Two Girls Team Up Ch. 01

I was afraid this might happen….why couldn’t I just let it go? I created this prison long before they came along….I should never have opened my mouth, nor left so many trails behind…I miss my life, my friends, and my freedom………Everyday I lose more control…everyday they learn more about me and use it to their advantage….they have mastered the art of seduction and betrayal…….I have really become a slave….

It all started with my own hands…. I was sitting in front of the computer browser through Female Domination websites, searching for a fix. I had an idea to start writing my own web page that would provide any woman Step by Step instructions to exploit a mans submissive fansies. I was aroused the entire time that I typed. Before I knew it I was on my seventh page. I saved the document to my file folder, brought myself to an incredible orgasm, and went to sleep. About a week later I printed it out and read over it. It was then that I realized how dangerous the informationn could be if the wrong woman were to read it. It was a basic blueprint to my uncontrollable fantasy of female domination. I had held nothing back. I explained how deeply rooted and engraved these thoughts had become after the 15 or so years I thought about it. I explained in detail how I was mainly aroused by the thought of being lured into an inescapable trap or predicament by a deviant woman. I even explained how a woman could use her body to mesmerize and distract me from the logic of what she was doing. This was dangerous information, something that should be left within my head. So I immediately deleted it from my computer. However I decided to keep the print out so that I could use it to arouse myself when I jerked off. I kept it in between my mattress for safekeeping.

I had been sleeping with this girl Jane on and off for a few months. She was obsessed with me, but I had no interest in her further than sex. She was a legal assistant and a bit loony. I had convinced her totie me up a time or two, but she never quite got into it or understand it. She wasn’t a supermodel either. She was skinny, with red hair, small tits and long seductive legs.

I was friends with another girl, Lauren that was 31 and modeled for various porn and fetish magazines. She was about 5’ 10” with blond hair and a curvatious, voluptuous all American kind of figure. We had been friends for a long time, however I was reluctant to ever tell her about my fansies because she was such a close friend. On several occasions I had aided in putting her into bondage for some of her photo shoots. It wasn’t long before I was trying to convince her that we could get a camera and start our own web site. Maybe even get a digital camera for short streaming videos. She was very interested so we began to do some research. We convinced Jane to do some shots for armature sections in some magazines. Soon, Lauren was persuading me to do the same for a few fetish magazines so that we could make some fast cash. Jane and Lauren were becoming quite close since we were always together working on our new idea.

One night we had all gone out drinking and returned to my Apt. Lauren decided to go home, so Jane and I began to fool around. I was pretty drunk and horny and I was trying to get her to tie me up again. She wasn’t in the mood to play games so I decided to show her exactly how much control she has at her fingertips by showing her my entire paper. She read it while I was in the bathroom. When I came out, she was just sort of staring at the floor with the papers turned over beside her. I asked her if something was wrong. She looked up and assured me that nothing was wrong. At this point I just wanted to have sex. I thought maybe she thought I was weird or something. So I just had sex with her and went to bed.

In the morning I went out to the kitchen and found Lauren was already there with Jane eating breakfast. We gathered our film and cameras to go to Jane’s house. She had a nice two bedroom outside of the city. We did most of our shoots there since it was nicer than Laurens apartment or mine.

Once we arrived at her house, Lauren started to take out all of the fetish and bondage gear we had in the closet. Jane suggested that we do my shoots that day since I had been putting it off for so long. I tried to shrug it off again, but I was just out voted.

Lauren and Jane positioned me on the floor in the middle of the basement.

” Do you have any Ideas?” Jane asked me. She exchanged a strange smile with Lauren.

I hesitated for a minute, realizing how awkward they had been towards me all morning. It seemed as if they were kind of ignoring me all morning. Every time I would walk into a room they would stop talking as if I had interrupted some private conversation. My heart started to race as I suddenly remember showing Jane what I had written while I was drunk last night. In fact, I didn’t remember putting it away, nor did I see it on the table in the morning.

“ummm, I’m not sure” I said as I moved over to the couch. ” Maybe we could take some action pictures of me tying one of you two up.”

Jane nodded her head and went over to Lauren and whispered something into her ear. I still wasn’t convinced that Jane hadn’t said anything to Lauren or showed her, so I was hoping they would agree to my idea just incase.

