Rebecca didn’t sleep much that night. She hadn’t been sleeping much at all lately. The old blanket was scratchy and smelly and every time she tried to curl up the straws of the body harness cut into her more tightly. The chain that ran from her collar to the hook on the wall didn’t allow her head to reach the floor. She had to lean back against the rough boards. It was uncomfortable as hell. The only comforting thing was thinking about how good Steve’s cock had felt in her the night before. Damn! She thought. Why was she so sex obsessed? Why would she put up with all of this, just to have Steve whip her and fuck her? Even in her current state she could feel the wetness on the leather strap that ran between her legs. It was irritating, but it felt good too, that sweet combination of pleasure and discomfort. She had rubbed the strap back and forth between her pussy lips several times, masturbating herself to thoughts of what else Steve might do to her. Steve understand her, he knew how twisted she was and took advantage of it. She wished he would come and get her, let her clean up, and fuck her some more. Rebecca told herself that she would be good this time, that she would do everything Steve told her to do. She wanted him to love her and not let her go, not let her leave him again no matter what.
The sun had been up for some time. Rebecca watched the dust float through the shafts of light that shined through the cracks in the wall and she dreamed of what life might be like with Steve. Then she heard a sound, like Steve’s truck. She wanted to find a way to look outside, but the lean that held her to the wall was too short. Then she heard another sound like another car. Oh no! she thought, not someone else! Maybe it was her car they left at the dininger. But why wouldn’t he let her drive it home. She could hear voices, Steve’s voice at first and then what sounded like a woman’s voice. She couldn’t make out what they were saying. Then they faded away and she heard a screen door slam. They had gone inside. Rebecca was worried. She knew Steve was angry about how she left him for Dr. Freeman, but maybe he was up to something more. She didn’t like hearing that woman’s voice. It made her jealous and anxious at the same time. It wasn’t much she could do though. She was captured like an animal in the barn, her options limited.
After about an hour she could hear someone walking through the grass towards the barn. Then the door to the tack room opened.
“Hello Rebecca, see what happens when little girls don’t take their medicine.” It was Dr. Ivy from the school. Rebecca had been going to see her for counseling for her bipolar disorder.
Rebecca quickly figured out what was going on. She was very quick minded about such things, but she didn’t let on. She had told Dr. Ivy about Steve, about the things they did. Dr. Ivy was easy to talk to, only in her mid thirties, she was not at all threatening and even a little semiconductor, coaxing details out of her in such a way as to make it seem like they were two girls sharing secrets. Even though she was bipolar she wasn’t stupid and she quickly figured out that Dr. Ivy had used what she had told her to find and seduce Steve.
“I don’t get it. What are you doing hear?” Rebecca asked playing dumb.
“I think you can figure it out dear. You told me all about Steve, but what you didn’t realize is you aren’t the only one who finds men like Steve desirable. You see, we are very much alike in many ways. I came to Steve pretending to be wanting information that would be helpful in your counseling and… , well you can figure out the rest. I promise you dear, Steve is everything you told me and so much more. I even fixed you up with Professor Freeman. I told him that in your hypomania you could easily be seduced. Yes, I fucked the old fart too, but he just couldn’t keep up with me… or with you, unfortunately.”
“You see, I live here with Steve now. Men like Steve don’t like to be deprived of their appetites and when you took up with Dr. Freeman, I just stepped right in. All the things you told me helped a lot too. Men really like a woman who understands what they need. I didn’t want Steve to bring you here, but he insisted, and frankly, I wouldn’t do anything to deny him. Besides, all in all, having you around might turn out to be just the added dimension that keeps things interesting.”
Dr. Ivy stepped closer to Rebecca and took her by her lean and pulled her closer with one hand and with the other traced the outline of her breast with her finger tips. Rebecca recoiled, but Dr. Ivy took hold of her nipple and pulled her back.
“Of course you remember all the things you told me. All those secrets you only share with your psychologist. Well, I remember too.”
“I still don’t get it.”
“You see my dear, I am a little crazy just like you. I am bipolar as well. Only, my tastes run a little more broadly than yours. Believe me, I love a man like Steve, a man who can fuck me till I can’t walk and isn’t afraid to whip my ass when I need it, but I like a little pussy too.”
Dr. Ivy let go of Rebecca’s nipple and put her hands between Rebecca’s legs and squeezed the lips of her pussy. Rebecca stiffened and closed her eyes. The pain was exhaust. It was so forbidden, so wrong. Just the idea of Dr. Ivy doing Something like this made her knees weak, her pussy drip. It was the vulnerability that turned her on, the idea of someone being able to control her. And Dr. Ivy knew everything about her… everything. Dr. Ivy squeezed and rubbed her pussy lips together until the juices leaked out slick and wet giving away her arousal.
“I’ll bet you’ll learn to like a little pussy as well when we get through with you.”
Dr. Ivy didn’t know it, but Rebecca had already had fansies about her, wondered about her, how she would be. It was the one thing Rebecca never told Dr. Ivy. Rebecca was like that, she was hauntedby desires, desires she couldn’t control or explain
“That’s my girl. I know you like it. Steve and I both know how you are. I may even know a few things Steve doesn’t. Steve told me I could play with you. He knows how I like to dominate young pussy like you. I think he likes the idea of it too.”
