Twisted Dreams Ch. 01

All I remember now is a loud bang. Next thing I knew I was being beating and gagged. Looking around me, I couldn’t see much. The windows are covered and the lights are off. I was completely undressed with my hands cuffed to a pipe above my head. My whole body ached. I wanted to scream, hoping someone would hear and come save me… but I was scared of exactly who would hear. Fuck it. I drew in a deep breath to let out a scream, a desperate cry for help, but I heard a noise come from the dark corner.

“Don’t worry my dear, everything will be ok, I’ve got you now.”

Shuddering as he stepped out of the shadows. He was tall and built; though it was too dark to make out his face. His voice was deep and raspy, the kind of voice that would send chills down anyone’s spine.

“Just do everything I tell you to and I won’t hurt you… too badly.”

I let out a quiet sob as he said this. Slowly he walked closer to me. As he stepped into the light, I could see his face. It was rough, with high cheese bones and dark gray eyes that reminded me of the cloudy skies just before a bad storm. He ran his hand across my check, wiping away my tears. I winced and tried to pull away, he grabbed my face with both hands.

“Listen here, you will do as I say no tears and no complaints. You will so it and you will like it! Understand?”

Silently, I shook my head.

“Good, now wait here while I get some things.”

I stood there for what seemed to be hours… but for all I knew it could have been five minutes. My legs reached terribly. They were covered in deep purple bruises and bloody cuts. I tried to remember back to yesterday more fiercely this time. I remembered going to school just like every other day, I went through all the same drama and bullshit. All the he said she said crap that goes on in every normal high school life. Slowly things started to come back, I remember going out to the fair with my friends… I remember that guy, he was there… everywher I went. In complete shock I realized he must have been following me… but in the middle of all my thinking I had gotten so lost I didn’t notice that he returned and was standing in the doorway staring at me with an evil smile across his face.

“Figure it out yet angel?”

“You…you followed me… at the fair…”

His smile grow. “Yes, I watched all night, I followed you from ride to ride. As the evening came to an end I decided I wanted more….no…. I needed more. After your friend dropped you off at your house, I waited down your street. I watched the house; waiting two more hours after all the lights went out before I broke in. Before I took you.”

Slowly I let out a breath of air. He walked into the room slowly and dropped a box on the floor. My eyes Followed the box as it hit the ground, metal scraps spilled out. My jaw fell. He laughed.

“What’s that?” I manage to get out breathlessly.

“Oh, that?,” he shrugged “it’s nothing. Don’t worry honey, we are just gunna have a little fun.”

He started walking towards me and I try backing away, forgetting that I was bound up.

“Don’t worry honey, I am just unlocking those nasty cuffs,” he says as he holds up a little silver key, “they’ve gotta be killin ya.”

Reluctantly I stopped fighting and pulling away from him as I felt his body press against mine as he reached up to unlock the stupid handcuffs. I head a “click” and the cuffs fell free. I collapsed to the ground, my legs no long able to hold me up. He reaches down and pulled me into his arms, crackling me as if I were a child. I tried to resist, my mind screaming at me to kick, yell, fight, anything… but my body too tired and sore. It was reluctant to respond. Instead, I just leaned back and wait to see just What he mean when he said he needed more…… knowing that I wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight.

He walked over to the far wall and placed me on the old bed. As I laid there I heard him rummaging through cabinets; worrying about what he had in store for me, I prepared to sleep. Finally after five minutes or so he returned to my side. But instead of him doing any of the horrible things that had been running through my mind, I felt a blanket fall across my body. Laying there, still pretending to sleep, I listened to him slowly make his way to the other side of the bed and craw in, as if he was trying not to disturb me. At first it felt awkward and scary, I mean I was laying in bed with the guy who both STALKED and KIDDNAPPED me! Am I the only one who saw something wrong with that….?! The whole house had gone quiet; the only noises I could hear was his soft smell and my heart beating. After I was sure he was sound sleep I slowly started to roll towards the edge of the bed so I could make my escape, but he caught me around the waist and pulled me into his body, holding me as he slept. I started to panic as I tried to find a way out… but his strong arms started to feel morelike protection then harm. I slowly began to relax… laying there I actually become comfortable in his arms, listening to his soft even smell.


In the morning, I awoke with a groan. Sitting up in the bed, I realized I was alone. Then quickly noticing that I thought too soon, I heard footsteps coming from the hall.

“Morning beautiful!,” he said in a deep voice as he walked in the room, “You must have been tired, you slept for two days.” I sat there in shock… two days?! After a moment passed I realized that would explain the incredible stiffness I felt throughout my body. He came towards me.

“I have a lot planned for us today. I hope you got enough rest.”, he stated with a smile across his face. He leaned over and pushed me back down to the bed. Moving over me, he bent his head, meeting his lips hungrily to mine; kissing me long and hard, his hand roaming over every curve and dip of my body. I pulled away at first, trying to fight him… no, it was not him I was fighting, it was the feeling that was spreading through my body, bursting through my veins. The way he touched me, sent electricity through every part of my body. After only minutes of his rough hands running over my hips, scratching down my spine, and pulling my hair, I couldn’t fight it any longer. I let out a small moan into his mouth, arching my back. Seeming pleased he pulled back and teased me more, kissing slowly down my neck and shoulder, then back up to my ear. Kissing and biting it softly, he whispered in my ear,

“Angel, how bout we make this a little more fun? I got a little something laying out for you in the bathroom just down the hall and to the right. Why don’t you go put it on and come back here” as he rolled off of me. I just looked at him for a minute questionably… He smiled at me and I slowly got up and made my way toward the door. “Oh and angel, don’t you dare try to run… I guarantee you won’t like what I do when I catch you.”


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