Twisted Fate Ch. 03

Travis had just turned the tv off and was starting to get ready for bed. The clock said 11:30 and he dreaded the next day, he had a presentation in front of senior management at 9am. He set his alarm for 5am so he could try to get into the office early and make sure his presentation was in order. As he climbed into bed, taking off his glasses he hears his phone buzz. “Aggg who could be texting at this time in the middle of the week.” Travis decides to ignore the text and lays back down. Buzzz buzzzz “Another fuckin text, who the hell.”

Travis sits up puts on his glasses to check his phone. First one is from a number he doesn’t recognize. *I want you inside me now.* “Fuckin drink text, some guy is not gonna be happy to miss this text. Travis deletes it and moves to the second text *I’m at your door, let me in Please.* Just then he hears a knock on his door, which sends a jolt through his spine and instant butterflies. He quickly throws on a t-shirt and pj pants, and slowly walks to the door. He looks through the peep hole and of course it’s blocked by something.

Travis makes sure his chain lock is in place and slowly opens the door. “About time, I’m horny and want in.” says Sarah. Travis can tell that she isn’t wearing much under her coat, and he also notices Christian right behind her smiling with a bag in hand. Travis closes the door to remove the chain and opens the door. “This isn’t a good time Sarah, I have to be up in 5hrs for a big meeting.” Travis says

“Oh come now Travis, you’ve been preparing for that meeting for a month. Nothing is going to happen in the next few hours that is going to change it.” Sarah said with a smile and a touch on Travis’s arm

“Possibly, but still would be nice to get to sleep and feel prepared, you know I get nervous and sleep and double checking information gives me confidence.” Travis says and lightly removes Sarah’s hand.

“Come on Sarah, we shouldn’t have come this late without advanced warning. IKnow you had good intentions but this is not the day.” Christian says and puts his arm around Sarah’s shoulders

“Fine then, bye Travis.” Sarah says as she turns and walks away in Christian’s arms and cups Christian’s ass with her hand.

After locking the door, Travis walks to his bedroom again and lays down. Thinking to himself “How the fuck could Sarah think that was a good idea? She knows what I have tomorrow. Jesus, like I’m just going to drop everything and get into some debauchery because she shows up all sexy like.”

Travis decided to leave work after lunch, his meeting was over and he felt drained. He thought it went well but it’s hard to tell with the big wigs, for all he knows they could be rippin into his project right now, thought Travis. As he walked home, he stopped off at his favorite coffee shop and picked up a bagel and large coffee, as he didn’t eat before his meeting. He couldn’t wait to get home and just relax.

As Travis walked up to his door henoticed a small package at the base of his door. “That’s odd, that should be in my mail slot not at my door?” Travis muttered under his breath. He picked it up brought it inside and tossed it on his coffee table with the rest of his mail, flipped on the tv and settled in. Once he finished his bagel he opened his mysterious package. Within its contents was a dvd with a short note attached.

“I’m soo sorry for Intruding on your sleep and harmony last night. I just wanted to share with you some warmth and fun. I wanted you to experience all that you year for and ache for. But it was not to be. I want you to watch this movie and call me as soon as you are finished. I may ask questions of you to know that you watched it all. – S & C”

Travis opens the cd container and pops it into his dvd player, then slowly walks back and sits on the couch and grabs the remote. At first all he sees is blackness and silence, then softly he thinks he hears talking in the background but can’t makeit out. Travis turns up the volume to try to catch what is being said. Travis starts noticing it isn’t quite a conversation as it is a slapping sound and moaning, Sarah in fact moaning. Travis quickly turned the volume back to its normal setting thankful there is no picture.

The black screen slowly fades to light depicting a room with very little furniture, at the center is what Travis can only imagine is a Wooden table that has mass padding over the top. There are sconces with candles in them every few feet along the walls. Then from a door on the left side of the room first enters Christian completely naked, holding a leash and trailing behind him, also completely naked, with a collar around her neck attached to the leash is Sarah.

Instantly Travis knows what he’s about to see and contemplates just turning it off. He decides not too as he knows if he does the next encounter with Sarah or Christian will not go well at all. He looks back to the screen and notices more people trailing in after Sarah.

Christian taps the top of the table and without word Sarah crawls up on top and lays down on her back. It is evident this is not her first time in this room in this position. More people continue to file in, Travis estimates their number at about 20-30 in all, mostly men but a few women scattered throughout. They fill in around the table with about a 5 foot gap for Christian to move around the table. Travis watches feeling helpless at first there is no excitement at what he is witnessing just horror. Christian then stands at Sarah’s head, his hard cock at head level.

