Twinsest! Ch. 03

Chapter 3


I feel so deliciously sore the next day at work in the library. My bottom aches with every stride that I take as I tidy up the shelves, replacing books properly after lazy people. Molly slide a vibrator up inside my pussy after breakfast and I have a fat butt plug inside my anus, stretching my rectal ring wide. Both are securely held in by the tight chatity belt and I know that They cannot fall out and make me die of mortification yet still I worry. Will anybody notice the slightly strange way I am walking around the floor of the library? Will Susie, the other girl with me today, hear the vibrator? I cannot even when I go to the toilet and bend my head right down so how can she? But that fear remains, keeping me on edge throughout the hours. My clip tingles delightfully from the effects of the machine inside me which changes gear unexpectedly, catching me out by increasing speed randomly or pulsing in a new pattern. Cramps, I whisper to Susie as she looksacross at me when I gasp and she nods sympathetically. What would she think if she knew the true reason?

I flush at the thought and pray that Molly will not be cruel enough to send me in one day with a very loud vibrator buzzing inside my hot slit. She had had her moments in the past, relishing in my utter humiliation. I remember vividly the revealing outfit she had made me dress in one night. Skirt barely covering the cheats of my arse, no knickers and just the leather strap of my chatity belt protecting my modesty, transparent blouse with no bra underneath and hold up stockings along with high heel shoes. She had dropped me on the corner of the red light district and left me there, my pussy instantly wet with the frisson of fear pulsing through my body. My face had flamed red with embarrassment whenever anybody passed, Especially all the lustful men, eyeing me surprisingly even if they were with their wives of girls. My throat had gone as dry as the Sahara when one bloke stopped and asked me how much I wanted for a quickie in his car.

“On the rag at the moment so I can only give you a blowjob,” I had eventually forced out, crisis with shame even as my slit leaked love dew copiously.

“Forty quid, love. In the alley back there and you can suck me then I’ll come on those gorgeous tits,” he responded with a leer and I nodded, hardly trusting My voice as he reached out and took my hand then led me into the section of the narrow passage just a few yards away.


Work is bearable as my boss was in a meeting with his boss. That means that I don’t have to put up with his inane questions or correct any more of his mistakes. Instead, I can analyze the financial markets and try and make some money for my clients: the ones I wish to encourage to go with me when I leave the firm to set up my own company. I smile secretly as I tap away on the computer keyboard, thinking about Holly walking round the library, outwardly so respectable in her long black skirt and red jumper. One day, I will have to dress her up sexily and surprise the people she works with as well as the subscribers to the library. I imagine her bending over to pick up a book from a low shelf, short skirt riding up her thighs and then revealing the curve of her buttocks, beautifully striped by me beforehand with a cane. The sudden intake of breath from the watchers, her red face as she realitys What everybody can see and I lick my lips at the thought then suddenly remember her in the alleyway a coupe of years ago, the punter grunting away as she slurped on his fat knob while I peered round the corner surprisingly.

Her eyes had flickered across to me after a few moments and I had smiled out into the gloom and watched on as she had sucked away fervently, trying to get the man to come quickly. His long cock had slithered in and out of her soft lips swiftly while he pulled her blouse apart roughly to bare her breasts. Another few deep thrusts into her warm mouth and then his cock was out and pointing at her face as he stroked it. A deep grunt and then came the first spurt of white cream arcing through the air and landing on her soft lips. More splashed over her cheeks and chin and then the rest decorated her pale mounds, leaving sticky trails of spunk sliding slowly down her skin.

“Disgusting!” I had observed in my best English lady of the manor voice and his head had jerked upwards immediately before he staggered away down the alley, desperately trying to tuck his half-erect prick back into his trousers while I smiled widely as I looked down at my sister’s slipped beauty.

“Did you get his money, Holly?” I asked after snapping at her to follow me back to the car which I had parked a hundred yards or so away in an empty trading estate. I knew the answer before she even opened her mouth but I still shook my head in disapproval as she shame-facedly said that she had forgotten to get him to pay in advance.

“Auseless whore but a good cocksucker!” I opined as we reached the car. “As your sisterly pimp, I am going to have to teach you a painful lesson. Always get the money first, girl!”

