Two And Two Make Three

Note: My thanks to my friends for editing.


It was a long journey. And no trolley service. He swore he wouldn’t travel with this train company again. Susie was twitchy, in expectation of what would happen that night. Naked under her short skirt, so he could smell her need, stroke her sometimes, when fellow-passengers weren’t looking. Fortunately she’d had the foresight to bring snacks, so they survived without the refreshment trolley, though a cup of tea would have been good.

He’d made this trip before; she hadn’t. He pointed out features they were passing as they convinced. They shared a great deal, in their perspectives on the world and the strange doings of humankind, so the discussions were deeply satisfied to him. And, he knew, to her. It was very rare to find someone with whom he was politically, intellectually and sexually so close.

But this excursion wasn’t primarily about them. They were travelling to meet someone else. And when he wasn’t chatting with Susie, his mind focused on the woman they were to be with. He’d met her online, and they’d been speaking for several weeks. They’d played on Skype, and he understand her well enough to know that she posed him a huge challenge. She had only agreed to meet them, and warned him that she might back out because she was so scared. He usually had enough self-confidence to be sure he could seduce a woman into giving him whatever he needed. But with this woman he wasn’t sure. It would be a fascinating encounter.


In the hotel room Susie helped him set the bed up, organize the rope to secure the new woman’s cuffs. Then she begged for pleasure. She knew he wasn’t going to fuck her; he was saving his spunk for Shonagh. He was her master, but he cared for her. Strict but so kind and loving when she needed it, as she’d learned from their few days together so far. Her heart soared when he instructed her to strip. She felt her cunt flood as he cuffed and blindfolded her. Then it was just sound. And smell. A rasping sound she couldn’t identify. A new cent at the edge of her awareness, slightly cloying. His wicked fingers tugged and twisted her nipples, so her cunt gushed. And sweetjesus, his mouth… exploring and teasing her gaping flower. Her hips rose to him, her being focused in the nervous-endings in her groin. And then… the bastard. He moved away.


He tested the candle. Enough hot wax now. Leaned over her silently, aimed carefully. Angled the thing. The most profane scream as the burning substance dripped on one nipple. Formed hot red splats, almost like blood, but blood doesn’t congeal instantly like that. The other nipple… more screams. First time she’d screamed like that. Well, she had chosen to have no safeword. Just as well the room was soundproof. He admired the wax-spattered nipples, more erect and pointy than he’d seen them before. Moved the candle. Her clip was large and protruding; an easy target.

Wax dripped. The howl was so primary it even frightened him.

“Jesusfuck master… YELLOW…”

So much for no safeword. He blew the candle out, unlocked the cuffs. Lay beside her, taking her in his arms, stroking her teared face, and kissed her mouth. When she stopped shaking and weeping, he picked the wax carefully from her sexparts. The buzzing wand gave her the exploration she needed.


They’d decided to eat in the hotel before venturing out to meet the other woman in a nearby pub. Intermittent pouring rain discouraged any explorations of a city he knew a wee bit, she not at all. He’d expected her to become nervous as the time approached to meet Shonagh, but she was her usual being, completely self-assured as they dissected the motivation of the stranger they were soon to see. And their own feelings.

Neither of them had been in any sort of a threesome before. Shonagh had told him she’d never had an orgasm with a man, in nearly twenty years of sex. Both of them hadchatted with her extensively online, and she’d cammed with him. They understand the woman was nervous as hell, and very edge. So the course the evening might take was completely unpredictable. They both knew they had to follow and respond to the other woman’s needs. She wanted to experience submission and pain for the first time, and the whole event would be about her.

The meal was nothing special. He confined himself to a half-pint of bitter with it; she drank water. Both had to be in complete control of themselves for the evening. They’d just returned to their room with half an hour to spare before they were due to meet the woman, when the phone rang.

“Hi. It’s Shonagh.”

“You in the pub already? Sorry, we were just about to leave.”

“Nope, decided to just come to the hotel. I was scared that if I went to the pub, I might back out with a couple of drinks in me. And I didn’t want to back out. Best if I don’t have that option.”

“I’ll be right down. Two minuteses.”

He was trembling with excitement in the lift. Every sub was different of course. But Shonagh was way off the map, quite out with his experience. She’d said she wanted him to take complete control, but he knew she had no idea what that means. So he didn’t have a predetermined strategy with her. He’d need to play it by ear. He knew she needed tender too, though she’d denied that when he suggested it on IM.

