Twelve Months – January

Katey’s Cootchie

Twelve Months: January




“Keep making that sound.”




“Yeah. Almost, almost.”





“Here it… uh?….”







Fri Jan 1 12:00:01 a.m.


Katey continued caressing her lover’s thick cock with her fist and tongue as the second and third and fourth splash hit the back of her throat. She was glad the sounds of celebration just a few feet below them were disguising Mitch’s stifled vocalizations. After another ten seconds, when he seemed reluctant to end the penetration, she pulled back and adjusted the top of her bloom to cover up her exposed hotters. “Zip up, baby,” she said softly, just above a whisper but loudenough for him to hear over the noise. “I thought sure we were gonna get caught.”

The couple made their way back down the half-flight of stairs and, sure enough, one of the guests spotted them and came over. “Dude, where were you?” his old classmate Trevor asked. “You missed seeing the ball drop.”

“Oh, there were balls dropping, all right,” the thirtyish host smirked.

“*Stop* it,” Katey rejected, albeit with a giggle.

Trevor wasn’t mollified. “Where’d you go?” he asked with stunning lack of tact.

“Up the stairs,” Mitch said, and then clarified, “halfway. On the landing, actually.” He put his arm around Katey’s wait and drew her even closer as they made their way back to the group. She adjusted her top yet again.

“Doing what?”

Mitch couldn’t ignore the bait a third time and stopped. “What do you think? Getting my cock sucked.”

The very short if not exactly petite girl moved just out of his grap, then elbowed him in the ribs. “You don’t have to tell him *that*,” she squealed, playfully more so than angrily.

“Oh, you love it,” he teased.

“You know I do, baby,” she responded conspiratorially.

“Stroke of midnight,” Mitch added.

“So to speak,” Trevor replied, acknowledging that some kind of double entendre had occurred even if it wasn’t quite clear what exactly. “Hey, nice jewelry. I just now noticed.”

“The necklace?”

“Mitch gave it to me for Christmas,” Katey explained. “It’s a real diamond, too.”

Trevor snickered. “Oh I knew he’d give it to you for Christmas. I figured it’d be a pearl necklace though.”

“Why pearls?”

“Nothing,” Mitch said smoothly. “Never mind.”

“Diamonds mean love,” she persisted.

“Yeah. Diamonds and coke make my little Kateydid horny, what can I say? Hey, we need to get back to the party.”

“*You* make me horny,” Katey corrected, as they made their way to the great room where the other two couples and Trevor’s fiancee were continuinga game they had briefly interrupted for the midnight countdown.

“The tequila too,” Trevor added helpedfully.

“Wasn’t any tequila on our first date. Two weeks ago.” Mitch at least had the courtesy to lower his voice when adding, “sucked my cock that night, so I knew I had something good. The pullout at Lookout Point.”

Katey squealed again. “Shut *up*,” she laughed. “You don’t have to tell him everything. And we had wine at dinner that night. No need for tequila.”

“Tell him what?” one of the other women asked, the tallest of the four, looking up from the card in her hand.

“Nothing,” the two men said quickly and in unison, laughing also.

“I’m sure you didn’t pull out, at Lookout Pullout,” his friend said, less quietly.

“Is this something you want to share with the whole group?” the tall redhead asked leadingly.

“Definitely not,” Mitch said.

“Come on,” she said, “you skipped your turn. You have to answer one too.”

“Sure,” Mitch agreed, “gimme the next question. Wait, don’t I have to pick a color first? Blue.” As he spoke, he guided Katey next to an end table, and turned her so that her upper thighs pressed into it.

“No. *She* has to pick the color. Goes by partners.”

“Blue,” Katey said obediently. Mitch pushed his hands down on her shoulders, as he pressed his crotch into her ass. She willingly ground against the table.

“Blue. Right. ‘Name something that would embarrass you, if your boss found out?’”

He thought for a second. “I dunno.” He moved his hands down to Katey’s wait, and began rocking his hips into her, causing her to bump the table regularly just below her own crotch. “If I had a boss, then if he found out my new girlfriend likes to masturbate against the furniture.”

“I do *not*!” Katey squealed independently, even as she allowed him to press her downward to cause full genital contact, albeit shielded by her skirt, with the table edge. He told her to spread her legs wider, which caused her pussy to be in even more firmly pressed to the corner of the table. “Not so much!” she protested, and he eased his pressure on her, just slightly.

“That’s not what… the category… oh, Mitch, you are impossible.” The woman, perhaps five years older than him and quite beautiful, was more amused than annoyed, but announcement still was a factor.