Deep down inside, I could feel the excitement that was growing just thinking about the two of them dominating me…. But at the same time I was scared that they would actually start to enjoy it and keep me as a slave. Yeah, I thought about being a slave a lot, but I wasn’t sure if I could really go through with it.

Billions of “what ifs” were running through my head, yet I was becoming completely aroused. I looked up from my stare to see Lauren and Jane moving a coffee table to the center of the room. Once they had it in position, Jane began to set up the digital video camera on a Tri-pod. Lauren went up stairs. Now was my chance to ask Jane about the paper.

“umm Jane” I said in an embarrassed kind of voice. “You didn’t tell Lauren about the thing I wrote did you?”

She looked over at me and gave me a reassuring look. ” Awww, your so cute” she said. ” Did you think I had shown her? I guess that’s why you don’t want to be tied up for this. Most days you would jump at the opportunity. I thought something was up.”

“So you didn’t?” I asked again

” Of coarse I didn’t tell her” she replied while getting the ropes, chains and other props out of the box on the floor. “I have never told her about any of the times I tied you to the bed have I?”

I shook my head “No, I guess I didn’t think about that. It was just that I shouldn’t have even shown you what I had written. I didn’t even remember that I showed you until a few minutes ago. I guess I was just freaked out. I apologize.” As far as I knew she wasn’t lying. So I began to help her set up.

Afew minutes later, Lauren came down stairs in a little schoolgirl outfit with her hair in pigtails. I sort of laughed at myself. I guess I was still expecting her to come down in some dominatrix outfit. “I’m ready master,” she said with a giggle. “Your not going to hurt me are you?”

I felt relieved now that my secret was safe, but now I was mad that I had not chosen to be tied up. It would give me an experience that I could jerk off to later on that night, plus I would have pictures. “Wait, I’m sorry. I have another idea.” I blurted out. “Maybe I should be the one who gets tied up for these pictures. We always tie you up.”

“Make up your mind” Lauren said “I’m not going to change outfits all day”

”Well, maybe we could have you tie me up in that outfit first.” I suggested, “It might turn out good. Then we could do another set in a different outfit.”

Jane thought it was a good idea. She suggested that Lauren tie me down to the coffee table while she went upstairsto get dressed for the next set. She explained to us that the new digital video camera could just run while she was gone. Then we could go back later and captures still off of it on the computer.

Lauren agreed so I walked over and sat on the coffee table. Jane set the camera to record while exchanging a big smile with Lauren. “Try to make him completely immobilized.” She said as she started to go upstairs. “Do you think she can Eric?”

“Probably not ” I replied “But I will act completely helpless for the pictures”

“Take off all your clothes and lay on your back” Lauren said with a smile. “I don’t get to say that often”

I sort of hesitated for a second.

“Its okay, you’ve seen me naked lots of times. Don’t be embarrassed.” Lauren said

I removed my clothes and laid down on the table. I felt her begin to wrap one of my ankles to one of the legs of the coffee table. “That’s a little tight,” I told her. She really was making it quite tight. She didn’t sayanything so I sat up and looked down at her. “Hello, can you here me?” I said

“Don’t be a baby” she said “Its not like your going to be like this all day”

I just shook my head and laid back again. She proceeds to do the other leg the same way. Once she was finished she picked up some more rope and looked down at me. “I have a good Idea” she said, “This will make some great pictures.” She moved the camera to a new position then straddled the table and me so that she was facing my feet. She lifted up her skirt so that I could see her white cotton panties and sat right on my chest drawing the back of her skirt over my face. “ Wow, you certainly responded well to that,” she said as she watched my dick harden.

I was in heaven. I could feel her wrapping the rope around my stromach and the table. I actually started to imagine that she had read my paper. Thinking of all the things she would do to me.

She stood up a minute later swung her leg over and looked down at me again. “I’m getting the feeling that you must like this a little,” she said. “Your dick is hard as a rock.”

“I think any guy would be turned on if some girl was sitting on his chest while his head was under her skirt.” I said.

She bent down to tie my wrist to the coffee table making quick work of both of them. “How’s that? She asked as she stood up. “Can you get out? I’ve never done this before.”

I tugged at the bonds and really tried to get out but I found that I could barley move at all. “Nope.” I responded, “You’re a natural. It’s a little too tight though.

”Deal with it” she said with a smile “This IS your fantasy right?”