He drew breath sharply on seeing her in the lobby. Slender, tall, waif-like. Edith Piaf sprang to his mind. Sexy as fuck. But so complicated. It would be an interesting evening. He drew her to him gently, kissed her cheek, led her to the lift. As they ascended, he grabbed her hard and kissed her mouth. Knew her uncertainly. And her arousal. Knew that whatever happened, the evening would be good.


Susie’s face was lost in a smile as he drew the younger woman into the room. It would be the first real time with another woman for both of them. So many eelements of unpredictability. But as he watched the women embrace and whisper greetings, he knew it would be all right. Susie’s role was to make her more comfortable. So that her master could play with this new girl. He moved to open the wine as the women separated, closely regarding each other. He was just an extra at this point.

“Want some wine Shonagh?”

“Oh fuck yes. I’ve never been more nervous. Need a drink. And – she fumbled in her bag – d’you mind if I smoke?”

He’d been surprised to discover that hotels in England still had smoking rooms, and he’d booked one at the younger woman’s request. He smoked, but could take it or leave it. But he knew Shonagh needed every prop she could have tonight. He opened the window. Smoking was an issue for Susie, but she’d put up with it for the evening.

He rolled himself one as the girl gulped wine, drew greedily on the cigarette. Fuck, was she skittish. A colt needing to be broken in. He so wanted to touch her, take her inHis arms, collar her. But now wasn’t the time. She needed to settle, and it might be best if she was alone with Susie for a wee while. So…

“We only have one bottle of wine in the room. We were going to get more booze from Tesco on our way to the pub. I’ll just nick out and get some now. What’s your preference Shonagh?”

“Oh, let me go get the wine, so you and Shonagh have time together?”

He watched the younger woman’s face at Susie’s words.

“No, it’s best if I go.”


The women were embracing on the settee by the window when he returned. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched, strangely detached, but very excited. Every nervous in him wanted to stroke Shonagh’s sexform as his lover embedded her. But the time wasn’t yet. They were whispering to each other, and his hearing wasn’t the best. Just as well; he really didn’t want to eavesdrop. They were in private just now, best to leave them like that.

He rolled a fag and moved to the window tosmoke, his back to the women as he watched the rain spattering city streets. Opened a can of beer, more for something to do than because he needed a drink. He would make it last for hours, careful sips. But Shonagh’s glass was empty, and at the sound of the can opening, she asked him to refill it. He didn’t mind how much she drank, if that was what she needed to relax.

He stubbed out the rollup and sat on the bed. Susie had the younger woman’s top off now, one hand fondling a breast, the other stroking her thigh. Their breathing was coming faster. Shonagh’s fingers went nervously to his lover’s title. Both were gasping now. The younger woman’s breasts were barred, and Susie’s mouth descended. His hand moved to his groin. He’d never in his life seen such beautiful nipples. Hmm… no that wasn’t right. But they equalized Those of his beloved ex in their perfection.

Susie pulled back from the embrace. Nodded pointedly at him. He stood, opened his arms. The younger woman rose uncertainly, moved towards him. Her mouth opened under his and he tasted her hesitant willingness. He stroked her back and she pressed her hips against his. Whispered something in his ear. He withdraw slightly from her.

“No Shonagh, I don’t want a blowjob. Not yet anyway. How’re you feeling?”

“I really like Susie. I’m wet.”

“Good girl. Go back to her now, I love watching you together.”

Her fingers found him through his trousers.

“Mmm, so I can feel.”

He refilled her glass. Hmm, she was drinking quickly. Watched as she removed her bra, settled in Susie’s arms. Fuck, such beautiful tits. A gorgeous body. He removed his shoes, resumed a spectator role. Watched the women undress each other piece by piece, hear their moans as skin rubbed on skin. They were down to panties and thighhighs when a mobile buzzed. Shonagh jerked away from her companion, panic on her face as she looked at the phone.

“Music, need music. Put some fucking music on will ya?”

Susie grabbed the remote, flicked channels searching fruitlessly for music. He was puzzled.

“Why do you need music lassie?”

“It’s my husband. He thinks I’m working late, then going to the pub.”

“If I’d know I’d have brought music. But there’s none. Can’t you just call him back from here?”

“I need street sounds at least, something he can recognize.”

“Stand by the open window?”

“Not enough noise.”

