Twisted Games – Catch

The second I wake up I know there’s something wrong. My eyes are heavy, my mouth dry.

I stretch my right arm to the side and blindly search for the water bottle on my nightstand when I notice that my wrist is tied to the bedframe. “What the…?” I mumble to myself as I pull up my other hand just to prove what I already figured. Both my hands are stuck in metal handcuffs which rip open my sensitive skin sharply.

Suddenly I’m wide awake but the room is so dark that I can’t see a thing in front of my eyes. My pajama is gone and nothing, but a small lace set, covers my naked body. A dusty smell lingers in the air and the low temperature in the room sends goosebumps all over my body.

There’s a little swish to my left and my head flies to the side.

“Someone’s finally up. That took you longer than expected, little one.” The deep, modulated voice sounds slightly familiar, but I can’t really place it. My heart’s racing and I’m to scared to make a peep. All I can do isstar into the corner of the room I located the person in. Two bright red X’s, from a mask I suppose, cut through the darkness and are the only seeable thing in this room.

“Don’t be scared, Baby. You told me you always wanted to do something like this, remember? All those nights we fantasized about me kidnapping you, using you in all the ways you and I desire until we’re both panting and exhausted. Isn’t that true?” he coos.

My eyes are wide in shock. That can’t be true. Am I caught up in some sort of nightmare? I did say all these things. Said them to someone many, many miles away from me after we met in some sort of online forum. We speak about our darkest desires, wishes, fans, while touching ourselves to the idea of ​​it. A couple weeks ago, in one of those nights, he told me that he’d like to turn our dreams into reality. I panicked, hung up and didn’t talk to him since. I blocked his every try to contact me again, deleted my account and moved on from it, forbid myself to think about it ever again.

“Where… where am I?” My dry mouth makes it hard for me to talk. The words are heavy on my tongue.

“Remind yourself of the details. What did you tell me where I should bring you?” he says, his tone teasing. The woods. I wanted him to bring me into an empty cabin in the middle of the woods, miles away from the next town and other people. A place where no one would hear me scream for help, for mercy, for God.

“You’re sick, so fucking sick. How dare you? Are you goddamn psychotic? It was just a fantasy, something to get off to. I didn’t want you to KIDNAP ME FOR REAL!” My voice volumes up slowly until I literally scream the last part into his direction. The darkness around me has me freaking out even more. He has the audacity to just chuckle about my outburst. His static giggles float through the cabin, heat up my rage until I see red and pull on the fucking handcuffs, screaming for help. His giggles increase, and the second I can feela cut on my right wrist, his hands grab both and press them against the frame.

I was so caught up in my anger that I didn’t notice him move towards me. He’s halfway hovering above me, I can feel his breath on my face. The red eyes of his mask, burn holes into my skin. His grip is merciless. His hands seem to be big and his body massive. His bodyweight digs me into the mattress, and I can feel his semi hard cock pushing against my right thigh.

“You sick fuck, are you getting off on this?!” The words leaving my mouth before I can hold them back, not much more than a hiss.

His modulated voice is dark and teasy as he begins to talk. “So, you’re telling me, if I’d reach down between your legs, pull those tiny little panties to the side, I wouldn’t find you soaking wet for me? Are you sure, I’m the only one enjoying this?” His face comes closer, his mouth is next to my ear just a second later. “And you better don’t lie to me, sweetheart. Because if you do, I’ll have to check it myself. Are you a good little slut for me and tell me how wet the whole situation has you, or are you a bad little bitch and deny it? Always remember, actions acquire consequences. Your choice, Baby, your choice.”

I’m squirming, panting listening to his every word. The more words leave his mouth, the more I’m noticing the puddle between my legs. He’s not wrong, I’m soaked. The mix of panic, fear and excitement got me all worked up.

I decided to make this game MY game. I’ll give him what he wants, just to get away from him. If I can pull him into a false sense of security, he’ll probably take off these handscuffs and free me.

I bring my lips close to his ear as I coo “You’re right, I’m so wet for you. These tiny panties are soaked because of you. Please free my hands that I can show you how much I appreciate your effort to turn my darkest fantasy into reality. I’m sorry for freaking out, you just caught me off guard.” Whimpering into his ear as he squeezes my wrists, I place some tiny kisses on it. He sucks in a sharp breath feeling my lips so close to him and I notice that not much else of his skin is uncovered. Now that I’m so close to him, I can feel the fabric of his mask next to my face.

