Jenny Stone knew she was sleep, but she was not awake enough feel her consciousness outside herself. Was this ascension experience proof that the Lord exists? Jenny felt like it was. Then she drifted deeper into her sleep. Jenny had blonde hair and she was a beautiful girl. She also got straight A’s except in science where she almost failed. A result of her Christian upbringing, she was taught by her church to ignore the teachings of biology and to some degree geology. Jenny was not sure who to believe. She turned and tossed in her sleep. It was a Saturday night and her family had people over to visit. She would still have to go to church the next day, but she felt like it was an adventure staying up later than usual.
She remembered some of the bible stories she was brought up with. One where men would give their wives to sodomites to be rapid in order to save men from being rapid. She found herself in a clothes robe and looking at the Pyramids. She was dreaming. But the dream felt real. Her husband, a man Jenny had no memory of, all of a sudden, she knew was her husband. She looked around at the Pyramids. Egyptians walking by her. Looking at the blonde girl. To make even more certain this was a dream, Jenny saw the Great Wall of China and some other monuments all there. Antiquity. She knew that Greco-Roman ruins and Chinese fortresses all belonged in Egypt. Her husband, apparently named Gabriel ordered her back into the house.
Gabriel: “Set my dinner Jenny, so that we may thank the Lord and eatth our plates.”
Jenny: “But I made the meal.”
Gabriel: “SHAME BE THY NAME! O’ thou could you?”
Jenny: “I am sorry.”
In the dream, Jenny knew she had every reason to feel bad. Then a knock at her door came. It was the middle of the day seconds ago. But now it was of darkest night. The thriving metropolis of daytime now seemed to be a small oasis town. It made no sense to anyone except Jenny and everyone else in her dreamm. The knock grew louder.
Gabriel: “My wife, answer the door, so as God proclaimed you to serve me!”
Jenny opened the door. A bunch of men wielding torches, carrying rope and weapons all spoke at once.
Mob: “Oh lady of the house! Giveth us your husband so that we may know him!”
Jenny: “Wait, isn’t that a sin?”
Gabriel bravely confronted the mob, refusing.
Gabriel: “So the Lord commandeth you not to rapeth me! But I shall do what the lord desires. Take my wife! So that you may know her.”
The mob grabbed Jenny. Somehow in the dream Jenny did not feel what any 18 year old virgin girl would be about to be gang-raped. She did not feel the sweat, nor the pinching, nor the heat of the torches, nor the rope being tied around her hands. But as she wrapped her covers on her, she felt her body becomes more restrained. The men cheered, Gabriel felt the blessing from the lord, literally a gleaming glow of light. Jenny was then gang raped by several Philistines, like many of the women in the Old Testament. She in the dream felt like she was doing a duty to her husband. But there was one last twist in her crazy dream. A woman in the mob then walked over to her. As Jenny lay on the ground naked, bound and exhausted, the woman knelt down and put her vagina in Jenny’s mouth, all of a sudden Jenny felt violent and she awoke with a startle.
Jenny woman up in a cold sweat and barely remembering that she had enjoyed the rape in the dream, she felt like she had just fallen into a icy cold pond in the winter. I was touched by a dyke?!? She thought. She said a silent prayer for forgiveness and went back to sleep.
The next day Jenny sat at the breakfast table, feeling the awkward silence. Her father puffed on his pipe and her mother of course did all the breakfast preparation in her church clothes and an apron. Jenny then wondered if she dared do it. Dared bring up sex…
Jenny: “Um Dad, last night I had a weird dream, like a biblical one.”
Jenny’s Dad: “Well of course, the Lord wants you to enjoy church today.”
Jenny: “Well no, it was more of a sex dream…”
Jenny’s Dad: “You keep that satanic garble to yourself young lady!”
Jenny: “But Daddy I…”
Jenny’s Dad: “NO MORE!”
Jenny stopped talking. But she reflected on her dream. She Wondered if that was what sex would be like. Her parents wouldn’t let her attend health class and the church told her that absolute was the only method to avoid birth control and unwanted pregnancy. She also was told that happy Christian Marriages between a man and a woman were the only happy relationships.
On the way to Church, Jenny read a bit of her bible. She noted that Jesus a man who went around helping people. Perhaps her pastor would help her understand her dream. They passed the hospital, her father and mother began talking about the pro-choice and pro-life protectors outside.
Jenny’s Dad: “Look at those commies, demanding our tax dollars to kill the unborn! If they are out of munchies they should stop smoking marijuana!”