“No more impossible than you,” Mitch said, evidently referring to some inside joke or experience.

“And it will stay that way, honey,” she replied with another laugh.

“You’re making my cootchie all hot again, baby,” Katey said. It was unclear whether she was embarrassed, was trying to sound embarrassed, or was trying to sound not-embarrassed at something most women would find terribly embarrassing to discuss in front of new acquaintances.

“He’s a perv, is what he is,” said Trevor’s fiance as she came over to guide him away from Mitch’s orbit.

Mitch wasn’t willing to let that comment go. “I’llshow you perv,” he said. Still pressing her to the furniture, he pulled down the spaghetti straws of Katey’s low-cut blouse. Her prominent D-cup rack, cleavage already in view to some degree all evening and especially so after she had removed her bra a half hour earlier, was now in peril of spilling out completely if the unsupported fabric were to shift only just a little.

“That’s nothing. She was giving him a blow job, five minutes ago,” Trevor announced. “And none of you even noticed.”

“You really don’t know how to keep a secret, do you?” Mitch laughed, not bothering to point out that Trevor had been just as much in the dark as the others while it was happening. Mitch wasn’t really concerned with his old classmate’s lack of discretion, anyway, knowing from experience not to share with him any secrets of actual importance. “Anyone wants to see her demonstration?” He took one hand off her hips, as she continued to pleasure herself against the corner of the table. He placed afinger to her lips.

“Nooooooo, just yoooou,” she protested coquettishly, before he slipped the finger past her incisors. She didn’t resist and allowed him to do what he wanted. She applied suction and made her little humming sound of contentment, barely discernible to anyone but him, as he finger-fucked her mouth.

“She gets horny when she’s high,” he said, merely stating the obvious.

“We really should get going,” the woman nearest the fireplace said to her husband, a skiing friend of Mitch, who protested, but she reminded him, “we have to be at your mom’s by noon, remember?” They bickered about the threat of additional snow and her food preparations in the morning and their promise to get the babysitter home by 1:30 anyway, as he grudgingly began moving along with her towards the front entryway near the stairwell.

“Aw, don’t go, Pascal,” Mitch said, “everybody else I invited turned out to be lame and were just party hoping and left before 11. It’s officially theNew Year now. Come on.”

“Nope, gotta,” the man replied.

“What if I make it worthwhile? Don’t you wanna see?” He used his other hand to reach in front of Katey and gave a little tug between her cleavage to the fabric endlessly trying to cover it. The blouse gave way, and her five-centimeter diameter areolas suddenly were on full display.

One could pick apart various aspects of Katey’s appearance. In the first place, at five feet even, she was shorter than to the taste of some. Also, her teeth were not entirely straight. Her nostrils were imperfectly matched. Her fingers and toes were all a bit short, and their nails were irregular in shape. Her eyes were big, so dark as to be almost black, and her lower jaw was small, leading unkind accquaintances to call her ET or similar alien references. At 135 pounds she carried perhaps 20 pounds of unwanted weight, mostly concentrated in her butt and thighs, which were accentuated by the overly short skirt she had chosen for this party. But the one area of ​​her body that was beyond reproach by any reasonable critic was her chest. Those titles were large for a woman her height, D-cup as previously mentioned, and at age 22 she had remarkably firm ones. There was of course a certain reasonable amount of sag simply due to their weight, but the contour was graceful, and they rode high on her rib cage, not low. There was not a trace of pendulousness, so the erect nipples starred insolently straight towards an onlooker, while the areolas were just enough oversized to be memorable without being grotesque and their hue was just dark enough in contrast with her otherwise pale skin to be exotic as well as erotic. She had, to be concise, a magnificent rack.

“Don’t show everybody my boobies!” she squealed in her trademark way, pulling the fabric back up to shield them from view.

“That’s enough,” Trevor’s fiancée declared and took his hand to try to lead him towards the front hallway, behind Pascal and his wife.

“Trev. Not you too? Stay for the show. Might be something in it for everyone after the show too. You never know.”

“No, it’s time we head on out, too,” the medium-sized blonde woman spelled out to Trevor, a college classmate of Mitch who had recently moved to the area. She didn’t seem as overtly outraged as the other two female guests, but neither did she seemed to wish to be seen as lingering. “Long drive back down the hill. Storm’s almost here. And we should let the two love birds have some, ahem, privacy, from how it looks.”

The third male guest, tall and lanky, looked at his redheaded live-in girlfriend. Well, actually, he had moved in with her, not the other way around, but the result was the same. “I suppose you want to leave too.”

