Ulrike’s playroom was a lot different from what I was expecting. The floor was made of concrete and the walls were cinderblocks and mortar. There were also a number of iron rings set into the floor walls and ceiling. In addition to that there were a number of vertical poles that I originally thought of as whipping posts; however Ulrike preferred to use them to bind me with my arms and legs far apart in a sort of an X position.
Shortly after we were in the playroom, Amber and Ulrike worked quickly to make me helpless and bound me with my ankles and wrists far apart between two poles. Leather restraints tightly held my ankles and wrists and those were clipped to iron rings on the two vertical poles. These poles were approximately three feet apart, so my legs were spread obscenely wide.
“We’re going to Leave you like this for several hours,” Ulrike informed me. “And if you complain, Amber and I are going to gag you. So, my advice to you is ‘Don’t complain’”.
I resolved not to complain, although the position I was holding soon became uncomfortable and sweat began to from on my browser, underarms and torso.
As the minutes ticked slowly by, Ulrike or Amber would come in to check on me. Amber would just make certain that I hadn’t passed out or pulled a muscle or anything, but Ulrike was much more sadistic and would pinch the tip of my cock or my nipples or some other sensitive part of my anatomy. Sometimes she would trick me by touching me gently, cupping my balls or stroking my inner thigh or something and just when I would get used to her being soft and tender she’d smack my cock.
“I can do this again and again,” she told me once, gloating over how helpless I was, “and there’s nothing you can do to stop me is there?”
I struggled hard against the leather restraints at my wrists and ankles. All I managed to do was strain my muscles and break out in sweat all over my body.
Then to enhance my feelings of helplessness, she smoked mycock four more times.
There was no clock and nothing to do in the playroom, so I would chronically lose track of time. As a result I never really knew how long I was tied up in there, but it seemed like at least two hours later that the door opened and in came a well-groomed, middle-aged woman wearing a V-neck sweater and straight leg jeans.
My heart beat at triple its normal speed and I went into panic mode and I felt as if I might pass out from embarrassment and I struggled against my restraints in a vain attempt to cover up my nudity.
“Calm down, Adam,” the woman said in a soothing tone of voice. “I’m Ulrike’s mother. Amber told me that she had a boy tied up in here. I just came to check on you.”
“What?” I said, incredulous. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Ulrike’s mother would approve of her daughter striping boys naked and tying them up like this.
“I’m well aware of my daughter’s extracurricular activities,” she calmly explained. “You’re not the first boy that she’s brought home and paraded around naked. Although you are the first that allowed himself to be tied up naked and helpless. Most of the boys run home as fast as their little feet can carry them when my daughter tries to tie them up.”
I still feel a sense of panic, being seen naked by Ulrike’s mother like this, but I tried hard not to act frightened. My mouth was dry and my whole body began to tremble in nervous embarrassment, but I forced my mouth to form words.
“So, you actually approve of your daughter treating boys like this; and under your own roof, no less?”
At first Ulrike’s mother just gave me a look. It was the sort of look a teacher gives to a student who’s especially slow and in need of extra instruction if they’re going to learn the material.
“My daughter has a very strong dominant personality, Adam,” she said. “It’s not something that she can just decide to walk away from; just as you cannot walk away from your very obviouss submissive personality. And since she’ll no doubt be dominating and abusing naked boys whether I approve or not, I’d prefer that she do it under my roof, where I can supervise some and make certain that nobody gets hurt.”
“Wait! Back up,” I said. “What makes you say I have an obvious submissive personality?”
She smiled slightly at this and shook her head. “Adam,” she said using that same tone of voice, “You’ve allowed my daughter to strip you naked and tie you up spread eagled between two poles. In addition, your cock and balls are bound up very tightly in a leather bondage device that restricts blood flow and keeps your member hard and erect. Your penis, testicles, thighs, chest and armpits are all utterly lacking in body hair, so I’m assuming that my daughter shawed you…or somehow she talked you into shaving yourself. WHY would you allow yourself to be made so helpless and humiliated if you DIDN’T have a submissive personality?”
A lot of answers ran throughmy mind, but at the moment all of them sounded lame and unconvincing. In the end I didn’t both with a verbal reply and just hung my head in defeat.
“Don’t feel so bad, Adam,” Ulrike’s mother said to me. “You’ve apparently been living in denial, but there’s nothing wrong with having a submissive personality. Just be honest about it, and the people around will be able to adjust their behavior around you, accordingly.”
