Twelve Months – June

Katey’s Cootchie

Twelve Months: Tuesday, June 1

Aunt Terry? This is Katey.

Yeah, I guess mom told you? He’s real nice. Mom always says I just *have* to have a man. Ha. ‘Just like your Aunt Terry.’ Haha.

Uh huh. See, that’s why I wanted to talk to *you*. Mom won’t understand. But he’s real good for me. At least in most ways. He’s got me on a diet, for the first time one I think I can keep with. And exercise. Oh man. *Lots* of exercise. Bikes, running. We were up on a trail today. At 10000 feet. I’ve already lost five pounds.

No, 130. Down from 135.

I know that’s not “fat,” fat. But he’s right, at five feet tall I could be more like 100. A 98-pound weakling, he says he wants me, except *not* weak, all muscle, that’s what he says he wants me to be. He likes me to have stamina if you know what I mean.

Yeah. That’s it. For fucking. Haha.

Yeah, I’m a lot more uninhibited about language now. He’s been good for me. Oh, and you wouldn’t even recognize me. He wanted me to bleach my hair and cut it shorter, so I did. Here, I should send you a selfie right now, right?

Heh, I shouldn’t tell you this, but guess what else he had me bleach?

My *butthole*? Aunt Terry! You are so *bad*! No! I mean my pubic hair! Not that it really made much difference, after he had me trim it down to almost nothing first. Calls it his landing strip.

See, that’s why I called you and not mom. You *get* it. You’re right. But no, he says boobs aren’t everything. That’s good, right? He’ll still want me even if I’m not a D-cup anymore after I lose some more weight, which they say always come from there first. At least I’m pretty sure. Anyway, he’s taken me to Hawaii, he took me to Cabo, and next month we’re going to go snow skiing. I know it’s summer, but he’s taking me to New Zealand, where summer is winter, and winter is summer! Isn’t that amazing? And he lets me drive his other car, which is ten times nicer than my old one, and he’s got the most amazing house right up near the top here at Duo, and…

You read me like a book, Aunt Terry. Yeah, there’s a big “but”, and not *my* big butt. Which is getting smaller, like I said. At least I hope so. No boobs and a fat ass wouldn’t be cool. Not what this is supposed to be about, ha. Okay, where to start? How about this? Today, up at Glacier Pass, which is at least 2000 feet above Lookout Point, which is 1000 feet above his house, which is 3000 feet above El Cuenca… okay, I’m rambling, anyway up at Glacier Pass, the very tippy top, I had on my hiking boots, right? And we walked two miles, where it feels like you’re on top of the world, looking down on the lakes and the mountains and the, well, everything. Except, that’s *all* I had on. The hiking boots.

Yeah. Exactly. And nobody else was up there. So I guess you could call it romantic, or something.But there * could* have been someone there. It’s not really the quiet time of season here, after all. Tourists, and more tourists.

No. Just oral. Oh God. See why I can’t talk to mom about this? She’d flip out.

Okay, hold on. It’s not like that. No. it goes much deeper.

You are so bad. Not that kind of deep. Oh, how can I say this? He’s turned me… I let him turn me… make me… oh God, Aunt Terry, I’m his *whore*. He calls me his puta, you know what that means? Spanish, right. Basically, just a whore.

See, that’s just it. I kind of *like* it. Kind of. Not everything. But…

Okay, I’ll start at the beginning. I met him at the DMV, When I was still working there. He was registering his new Tesla. I didn’t know much about cars before, but I picked up a lot while I worked there, so I could tell right away this guy had some money. The Tesla and all. And he seemed nice.

Yeah, I ask myself that alot, and no, not really. The money’s nice, not that I see any of it directly. He just takes care of everything, financially, you know what I mean? But no, after this amount of time, I know it’s not the main thing. That would be shallow, wouldn’t it?

Yeah, *about* 30. Going to turn 32, actually. He’s got even more money than I first realized, at least a million, and owns his own business, but he doesn’t lord it over anybody. He’s kind of weird, but then so am I.