Jenny’s Mom: “The hospital will be private again someday, have faith dear.”
Jenny: “What about Jesus? Didn’t he go around healing the sick?”
Jenny’s Dad: “Right. He believed in charity to help those God had not forgotten. But many of those people who leech our tax dollars are drunk lazy welfare families who think they are too good for a minimum wage job. They only have to turn to God instead of whining to the government.”
Jenny thought about her father, he never did chores around the house and he drank heavily on a daily basis. But she remembered to honour him and began reading the bible again.
They pulled up to the large super-cathedral, “God’s Last Church” and began searching for a parking spot. Jenny’s dad paid the toll booth man and then tossed his keys at the valet without tipping him. Jenny’s mother gave the valet a look of snubbing. Jenny just smiledat him, not wanting to be rude, the valet smiled back.
Jenny’s Dad: “Thank god we beat the Henderson’s here. They always try to take the best parking spots. They have some nervous after letting their leaves blow into my yard.”
Jenny: “Daddy our yard has lots of trees, theirs doesn’t.”
Jenny’s Dad: “MY leaves don’t blow off. They let all sorts of trees blow into their yard and into ours. Of all the neighbors I have ever had, I hate them the most…”
Jenny’s Mom: “Now dear, the Lord knows they just come here to spite him. They will go to hell…”
Jenny’s Dad: “They had better…”
The sermon was intense, one of the pastors slipped on the stage and then told a story about how the Jews crucified Jesus, before he went on to pray for the Israeli’s fighting Arabs in the Holy Land. Jenny’s Dad spend time making racist jokes to the other men afterwards at the reception and Jenny’s Mom gossiped with their wives. Jenny just walked around and found the pastor. Father McKay.
Jenny: “Hi Father McKay. I have a question.”
McKay: “Of course Jenny, what is it?”
Jenny: “Um can I come into your office and talk to you privately?”
McKay: “Of course.”
On the way to the office McKay told one of the female clergy to stack up the sandwiches better. Then they arrived. Jenny liked McKay’s office. He had All sorts of art, some of which might be idols, but he insists he was a collector.
Jenny: “Um I had a biblical dream last night. But like the flavour was the Old Testament where God wants the husbands to let men rap their wives and daughters instead of practicing sodomy.”
McKay: “I see. Well God is not like that anymore. Jesus died for our sins, so women no longer have to be Raped by fags trying to spread their gayness to families.”
Jenny: “Well it gets weirder. A woman touched me in my dream. Also the part I remember most was being tied up.”
McKay: “Well people in ancient times were violent. Of course a good Christian girl would have to be tied up to be rapid.”
Jenny: “I might not have been a Christian in my dream. This was before Jesus’ time.”
McKay did not like being corrected.
McKay: “Well many pagan women asked for it, they did not have the moral fibre that God’s flock did. Now I have work to do.”
McKay touched Jenny’s bum on the way out. Jenny was not sure if it was a playful touch like when she was a kid, or if he was touching her differently now.
Monday morning was different than usual. Her mother did all the work, as usual, and her father complained about liberals as he read the paper while her mom just humoured him. But Jenny was still thinking heavily about her dream. She noticed that the figure of Jesus tied to the cross turned her on a little. She also feel her hands on her breasts grouping herself a bit. Masturbation was frowned upon, but Jenny did not care at this point. It felt so right.
On her car ride to school Jenny said nothing, she felt grateful that her father did not seem to notice her short skirt and tank top, perhaps because he was used to see Jenny as a chef leader. Jenny’s Dad dropped her off and Jenny waved good bye before walking up to her best friend Tamara.
Jenny: “Tammy!”
Tamara: “Jenny!”
The two of them hugged, typical schoolgirl fashion, platonic but then Jenny felt something else. She was unsure of what to think. Then the bell rang and they walked into class.
All day, Jenny could think of nothing besides sex. It was as if her white picket fence fans had all disappeared with her desire to fornicate. In class they discussed piracy. Jenny imagined what it would be like being a noble woman captured by scruffy buccaneers.
She stood on the edge of the captains private balance of the captains’ mess, naked, bound, the sea salt air was soothing, the wind in her hair made her feel relaxed. The wicked pirate captain was busy reading charts while Jenny struggled to escape from her captivity. Wiggling in her ropes, her hands felt tighter and tighter. The captain drank rum and plotted. He was the quintessential pirate captain. Eye patch, wooden leg, hook and a parrot. Gun and a cutlass, the captain then looked up and sneered at his struggle captive.