“Nice try, sweetie, but no. I like it how you’re right now. Unable to move, greedy for my hands, up to my mercy.” Following his words he grinds his now fully erected cock on my thigh. Making sure I know what I’m in for. The bulge in his jeans feels huge, just fitting to his status. To feel him hard like this has me whimpering against my will. My mind is screaming, tells me how sick this is, how disgusting I am to be aroused by it. But my body wants nothing more than him to show me what’s in these jeans. Small moans escape my mouth as I press my thighs together to ease some tension, but his hands grip for one of my legs, forcing me to open up. The low, frustrated groan that’s leaving my mouth has him chuckling again.

“Patience, Baby, patience. Behave yourself. I’ll give you what you want, when I decide it’s time,” he says, his fingers digging into the skin of my thigh.

“Please.” Rather sobbing than talking, I try to motivate him to step it up. “Please, fucking please.”

He chuckles. The red eyes staring down on me, they’re still the only thing I can see. His fingers trail up my leg to the spot where I want them the most. Ignoring my throbbing center, he moves them pass my stomach up to my heavy, sensitive tits. They disappear for a second, and I can hear a sucking sound, before two wet fingers pull the fabric of the bra off my tits and pinch my erected nipple. My hips jump up, my stick breath escapes with a moan, and my eyes roll back into my head as he alternatively keeps pinching my nipples.

My brain is completely shut off at this point. Forgotten, how I was lost in my fear just minutes ago. He lets go of my wrists just to pinch both nipples at the same time. Pleasure crawls up my spine, has me shivering. I’mclose to coming as he pulls and pinches both nipples for some long seconds. Tears stroll down my cheeks as I sobbingly beg him to make me come.

“Please. Please let me come. May I please come for you? I’m so close, so worked up. Please let me.” But he just giggles in response.

“Nuh uh. Not yet. You yelled at me, hurt yourself by pulling on those cuffs. You can wait.” Unbothered by my cries he continues to torture my breasts. Some hard slapses here, some light pinches there, pulling and twisting them around. My silent cries fill the air but every time I’m at the verge of my orgasm, he stops and waits a couple seconds before starting all over again.

Suddenly, he lets go off me, just to untie my wrists. He grabs my hand, guides me off the bed and my legs are shaking, My knees weak, as I stand in front of him. He towers over me quite a bit and I feel so tiny in front of his massive, tall body.

Leaving me standing there, he steps back, and I hear the familiar sound ofa door getting unlocked. The light of the moon enhances the cabin as he opens the door, and he gestures me towards him curling his index finger. My feet move on their own and his hand finds my neck as I’m walking up to him. Head fallen back into my neck, he grabs my neck firmer now, limiting my ability to breathe. A whimper escapes me, and he moans in response.

He pulls me towards the door, brings his lips close to my ear and whispers one word into my ear. “Run.”

And that I do. I free myself from his grip and run into the night, deep into the woods. The ground is cold underneath my bare feet, my body still heated up by the arousal from a couple minutes ago. My hair whips around my face as I run for my life.

It feels like I’m sprinting for hours. My lung is burning, my legs screaming for a break. I slow down for a second, try to calm my breath before standing still. Nothing to hear besides my heavy breathing. The night is quiet and now that I’m deep in the woods, themoonlight is nearly gone as well. A whistle behind me has me jumping. “Better run and hide, little one. You don’t want me to catch you. Not just yet. When I catch you, and I will, I’ll fuck you into the ground without an ounce of care for your pleasures for mercy. Run.”

I speed away, forgetten is the pain in my muscles. His loud laugh has me running even faster. I know he’s close by, too close. The question is not IF I can escape but for how long I’ll manage to hide from him. I have no doubt in the fact that he’ll catch me rather sooner than later.