No, but I *am*. And when I say *he’s* weird, I don’t mean creepy, or nerdy exactly. Just… he looks at things different, you know? I guess the one biggest thing is, he’s got this one, well, *weird* eye. Kind of a lazy eye thing going on. I’ve let him meet some of my friends, and that’s always the first thing they talk about afterward. Mad-Eye Moody, he told me his…

Me, no, I got over it on the first date. Which, I guess if I’m starting at the beginning, I should…

Uh huh. Tall. Almost six feet anyway, which for me is more than tall. Two of his friends are even taller, but I’ll get to that. Anyway he’s in shape, at least for outdoor stuff, more so than weightlifting, haha. And he’s got a really big… you know… a really big you-know-what.

I don’t know. I just didn’t want to say it like that. I know, you’re my Aunt Terry, after all, I don’t have to say it like you’re Mom. Okay, he’s got a really big *dick*. And I *like* it. I mean, it’s sort of long, but what I mean is, it’s really big around. At least *I* think so, haha. He *stretches* me, that’s what I tell him. Like nobody before. Nothing like Griffin, that’s for sure, though I sure don’t tell Mitch *that*, haha.

So yeah, back to the beginning. I guess mom would say I let it get off to a bad start. But that’s because she always told me not to kiss a guy until the fifth date, or something. You know? Well, I sure didn’t do it her way, not with Mitch. He took me to this really fancy restaurant, I’d never even heard of it, but it wasn’t in one of the casinos or anything, just a regular restaurant but real snooty. He must have spent $200, no, probably more because he bought a bottle of fancy wine. And then we went to a juggling show, or, well, no, Chinese acrobats I guess you’d call it, and he made sure to let me see that he spent $300 on *that*, plus a drink at intervention. And then we sat at a bar, after, where he got me the rest of the way drink, haha. So when he was driving me home, he asked if I wanted to take a detour to this spot he knew halfway up Duo Highway, I knew what he had in mind, and you know what, I was okay with that.

Uh huh. Lookout Point. I already mentioned that. It’s actually more than halfway up, in fact higher than Round Ridge where he lives, but I mean the turnoff is halfway, and then you really climb for two miles. There’s a great hiking trail that way, too, which I never knew anything about before. Totally out of the way. We parked, we kissed, he got kind of handsy, and then he wanted to know if I liked coke.

I swear, I only ever tried it once before I met Mitch. So I told him to just give me a little. Not that I was sure what that would mean. He had it in the glove box, and… well, after that, we kissed some more and he started feeling me up, just on my boobs, you Know? And then he put *my* hand on *his* lap, but not really on his dick. Like he was waiting for *me* to make the next move. And I didn’t want him to think I was a slut, but I did want him to think maybe I liked him, so I didn’t know what to do. We started kissing again, and he kept feeling my boobs, but just on top of my blouse.

Yeah, feeling down in my cleavage a little, since I had destroyed a blouse I figured he would, you know, like a lot? Ha.

Ha, yeah, I don’t know if boobalicious is a word, but it should be. That was what I had on, a boobalicious blouse. But he didn’tReally go far. Shy, or something, I thought at first, though I know him better than that now. He’s not shy. He just didn’t… *force* anything. But he let me *know*, you know, what he wanted, first with his tongue and then with a finger to my lips. I let him. I sucked it a little, his finger, but then I couldn’t help laughing. But then he waited to see if I would take the next step.

Yeah. I don’t know if it was the cocaine, or just that I liked him and I wanted him to like me. After a while I went looking for his dick, with my hand. And then I got brave and asked him, “do you want me to?” That’s all I said, and he said, uh huh. Romantic, huh? Haha. So I undid the top of his pants and pulled down his zipper. But you know what? I Almost shit when I saw it. I had no idea just from looking at him. I mean, it felt weird through his pants, but I didn’t completely catch on. I unzipped him and fished around trying to figure out how to pull it out. It’s long but not super long… but… oh, I already told you that, right? But I never saw one up close that was so big around, and I had to figure out how to fit it in my mouth without…

Right. He kept reminding me to be careful of my teeth. Ha. Anyway I was figuring he’d take me home once he came, which was super quick, and I wasn’t expecting that. He came a *lot*, and it tasted sort of like coffee. I don’t think I ever tasted somebody’s sperm that came in flavors, ha. He loves asparagus and guess what that does to his sperm too. Yeah, ew. Anyway after that, he didn’t say anything about his plans, just kept up the small talk about my family and how I grew up, but once he drove down to the turnoff at the main highway, he turned left instead of right to take me home. And I didn’t say a word about it. He took me to his house on the hill, as he calls it, and got me drunk some more, like I needed that. I can’t believe I didn’t puke, now that I think back on it. Anyway, he picked me up and carried me up the stairway, which I thought was cool – the stairway I mean, because it was round with a landing halfway, but also being carried. The last few steps were tough for him, haha. He didn’t say I weighed more than he expected, even though I figured he was thinking it. Like I said, he’s real nice.