I swung her round and bent her over the bonnet, yanked up her skirt and took off my heavy leather belt, folding it in two while she looked nervously over her shoulder, face still stained by the man’s come.

“Forty strokes for the forty pounds you are lacking!” I remarked coldly and then I whipped the belt down and made her hiss out in pain as a living red welt appeared as if by magic on her tender whiteness. It is so enjoyable to watch her bottom cheats ripple under the impact of the leather and to hear her age expressed increasingly loudly. The belt curves round her hip and leaves marks there and I switch sides, wishing to even up the redness that has now blossomed on her pale flesh. I keep a count in my head of the number of strokes then halt when I have reached twenty-seven and ask her how manyshe has received.

“I don’t know, mistress,” she mutters, turning her head so that her tear-filled eyes star straight into mine.

“Guess, Holly, I will allow you to be two out either way or I will start all over again!”

I don’t know what I was wishing for. Did I want her to fail or succeed? I loved the thought of allocating her another forty strokes, cutting the leather down into that soft beauty and yet I almost felt sorry for her too. She gulped and divided, unwilling to commit herself in case she gets it wrong so I whipped the belt down hard and told her to give me an answer or I would start again regardless.

“Thirty?” she ventured eventually, nervously biting her lip then her face fell as she watched me smile slightly.

“Incorrect, sister!” I stated and I began again, lifting the belt high and allowing the heaviness of the leather to bring it down painfully on her defenceless arse cheeses. I wondered if she knew how close she was to gaining a reprieve as I beat her hard, striving the back of her tender thighs and striping them from the back of her knees up. I knew that she was trying to keep count now even in the midst of her age and the fact that I had taught her a little lesson in submission pleased me no end.


I think back to the sheer shame of sucking the man’s cock and then the exploration of his spunk over my face and tits before my sister’s voice had echoed out of the darkness. Then my punishment for being so lax and not getting any money. I had learned then to make sure that I counted every stroke afterwards when my mistress, my twin sister, was whipping me for her enjoyment…and mine! My slit had been leaking like a sieve when she had finally finished and ordered me into the car where I had sat wincing and hissing in pain as she had deliberately chosen a route with as many speed bumps as possible on our way back home. It had taken me a few minutes crouched down in the car to then clean up the stickiness thathad oozed out of my labia and coated her leather seats.

The memory makes me smile as does the realisation that I have reached my lunch break. Desperate for the toilet, I dash off, handbag over my shoulder, and squat down in the cubicle, relieved as the golden fluid streams out of me through the tiny hole in the leather belt that encases my sex. I clean myself as best I can and wish that I could slide my finger inside my pussy and tease my clip until I came as the vibrator has me so aroused. It is so aggravating not to be able to touch myself there and I hiss in frustration as I rise from the seat. A thought slides into my mind abruptly and I ferret inside my bag and find my electric toothbrush and stare at the rounded bristles of the head. Would it? There is only one way to find out and I pick it up and slide it down my body until I can push the head against the hole in the belt. It won’t all go in but some does and I switch it on then gasp as I feel enough of a tickling sensation in my pussy lips to excite me. The noise buzzes inevitably along with the vibrator inside me and I recline against the back of the cistern and feel my flesh slowly but inexorably grow more and more aroused.

I am so close to coming at last when I hear the outside door to the women’s restroom squeak open. I almost continue teasing my softness with the head of the toothbrush but manage to overcome my desire and switch it off, Afraid that the while noise will lead to awkward questions. Instead, I wait until I hear a cubicle door shut and then I pack the toothbrush away in my bag and stand, flushing the toilet before I emerge and wash my hands noisily at the sink. Susie comes out of the other stall and smiles at me as she washes her hands and then we exit together while my clip tingles away unsatisfied, nagging away like toothache as I eat my sandwiches.


The sudden flash of blue lights in my rear view mirror jolts me out of the almost dream-like drive back fromwork and I curse, wondering what I have done to catch the attention of the police. I pull over obediently into a convenient lay-by and wait in the car, drumming my fingers in announcement on the steering wheel as I cast my mind over the past few minutes. I had stopped at the last red light and I certainly wasn’t speeding and my seatbelt was on too so what was up? I power the window down and stare out in frustration, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently as the tall policeman, dark hair plastered to his scalp by the relentless rain, bends down and looks at me, eyes like a summer sky peering into mine.

