So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours that Jenny was glad just to sit for a moment. The hard wooden bench was uncomfortable but Jenny didn’t care she just wanted to rest. Her legs were aching her arms were scratched and bruised, her eye blackened and her lip was cut. She sat her eyes closed her head back against the cold concrete wall. For a couple of moments she felt safe, she felt serene calmness and once again she felt whole.
“Miss Jones”, whispered a soft voice gently repeating as Jenny eased open her bruised eye.
A woman in a police uniform looked down at her. It took Jenny a couple of seconds to moisten her mouth enough to speak.
“Yes” she replied in a croaking soft whisper.
“Miss Jones there is a woman here to pick you up, the desk Sargent says her name is Rebekah Northwood”, said the WPC reading from a small piece of paper.
Jenny just smiled before closing her eyes again and pushing herself to her feet. She wobbled a bit as she felther weight pressing on her aching legs. The WPC steadied her and helped her walk out of the room and into the main reception area. They suddenly stopped; Jenny looked at the WPC whose eyes had fixed, her mouth slightly open. Jenny followed her gaze and then saw her.
Rebekah Northwood or Mistress Rebekah as she was more formally known was tall with long straight black hair, her body was slim but she had perfect womanly curves. In short she was stunningly attractive. Jenny gazed at Mistress Rebekah and smiled broadly, she noticed her all-in-one leather cat suit and six-inch knee-high leather boots. In her hand she carried, as always, a riding crop. She smiled back at Jenny before moving closer. She leant into Jenny and spoke quietly to her.
“Are you alright my little one?”
“Yes Mistress I am”, replied Jenny smiling broader than ever.
“That is good” replied Mistress Rebekah before glancing at the WPC giving her a little smile and then turning on her heels and marchr out of the reception area pushing the doors open as she passed through them. “Come girl”; she shouted exiting the building.
Jenny quickly turned to the WPC, “thank you for everything”; she said hurriedly before quickly currying out of the doors behind Mistress Rebekah.
The WPC just stood there for a few seconds re-gaining her breath and her composure.
Constable Gail Holloway walked to the changing room. It was the end of her shift. She was tired; it had been a long busy day. Although for the past two and half-hours the only things she could think about were the poor battered girl Jenny and her dominatrix. First she had thought how ridiculous the woman looked but the more she thought about it the more she realized she didn’t look ridiculous just very powerful. And that was one of the reasons that she hadn’t been able to stop thinking of her. Gail undressed quickly and put on her casual civilian clothes. She practically raced out of the station and jumped in her little car. In a matter of minutes she was diving in through the front door of her flat. She throw her bag to one side and took her coat off leaving it slumped over a chair.
Gail switched her computer on; she sat impatily drumming her fingers as the computer warmed up. Eventually she typed her password in and connected the modem to the phone socked while it went through the start up process. She sat back down in her chair and tied her hair back in a ponytail.
“Search”, she said to herself.
Gail clicked on the search icon and entered ‘Mistress Rebecca’ before pressing the search button.
‘223 matches’ pinged up on the screen
Gail was surprised how many Dominatrix there were, she decided to narrow her search to the United Kingdom.
‘UK Mistress Rebecca’ she typed.
’14 matches’ pinged up on the screen. That’s better Gail thought as she started to scroll down the list. She guessed that Mistress Rebekah must be based in London so she dismissed any other areas.
There were two Mistress Rebecca’s based in London and after Gail had viewed their pictures she realized that this was going to be more difficult than she expected; neither of them were the woman she was looking for. Gail stood up and walked around the room thinking.
“Surname, what was it?” she said out loud, “North…something, um North, Northfield, Northwood!” she said with a jump and slight scream. Gail returned to the computer and typed in ‘UK Mistress Northwood’ hoping that this would bring her more lucky she clicked on search and waited.
‘1 match found’ pinged up on the screen.
Without hesituation Gail clicked on the link and held her breath.