No, but there’s more. A lot more. He shares me. With his friends now.

I mean, I *let* him share me with his friends. The first time was when he had friends over. I thought it would just be a normal, you know, party or whatever. Low key. Watching some basketball on the tube was the idea. Lot of drinking. It had been like that before. But this time he gave me some molly, which he had started doing anytime he wanted something out of the ordinary from me. I mean, by then I had moved in with him. We had settled into a routine where I always gave him a blow job in the morning, and then at night after dinner we’d make love the regular way, or sometimes it would be anal.So that was normal, but sometimes when he wanted to do it outside on the deck or if he wanted to make a video or, well, pretty much anything, he’d give me molly. Which, I have to admit, leads to some pretty awesome orgasms.

I know, right? And after a while he said he was tired of having to go to this guy, Mr. Jones, all the time, to get more for me. It was getting out of hand, so he cut way down on that, which I guess is what I needed him to do. But anyway, that one night, I sort of could tell he had something in mind, and I wondered if I should try to say no. But he doesn’t really like it when I say no to anything. So then, when his friends arrived, he told them about our first date, just like I told you. Didn’t leave much of anything out. Told them, on the very first date, Katey did this, Katey did that. Katey sucked my damn cock, he…

Yeah. That we fucked, on the first date. Anal, too, on the first date. Oh, I did mention that part, didn’t I?


No, but the stupid thing is, I *do* like it. I mean, I don’t at first, when it starts, but when it gets past the point of no return, I’m OK with it. More than just okay. I mean, I came like crazy that night.

No, not the anal. I mean, I’m talking about that party. Or the ones since that first one. Sometimes I’m even tied down, then two, or three, or more guys are looming over me, like hungry wolves or whatever, and I know what’s going to happen, and when finally the suspension is over and one of them pulls off my panties, I spread my legs and just let nature take its course. Scared, but not scared. You know?

The orgasms are *super* intensity. And not just when *he* does it. I mean, like I said, he really stretches me. That can hurt sometimes, at first, and then I get into it, and it doesn’t, and the stretching out is part of what makes it extra good. But…

Heh, I guess I didn’t need to know *that* much about Don. Ew. But I guess since I’m sharing this much… well, it’s good to know how similar we really are, I guess. You know, before any of that, he’ll have me rub myself against the corner of a table. He even got me this thing, well, it’s like a saddle to sit on, and I …

So anyway, when he started sharing me with friends, I tried to talk him out of it, but with the molly and everything, guess what, I orgasmed so strong. Even from the one friend who was basically Needledick the Bugfucker, haha.

No, but, I guess the reason I’m asking you is, well, do I need to see a shrink or something?

Well, that’s true. I never met someone who wanted blow jobs, so *much*. It seems like he’s obsessed.

Yeah. Fixation, maybe, is the word. But it’s not like I mind. It’s what makes him happy. That, and…

I know, but I haven’t told you everything. He spanks me.

Yeah, right from the first night, pretty much. Or, sometimes he takes me to someone’s house, and it’s someone he doesn’t know, or at least hasn’t met before. He knows about them, I mean, because it’s some kind of swingers club he knows about that they’ve got online. So there’s that. But, I guess I worry more about when it’s his friends. I mean, I let them tie me down. It varies from one party to the next, but an average one, if it’s at our house, is where…

Yeah, it’s like one a week, these days. So I know what average means, with his parties, haha. Anyway he brings me downstairs in a bathrobe maybe, as one example, and take it off right away and there’s a microkini underneath, or maybe nothing at all, and after he spanks me in front of them they take turns pawing me and fondling me, then they tie me down on the floor and then, well, it would be rap if I wasn’t willing. Is that perverted, or what?

Okay, call it rap fantasy. But… I told only two other people this, but there was one time it really *was* rap.

I’m getting to that, Aunt Terry, hold on. It was when we were in Cabo, in April. That trip wound up being a disaster and we only stayed two nights, on account of he went out trying to buy some molly for me, I guess I should say *we* went out, and one thing led to another, and they kicked him out of this really shitty house, which was way outside of town, but kept *me*, for the night.