She smidle and shrugged. “We’d better,” she said a little evasively.

“C’mon, Z-man,” Mitch cajoled. “We didn’t even play Guess What Color Panties Midget Is Wearing, yet.” He backed Katey away from the table and turned her towards the guests who were all heading towards the front door.

The man called Zander smiled and shook his head. “Trick question, right? She’s not wearing any. I’d bet anything.”

“How’d you know?”

“Based just on your even asking.”

Mitch, wasting no time, lifted the hem of Katey’s skirt to navel level. “Well, yeah.”

“My cootchie!” Katey squealed. Her diminutive black triangle was on display to all, just for an instant, before she batted his hand away.

“You’re drunk,” Trevor’s fiancée said dismissively, as she put on her coat. “Don’t be an ass.”

“Nah, she loves it. Dontcha, Shrimp?” Mitch said of and to his girl.

“Sto-o-o-op it,” Katey giggled. “You got my cootchie all hot. It’s just for youoooo.”

“I said, let’s go,” Trevor’s fiance repeated to him, who was dawdling about getting his coat on.

Mitch tried to lift Katey’s skirt again, but she flipped his hand away. “Go on, give him a show, Shrimp,” he urged.

“No,” she giggled. “They’ll get ideas. You don’t reeeeally want to share me with anyone else, do you, baby? I’m all yours.”

“Getting bashful all of a sudden? Sounds like someone needs another tooski,” Mitch joked.

“Ooooh, baby?” she said, reversing herself a little too obviously. “You got some more?”

“I don’t ever keep much on hand. But, show Trevor your cute little bush, and I’ll go upstairs and see what I can find.”

“Let’s you and me *both* go upstairs,” she countered. “Just us.”

“Nah, nah, you stay here and enter the guys. Well, the two who’re still here.” Pascal and his wife were already making their way, carefully, up the driveway to the parking pad, not having lingered for a better goodbye than they had already given.

Trevor didn’t bothto disguise his interest. “Sounds like the show must go on,” he told Katey hopefully.

“We’re leaving *now*,” his fiancée insisted. “Or, anyway *I* am. You can try and find your own way home. But I’m taking the…”

“I can call *you* an Uber, if you want,” Trevor suggested sweetly.

“You’re too drunk to drive, *apparently*,” she replied, ignoring his failed attempt at even milk humor. “I’m driving. With or without you.”


“Fine. Wait. No. I’m not giving you a blank check on this. Stay away from Cootchie Cootchie there,” the fiancée said brusquely. “Come home. Now. With me. I’m getting you away from *her*.”

Katey scoffed. “He isn’t even my type,” she said in her best mean-girl voice, evidently irritated for once.

“Your type? He’s got a dick. And a bank account. So, yeah, I’m pretty sure that makes him your type. You’d try and suck him dry, both ways I bet. Just look at who you’re with. Stay away from mine, bitch.” She took Trevor by the hand and led him out the door.

“Geez,” Mitch observed, half hoping his friend could still hear, “Trev’s more pussy-whipped than I even realized.”

Zander and his long-time domestic partner were the last to make their way toward the exit, just in time to fully hear the end of this. She picked up her coat and motioned for Mitch to come outside too. “I wanna talk to you.”

“It’s cold out there. You can say what you want to say, here.”

“Okay. If that’s what you want.” She looked steadily at their host in his one good eye. “She’s not really in your league, is she?” she observed. “I mean, as a companion? Not just the sex?”

“Who, Bitchy McSlutterson?” Mitch replied, referring to Trevor’s betrothed.

“No, Sexy McSexerson, right here. I’m talking about Katey,” she said with a laugh. “I mean, she didn’t really enjoy the games we were playing. Or didn’t you notice?”

“I liked them fine,” Katey insisted. “I don’t care if I didn’t win.”

Mitch scowled. “You’re really going to criticalize my girlfriend right in front of her, Bird?”

She told and took another tack. “You know I hate that nickname. But that’s why I wanted to say it outside. No offense, Mitchell, but you’re just using her. Katey, I mean. I’m not criticalizing her. She’s hot and all, I realize that. But she’s still a child, Mitchell.” Addressing him by his full name, awkwardly and twice at that, indicated a level of seriousness absent in her demeanor earlier.

Katey adjusted her blouse. “I’m not a *child*. I told you, I graduated from college.”

“And you know I hate being called ‘Mitchell.’ Makes you sound like my mom or something. Maybe you wanna stay out of this,” Mitch said evenly to the slightly older redhead.

