Katey’s Cootchie
Twelve Months: Thursday, April 1
She took another spoonful and tasted it. “Isn’t soup supposed to be hot?” she asked.
Their host, seated to her left, bellowed an unknown laugh, but Barbara the hostess seated at the opposite end of the formal dining table from her husband was more composed. “No, Katey, not this kind. Gazpacho is traditionally served This way,” she said gently. “It’s very much a beloved dish in Spain, where the evenings can be so warm. I think it goes well with the Spanish style shrimp. Do you like the fusion aspect, with the lemongrass and basil in the pad Thai? The noodles, I mean?”
“I guess so. I didn’t realize the party was going to be this fancy,” the young woman replied defensively. The cocktail attire of the host and hostess, and of the other guest couple seated across the table, was in contrast to her own tank-top and jeans and her boyfriend’s jeans and polo shirt combo.
“Some shrimp for my Shrimp,” Mitch said, just a beat late. Katey was almost exactly five feet tall, after all.
“I wouldn’t call our little get-together fancy, love,” the tall woman said, ignoring the younger man’s feeble attempt at humor and addressing his companion again. “Just a relaxing way to get to know one another.” She smiled just a bit too earnestly.
“Wellllllll, the symphony music kind of makes it fancy,” Katey observed, Regarding the ambient music in the room.
Syl to her left roared again. “Just tafelmusik, sweet cheeses. Chamber orchestra, St Paul’s I think. It’s Telemann, of course. Hardly a symphony.”
“What’s Toffle?” she asked, shrugging helplessly.
Her boyfriend put his arm around her. “I didn’t pick her out for her knowledge of fine arts,” Mitch said, Though he believedly added a chuckle to try to take the edge off of the condescension towards his much younger girlfriend. Especially since he didn’t know who Telemann was either. He just knew when to keep his mouth shut on things he didn’tKnow.
Barbara stood up and looked reprovingly at her husband. “Please, dear, don’t be quite so hard on her. You weren’t a music major, and I’m sure when you were 21 you didn’t know Telemann from Handel either.” She began to move towards the end of the room where Syl was.
“22 last week,” Katey amended, holding up her wrist. “He gave me a watch for my birthday.”
“Very nice, love. And no doubt you have a very good head on your shoulders,” Barbara said, looking over her own shoulder more towards Mitch than to his girlfriend. “They don’t hire dummies at the motor vehicle department, I’m sure.”
“You don’t have to be a genius either,” Katey responded. “I don’t know if I’m gonna keep working there, anyway. It’s a long commute.”
“True. They closed the satellite office up here, years and years ago. Long drive, especially in winter, and it’s hard to hire neary anymore. Going up and over eighty-nine hundred feet, every day, makes a tough commute.”
“Anyway,” Kateysaid, “I don’t claim to be smart. Not compared to Mitch. He’s *super* smart. Got his own company, and everything. He sold another patent this week.”
“It’s not really a…” Mitch began, exuding false modesty. Barbara had pushed open the 50s-era swinging door to the kitchen and exited the room, so she didn’t hear this last bit anyway.
“Yes,” said Syl, interrupting. “We read the profile, of both of you. For the Sharmas, as well.”
“Not everything went into her profile,” Mohan Sharma quickly said.
“Not everything *has* to,” his wife said through gritted teeth.
Katey was uncomfortable with the tension from the couple and sought immediately to change the subject. “Where are you from?” she asked her.
“I mean,” the younger one clarified, “where are you from *originally*?”
The brown-skinned woman glared at her. “Kan…sas. I was born in Kansas.”
Her husband injected himself into the question. “She’s ‘Radhika from Topeka’. Here’s the whole story since you ask. Her parents both came over here for school, met in New Jersey and got married and landed in Kansas for teaching jobs eventually. Her grandparents are all still in India. Me, my own grandparents all came over, together – my grandfathers had been classesmates – and so my parents were born in California, and I was raised here too. So Radhika from Topeka and I met out here, in College. And we moved up to Duo Lakes in ’97. So I guess you could say we’re as American as Yankee Doodle. Haha.”
“So, not an arranged marriage?” Mitch asked, with a trace of amusement.
Mohan took the joking cultural slight in good grace. “My parents were, actually. Might have worked out better for us too, if it had been.” He said it with a smile, but it seemed obviously pointed.
Katey interrupted. “Can I use your restroom?” she asked Syl.
“The bathroom is towards the front door,” he replied, motioning towards the far door of the dining room. It was difficult to tell whether he was in his 60s and in pretty good condition, or in his late 40s and already going downhill. Unfortunately tall and bald headed, he wasn’t as overweight as his nearly six-foot tall wife. “Go around the stairway.”
Katey took ten minutes. When she came back, the scene was considerably different.
Their buxom, matronly hostess, in her fifties and presumably of similar age to her husband, was seated again at the table, and the dinner plates and bowls had been replaced with servings of pudding. But Katey’s eye was hardly drawn to the dessert, as she returned to her seat.
“You okay?” Mitch asked solicitously.
“Maybe,” she said guardedly. “What’s going on?”
“Sit down, please. It’s a Spanish dessert,” Barbara replied with a straight face. “Flan. That’s what’s going on. In keeping with tonight’s fusion theme.”
The men all snickered. “Spanish Inquisition,” Mitch offered.
“Didn’t expect *that*,” Syl said, playing along.