Big bold red letters flashed across the screen, when they came into focus Gail read ‘Submit’ and then ‘Obey’. The screen flicked and swirled different colours, all the time Gail couldn’t take her eyes from the screen. An eerie melody played but Gail couldn’t quite make out the words, she strained to hear as her senses were bombarded with images and sound. Suddenly the music stopped and Gail could hear the words. They were soft; she still had to listen hard, the same two words over and over and over again, “Submit”, and “Obey”. Gail listened intently as the words trailed off into nothing. The screen went black before a picture of Mistress Rebekah appeared along side it said ‘Welcome to Mistress Rebekah’s World, you are most welcome. Gail realized why she hadn’t found her previously, it was a pretty unique way of spelling Rebekah but Gail liked it. Next to the picture of Mistress Rebekah were four buttons numbered one through four, Gail moved her mouse pointer over the first button and clicked it.
Gail picked up her coat and bag and left the apartment making sure the door was closed firmly behind her. She waited patiently for the lift and entered it pressing the button marked G. Gail remained motionless as the lift descended to the lowest level. Gail exited the lift and made her wayto her car.
She pulled up into a parking space and started to walk briskly down the road. It was about seven o’clock and the sun was setting, the sky was a hundred different shades of orange. She kept walking, totally focused on the way she was heading and nothing else concerned or distracted her from this. She turned right down into a small lane with big black oak doors on each side. She made her way to the far end and stood in front of the end-most door looking up at the big cast Iron door knocker, took a big deep breath and pulled it back before letting it go. She did this three times before taking a step back holding her hands together in front of her waiting patiently.
Almost a minute had gone by before Gail heard any noise from behind the big Oak door. Gail looked up to see the eye hat slide quickly open and an eye peer down at her. The hat slip back closed and Gail could here chains and bolts jangling behind the door. Eventually the door was pulled open from theinside to reveal a small Asian girl. The girl looked about 18; she was dressed in tight black leather a corset top and skirts. She also wore very high-heeled ankle boots. Her hair was tied in a ponytail high up on her head. She smiled at Gail and waved her hand signing for Gail to follow her. Gail rather nervously stepped inside and followed the girl down the dark corridor. The big oak door swung shut Behind her with a bang making Gail jump. She was led into a very rustic looking room with a real wood fire and big leather armschairs. The girl signed for her to sit and then took off down one of the dimly lit corridors that led off the room. Gail sat rather nervously on the edge of the seat clutching her bag to her chest. As she sat she started to take a look around the room, it reminded her of old English pub, lots of old dark wood, leather and polished brass. The heat from the fire was starting to make her perspire and she decided to remove her coat placing it neighborly on the arm of the big chair in which she sat.
After about ten minutes Gail heard footsteps from one of the corridors. Into the room walked the girl followed by a man. He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt open at the collar. His hair was long but neat and he had a goatee bear. He smiled broadly at Gail and extended his arm to her.
“Hello my name is Dragonia, and who might you be?” he said Still smiling broadly.
Gail cleared her throat and spoke; “my name is Gail, Gail Holloway”.
“Well Gail, Gail Holloway how can I help you?” replied Dragonia his smile widening.
Gail smiled at his pun; “um well I am here for step one”.
Dragonia nodded, “very good”, he said before turning to the girl, “Ling prepare the rooms and get the others ready” before turning back to Gail and flashing another big smile.
Gail was confused she wasn’t even sure why she had come here. What had possessed her to search for Mistress Rebekah let alone carry out step one?
Gail fullowed the man in the black suit down the corridor and into a perfectly white room. It had two doors exiting off to the right a couple of large white leather chairs and an old fashioned changing screen. Gail was directed to sit in the left-hand chair. Dragonia clapped his hand and the left-hand door swung open, three women who were dressed almost exactly the same as Ling entered through the door. He looked back and smiled again at Gail, “I am going to leave you with my girls for a while, if you have any problems tell Ling”, he said before turning back and exiting out of the door.
Gail watched the three women, all very beautiful, all very slim Asians with ponytails and leather corset dresses. They even wore the same boots. Gail noticed however that Ling.’s boots were embroidered with a red dragon where as the other girls’ boots were plain. The first girl took Gail’s hand and asked her very softly to stand. Gail did before the three girls glided round her slowly unfasting and undoing her clothes. Her shirt was unbuttoned her jeans were removed and in no time at all she was stood in just her bra and panties. Gail was surprised at how relaxed she felt, she did however feel a little embarrassed especially when she glanced over to Ling. Ling flashed her a big smile. Next the girls pulled out material measures and started to measure her. They measured what seemed to be every part of her, from her head to her toes. Once they had finished the girls filed out of the room and Gail was left standing there. Ling had moved around behind the screen and emerged with a white towelling robe that she wrapped around Gail to keep her warm. Ling tied the belt before pulling Gail right up close to her and giving her a very soft kiss on the cheek. Ling then gave her a warm smile.
