Part 5.
Mandy awoke to an empty bed. She heard singing in the kitchen; Sandra must be in there. The alarm clock said 9 am. Shit, late for work. She slouched into the kitchen and then stood straight upright. Beth held out a coffee cup, already prepared. Sandra was sitting at the small table, digging into an omelet and singing Christmas songs. What stopped Mandy was the sight of William in a small apron at the stove, flipping eggs. No one was wearing anything other than that apron. “How you want your eggs, lovely?”
Mandy couldn’t talk; it was too incredible. William was about as domestic as a T. Rex. Beth poked her in the ribs. “You better talk to him; he gets in these moods once a blue moon.” Mandy had known William for longer; she had never spent the night with him, though. She slide into a chair.
“Make mine over easy, please.” The table held a vase with four roses; the card was at her place setting, waiting like a viper. Her hand trembled as she reached for it; theOnly noise that continued was William cooking. Beth and Sandra were staring at her, both with predatory grins. She ripped into the card to get past the looks.
“On the fifth day of Christmass, my lover gave to me, Five golden rings, and an orgasm with her tongue. -S.”
“Five golden rings? Isn’t that how the song goes?” Mandy was briefly confused. She reread the note, “How does this work?” Sandra got up, moved close to Mandy and kissed her softly. Her hands began working the nipple ring softly. Mandy was proud of that ring – it had stung like a bitch to get and everyone loved playing with it. Mandy undid the clap, “Hey, what’re you doin’?” Sandra’s fingers threaded a new ring behind the old, replacing the plain silver hoop with a different one. A gold one; with two diamonds in small settings.
“One golden ring.” She smiled shyly at Mandy. William, seemingly oblivious to the whole affairs, slide a plate with two eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast in front of Mandy. Beth smirided into her coffee cup. Mandy kissed Sandra while tears rolled down both their faces.
“Oh good lord,” William sounded exasperated, “should I get a stack of towels for the next four. Eat, damn it. You’re going to need your strength. And you,” he pointed a spatula at Beth, “I heard that thought. Domestic deity I am not.” He started whipping eggs for another omelet.
Sandra separated from Mandy, “You need to get dressed, firebutt. The black wrap skirt, sheer black bloom and your pumps. We leave at 11.” She turned back to her breakfast.
Beth smiled, “I have it easier. I just have to put on my boots.” She giggled, rose, and walked behind William quietly as he was folding the omelet. He moved the spatula away from the eggs and she grabbed his butt with both hands. He didn’t even move. Beth’s hands slipped under the apron. He moved then, a little. He moved the eggs from pan to plate, rounded on Beth. She kept one hand under the apron. The spatula was brandished like a warWeapon. Mandy and Sandra started giggling as Beth’s eyes went round and she turned to flee. No chance at all. William caught her in two steps, captured her hands, and paddled her butt half a dozen times with the spatula eliciting squeaks and protests. The apron hung like a pup tent over his erection.
Sandra got up, moved to the bedroom. Mandy finished her eggs and followed. Sandra was putting on a lace dress; she already had on five inch heels. Her hair was styled nicely; she must’ve been up a while. Sandra came up and kissed her shoulder, copied a quick feel, and picked up the clothes that were set out for her. The squeaks of indignation from the other room had changed to moans and cries of password. She and Sandra exchanged a look and started laughing again. They came out ten minutes later. Beth was sprayed on the floor, dishheveled and leaking come out of her pussy. William was eating his omelet calmly next to the stove. “Lend a girl a hand?” Sandra went over to Beth, then suddEnough dove down, licking and biting on her pussy. Mandy started to laugh; William grinned and winked at her.
He finished his meal and began to dress slowly and deliberately. The two squealing girls on the floor disentangled, both staring, like Mandy, at the slow reverse strip. No movement wasted; shirt on, done; boxer briefs pulled up slowly; slacks on, belt fastened. His hands tied the tie in an exact manner, one time and perfect. He smiled at the girls, bowing. Mandy had never been turned on by someone dressing before; she wanted to rip his clothes back off, fuck him, and watch again. The other two looked at her in agreement. He’d be at their mercy at some point. They had to plan. On to today’s business.
Mandy saw him get that glassy look, knew they’d fail. Oh, well; it’ll be fun to try. Beth pulled on her coat, still sweaty from the sex. Sandra pulled on hers and offered the cloak from last night to Mandy. She wrapped it about and they all went downstairs. William broughtup the SUV; they piled in. Sandra leaned forward, whispering something to William. He nodded and off they went. Mandy lost track of direction; they pulled up in front of a shop in the ‘burbs. Out they got, moving into a disreputable looking tattoo and piercing shop. Mandy started to worry a bit.
William stood near the door, Beth and Sandra took an arm each. A man came out from the back, saw William, and nodded. He turned and smiled to the girls. “Hello, ladies. Here for the noon appointment a bit early, I see.” He was overweight, grey, and balding. He was also huge, taller than William, dressed in jeans and a leather vest. He had numerous tattoos, most obscene. He motioned to a barber’s chair in the center of the room. “Have a seat, miss.”