I jump over a tree that’s laying on the ground and just in the moment my feet leave the ground, an arm gets wrapped around my waist. I scream at the top of my lungs as he pulls me down and bends me over the tree. His Hand fisting my hair, he drags me down and places himself on top of me using his weight to keep me still. I kick and scratch, use all my body but I don’t stand any chance. His melodic, modulated laugh close to my ear, he uses his other hand to spank my ass. I jolt up as he repeatedly spanks my ass until it’s burning. A frustrated growl leaves my mouth as I fail over and over to push him off me.

“Are you wet for me, pet?” His lips cares my ear, and it tells me that he pushed up his mask a little bit. I scream at him in response. “Shall I take a look?” he continues, and I frantically shake my head in disagreement. He ignores it and slides one hand down my ass cheeks and between my legs. He groans when his cold fingers touch my dripping pussy. “Fuck. Look at that. Fucking soaked, I knew you’d be soaked for me,” he chants, sliding two fingers inside with a straight thrust.

“AAARGH!” I scream as he roughly fucks me with his fingers. My orgasm is rushing towards me and just before I get to come, he pulls his hand away. “NO! PLEASE!” I cry, but he steps back and the next second I can hear him sucking his fingers clean. Another spank finds my bare ass.

“Run,” he commands, and I obey.

Deeper and deeper I run into the woods until it’s so dark that I can barely see my own hands in front of my eyes. I spy a hollowed tree right next to me and climb inside. It’s quiet. Too quiet. There’s not a single sound and it feel like I’m all alone. “Where are you?!” it whistles not much away from me. I force the scream, that’s forming itself in the back of my throat, back down by covering my mouth with my hands. “Come out, come out wherever you are. Let me play with you, little one. Please,” he chants in a psychotic sing sang. I’m shaking like a leaf, don’t dare to move at all. More whistling. “It’ll be much worse when I find you. Just come out already. Be a good girl and come to Daddy.” Silence. He completely stops talking. I don’t hear him move but Suddenly, there’s a pair of red X’s right in front of my face. “Boo.”

He grabs my wait, pulls me out of the tree, and ignoring my screaming protest he throws me over his shoulder and carries me away. My fists rain down ontohis back, scratch his skin through the fabric of his hoodie.

“I told you it’s going to be much worse when I find you. Actions and consequences, Baby, actions and consequences.” He sounds happy as he tells me that I signed in for a rough ride while clapping my cheeks with his every step. He swings me back down and my feet touch the ground. Storming off, I stumble and fall, and he croouches down and grabs my ankle to pull me back to him. My hands grab nothing but air, trying to hold onto something as he drags me towards his massive body.

“No. Stop. Please don’t. I give up, you win. Please,” I cry, tears stream down my face. He spins me around, cups my face with his hands, wiping the tears away.

“Shush, Baby. Take it like the big girl you are and stop crying. You decided this for yourself. I told you to run, not to hide.” With these words, his flat hand slapses my lace covered pussy. I jump up, cry out, kick into his direction and hit him unexpectedly. He falls back, straight onto his butt and I use the few seconds of his confusion to jump up and run like the devil himself is after me. “FUCKING BRAT!” it screams behind me, “IF I’D BE YOU, I’D RUN FOR MY LIFE.” More screaming, but I can hear the smile in his voice.

Branches fetch back into my face, against my arms and legs, as I run into the thicket of the woods. The ground is covered with Leaves and they’re slippery wet that it’s difficult not to slip. He must be close behind me I can hear his thick boots hammer against the ground like thunder rumbling through the night. “Slow down, and let me catch you, and I promise your punishment won’t be that bad.” I’m sure he’s fucking lying right now. The evil grin in his voice is unmistakable. When he’s going to catch me, he’ll hurt me, and he’ll enjoy every second of my torture. “Slow down, Baby, I promise to be gentle,” he continues and begins to whistle for me.

Sprinting to the right, I rush off into some other direction. His steps are farther away now and hope that I’ll might get away from him grows inside of me, as a thick arm gets wrapped around my wait. The high pitching scream that wants to escape my throat dies on its way out as he throws me against the next tree and cuts off my air with his strong hand squeezing my neck. “Got you.” He grins into my face; the mask is pulled up a bit and his full lips and perfect white teeth are full on display. Combined with the red Xs instead of his eyes he looks like straight outta hell.