“Welcome everyone to our weekly entertainment tonight. I’m glad you all could take time out of your busy professional lives to be here. Tonight Sarah has offered her body and mind for our amusement and collective enjoyment. Know now that everything we are about to share and show has been fully discussed with Sarah and she gives her consent fully. Isn’t that right my pet” Christiansays

“Yes my love, I give my consent in all aspects for today.” Sarah said

“So with that being said, she has been given a safe word if at any time she does get overwhelmed and would like a reprive, at which we will respect and no hard feelings will be administratored towards her. In fact she should be lifted up in praise for her gift of herself.” Christian says as the group chefs Sarah’s name and wishes her lucky and giving her thanks

“Now let me introduce three guys that will help in this, please step forward as you are introduced.”

Travis is floored, “three guys, what are these guys going to do… oh well I know but I hope I’m wrong. And to be placed in view of a group and be witnessed, and to make a video.” Travis watches as each guy is introduced.

First is Mike, seems like your average guy nothing too out of the ordinary. Travis estimates 6’0, 180lb looks like average size endowment. And in his hand he’s holding a rider’s crop.

Second is Tony, a short but stocky Italian. Looks like a bouncer, he may be short but he has a bodybuilder physique. In his hand he is holding what looks like a microphone, but Travis figures it has to be some sort of toy.

Lastly is Steve, a tall black man. Instantly and naturally Travis’s eyes go to his extremely large cock. It is massive, dumbfoundingly massive. There is nothing in his hands it looks like his cock will be his toy.

With everyone introduced Christian starts conducting the orchestra of sex. Each member looking to him for direction though well practiced in this song they know where to go with little direction needed. Christian then bends down and whispers something in Sarah’s ear and she nods in acceptance. Christian kisses her passwordately on the mouth and then an endearing kiss to her forehead.

Travis shielded his eyes, as he did not want to witness what he knew was about to take place. He heard the first slap of the riders crop before he saw it. Heard the light whimper”ahhhhh” as rapid light slaps are applied. During a pause in slaps he risked a glance at the screen. And quickly wished he hadn’t. Christians cock had made it’s way in Sarah’s mouth. Fucking it nice and slow, the camera focusing on the cock and mouth, the slow entry glistening wet, mouth tightly wrapped around.

The camera slowly pans out showing Mike starting to use his riders crop on Sarah’s breasts, slightly grazing the nipples with one pass, and connecting solidly the next. The continuous slapses sends a shutter through Sarah’s body, whether in pleasure or pain Travis couldn’t tell. It did not stop her sucking on Christians cock, with a hunger from deep within her. Arching her back as much as her constraints will allow to get a better angle on Christians cock. This also lifted her breasts up for Mike to take slapses at.

Mike then grabs hold of one breast firmly sucking the nipple, then blowing on it bring sensing across her body. He continues this as he positions his ridescrop over her pussy and clip with his right hand. Very lightly he strikes her clip with the crop sending a fresh jolt through her body. Sarah gasping at each tap, Christian removes his cock to allow her to experience the sensing against her nipples and clip. Mike spends a good five minutes going back and forth between smacking her clip and her nipples. In between doing the same sucking and blowing on them.

Seeing Sarah writing on the table moaning bring an excitement to his cock, he notices that it’s hard and wet and instantly feels ashamed for feeling this way. He doesn’t want to watch this unfold but he also can’t look away. Just the sounds of password numbers his mind as he allows himself to become part of the crowd watching.

Mike moves over to where Christian was, and looks down at Sarah’s face as she pants and attempts to recover. As Christian did before him, he bends down and whispers something in Sarah’s ear, which she again nods. Mike then nibbles on her earlobesand give her a deep passwordate kiss on the mouth. While kissing her, Steve & Christian loosen the bindings.

Christian motions Sarah to move into a different position, on her elbows and knees. Christian and Steve then bind her up strapping her arms down at the elbow and then her legs around each calm. Mike as Christian did before him slowly guides his cock into her mouth, her head without hesitation starts to bob Rapidly on his cock. Steve climbs up behind Sarah, large cock in hand, slaps each ass cheek with his cock. Sarah’s head turns around briefly at this and her face is one of shock and entity. She wiggles her little ass at Steve as she turns back to sucking on Mike’s cock. Steve slowly slips the tip of his cock into her wet pussy. Slowly guiding it in until his entire cock is inside her.

With each pump into Her pussy he builds up speed, and as his speed increases so does Sarah’s mouth and head. Travis watches Sarah as she takes Steve’s large cock in her pussy andcan only imagine what pleasures are going through her head at the feeling. Travis clothes his eyes for a few minutes not wanting to watch the debauchery unfold. Thoughts of the huge cock that is going in and out of her rapidly and that she seems to take it without any difficulty. A sudden load moan

“Oh GODDDD yessss Steve fuck my Ass!!, yes yes yes ahhhhh fuck me hard!!” Sarah screams and moans

Travis quickly opens his eyes and can’t believe what he sees. Steve is in roughly the same position though this time his legs over top of Sarah’s. His body hovering above her, sliding his huge cock into her ass. Travis can’t believe that Sarah is loving this and that again she seems to take it all. Steve starts pumping his cock deep within her ass, as Sarah continues to scream in pleasure and excitement “OH God, I love my ass getting fucked. Faster Faster Harder Harder” she moans.