I felt humiliated and groaned at this and replied, “I can’t tell anyone about this. I’d die of embarrassment.”
“You say that now,” she replied, “But my daughter obviously knows about your submissive personality. So does my maid and so do I. And yet you’re still alive and in one piece. You’re no worse off now than you were yesterday.”
“I can’t tell anybody else about this. I just can’t,” I said it almost as a chant.
“Would you prefer that I tell people for you?” she asked. “When you return home, I could come with you and tell your family.”
“What?” I asked, stricken with panic. “There’s no way! Why would you even ask me a question like that?”
“Adam,” she said, being slow and patient, “I’m a medical doctor. I’ve broken news to families when their loved ones were dying of cancer or AIDS. Breaking news to your family about your submissive nature would easy by comparison.”
“You’re a medical doctor?” I asked, feeling slightly less threatened by her presence. After all, medical doctors are supposed to help people. They take a Hippocratic Oath and all that.
“Yes, Adam,” she said, cupping my chin and forcing me to raise my head so that I was looking her directly in the eye, “And although you look incredibly cute when you blush, it’s totally unnecessary. I’ve seen plenty of naked bodies in my job. Yours is just one more to add to a very long list.”
And then she paused for a few seconds before adding, “Although most of the men I’ve seen naked weren’t nearly as well-endowed as you.”
I actually smiled slightly at that. But before I had a chance to say anything in response, Ulrike entered the room.
She had changed her clothes at this point. Instead of her dress and high heels, she was now wearing very tight riding jodhpurs, black leather riding boots, a starched white shirt and black leather gloves. I also noticed (somewhat believedly) that she was carrying a riding crop.
“Mother,” Ulrike said somewhat cheerfully, “I see you’ve met Adam! Isn’t he adorable?”
“He’s quite attractive,” Ulrike’s mother admitted, “and the way he blushes when he’s embarrassed is rather cute. Try not to scare this one off.”
And then she turned to me and said, “think about what I said, Adam. Hiding your true nature from your family doesn’t help anyone. You’ll be much happier when you’re being honest about who you really are.”
I promised that I’d consider her kind offer and then she noticed the riding crop that Ulrike was carrying.
“Ulrike, I hope you’re not planning on hitting your young man with that thing,” she said.
“What?” Ulrike replied. “What not?”
“Because; Young lady; it’s a riding crop! It was designed for hitting horses to make them run faster! Adam’s hide is nowhere near as thick and tough as a horse’s hide! If you hit him with a crop with anything more than a gentle “swish”, you run the risk of breaking the skin and causing bleeding! And I do NOT want to have to explain to his mother why he ended up bloody after he left my house!”
“I’m not going to hit him all that hard, Mother,” Ulrike protected. “I know what I’m doing.”
It was obvious that both Ulrike and her mother were strong-willed people and they both argued their positions back and forth and eventually Ulrike’s mother changed the topic of discussion from the riding crop to the leather strap that was tightly bound around the base of my cock and balls.
“How long has that cock ring been fastened around the base of that young man’s penis?” she asked.
“It’s not a cock ring, Mother,” Ulrike explained. “It’s a cock and ball stick.”
“Nevertheless, how long have you been using it to restrict blood flow and cause unnatural swelling?”
Ulrike made an exasperated singing sound and replied, “For four hours…maybe four and a half.”
“That’s too long,” insisted Ulrike’s mother, “You need to take it off of him now.”
“Take it off?” Ulrike loudly exclaimed, “But Mother!”
“Cock rings; or in this a cock and ball stick; that are hurt for too long can be dangerous. It can cause priapism.”
“I don’t even know what that is,” Ulrike protected. “Beside, Adam is young and healthy. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“Priapism, Young Lady is a potentially painful medical condition which can occur when an erect penis does not return to its flaccid state within four hours. If you continue to restrict the blood flow and keep your boyfriend’s penis all unnaturally swollen and disclosed like that, you run the risk of possible nervousdamage or even gangrene.”
“Mother,” Ulrike shouted, sounding indignant, “his penis isn’t disclosed!”
“It’s a purplish, reddish color,” her mother shot back. “That’s really not healthy. Now are you going to take that thing off of him, or am I?”
