probably not upset by a little physics; you know, spankings and handcuffs andother things we can get to later. But if you really feel like I’ve crossed the line to where you’re unhappy, I want you to tell me. Or if you can’t tell me for some reason, tell Max. If you leave and never want to come back, I will be disappointed but if you’re not a good fit I don’t want you to be here because if you’re truly miserable it won’t be any good for me, or for him. So be very careful before you make any agreements, because I’m going to hold you to them as much as I hold myself to them. That doesn’t make me a bully, to answer your question.”
}”When do I get to set some rules?”
“Well, if you don’t think they’re so stupid, you can suggest whatever you’d like as part of any agreement we make. You’d better be prepared to back up why you want it if I don’t agree, though.”
}”What kind of agreements? Like for me to get an allowance?”
“Possibly. I think that would mostly be Max’s department, but I could intercede for you to get a better rate if you like. Butyou’d have to do something for me, too.”
}”Ooh, I know. I can be cute an’ adorable!”
“Yes, I can see that. You do it quite well. That will probably get you a decent allowance by itself, you won’t need my help for that.”
}”Aw, you don’t wanna help me? You’re no fun.”
“I didn’t say that. But if I’m going to talk to Max about it, I’m going to have to have a good reason to increase your allowance. I’m sure being cute and adorable is part of why he wants you around.”
}”An’ I’m really good in bed! Heeheehee!”
“I’ll believe that when I see it, although I can certainly see the potential. But as I was saying, I need a better reason to suggest giving you more allowance. For example, if you were to do some work around my place here, I’d have more than good enough motivation.”
}”So if I take out your trash and do your dishes, you’ll get me an extra like five dollars a day?”
“Something like that, depending on what I need done. Can you cook too?”
}”I’m a kitchen disaster. I set everything on fire. Or at least let out the magic smoke of deliciousness. Max won’t let me near the stove, he doesn’t want to see me hurt myself.”
“What’s the ‘smoke of deliciousness’?”
}”Good food is made of a bunch of stuff, and one of them is ‘deliciousness.’ But if I let out the magic as a smoke, it’s not good anymore.”
“I see. Would you be interested in learning and experimenting in my kitchen as long as you clean up after yourself?”
}”I wanna be a good cook. I do! I wanna cook an’ bake, an’ make ice cream, an’ strawberry pie, an’ chicken soup, an’ peanut-butter-jelly sandwiches, an’ french toast, an’-“
David holds up a hand.
“Alright, I get it. We can come to an agreement about using my kitchen if you’d like. I can even buy you some ingredients to start with, but we’ll want to start simple until you can get the basics down.”
}”I have a part-time job at a salon, I can buy stuff I want to make. I just don’thave any pots and pans. But I can get that with my allowance if it’s good enough.”
“I’ll tell you what. I’ve got some old dishware here I don’t particularly care much about, you can use those to get started. If you demonstrate to both me and Max that you’re getting better in the kitchen, we might give you some money to buy some nicer utesils and whatever else to get more fancy.”
Layla launches herself across the couch to hug David. He does not immediately reciprocate, out of surprise.
}”Squee! Oh. Uh, mister?”
“Yes, Layla?”
}”Am I not supposed to be hugging you? I don’t remember a rule.”
“Of course you can hug me, if circumstances allow for it. If I’m flying a plane, for example, it’s probably Not a good time.”
}”Well, duh. I just wanted to make sure, ‘cuz you weren’t hugging me back.”
“You caught me by surprise there. I’m not used to that so suddenly.”
}”Nobody expects the Layla Inquisitiveness!”
“…is that a Monty Pythonreference?”
}”You betcha! Those guys are silly. I love them.”
David puts his arms around Layla.
“I like you already.”
}”Yay! You’re hugging me back! Are we friends now? I’m so excited!”
Layla kicks her legs, bouncing on the couch in time with her last three words.
“We’re friends, sure. And maybe more than that if you want, but I’m not like Max in that way. I want different things.”
}”Maxy Max is super sweet. He treats me really nice.”
“I’m glad. If he ever messes up with that, you let me know and I’ll set him straight. He’s a good guy though, you shouldn’t worry.”
}”I’m more worried about you. What different things do you want? That sounds scary.”