She was struggling into her clothes…

“Need to go out to call him, sorry.”

Panic was etched on her face. If that’s what she had to do, that’s what would happen. He lacened his brogues as she patted her hair into a semblance of order. There were tears in her eyes in the lift, and he licked them from her.

“It’s OK lassie. I’ll wait whilst you make your call.”

She left the building. He stood at the entrance smoking, wondering where her head was. She’d told him something of her marriage, enough that he knew she couldn’t upset her husband. She returned after five minutes, face smiling. He smiled back, saved.

“All OK?”

“Yeah. He’s a funny bugger.”

In the lift she sank against him, supine, submissive. He pulled a hard nipple, naked under her flimsy top.

“I want you Shonagh. Tonight you’re going to give yourself to me. Aren’t you?”


His heart dissolved. Fuck, she was perfect. The fact that she was so complex and skittish made it all the better. More of a challenge for him.

When they re-entered the room, Susie was naked on the bed, cunt flowering and glistening. Shonagh shivered, began removing her clothes, then looked at the two of them in turn.

“I need a line of coke.” It was a statement.

“Go ahead, little girl.”

He lay beside Susie as the younger woman locked the bathroom door behind her. He stroked his lover’s cunt.

“So. What do you think? I note that she’s got your cunt wet?”

“Oh jesus yes, she’s sex incarnate. She really turns me on. And…” – a proud smile – “she says I turn her on too. With a body twenty-five years older than hers!”

“I’m so proud of you, my slut. Here, you need these now.”

He’d just fastened the clamps when Shonagh reappeared. He retired to the slottee to watch the women together on the bed. Shonagh was naked in seconds, and for the first time he fully appreciated the beauty of her form. He had to undress, play with himself gently as he watched them together.

Susie was licking her cunt, lifted her head, whispered to him.

“You have to taste her master. Now.”

“Get me more wine before you can taste my cunt.”

Fuck, she was feisty. He loved a sub with spirit. He filled her glass. Moved his throbbing cock to her mouth before he allowed himself to pleasure her. Susie withdraw, poured vodka in a glass, sat back masturbating, watching her master with the other woman.

He gasped as she took him in her mouth… fuck. Right down her throat. He twisted to taste her cunt, and she parted her legs wide. Sharp and fruity, delicious. Her hips that to his exploring mouth as her throat muscles closed on him. But he didn’t want to spunk her there. He withdraw gently, focusing on giving her pleasure. Then she pushed him away.

“Pain, give me pain.”

He reached for the collar, held it before her. Looked her a question. His cock surged at her slight nod. His fingers trembled as he fastened it round her neck, kissed her panting mouth.

“You’re mine now Shonagh. Aren’t you?”

“Yes. Cuff me.”

He fastened the cuffs to her wrists, Velcro ones. He didn’t want to scare her with padlocks. He left her ankles alone. One step at a time.

“Hurt me.”

Her eyes closed as he fastened the clamps on her protruding nipples. The crop swished in his hand. He tapped her tits with it, gently at first, watching her face, trusting himself to strike harder with every stroke. God she was beautiful. He heard the squishy sounds of Susie’s fingers inher own sex, watched as she refilled her vodka. Then began cropping the younger woman’s cunt. Her legs played to ease his access to her engaged lips, the small clip just visible. He tested with his fingers. Wet. Very wet.

Resumed cropping her sex. It was harder to judge what she needed with her eyes shut, but her breathing and body language told him she wanted this. Her cunt was now drenched. He whispered in her ear

“You OK Shonagh?”

“Yeah. But I need a fag. And a drink.”

He removed clamps and cuffs, brought what she requested. She sat up, lit a fag, gulped wine, and nodded to Susie. The older woman lay beside her.

“I can’t believe this is happening to me. But I’m not sure how much further I can go. Maybe I need a vallie…”

He knew valium was a downer, and advised her against it. But it was her show. If that’s what she had to do, sobeit. He handed her her bag, and they watched as she swallowed the pill. Washed it down with wine, held the glass outto be refilled.


He knew the valium was a mistake, but it was her first time, and some people only learn the hard way. This remarkable powerful woman was clearly one of them.

He watched as the women compromised together on the bed, tribbing. He was strangely unaroused seeing them together. Had expected a different response in himself. Sounds of kissing, sexual cuntsquishing, aroused breathing, filled the room. He played absently with his cock, in a very strange place in his head.