What good would reporting it have done? It’s Mexico. Things are just different down there. But it was weird anyway. After they untied me, I sucked every cock there. I mean, I was so, *totally* turned on. That’s not normal, is it? It’s not supposed to happen like that, right?

No, I don’t mean *Mitch* raped me. Not at all. He felt terrible. It was a gang of drug dealers, and Mitch was gone. Just them and me.

Well, sure, I guess that’s what a therapist is for. But I read up some, on the internet. Usually girls lose their sex drive. After a night like that. For amonth, or a year, or maybe forever. Or, sometimes, they turn into prostitutes. Which they don’t do for fun I mean, but they do it anyway.

I don’t know, it’s just what I read. But for me, it was like, oh, okay. That just happened. You know?

It just pushed me *closer* to Mitch. He was so supportive after it happened, and it really wasn’t his fault since he was trying to do something for *me*.

I just, you know, don’t *feel* like I need a therapist. It’s just that my sex drive, which got a boost when I met Mitch in the first place, has gone through the roof. I always want more. Does that make me fucked up?

Right, and it’s always good. There’s nothing self-destructive going on. Okay, I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but Mitch made me do it with a woman too.

No, just once. This friend of his, I mean, he was in town and had his girlfriend with him. We got drunk and high – well, I was high, and I guess she wastoo – and the guys talked me into touching her nipple with my finger, and the next thing I knew she was licking my cootchie. Super weird. Though I didn’t actually have to do anything. I closed my eyes, and if I just went with the way it felt, it was like when one of Mitch’s friends, the male ones I mean, would go down on me. Oh, did I mention? Mitch never ever does that. Eat pussy. Just a weird rule he has. Anyway, she apparently was some kind of lesbian, because she really knew how to make me cum. And after that, Mitch made love to me, twice, and I must have orgasmed a hundred times that day. Now he’s talking about this house cleaner he used before I moved in and took over doing all the housecleaning. She’s probably your and mom’s age. Older maybe, I can’t tell. María. Mexico, I think, or Honduras, one of those. I keep telling him no.

No, if there isn’t anyone around, I don’t go nuts or anything. I told you, Mitch bought this thing for me to sit on, that lets me rub myself without my hands so that I can…

Yeah, I never was much into masturbation before I met Mitch. It turns him on to watch, and I got into that aspect more than anything. At least at first. But, after, you know, Cabo, I use that saddle, or Big Ol’ Billy, which is the rubber dildo he gave me, or just my finger-…

It varies. Sometimes I go a day or two without. I mean, a few times he has put me on orgasm denial, and I have to promise not to cum.

Don sounds a lot like Mitch. At least, in some ways. I don’t know Don that well, I guess he’s a fun guy.

Mitch has a bunch of rules. Is Don like that?

Oh, like either I have to wear sandals or go barefoot. My feet are so gross, same as Mom’s. You got the good ones in the…

Yeah, so that took some getting used to. Red poison, always. Whore red, he calls it. Another rule is, you know, a lot of the time I’m not allowed to wear panties. Most of the time, really.

Right. Or a bra, either. If your nipples are like mine, then you know how visible that can be, with a t-shirt or tank.

Yeah, way oversize. Which he says he likes.

I dunno, a bunch of rules but by now they’re like second nature. Like no dairy products when I cook for him. I mean, a lot of it is pretty natural. Keep the bathroom clean, the kitchen clean, the carpet…

It’s just… he holds all the cards. I don’t know if *I* have any rules that *he* has to…

Well, I guess one is that I can’t do deep-throat, so he doesn’t ever try to push beyond what I can do. For anal, he knows that he’s so big and I’m so small, so he’s real careful.

I Know, I’ve talked your ear off, like Mom says…

Yeah, I do. I’m not sure exactly. I think I could fall in love with him. Maybe already. I know he cheats on me sometimes. And he can be a little moody, but that’s because I…

Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m not sure he feels the same way. But I can’t help how I feel. And he’s been so good for me.

I don’t mean the money and the things. It’s the way he builds me up. Learning things, making myself better. I’m doing trails I thought only experts did. You wouldn’t believe the views at 10,000 feet.

Okay, I’ll think about it. But, I don’t feel like I need a therapist because of Cabo or anything. I just wanted to check to see if you thought I was crazy.


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