“The first thing you should know is I will never ask you to do something I don’t think you’re ready for. I need you to trust me, and I’m going to earn that trust the same way you’re going to earn mine. So we will make agreements about what I want as we get to know each other better.To start with, I want you to call me ‘Master’, or ‘sir’ or ‘Mister David’ in public and as appropriate around other people. Not everyone will understand what we do, and I don’t want to complicate things by giving them the wrong idea. Do you understand?”
}”That’s going to take me some time to get used to.”
“Layla, be a darling and put your shoes by the front door please.”
}”Well, OK. Is there anything here that is going to tear my stockings?”
“There shouldn’t be, but if so, I will pay for new ones.”
Layla takes her shoes off and leaves them by the front door, then returns and sits on the couch. Her stockings have patterns of flowers and butterflies weaved into them.
“Good girl. When you do things I ask you to, and you call me what I like to hear, it helps me to remember how pretty you are. And I like kissing pretty girls. Max has kissed you before, I’m sure.”
}”And then some! Heehee!”
“Right. So, here’s your reward for being a good girl.”
David gently takes Layla by the shoulders and leans in to give her a kiss on the cheese.
}”Aw, that’s all I get?”
“Well, hold on now, I’m not done. I want to hear you call me Master. Can you do that for me? Is that what you want?”
}”Um… mistake?”
“Yes, Layla?”
}”Will you be… my master for tonight?”
“If that’s What you want, then that’s what I want you to tell me. I need to hear you say it.”
Layla starts blushing, and covers her mouth with her hands.
}”Please, mister David… be my master?”
“Yes, Layla, tonight I will. Such a polite girl, and so pretty. Come here.”
Layla leans over and clings to David’s arm nervously, hiding her face against the couch back.
“It’s OK, little one. I’m very pleased. You’ve taken your first steps very well. Let me reward you, and seal this agreement at the same time.”
David lifts Layla’s face with his hand under her chin, and leans forward gently to kiss her on the lips. He lingers a moment, gently caresing her lips with his, letting her feel his goatee gently brushing her skin. She trembles, just a little bit.
}”That wasn’t scary at all. Maxy Max likes to kiss me too, and you smell even better than he does.”
“Of course he does, you’re a sweet girl when you want to be.”
}”Can I have another one?”
“Call me Master, and if I like how you say it then you may.”
}”Master. Kiss me… please?”
David puts his left arm behind her shoulders to pull her gently in again. She opens her mouth and accepts his tongue as their faces embrace.
}”Mmm… Master, you taste yummy.”
He’s a bit more aggressive now, pulling her closer with both hands, invading her mouth with his tongue, exploring just a little bit, teasing her tongue with his. He pulls back abruptly, but not too roughly, holding her at arm’s length.
}”Why did you stop?”
“I just want to make sure you’re OK. This is my first time with you, I want to make sure I’m not going too fast for you.”
}”You’re not going to make me beg to get loved are you? Every step of the way?”
“If you want to, I might find it quite endearing. You could earn a special reward that way. But I’m going to let your body do the talking tonight. I told you I want you to let me know if you’re uncomfortable, so if you don’t say anything, I’m going to believe that you’re happy with how it’s going.”
}”I understand. Master… I want more.”
“I’m happy to give it. I wonder though, do you like to be choked? Have you ever tried it?”
}”I don’t know. I haven’t done it before.”
“I’ll be gentle, then. At first, anyway.”
David pulls her in with his left arm around her, and puts his right hand on her collarbone. As he kisses her, his hand slowly slides up under her jaw and tightens on her throat. Layla makes a small noise in her throat, but does not stop kissing even after his second hand joins the first and starts to squeeze. Her eyes are closedand she is breathing heavier when he finally pushed her a few inches away and lets go.
“What did you think?”
Her eyes snap wide. Her mouth is still open, waiting for him to continue.
}”I… I don’t understand. I’m supposed to think when you do that to me?”
“That’s all I needed to know, thank you.”
David leans in and kisses gently up and down her neck. Layla’s head falls back and slightly away from him, fully open to his nibbles, teasing tongue, and the press of his lips on her sensitive skin where the arteries throb. She pulls herself, trembling, more firmly against his face, as if desiring to be marked by his teeth where everyone can see it.
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