Dr. Ivy spun Rebecca around and unbuckled the strap that went Between her legs, but no sooner than it fell, she ran her hand down her ass and between her legs and took her fingers and spread her pussy lips apart and invaded it with one, then two, then three fingers. She held Rebecca tightly, pressing her own breasts against her back and squeezing Rebecca’s tits tightly with her free hand, grinding her pussy against Rebecca’s ass. Then she pulled her fingers out of Rebecca’s cunt and put them up to her mouth.
“Suck them, you cunt. Suck Steve’s cum and your pussy juice off of my fingers. He told me how he whipped you and then fucked you. He told me how he took you like a cheapwhore.”
Rebecca sucked on Dr. Ivy’s fingers, licking each of them even as she pushed them to the back of her throat. She was so excited by the turn of events that right now she would do anything. She hoped that she would put her hand back where it had been between her legs.
“Yeah he told me all about you while he was fucking me last night. That Steve is a hell of a man, I would do anything to keep him happy, even let him, no beg him, to fuck me while he still had the smell of your cunt on his cock,” Dr. Ivy told Rebecca as she roughly worked her fingers in her mouth.
Rebecca licked and sucked hungrily hoping to please Dr. Ivy so she might feel her fingers in her pussy again. Dr. Ivy was shorter that Rebecca, with larger breast that jutted out boldly from her chest. Dr. Ivy’s hair was dark brown, almost black, in a short bob with bangs. Her waist was small like Rebecca’s but her hips were fuller. Her skin was pale white, not tanned like Rebecca’s. They were a contrastto each other.
Dr. Ivy whispered in her ear, “get on your knees, cunt.”
Rebecca obeyed. Dr. Ivy took her wrist and clipped them together behind her back.
“You look pretty damn good on your knees Rebecca. I think you need to thank me, however, for letting you come back to Steve. You are going to have to learn to make yourself useful if you want to be a part of this party.”
Then Dr. Ivy stood back and pulled her tank top over her head letting her full breasts swing free. Rebecca was intimidated by them. They were large and firm with large pink nipples that were long and each one pierced with large steel rings. Rebecca’s own tits were small but firm and she had the puffy nipples of an adolescent, even though she was in her mid twenties. On her knees she had no height advantage and the vulnerability just made her more aroused.
“Look at my tits, Rebecca,” Dr. Ivy snarled pulling rings in her nipples, squeezing them. “Imagine Steve licking them, biting them. Seeright here, those are his teeth marks on my nipples. He likes to hurt me. He knows how it excites me, how it makes my cunt run wet. Steve isn’t afraid to hurt me, it makes his cock so damn hard just to do it. That is why we like him isn’t it Rebecca, Steve isn’t like most men, he isn’t afraid of women like us, he understands us like no other man. I suppose it is a shame to keep a man like him to myself.”
Dr. Ivy moved her hands down her stomach and unsnapped her jeans and kicked her boots off in the same motion. Then she peeled her jeans off of her ass and legs and kicked them to the door. Rebecca was stunned to see her former counsel standing in front of her like this, naked, her on her knees before her. It was all so twisted, so wrong, so excited. She wondered what was coming next. Dr. Ivy moved closer to Rebecca and put her smoothly shawned pussy in front of Rebecca’s face.
“See this pussy. I let Steve fuck me with your cunt juices all over his cock last night. Now you are going to take them back.”
With that Dr. Ivy took Rebecca’s long thick hair and bent her head back and pushed her pussy down on her mouth, humping her face and nose. Rebecca gasped trying to get her breath, but Dr. Ivy was rough with her, smearing her juicy cunt all over her face.
“I better feel that tongue Rebecca. Yeah that’s right, stick it out make it hard and lick my nasty pussy you little slut.”
Rebecca was overwhelmed with lust. Being treated like this was something she often craved but could never admit to. But she had admitted it Dr. Ivy in her counseling sessions. The thought both excited her and made her anxious. Dr. Ivy had trapped her, she gotten her to reveal herself in ways no one else had ever seen… and now it was coming back to haunt her.
Dr. Ivy was beginning to quiver and tremble. “Damn, baby, lick it,” she barked. Then she came, her juices soaking Rebecca’s face and hair.
“That was pretty good, sweetie. I am going to get dressedand then I am going to take you to the house and clean you up. You smell like this horse barn. We need to get you washed up… and oh yeah, that pussy will have to be shaken. Steve likes it that way and I am sure not going to get any hair in my mouth when I have to lick that thing.”
The thought of Dr. Ivy licking her made Rebecca’s clip stiffen to the point that it ached for attention. Then she looked as Dr. Ivy bent over to pick up her jeans. On each buttock were Steve’s initials branded on her ass. One initial on each chef. I feeling of jealousy overwhelmed Rebecca. How could Steve do that, how could that bitch let him do something so permanent? She became worried that Dr. Ivy was more than just some hot piece of tail. The thought of it hurt her. She knew what she had done to Steve was wrong, but he was like family, even if he did fuck her. She couldn’t let him get away.
“Get on your feet sweetie. Lets go to the house.”
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