My heart was pounding in my chest so hard; I thought it might actually rupture. It was humiliated enough for Ulrike’s mother to SEE my exposed penis and testicles, but the thought of her mother actually TOUCHING my erect penis was far too much. A sense of panic washed over me and my breathing quickened and I felt feverish and fear and was no doubt blushing with embarrassment.
“In those books by Ann Rice, male slaves have erections that last for four or five,” Ulrike said defiantly, “None of them ever get nervous damage or gangrene!”
“Young Lady, those books by Ann Rice are works of fiction. Ann Rice can write fictional stories about men who can hold ections for 120 hours straight, but that’s a superhuman ability that doesn’t exist in the real world. Adam is a real, living breathing human being and I won’t allow your erotic hobbies to be the cause of a medical emergency that sends this young man to the emergency room!”
Eventually it was decided that Ulrike’s mother would remove the strap from my cock and balls.
I winced and tried to look away as I felt the older woman’s cold hands touch my feverishly hot scrotal sack. It took her a while to find the snap that held the ends of the strap around my ball sack. When she found it the sharp “SNAP” sound of her unsnapping it seemed to fill the room.
And then to add to my humiliation, her hands touched the shake of my cock as she undid the other metal snap. Having my girlfriend’s mother touch me in such an intimate place felt a lot like rape, but that’s not the sort of thing you can Say to your girlfriend or your girlfriend’s mother.
“Well, the swelling has gone done slightly,” said Doctor Lagerström, “and his color has been reducedd to a reddish color, rather than a reddish purple.”
“So, are we done here?” Ulrike asked. “Will you leave Adam and me alone now?”
“He’s still not flaccid,” Doctor Lagerström complained. “Adam, could you possibly get your penis to go soft?”
As humiliated and nervous as I was to be seen naked and bound by Ulrike’s mother I was still unbelievably sexually aroused; partially it was because Ulrike’s small, firm, high ass was displayed so erotically in her tight riding jodhpurs and her breasts were partially visible with all the top buttons undone on her shirt, but I think I was so sexually aroused at least in part because I was really enjoying being helpless and abused and at Ulrike’s mercy.
Oh my God, Doctor Lagerström was right! I really was a natural submissive!
“I’m sorry, Miss,” I replied sheepishly, “But I really can’t.
My penis was painfully hard and erect even without the cock and ball stick restricting the flow of blood. I couldn’t see me goingsoft anytime soon. I was just far too sexually aroused at the moment.
“He went soft when I was spanking him earlier,” Ulrike offered somewhat helpfully. “Would you like me to spank him again?”
I felt my face go hot with embarrassment as Ulrike openly and casually talked about how I had been spanked earlier. It was a very humiliating and degrading experience. I didn’t want ANYBODY to know about that! Just about the only thing that could be more humiliating would be if Doctor Lagerström actually WITNESSED me being spanked like a naughty, disobedient child. I prayed to spared that kind of indignity!
“I think you’d enjoy that too much,” Doctor Lagerström said. “Left to your own designs you’ll spank him raw. I don’t want that.”
I breathed a sight of relief and then she added, “His swelling will probably go down once he’s ejaculated. Why not simply stimulate his penis until he has an orgasm?”
“Male slaves are supposed to be kept in a state of constant sexual tension and frustration. It makes them easier to control, but if I refuse, you’ll just masturbate him yourself, won’t you?”
“Medically speaking, it would be the wise thing to do.”
“Then I’ll get him off, myself,” Ulrike finally responded.
I was relieved that Doctor Lagerström wouldn’t get grabbing my penis and jerking me off, however I was distressed about the idea of her standing There and watching as her daughter did the deed.
Ulrike closed the distance between us and cupped my ball sack in one hand. She hefted my balls and squeezed lightly and then said, “Adam, your balls are absolutely heavy and swollen. Maybe my mother is right. Maybe you really DO need this.”
I shuddered as Ulrike gently fondled the smooth skin of my ball sack and manipulated my aching balls. It wasn’t so much the pain that caused my reaction, as the humiliation of having my naked body played with in front of the watchful eyes of Ulrike’s mother.
Then with her other hand, Ulrike pressed upon the base of the butt plug that was trapped inside my anus. I had totally forgotten it was up there, but as Ulrike exerted more and more pressure up the base of it, I could feel the tip of it just barely scraping against my prostate gland.
Then she rapped her knuckled hard; across the base; three times.