Mandy climbed into the seat, her stomach quivering. The man motioned to Sandra, who produced a small velvet bag. Beth undid the front of her coat; the shop was warm. Sandra took hers off. “Left ear first, doll.” The man rubbed somethingover the edge of her ear, then a sharp pain. The ring slide in; it matched the one in her nipple.
“Two,” whispered Sandra in her ear.
“Right ear.” The same method, the same result. Fast, almost painless. “Three.” Mandy started to relax. Beth reached out and lifted her shirt up. Relaxation out the door. Mandy looked at Sandra in a quick panic. Sandra smiled and caressed her forehead. “Shhh. It’ll be all right, lover.”
The man pulled out a jar of some cream, dipped in his little finger, and placed a touch on the already hard nipple. Deep heat made her nipple stand up in reaction; so hard it was painful. The old biker deftly pierced her other nipple; another beautiful gold ring adorned her right nipple, now matching the left.
“Four,” Mandy started to squirm, knowing what was coming next. Sandra stepped in front of her, holding out a hand to the biker. He put something in the outstretched palm. Sandra held it in front of Mandy’s face; a golden circle, with a pair ofpearls near the top. “All for you, lover, five golden rings.”
Beth lowered her shirt and opened the skirt. The man dabbed a touch of the cream on her already erect clip. “Hood or parts, dearie?”
“Hood, please.” Sandra spoke for Mandy; her mouth was dry even as her pussy was dripping.
“She sure is ready. OK, here we go.” His hands were deft, quick. The need went in and he waited while Mandy thrashed and dripped come on the seat. “Glad I got vinyl seats. Girls creamin’ on ’em all the time. Only Prince Alberts are worse.” Mandy settled and he worked the ring in place of the needle. “There, that weren’t so bad now, was it?” Mandy’s eyes were full of tears, but the feeling was indescribable. She looked at each of the girls and smiled. They smiled back, kissing away the tears. She then shot a look at William. He was the only one who knew. He grinned.
The old biker got up, walked over to William. “One hour?”
William peeled ten $100 bills off a wad from his pocket. “This should cover your expenses Mike. Thanks.”
Mike looked at the bills. “Mind if I stay and watch?” William shook his head. “I don’t mind at all.” The two men settled back against the wall. Mandy’s stomach clnched. Sandra moved in front of her and dropped to her knees. She looked at Mandy lovingly, then kissed up her thighs to the leaking pussy. Mandy watched William and Mike before Her clip demanded other attention. She saw that Beth was doing the same. The orgasm built slowly, Sandra avoiding the new piercing but working her over firmly and with urgent need. The rolling orgasm started; Sandra kept her there for three climaxes. Beth held her hand the entire time. When it was done, Sandra helped her out of the seat. Beth and Sandra supported Mandy’s wobbly legs out to the car. William Shook hands with Mike, some other deal not involving the women. He popped in the SUV and drove them out of town. They pulled up three hours later at a bed and breakfast in some little town. William got out of the car passing the keys to Beth. “Be back at nightfall, doll.” He grinned, continuing, “There’s a shopping center about two miles up this road.” A wad of bills in Beth’s hand. “Buy what you need for the night. I’ll take care of the rooms.” He turned and went up the walk. Beth slide into the driver’s seat and put the SUV in gear.
The shopping center was just that; small and quiet. The girls rolled in like a storm. They hit the little lingerie shop first. Beth pinned the salesgirl to the counter while the other two played grab-ass and suck-tits choosing bras and panties. Beth switched with Mandy, choose a sheer teddy and a dress that had seen-through panels. The clerk charged them for about half the items; she was still glassy eyed and wobbly from having her pussy eaten by pros. They went into the movie theater. Beth and Sandra assaulted the girl and boy behind the refreshments counter; they left with a pair of panties and a set of boxes as trophies. Mandy had theUnderwear of a couple in the theater. She’d let him fuck her while she ate the girl to a screaming orgasm. They flounced out of the theater with coats open and nothing underneath.
On the way back a local cop pulled them over. Beth had opened her coat “to look for ID”. The three of them had worked the poor depth over, Sandra kissing him, Beth rimming him, and Mandy deep-throating his cock. They left him on the side of the road, pants around his ankles, spent. The B&B loosed large, they pulled into the drive. Coming in the door they called out, “William, here boy,” at the top of their lungs, laughing. He appeared, serious, at the top of the stairs. A woman appeared at the doorway on their level; she was naked behind a full apron.
“Hi, girls! William has told me about you.” She was in her 30’s, full figured, with nice breasts and full hips. “Breakfast is at seven, you have a full day ahead.” She approached Sandra, “This is your key, the Sapphic room.” She turned and looked atBeth. “You are with him in the De Sade suite. I’m jealous.” A flounce and her bare bottom disappeared into another room.
“Beth,” his voice a command. Beth went to all fours, dropping her coat and climbing the stairs with head bowed low. From this angle Mandy and Sandra could see the grin of anticipation on her face, normally hidden. They followed her up the stair, turning to a room marked by two female forms in a 69. “Must be the Sapphic room, firebutt.” Sandra darted inside with Mandy in hot pursuit.
Hours later the two couples fell asleep, resting for the day ahead.
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