Pirate Captain: “The wind gets cold at night little missy. You will be grateful to have 67 cocks in your body. You will need them for warmth then hahaha.”
Jenny squirmed and screamed but the gag, a filthy rag prevented her from making too much noise. Jenny had not imagined the intricate details of pirate ships until now. But she had sliders, her feet hurt from standing up for so long and the sunburns were at best uncomfortable. The Pirate began groping her and snickering. She shook, trying to get away from him. It was no use, she was held to the post, tears rolled down her eyes. The captains first mate, a giant African former slave ripped off her tattered panties and the captain smiled and continued groping her while his first mate began stroking his penis. Up from his balls to the tip, underneath his penis he stroked. He thrust it into Jenny, it was like making love to a banner. Jenny screamed and became for them not to touch her. The Captain untied her from the post, but she was still tied up. Other pirates entered the mess and one got behind Jenny and began penetrating her from behind. Jenny pleased and moaned but then a third pirate stuck his penis in her mouth.
Tamara: “Jenny! Its time for lunch.”
Jenny had not noticed the entire morning skipped by with her sexual thoughts. She was lucky the teacher did not notice. She knew that she could never tell her parents or clerics about her new thoughts. The councillor would either tell on her or at best not be able to relate to her parents. Jenny decided she would tell Tamara.
Jenny: “I need to tell you about a dream I had last night.”
They huddled off to the side where nobody was listening or watching.
Jenny: “I had a dream like I was being raped in the old testament, but the dream was more than that. It was like a porno or something. I think I am developing a fascination for being tied up or something.”
Tamara: “Wow, have you told anyone else?”
Jenny: “No, you are the only other person that knows, the pastor wouldn’t listen and my parents hardly listen to anything I say.”
Tamara: “Well I heard about some really freaky events, apparently this year they have police watching the event to protect it from religious protestors. Remember last year?”
Jenny: “Well of course I do. But what will this event have to do with me?”
Tamara: “Maybe it will answer some questions for you? We can go together on Friday, I swear I won’t tell anyone. We shall not even get primped up, we will go as students.”
Jenny: (Smiling) “Okay Tams lets do it.”
Wandering off the beaten path…
Stacey Bishop was a firecracker. She was popular, got straight A’s inschool, poses as a freedom model, had invitations to all the best parties and her family was well off. It didn’t matter, she was well off in her own right. She worked as a stripper before and now as a model exclusively. One of the few models to be all natural and perfect, Stacey’s green eyed and tanned curvy body were perfect for the job. She had it all, except she was alone. Not literally alone. But never could Stacey be herself. She was not even sure if she had a personality beyond the mask she wore.
Tonight Stacey had bigger problems. The mask would not suffice. She sat on her bed with a few tears rolling down her face. She had decided it would be nice of her to unpack her boyfriends’ suitcase for him. To her dismay she found another girls’ panties inside. Then the door slammed.
Trevor: “Stace? Hey sweets, lets get it on baby!”
Stacey: “What. Are. These?”
Trevor: “Pants. What do they look like?”
Stacey: “They don’t look like MY panties!”
Trevor: “That’s because they aren’t.”
Stacey: “What in the fuck?!? You go away for three days just to sleep with some tramp?!? What sort of man are you?!? Who is she!”
Trevor: “Someone who puts out when I ask.”
Stacey: “Oh okay, so twice a day is not good enough for you is that it?!?”
Trevor: “Its not like that.”
Stacey: “Oh really?!? Then tell me! What is it like?!? HUH?!?”
Trevor: “I don’t like to be tied down to one woman. Lots of guys cheat. Get over it, its not like I didn’t use a condom.”
Stacey: “Oh well that just makes it SO much better! Tell me, did you also make sure she wasn’t a body snatcher too?!?”
Trevor: “Calm down you fucking bitch. Jesus fucking Christ. Your acting like a…”
Stacey: “Like what?!”
Stacey slapped Trevor right across the face and then held her hand to her mouth.
Stacey: “Get out.”
Trevor: “You wanna keep that hand?”
Stacey: “Getout!”
Trevor: “Hold on, slow down.”
Stacey: “Just go. And this time don’t both coming back…”
Trevor stormed out with his suitcase and in about five minutes Stacey throw his stuff out into a box on the porch. Then she called Brooke, who came over to comfort her. She only lived a block away, so it took minutes.