“Please sit”, she said, “the girls won’t be long”.
Gail sat back in the big white armchair.
Ling walked towards the door and went through it closing it behind her as she went. Gail was left alone in the white room.
Very quiet music was being piped into the room but Gail couldn’t work out where the speakers were. It was a very soft haunting melody similar to that she had heard earlier on her computer. The door swung open and the two of the three women returned led by Ling. They were pulling a rail with them with lots of clothes hanging on it along with several shoes and other larger boxes that Gail didn’t really recognize. The three women silently moved to Gail and again raised her to her feet. They removed her robe and proceeded to remove her underwear before asking her to sit back down. Gail felt very conscious, she had a decent body, she had to stay fit in the police force but she didn’t really like being naked with strangers. The door opened again and the third woman returned carrying a large bowl of what looked like hot water. She placed it on the floor in front of Gail, before going to the larger box and opening it retrieving a large white towel a cutthroat razor and a bottle of white liquid. Ling came round behind Gail’s chair resting her hands on her shoulders. Ling let down to her ear, she whispered “relax and close your eyes”. Gail instinctively did as she was told and closed her eyes; she had more trouble relaxing though. Gail felt soft hands on her legs parting them; she felt even more vulnerable now but keep her eyes closed as she felt cold steel running over her legs. It felt nice, she had never had her legs shaved like this before, her disposable razor at home wasn’t that good really and this felt like the hairs would never grow back. Gail actually started to enjoy the feelings as she relaxed. The razor was moving further and further up her legs all the way to the top. Gail jumped as she felt the cold razor start to take away her pubic hairs, she thought about protesting but she felt Ling’s soft hand caresing her shoulders and thought better of it. Once they had finished she felt the liquid being applied to her shamen parts. Ling whispered back into her ear, “you shouldn’t have to shake ever again”. Gail opened her eyes and looked down, her legs were perfect and she was surprised to see her pretty little sad pussy winding back up at her. Gail felt herself going red with embarrassment.
Ling stood up in front of her and extended her hand. “Please stand”, she said taking Gail over to the clothes rail. “Now we have an outfit for you that is the last thing that you will ever wear, of course this is only if Mistress thinks you worthy”. Those words echoed round Gail’s head. Gail watched as Ling pulled out a very short black leather skirt and positioned it for Gail to step into. Gail stepped into the skirt before Ling pulled it up and fastened it at the back. One of the girls then passed Ling a black leather corset; Ling wrapped the front around Gail before moving to the back and lacing it up. Gail then felt Ling put her foot on Gail’s back so she could tighten it. “Breathe in bitch”, Ling said as she pulled. Gail breathed in and felt the corset tighten around her. Gail’s looked down to see her breasts looking back up at her. She found it difficult to breathe but took lots of little breaths. Ling smiled “The breathing will get easier, now get on your knees”, she said taking a brush from one of the girls. Ling began brushing and styling Gail’s hair and in no time at all she had it exactly like the others, a smart ponytail on the top of her head. Next one of the girls handed Ling a shoe box, which she opened pulled back the tissue paper and removed the pair of black leather ankle boots. The heel on these must have been five inches. Gail sat in her chair as Ling knelt to slip the boots on to her feet; she fastened them with two small padlocks. Gail had no idea where the key was. Lastly Ling brought out some make-up and applied Some bright red lipstick. Ling took a couple of steps back, “stand up and turn for me”, she said. Gail did as she was told. Ling clapped her hands together, “perfect” she said, “Mistress will be pleased”. The three girls took the rail and empty boxes along with Gail’s old clothes and left the room through the left-hand door. Ling took Gail by the hand and led her to the right-hand door.
Ling led Gail down one of the dusty dark corridors and into another room. It was a small room, with another door at the other side. “Now bitch, just remember this”, said Ling, “That woman in there is perfect, she is a Goddess and you will treat her as such, do you understand?” Gail just nodded. “Never look directly at her unless she is talking to you, never talk without being spoken to first and most important always reply, Yes Mistress, do you understand?” Gail nodded again. Ling looked at Gail, kissed her on the cheek, “good luck”, she said before opening the door and escorting Gail into the main chamber.