Wheezing, because he’s still squeezing my throat in a deadly grip, I silently beg him to loosen up his hand. “What is it that you want? To breathe? Why should I let you? You didn’t give me what I want either? You chose to be a bad fucking bitch and run away from me. You kicked me. As much as I love you being so fiery… you need some discipline.” With that he spins me around, face to the tree now, my feet still high in the air. He rips the lace bra and panties off my body, and I can hear him pulla duct tape roll. “Hold still. Don’t you dare fucking move.” I wince because of his tone and my body freezes. He won’t… will he? No, right?! The next moment I’m taped against the fucking tree. My hard nipples rub against the tree bark with every move I dare to make, and my legs are slightly spread to gain him access to every spot that’s between them.

He steps back, admires his work. “Look how fucking pretty you are. Looking like my good little free use whore, no chance to keep me from ruining what’s mine. Isn’t that right, Baby?” I hope he doesn’t expect an answer because the only answer he’ll get are my rolling eyes he can’t see right now. I look over my shoulder, his mask is back in place, and his eyes burn holes into my bare body. He steps forward, his fingertips cares my hurting ass cheats. The ones HE spanked earlier and that are for sure bruised already. “So pretty,” he murmurs to himself, “MINE.”

His fingers slide between my folds, part my most sensitive spot from behind and glide inside of me. “Soaked,” he mumbles, and two fingers turn into three. Sliding them in and out slowly, he curls them in a way that has me whimpering. “Patience, Baby,” he says, and I groan in response. increasing his tempo, my juices cover his hand and forearm already. The splashing sound with every thrust is deafening in the silence around us. “Good Girl. Soak my hand,” he coos, stepping it up another notch. Suddenly I’m shaking, at the edge of my orgasm. When he doesn’t slow down, I’m certain he will let me come this time. “Come for me, little one. Scream my name and come for me,” he commands, and with the first wave of my orgasm he pulls back his hand, pulls it out of my body, and has me screaming in frustration over my ruined Orgasm.

His evil laugh has me raging. “Fuck you. Are you for fucking real? What the fuck?!” I scream while facing the tree and trying to kick my feet. Vainly. If even possible, his laugh gets even louder.

“That’s what bad bitches get, Baby. Good girls get to come. Bad girls… not that much.” More giggles follow as I let out another frustrated groan. My juices run down my legs, drip onto the cold ground and create a puddle.

“Please,” I beg, “I’m sorry.” But that just earns me another laugh of him.

“No, you’re not. But you will be. Pinky promise.” Another evil giggle follows before his hands are back inside of me. Hit by surprise, I try to pull myself away but the restrains won’t let me. I have no choice but to end my torture. He thrusts his hand back and forth, adds a fourth finger, and his thumb rubs around my backdoor every other time. I jolt up but that just has my nipples scratch over the tree bark. It’s a thin line between pleasure and pain. He’s pushing me closer and closer to the edge and my loud moans hall back from the trees around us. “Do you want to come, slut?” A nod is the only answer I’m able to give. “Beg for it.”

“Please, please let me come. Please. Please don’t ruin me again, I don’t take another one of those. PLEASE!” The words are rather screamed than said, my voice breathy and raspy.

“PLEASE… WHAT?” he yells at me, and I’m confused for a second. But then I remember a small part of our nightly online role play and how receptive he was when I used that special trigger.

“Please… Daddy,” I whimper, and I know immediately that I decided correctly. The hand that’s not buried inside my pussy reach around my body and grabs one of my nipples, pinches it roughly. The groan that escapes my throat is feral, almost animalistic, and he does it again.

“Good Girl. You can come now,” he coos in some weird sing sang, and I explode the next second. I scream in pleasure as I ride out my orgasm, soaking his hand and the ground Underneath of us. He shows no mercy while forcing a second orgasm out of me before I can even come down from the first high. Tears stream down my face, my voice not more than a howl at this point. He rips his hands away from me and my forehead smokes against the tree in pure exhaustion. “Good Girl. That wasn’t so hard, was it? But I’m afraid, I’m not done with you just yet. Not even close. We got all night… and all day… and all life… you’re mine now.” While listening to his insane words, I drift away into some sort of delirium, lightheaded and satisfied. Forgotten is the fact that I’m bound to a tree in the middle of fucking nowhere, was forced to come until I was hurt out.


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