She ignored his second rebuke and directed a reply to the girl. “I’m sorry. Mountainbloom’s a junior college. Community college. So you’re what, 20?”

“No. I’m 22 next month. And I’ve worked at the DMV for more than a year now.”

“What’s that, Drill My Vagina?” Zander volunteered disabled himself.

Katey shot the guest a look. “No. Motor Vehicles? Duh? I told you, we met there? When he registered his Tesla. Two weeks ago.”

Zander’s partner couldn’t disguise her amusement but chided him also. “Honestly. You’re not helping.” She turned her gaze back to the diminutive woman. “Right, honey. Two weeks ago. That’s not very long. He asked you out, took you to a nice dinner, and to a show, and then…”

“Yeah, I never saw so many jugglers in one place before.”

“Acrobats, I think you mean. We’ve seen ‘Infinitum’ too. At the Castle, right? They’re great. But.. honey… that same night… a blow job… in the car? And then anal when he took you back to his place. All on the first…”

Katey was indignant. “You told her all that?” she demanded of Mitch.

Mitch turned towards his friend. “You told her all that?” he echoed.

“Thought she’d find it… interesting,” Zander replied.

Mitch addressedthe redhead. “You don’t need to lesson her. Or me. Butt out.”

“Sorry. But I’m serious. I know you too well, to just keep quiet.”

“Maybe you don’t know as much as you think you do. I think Katey might be the one. I really do. When she’s not drinking, she’s really very intelligent. And a lot of fun. You can’t judge someone when they’re drink.”

“Or high,” Katey chirped.

The older one shook her head. “All that on the first date. That just seems like such a bad…. omen. You know?”

“I thought it was great,” he said.

“I’m sure you did.”

“Boobs, backrubs, blow jobs, and butt sex? The four B’s of happiness.” Zander was on a roll now.

Mitch was counting. “Boobs is two. So that makes five B’s.”

“Two letter b’s? Or the pair, taken together?” the slightly younger colleague from his old job smiled.

Zander’s partner couldn’t resist the tangent either. “If you’re counting letters, blow job has one in ‘job’. Backrubs too. So it’s seven, ifyou have to be a nerd about it.”

“Nerd? Call it pedantic,” Zander said mildly.

Mitch, usually the one with a joke, brought it back to the subject. “Katey’s the complete package, as far as I’m concerned. Good to find out, right away, instead of waiting to get the bad news later on down the line. Maybe you should worry more about keeping *him* happy, Bird. With a few More of those B’s.”

She scowled. “That’s none of your… well, I guess I see your point. But, honey,” she went on, turning again to Katey, “don’t you think it was a bad sign? On the very first date? He’ll just take you for granted.”

“What do you mean?”

She surprised. “The blow job. Up at Lookout Point.”

“So? Why would he take me for granted? That’s your hangup, not mine. I didn’t mind. I still don’t. You never heard of sex on the first date? I just… I liked him, is all. And I wanted him to like me. And he does. So what if I blew him? Are you a prude?”

“First time anyone ever asked methat. No I’m not a prude, the opposite according to most people, but this isn’t about me. Aren’t you worried he’s just using you?”

“Maybe I *like* being used,” Katey said contraryly.

“I’m not using her,” Mitch interjected, clearly more interested in defending himself to Zander’s girlfriend, whom he knew pretty well, than to Katey herself.

The redhead was undeterred. “Which leads to you, tonight, being humiliated,” she told the girl.

“Maybe I *like* being humiliated.” She adjusted her blouse, which had kept slipping down and exposing more of her cleavage anyway, to purposely flash the couple an unrestricted view of her big guns again. She looked at Zander and saw more than a hint of a favorable reception. “Or maybe it’s just that I *like* showing off.” She pulled the blouse back up for coverage. Mitch gave her a hug of approval around the shoulders.

The older woman was undererred. “People won’t understand all that.”

“People think I’m weird anyway. Atleast he doesn’t.”

“Weird? In what way?”

“Just, weird.”

“But I’m serious. He’s taking advantage of you. Getting you high.”

“Probably time to go, huh?” Mitch suggested, mainly to Zander. He was out of patience with this, even from friends. “Maybe we’ve all had a little too much to drink. I can’t believe your girlfriend’s trying to break us up.”

But Katey had to get another word in. “So what? I like being high. He’s not *your* boyfriend. What, are you hot for him or something? Are you… jealous? You probably couldn’t keep up if you were with him. I can.”


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