Gail walked in eyes glued to the floor following Ling’s lead.
“Have her knee before me”, a voice boomed out across the room.
“Kneeldown bitch”, Ling said. Gail of course knelt.
“Look up girl I want to see what you look like”, the voice boomed again.
Gail hesitated but then raised her head to look towards the voice. She recognized Mistress Rebekah Northwood sat in a very grand throne-like chair before her. There were two girls sat either side of her knelt dressed exactly as she was. Gail recognized the one to Mistress Rebekah’s right as Jenny, she still had a biblesed lip and black eye. Gail focused again on Mistress Rebekah; she was dressed in a black leather dress, very tight very revealing it had a split up the front that went up to her wait to show she was wearing black leather panties. She had black stockings and thigh-high black siletto boots. Her hair was tied back but lower than her slave’s and she held her riding crop in her right hand. She stood up, Gail felt very small against this hugely powerful woman in front of her, and it made her tingle inside.
” Very pretty girl we have here Ling”, Mistress Rebekah said closely inspecting Gail.
“Yes Mistress”, said Ling lifting her head to speak and then lowering it just as soon as she had finished.
“Yes very pretty indeed”, Mistress Rebekah said turning her back and returning to her throne.
Ling motioned for Gail to bow her head and Gail did as she was told.
Mistress Rebekah clapped her hands twice. Gail could hear lots of movement, she could see from the corner of her eyes that the girls sat each side of Mistress Rebekah has stood and walked off in opposite directions. She then saw movement from the opposite direction, she was sure four men just entered to replace the girls at Mistress Rebekah’s side.
“Rack her”, Mistress Rebekah thundered.
Two women came up behind Gail and lifted her to her feet leading her backwards against the wall. They extended her arms and fastened them in place with big black leather clasps. Her legs were also spread and clasped in place using the same leather clasps. Then lastly her neck was kept in place by a larger clap. Gail couldn’t move. She could now see the four men with Mistress Rebekah; two knelt on either side of her. They were naked. Gail caught a glimpse either side of her there were the women, two on each side. Jenny was just to her left.
“Begin”, Mistress Rebekah said, “Jenny you first my pet”.
Gail saw Jenny curtsey to Mistress before standing directly in front of Gail. Jenny unfasted her corset and unid her skirt. Gail watched the naked Jenny, with a black eye and cut lip, strip naked before her. Her body was a little bruised but she seemed fine. Jenny lent into Gail and whispered “relax and be good and you will enjoy, fight it and it will be hard on you”.
Gail took a deep breath, “what have I got myself into here”, she said under her breath.
“Flip her” Jenny said to a girl at the side.
Flip her? Gail thought, suddenly she felt her whole body starting to rotate against the wall; in no time at allshe was upside down. Gail’s eyes started to water slightly, but she managed to blink the tears away. Jenny took the sides of Gail’s tight leather skirt and pulled it down around her waist exposing her newly shamen pussy. Jenny then lent over and started to lick and suck at Gail’s pussy, Gail couldn’t help but let out a moan as she felt Jenny enter her. Jenny suddenly stopped and stepped back, “flip her back”, she said. Gail felt herself returning upright. Jenny moved right close to Gail and with venom shouted “you bitch will moan when I fucking say you moan and you will cum when I fucking say you cum, do you understand bitch?
“Yes”, Gail said shaking.
Jenny lowered her head and then lifted it quickly hearing the response slapping Gail across the chef. “Yes what, you pathetic whose?”
“Yes Mistress”, Gail said quickly tears in her eyes from the shock.
“That’s better”, Jenny said stepping back, “flip her back”.
Gail felt herself being rotated back around until once again she was upside-down. Jenny slapped her legs, one by one, Gail was careful to bite her lip and not make any sound. Jenny stepped back to see her reaction and then smiled before she lowered her mouth to Gail’s shamen pussy once again licking and kissing it. Gail felt wonderful she had never had a girl pleasure her orally, only guys and to be honest they hadn’t been that good. It took every ounce of willpower for Gail not to scream out loud as Jenny parted her lips with her tongue and entered her. It was torture.
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