Presently the younger woman pushed Susie away.

“I need him.”

His cock went rigid. Susie retired, filled her glass, leaned back against the wall, legs played, cunt blossoming.

He took the younger woman’s hands. Secured the cuffs as she lay, totally passive. Trailed the new heavy flogger’s Falls over her face.

“You belong to me now, don’t you? Going to be my good girl?”

A nod. She flinched as the flogger bit into her groin. Lashed her perfect tits.


Another nod. Her eyes were shut.

He lashed harder as the older woman sipped and masturbated. Sexscent filled the room despite the open window.

Eventually he relented. He was getting too heavily into hurting her, was near the point of losing it. He set the wicked implementation aside and uncuffed her. Lay beside her to hold and stroke her perfect body. She pushed him away.

“No, don’t want that. Just pain. Get me a drink.”

Fuck, was she jittery. He knew she was getting out of her head on the alcohol and other things she’d consumed. Filled her wineglass. Realised the evening probably wouldn’t conclude with him fucking her. Sipped the last of his Stella, and opened another can. Susie slipped onto the bed beside the younger woman. He rolled a fag and stood by the open window as the last light faded in the west. His head was in a state of some confusion. He’d never met anyone as volatile as this woman. But it was about her, not about him, or Susie. Whatever happened or didn’t, he wanted Shonagh to have no regrets about the encounter.

The sound of sobbing. He turned to watch. Shonagh was convulsed in tears in his lover’s arms.

Sounds of whispering between them, but he couldn’t hear their exchanges. A very private moment. Not his place to intrude. He turned away, almost wishing he wasn’t there.

Then odd sounds. He turned. Shonagh was alone on the bed, empire, tearing at her collar with her hands. She seemed to be too out of her head to try and unfasten it. He shushed her, and she still as he removed the thing. Fuck. It was a fabric collar; she’d specified she didn’t want anything like a dog collar, so he’d found this pretty velour thing for her. Now it was in tatters. She looked at him, her eyes strangely vacant. Grabbed round his neck, Almost possessively, kissed him harshly, took his hand, placed it on her wetness.

“Hard.” It was barely a whisper. He thrust two fingers into her, probed for her gspot. Her fingersfumbled with his, and at first he thought she was trying to remove him from her cunt. Then it dawned on him… she wanted more fingers in her. She got them. Writhed and groaned against him till his thumb was in her too… not over the knuckle, not fisting, but five fingers drove into her cunt and he bit her nipples harshly and her hips rose shuddering against his hand and her groans filled the room. He heard the cry somewhere in his head as Susie orgasmed to herself.

“Fuck me. Need your cock in me. Now.”

But by the time he had the condom on him, she’d moved to another place, didn’t want him. His cock wilted.

He switched all the lights on. Shonagh had asked for the lights to be minimized. He’d had enough. He could no longer cope with her volatile.

“Get your clothes on. This isn’t going to work. Sit down and have a fag. More wine. Or a cup of tea, whatever you want.”

She looked at him curiously. Her eyes were more alive now, but still glazed from what she’d ingested. She became distraught looking for her clothes, till dutiful Suzie found the last fragments.

“Wine or tea?” he asked as he lit the cigarette for her.

“Wine.” She smiled, a real smile, sparkles in her eyes as if she’d taken nothing untoward. After a few minutes she glanced at her watch.

“Must go now, sorry.”

She embedded Susie before he led her through the door. In the lift she muttered

“Sorry. I really fucked it up, didn’t I?”

He took her in his arms, whispering

“You fucked nothing up my sweet. You tried something, and this time it didn’t work out as anybody expected. Jesus…” He lifted her chin, so his eyes were in hers “the first time you try something it doesn’t always work does it?” there were tears in his eyes “But I know you need a next time. Cept it won’t be with Susie and I. You’ll find your way. You’re a good strong woman.” He smiled ruefully “Just maybe too fucking strong.”

She clung to him as they said goodbye. He watched the taxi’s tail-lights disappear.

Susie was beneath the duvet when he returned to the room. Breathing heavily. She was out. He knew he wouldn’t sleep for a while. Head too fucking jangled by the weird encounter. He picked up the vodka bottle. Fuck. No wonder Susie was out. She’d drunk nearly a half-bottle of vodka.

He filled a glass, opened another beer, rolled a fag, and sat down to read his mind calm again after the turbulence of the evening. Wasn’t in bed till much later.


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