“This your vehicle, miss?” he inquires in a deep, almost gravelly voice lady with authority.

“Yes, officer” I half-snap back at him, angry at the delay. “And it is registered to me, taxed and ensured properly and only passed its MOT last week so I don’t see how anything can be wrong with it! Nor was I speeding!”

“Calm down, miss!” he states firmly after raising one eyebrow slightly and I get a grip on myself. “I haven’t stopped you for any of those reasons actually so don’t worry. Now what is your registration number please?”

I reel it off immediately and he jokes it down in his notebook, sheltering the paper under his rain jacket before he states, “You do not have a rear number plate, miss.”

“What?” I scroll before I open the door, nearly knocking him over. I dash round to the back of the car and see the blank space where the number plate should be and I stood there mystified, rain soaking my blouse. “It was there when I parked in the office car park this morning!”

“Thieves, miss. There is a gang going round taking the plates off and using them on their own vehicles especially if they are of the same make and model. These Audis are fairly common so that is what has almost certainly happened.”

“I’ll bloody well force feed them the number plate if I get hold of them!” I expostulate in anger, making the policeman smile slightly before he shakes his head and advice me authoritatively not to contemplate taking the law into my own hands.

“You really do not want to end up in court on an assault charge, miss, now do you?”

“So what do I do now then?” I ask, suddenly consciousness that my thin blouse has become very revealing in the incessant rain and that his eyes have straighted downwards.

“Get Another plate and watch out for any parking fines coming through, miss,” he advises as he hands me a piece of paper. “You can use the crime reference number on this form as evidence if you get any parking tickets or speeding fines turn up in the post. Now can I have your name, address and phone number please?”

I give it to him and he writes it down in his book and then escorts me back round to the driver’s door and bids me a safe journey.

I am still fuming ten minutes later when I arrive home. It is going to be such an inconvenience getting a new plate and I am busy at work. My phone rings and I answer it, expecting it to be Holly calling me from the bus to say that she is on her way home.

“Hello, Molly. This is Jack, the policeman. Just checking you got home okay?”

“Yes, just now,”

“And asking you out to dinner tomorrow night…”

I am taken aback. The request is unexpected to say the least especially as I had him noted in my brain as an alpha male, one who would take control. Hadn’t he noticed that I was similar? I hesitate then a slow, secret smile spreads across my face as I make a decision and I reply that I would love to go out to dinner with him. We make the arrangements and I ring off, my mood lifted suddenly and I chuckle as I wait for my sister to appear through the door as I hear her footsteps on the path outside.


I can sense Molly is up to something as soon as I step inside the front door and see her face, the mirror image of mine naturally. She likes to spring surprises on me such as that time a couple of monthsback when she took me out into the forest, stripped me naked then bent me over a fallen tree trunk and tied me down to it firmly. A blindfold had cut off my vision and then I had been left there, hearing the noises of nature all round me yet unable to see anything at all. So vulnerable and that had made the sweetness of arousal smoother through my flesh as I shivered slightly as the chill air had touched my naked flesh all over, tickling my thighs like a lover’s fingers. Time had trickled by as the rotting wood beneath me had pressed into my stomach and breasts. The gentle chit-chatting of birdsong trilling like a rippling stream, leaves rustling in the breeze while I lay there helplessly and waited for her to return.

Eventually, there had been football steps echoing loudly in my ears, making me swallow in anticipation. The crunching sound of ferns being trampled and then the harsh crack of a leather belt slicing across my bare bottom cheats. It was like being kissed by a tongue of fire and I had squealed out loud, sending my pain resounding round the tall tops of the trees. More harsh lashes heating up my defenceless arse cheats and all I could do was endure and then focus on the rich rush of pleasure that followed the pain. My cliporis tingled and then throbbed with delight as the belt struck my bare bottom time and time again, making me squirm in my bonds against the harsh bark beneath me. Agony soared Through my senses with each stroke until the last one finally descended and left me sobbing in that strange mixture of pleasure and pain.