Sarah’s ass trying to understand up into his cock as best she can be confined by the ropes. Stevestarts smacking her ass cheats each time she tries to meet his cock with her ass. Sarah free from Mike’s cock in her mouth moaning in pleasure, but not forgetten, she starts sucking again eager to please both Steve and Mike. Soon after she starts sucking again Mike pulls back and starts strucking his cock in front of her face. In the matter of seconds, Sarah’s face is splashed with Mike’s hot cum dripping over her cheeks, lips, dripping off her nose. Sarah’s tongue and mouth eagerly search for as much cum as they can gather before it falls away. Licking for each drop.

As this happens Steve slowly slides out his cock from Sarah’s ass and give it on hard slap as he hops down from the table. Christian glied through almost out of nowhere with Tony, who start undoing Sarah’s bindings once again. Steve walks to Sarah and whispers something to Sarah, with her hands free of their confines for the moment, she gently takes Steve’s cheats in her hands and kisses him passwordately.

Christian and Tony bind up Sarah’s legs in a kneeing position though not attached to the table. Ankles to thighs and each other. Christian lets Sarah and Steve continue to kiss as long as they want, which lasts several minutes, Sarah’s hands roaming all over Steve’s hard body and finally landing on his cock, which takes both hands to get around.

They break their kiss with a last little peck on the chef. Christian grabs both her hands in his and there is that unspoken conversation going on through their eyes. He then takes a rope and ties both her hands together and raises her hands over her head through a loop in the ceiling. Her body stretched out tightly her breasts staring into Travis’s face through the tv screen. His mind already melted by the acts being shown to him, eyes unblinking as if in a trance, aching to see what is next.

Tony then grabs a second rope and hops up on the table and whispers something in Sarah’s ear, which prompts another nod. Then he kisses her asthe others have, deeply and passwordately. Then he uses the second rope to tightly bind Sarah’s breasts around each breast individually with a figure eight pattern to where they tightly bound. Sarah’s hard pink nipples showing. Tony then grabs his wand looking vibrator and nipple clamps. Tony turns on the vibrator and starts to rub it up against her already hard nipples as Sarah bites down on her lower lip. Then he places the clamps on her nipples.

Tony takes the wand as if it is a metal detector, or more like a erogenous detector. Slowly running it down her arms, and down her back and ass. Then moving around to glide it around her bound legs and hips. The moment he touches her pussy Sarah gives a load gasp. “Oh God Tony, right there” she mutters. Tony keeping the vibrator in the spot Sarah announced Steve hops up on the table with his huge cock in hand still hard and glides it into her mouth. Unable to move Sarah keeps her mouth open as Steve pumps his cock deep down her throat.Tony connects the vibrator to one of the ropes keeping it steady and in position Sarah enjoyed. Then backs away and lets it do its work.

Steve glides his cock in and out of Sarah’s mouth for a few moments then as he is about to cum he pulls out and shoots his load all over Sarah’s chest. It is at that moment that Travis sees the line forming of all watchers now about to participate. Every few moments Sarah’s body would understand in ecstasy as she cums from the vibrator. Over and over this lasts as each man and woman use Sarah’s mouth and cumming where ever they wish. Some shoot over her chest, some shoot in her mouth or over her face. It seems to go on forever, Travis swears some people have gone twice.

Sarah was attempting to lick a pussy as another climax rocked her body. Soaked in sweat and cum her mind a blur and her body shaking, Christian, Steve & Tony all at once starting removing all the binding and the vibrator. The group instantly back away as they go about their work.Tony tosses up to Steve and Christian a couple of towels and a large comforter. Christian gently brings Sarah’s wrapped body still slightly convulsing down to the table and cleans her off. Mike brings a large bottle of water and brings it to her lips, and using some to help wash the cum away from her face.

After about 10 minutes of cleaning, each of the now dressed watchers walk past Sarah with words of endearment and consolation. Some with kisses on the cheek. Some giving gifts of chocolate or roses. Christian then carries Sarah out of the room and the camera goes to black again.

Travis now having time to reflect on what he witnessed, didn’t know if he should be excited or saddened by it. He glanced at his DVD player which showed run time of one hour and forty-one minutes. “Oh God, dear Sarah.” He thought.

Slowly his TV comes back to light, Travis forgetting that it was still running. Now it is Sarah’s bedroom, Sarah in her bed sleeping soundly. Christian sitting ina chair at the side of the bed. Slowly the camera zooms into Sarah’s face and chest. Hair out of place wildly, chest rising steadily and slowly a picture of peace. Then the camera scans over to Christian sitting there, and asks the camera one question.

“Travis, I’m sure you noticed each of us whisper something in Sarah’s ear which prompted a nod. Each of us asked one simple question to her, if you want to know what it is call her or not. The choice is yours my friend.”


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