“Ooooo… Oooooooghhh.” I gasped, my hips quivering with the acute sensing of his physical and mental anguish. My prostate gland was being pounded. I explored my breath in a soft hiss, as deep inside of me nervous endings that didn’t know I had before, were strictly stimulated.
“Calm yourself, Adam,” Ulrike commanded. “I’m just massaging your prostate. It’ll help ease you along towards your orgasm. It’s nothing to worry about.”
Doctor Lagerström got a quizzical look on her face and said, “Ulrike, do you have something concealed up that young man’s anus?”
“It’s a butt plug, Mother,” replied Ulrike. “It’s perfectly harmless.”
“I see,” repliedDoctor Lagerström. “It may be harmless, but if you want to massage his prostate, there are more efficient ways of doing it. Your fingers or some sort of long, thin phallus would do a much better job.”
For once, Ulrike didn’t argue with her mother, and she grabbed the base of the butt plug and PULLED it out of me with a great deal of speed and force. My sphincter muscle was stretched painfully and I yelped in pain and surprise as I experienced the sort of pain that made me fear the tender flesh of my anus had been torn and ripped asunder.
I actually began crying at that point and Ulrike began to try and comfort me while her mother watched. “Poor Adam,” she said as she wiped some of my tears away, “I know this must all be very difficult for you, but it’s really all for your own good. My mother is right about you being a natural submissive, and if you are ever going to embrace your true nature, you’ll need somebody like me who knows how to humiliate you and sexually abuse youand hurt you in interesting and creative ways.”
I started to say something in reply, but then Ulrike took my face in both hands and kissed me deeply on the mouth. It was a very intimate kiss and she forced her tongue into my mouth and used it to dominate my mouth and force my own tongue into submission.
While Ulrike was doing this, apparently her mother got hold of a tube of lubricant from somewhere in the playroom, Because as soon as Ulrike broke from the kiss, her mother squeezed out a dollar of cold, greasy lubricant into her daughter’s hand.
“Try not to tense up,” Ulrike said and then I involuntarily gasped as Ulrike forced two lubricated fingers up through my delicate sphincter and into my anus. I could feel her strong, determined fingers inside of me, probing, searching and then almost immediately finding the plump swelling of my prostate gland. She pressed against the plumant, vulnerable shaft with the tips of her fingers and then gripped the thick shaft of mycock with her other hand.
I struggled involuntarily and gasped again and my body was assaulted with a multiitude of physical sensings.
My cock was pulsing and throbbing even before Ulrike touched it, and as soon as she touched it thrashed around like a wild horse.
“Easy, Adam,” Ulrike said calmly, “I’m in control here.
Then she gripped my cock hard and kept it immobile While the fingers deep inside of my anus played with my helpless prostate gland.
Then Ulrike fondled my balls and the shake of my cock while I began crying again. “I see why you like him so much,” Doctor Lagerström said. “He’s a submissive and a blusher and a critic. He’s perfect for you. None of the other boys were anything like him.”
“You hear that, cutie?” Ulrike asked, “With Your pretty tears and girl blushing and cute tiny ass and submissive nature, you’re practically a girl. You’re perfect for me.”
And then Ulrike; while keeping a tight grip on my shake; moved her hand from the base of my penis all the way to the swollen head on my penis. Then she slide her hand back down to the base again. Blobs of pre-come were immediately forced out of the tip, and I shuddered and quaked as a powerful orgasm built up inside of me.
The long, thin, fingers in my anus continued to probe and stimulate my prostate gland and I moaned and gasped in response. Then Ulrike began to twist as well as squeeze While she toyed with the shake of my hard, swollen cock.
“My mother is watching you, Adam,” Ulrike said as she played with my cock and anus. “So, please remember every time she sees you from now on; no matter what you’re wearing; no matter how dignified you try to act, she will always remember you as being stark naked, with your legs bound far apart, huge erection pointed at her, while I Violated your tight asshole with my fingers.”
It was then; with those cruel, humiliating words in my ears; that Ulrike pressed her fingers hard against my prostate gland,Prodding it vigorously. My whole body stiffened in my bonds and I held my breath as my spine arched backwards and I let out an inarticulate scream.
I struggled involuntarily and impotently against my bonds as thick, spurting streams of semen erupted from my swollen member and shot across the room, making a mess all over the floor. I began to pant heavily as I experienced the longest and most powerful orgasm of my life. I felt as if I had just explored gallons of semen from my urethra.
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