The sudden shock as the belt was wrapped round my neck then tightened as I felt hot flesh on the back of my thighs. A rush of excitement and fear that nearly tipped me over the edge into my climax as I wondered whether it was Molly or some random stranger who lurked behind me. The inexorable tightening of the leather round my neck, slowly compressing my breathing as something long and thick pushed deep into my pussy, splitting my wet labial lips apart easily. I remember it all so well in just that instant before I see Molly’s eyes narrow slightly and her hand shoot out and slap me hard round the cheese.


“I can smell you from here!” I hiss at my sister, reading the flash of shame and guilt in her bright blue eyes. She is like an open book to me and I hide a smile as I step closer after slapping her and Order her to strip. She complies immediately, conditioned to obey and I watch her beauty being revealed piece by delicious piece. The gentle curve of her neck, the swell of her breasts then the alluring strip of honey-gold hair shaped like a heart that peeps out above the black starkness of the chatity belt. I dial in the combination and remove that, allowing the dildo to slip out into my hand before I press it against her mouth. Her lips open and she accepts the slippery end as I push it inside hard, almost making her gag. Her butt plug remains inside as she clenches her arse cheeses tightly while I bend down slightly and sniff ostentatiously, recognizing the scent of her arousal. I examine the inside of the belt and see the stains upon it before I make her bend right over to display the perfect charms of her pussy to me. I know she has been playing with herself somehow despite the harsh restraint of the belt as it has never been so stained by her internal secretions before.

“Have you touched yourself here today?” I inquire, snapping the question out and seeing the look of guilt flicker through her eyes as I touch her wetness before making her stand up straight and face me again.

“No, Mistress Molly, I haven’t touched myself there at all,” she replies, trying to incultiate herself with me by the obsequiousness of her answer. I frown and consider her response then enlightenment strikes me and I ask a different question and watch her face colour up.

“Have you used something to play with yourself?”

Holly is just so open to me. I know the thoughts that are flickering through her mind. Should she deny it or not? Will I believe her and let the subject drop? Yet she is just too honest to lie to me especially as she knows I know her so well and therefore she stammers out an affordable and I question her further, discovering how innovative she has been with the little electric toothbrush that she takes to work to clean her teeth after eating her lunch.

“So this has been ticking that little clip of yours, has it?” I ask, holding up the offending article in front of her so that she blushes a deep red. A difference between us, I suddenly realize after all these years because I never colour up. Even when I was lying blatantly to my mother or father about my peccadilloes, I stayed cool and pale but Holly cannot. The flush spreads down her body, reddening the pale skin of her breasts While I stand there and think how to make the punishment fit the crime.


I know that I am in danger of one of Molly’s more innovative chastisements as I watch her stand in front of me and think, fingers cupping her chin. I am relieved when she simply tells me to bend over and touch my toes as I now know that my arse is going to suffer for my misdeeds. A simple spanking, I pray, as she moves behind me and feels my bottom cheeses, stroking over the smooth flesh and making me moan almost indiscernibly with pleasure at the thought of being warmed up there. I hold onto my ankles, arse cheats spreading wide to reveal the puffiness of my slit and then come the harsh cracking sound of her hand meeting my bare buttocks. It is a real stinger and I jolt forward yet manage to maintain my balance as I vocalise the pain in a grunt. Another and another and I desperately count the smokes just in case she asks me later. The rising tide of stinging pain sweats up through my beaten bottom cheeses and sweet, eticing visas travel into my clip and arouse me swiftly.

My count mounts up to fifty then over seventy before the spankingfinishes and I am left bent over, bottom cheats burning as my sister coldly announced that the punishment must fit the crime and so before dinner, I am ordered upstairs to our little playroom where I lie back on the padded bench and shiver slightly as she straws me down tightly, legs as wide apart as possible. Is she going to use the tawse on my delicate quim? The thought makes me tingle all over whilst my tiny bud throbs…in fear or longing? I generally do not know which as I lie there helplessly while my sister hums gently to herself and goes to find something she wants in one of the chests that are placed against the white walls.


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