I felt my heart jump in my chest. “What do you mean?” I asked

”Well Jane and I were eating breakfast this morning and I started reading your little paper you had written. You should have never let her see that you know. She is so infatuated with you that she would do anything to keep you around. Didn’t you know that?”

“It was just a thing I wrote for a web site” I said, “It was fiction, your just fucking with me aren’t you?”

She started to laugh, “awww you looked scared. Should I notie you?”

” Yes, please, this has me a little freaked out.”

”Let’s wait until Jane comes back down. You can ask her to notie you. In fact, let me go get her.” She turned and went quickly upstairs laughing.

I felt for the first time complete and total terror. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. The worst part was that I didn’t have to be at work for another few days and nobody else know where I was. I started to try franticly to get myself loose. After a few minutes I gave up. They left me down there for some time. I was beginning to go insane. Soon I heard Both of them giggling as they came down the stairs.

“Eric, Eric, Eric… You poor pathetic fool.” Jane said. “Of coarse I didn’t TELL Lauren, I let her read it for herself.” They walked over to me and stood on either side looking down.They were both dressed in Jeans and T-shirts. Lauren and I thought that it was time for you to live out your dreams. We could use a good slave anyway”

“This is a joke right” I blurted out “You can’t really keep me forever”

Lauren bent down and picked up a ball gag that she had placed next to me. “If you truly believe that, why are you so scared? We have you now. You can’t escape and it’s about time we shut you up. OPEN UP!”

I tried to resist but Jane grabbed my balls and gave them a hard squeeze. I opened my mouth and Lauren put the gag on and locked it with a pad lock. “Get used to the way this gag feels, because you will be wearing one most of the time now.” She looked over at Jane and they both started to laugh hysterically.

“Look at the fear in his eyes.” Jane said, “His eyes will tell us everything we need to know. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.” Jane croouched down and looked into my eyes as she stroked my hair. Lauren croouched down as well shaking her head with a smile on her face. Jane started to explain to me how long they have been planning for this. “You see Eric….. When you asked me to tie you up the first time I thought you were a bit strange but I figured I’d give it a try. I remember looking down at you after I was finished tying you down and feeling this incredible rush. I remember thinking of all kinds of things I could do to you. I loved the control.”

“She called me the next day to tell me” Lauren interrupted ” God, when was that? Almost a month ago I think. Anyway, she was so excited about what had happened that we started joking about how we could use this against you. When Jane came over that night we looked up some web sites that featured Women in Control and started to talk more seriously about trying to really make you our slave.”

“See Eric, we’ve been poking around at your house and on your computer for a few weeks now.” Anne said with a menuing smile on her face. “It didn’t take us long to figure out how pathetic you were. We found magazines, Videos, and printed stories from Internet sites. All of them were about men in situations much like the one your in right now. When you showed me that paper you wrote, I thought to myself this boy is SOOOO fucked and he doesn’t have a clue. Poor, poor, pathetic, slave.”

I feel a lump in my throat, my heart was racing and My stomach was saturated with that feeling you get as you start to go down the biggest drop of a roller coaster. When you think to yourself “I know I got on this ride and I can’t turn back but, Holy Shit! I hope I don’t die”.. I feel panic, adrenalin, desire and fear combine inside. They can’t be serious. And why is my dick HARD!

They started to feel all over my body, looking at each other and giggling. Lauren whispered something in Jane’s ear and they both nodded. They stood up and picked up some of there things. “Well, we’re going up stairs for the night. I hope you will be ok down here. Well, leavethe light on so you don’t get too scared. Were also going to leave the camera on so we can monitor you from up stars. Did Jane tell you about our new web site?” I shook my head no. “Jane, you didn’t tell him?”

“I’m sorry. It must have slipped my mind. It’s called and you’re the star! Cyber ​​Space is the only other place you will exist outside of This house until we completely destroy the man you were before you came into this basement. Your financial life, your personal life, and your mind are all going to get fucked. And you will still beg us to fuck you.” Jane said pretending to feel sorry for me. They both turned around and started up the stairs.

“Don’t go any where.” Lauren said as she turned around at the top laughing. “I’m sure your mind will do plenty of walking for you tonight.” Then she closed the door.

She was right; I could barely keep up with all of the thoughts and questions running through my head. It was maddening. The only thing thatI was totally sure of was that I wanted to have my hands free to jerk off. I knew at that point just how powerless I was to my own sexual desires…If they really wanted to enslave me, they would succeed.


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