Brooke: “Stacey? Are you OK sweetie?”
Stacey: “Why does this always happen?”
Brooke: “Stacey…”
Stacey: “Every fucking time! Why do men do these things to me?”
Brooke: “Trevor was trailer trash with nicer clothes.”
Stacey: “I thought he was more than that. REAL men do not do things like this!”
Brooke: “Aww Stace. I have an idea. I found this place that sells cheap drinks and even has a karaoke machine. We should go.”
Stacey: “Not tonight Brooke.”
Brooke: “Its right by the park, we can go this weekend if you like? I have no plans this weekend. Some guy I was supposed to hang out with left town. Oh well.”
Stacey: “Okay.”
Stacey and Brooke hugged. Stacey would have a bit of trouble sleeping that night. But she knew she would eventually be OK.
Violet was an eccentric plus sized model who has made a name for herself by choice and by chance. VIP’s in many large cities knew her name and she was even mentioned on national levels. A mulatto who never shie away from a party, Violet discovered she was kinky when she was 13. She knew Stacey and Brooke faintly because of magazines, but she generally only said extremely friendly greetings to most people and rallying of speeches. Nobody knew her real name. She was known to all and known by none. An undeniable dominatrix, she even had a throne put on top of a platform and had some of the men carry her around. She held a whip and cracked it though she didn’t actually whip anyone except her slave, who she named Jube Jube.
The banner of the fetish event said “Violeted” as in violent to obvious reference of Violet who on the banner seemed to be riding Jube Jube like a horse. The slogan below read “working the gyms out of life.” Jenny thought it was clever. Tamara even pointed out the obviousness of why it was funny. Stacey who with Brooke had been allowed to cut in line looked up at the banner and snickered.
Stacey: “Only when written are puns funny.”
Brooke: “I know right. My grandpa thinks he is hilarian when he makes puns. He’s so not.”
Stacey: “I like your grandpa. He is normal compared to mine.”
Brooke: “Well your family is just weird baby.”
Stacey: “Yeah, but at least this place will not weird me out.”
It took time but Jenny and Tamara got inside. They looked around and they were unsure what to think. Violet had Jube Jube chained up and perched on the platform, and she was being given oral while she waved hello to everyone. There were several stands where people were being whipped and many people wearing superhero costumes. Jenny and Tamara were not sure what to think. They came to ask questions, not find more of them!
Jenny: “Wow, people act differently when they are allowed.”
Tamara: “Um, should we find someone to talk to about this stuff?”
Jenny: “We aren’t even dressed. I think its obvious we are amateurs.”
Tamara: “IF that Jenny. Lets go get drinks.”
They walked up to the bar. Many people waiting in line were unable to move away. Others were being carried. Most of them were talking and ordering, the sound was no different than a regular club, if not for the conversations about sex. But the rest of the conversations were the same as elsewhere. Politics, popular culture, jokes, food, same things. Jenny found it fascinating that people she was raised to believe were freaks were just freaky sexually but otherwise no different than her.
Jenny and Tamara got up to the counter.
Tamara: “Um can I have a Shirley Temple?”
Jenny: “Me too?”
The bar tender looked at them kind of funny and smiled, but sure enough he gave them their drinks.
Jenny: “How much?”
Bar Tender: “Your the designed driver, so free. Have a good night.”
Jenny: “But I am not, we are not…”
Tamara pulled Jenny away from the bar.
Tamara: “Dude my pay check is not until next week. If anyone asks we ARE designed drivers.”
Jenny: “Ugh, fine.”
Jenny and Tamara went to find an empty table.
Tamara: “We cannot leave our drinks unsupervised. Not even here where rape is obviously consensual.”
Jenny: “Isn’t rape by definition non-consensual?”
Tamara: “Well yeah, but you know what I mean.”
Jenny: “Um so who are we going to ask about This stuff?”
Tamara: “I don’t know, I thought they might have a kiosk or something.”
Jenny: “Your serious?”
Tamara: “Well I have no idea. Frankly being tied up seems scary.”
Jenny: “Not to me.”
Tamara: “Well you’re the only reason I am here. But let us figure out what the fuck we need to know.”
Stacey had been eyeing the event. She noticed that Jenny and Tamara were obviously not into the scene. Not dressed in costumes or restraints or fancy clothes, or even makeup, they were two sheep in a lions’ den. She guess that they must be young. The blonde must be eighteen Stacey thought to herself. Brooke was hitting it off with guys and venturing back and forth towardss Stacey.
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