“Python,” Mitch said quietly to her, by way of terse explanation that left her just as much in the dark as if he hadn’t.
Katey sat down but jabbed a thumb in Radhika’s direction. “No. I mean, her. I don’t wanna have to do that.”
The slender, pretty, 30-something woman was sitting with her head bowed in shade, her tiny breasts with inverted nipples in full view. The halter top of her cocktail dress was untied and hung uselessly at her waist. That part of the dress was perhaps two sizes too large in the body to begin with, so that a patient observer could have easily caught an occasional glimpse of her nipples, but now nothing was left to either the imagination or to the angle of view.
Mohan spoke. “She was just telling the men. Radhika, tell her too.”
His wife shook her head no.
He repeated his request.
“I’m here to suck every cock in this room,” she said, sullenly and barely auditory.
“Tell her why,” Mohan insisted.
“Because I sucked someone’s damn cock,” she said a bit louder, the sullen tone morphing to anger. “One. Once.”
Katey turned to her boyfriend, and whispered in his ear, “we might need to go.”
“What? No,” he replied, not bothering to lower his voice. “We just got here. Don’t freak out. Things are just moving a little faster this time.”
“No. I mean… my *cycle* started,” she whispered again, urgently.
Mitch scoffed. “What, is this an April Fool’s joke?”
“I thought Dr. Perv fixed things so you wouldn’t, well, have to.”
“So did I.”
“Well, so what, anyway? You carry tampons in your purse, don’t you?”
“No. Not since the doctor prescribed me. And you don’t have to say it out loud. Can we just go? Please?”
Syl broke in. “Her brother-in-law,” he explained, of Radhika’s peccadillo. Then, turning to Katey, “and, I’m pretty sure Barb’s got a Kotex you can use. Upstairs, if you want me to get you one,” he added unctually. “Or come up with me and get it yourself.”
“I havesupplies. At home.”
“No!” Radhika said fiercely, addressing the host’s explanation. “It wasn’t like that. I would *never* get involved with a family member. It was his sister’s *husband’s* brother. Not *my* brother-in-law.”
“Splitting hairs,” her husband said. “Like always.”
“You’re the one who escalated all this.”
“It’s not just Gautam. What about all the others?”
“I confessed everything, hoping to clear the air. Now you hold it against me. I told you, it was never an affair. Not with *any* of them. It’s not fair that you keep bringing everything up. It’s not like you’re perfect.”
“But you’re the one who stood, and it’s you who’s going to atone. So, say it again. When you say it a third time, they have to believe you.”
“I’m here to suck every cock in the room,” Radhika recalled in a monotone. “For the sake of the kids,” she added more normally, directed towards Barbara, “weird as that may sound. To keep my marriage together. For them.”
Katey again directed her response toward Mitch rather than the woman. “What’s all that supposed to mean? You’re not going to… let her… you know?”
“Suck my cock? Why not? Why is this different? I never turn down a free blow job. You’ve seen me with someone else before. I’ve seen you. What’s different tonight?”
“It just… is. It’s different. We only just met. And my… cycle, you know? I just… does it *always* have to be oral?”
“To be honest, when the algorithm set us up, that probably was the prime criteria. You know how I am, by now.”
“Baby! But… Noooo, I didn’t think… when you said… you know *I* would… wait, so were you planning this? You and the others? Without telling me?”
“No different than any other time. I don’t know why this is bothering you. You’re here to suck every cock in the room too.” Changing the subject, Mitch said to their host, “Syl, you mentioned you might be able to offer some, well, inducations?”
“Of the recreational variety?”
“Uh huh. Now would be a good time, since things are moving faster than I thought.”
“Depends on what you like,” the tall man said, turning to Katey now. “Weed? Blow? Oxy? Fenty? Methamph-…”
“What is this,” Katey asked warily, “an episode of Breaking Bad? It sounds like you have quite an association.”
“Don’t judge,” he told her, then answered on her behalf, “coke. I told you when we talked.”
Syl laughed. “I know. Just trying to be the consummate host.”
“Mitch, baby, please? Noooo. You’ve got plenty-…”
“Come on, sweet cheeses,” their host coated. “Upstairs, to where pleasures around.
She looked again at Mitch. “Baby. Back home…” – she had just moved in with him, a little over a week before – “we can… you know… party *there*. Just you and me. Whatever you want. You know that. Anything.”
Mitch stood up and stepped behind her chair, to give her shoulders a quick improvementtu massage. “You keep trying to bargain, every time, and it needs to stop. I’ve been too lenient with you. But I’m starting to learn. Go on up there with him, Shrimp. You know you’ll like what he’s got to offer. He won’t hurt you. He’ll bring you right back down, safe and sound. Good as new. Better than new, right? Ready for some super-intense orgasms.”
Syl stood up too, and the two men each took one of her hands and coerced her into standing. The older man confidently led her out of the dining room, and towards the spiral staircase near the entryway.
It was a good twenty minutes before she came back down the stairs. On the bottom step, she hollered around the corner, loud enough for those in the dining room to hear, “Mi-i-i-itch! He won’t gimme back my pants!”
She didn’t receive a reply, so she made her way to the dining room. “It’s all your fault, baby. Look at me,” she giggled as she reached the doorway, adjusting her tank top guiltily, before surveying the scene in the room. Though her tits were covered, her jeanswere gone and below the wait she was barefoot and clad only in her panties, with an inexpertly applied sanitary pad clumsily peeking out from there. One upper thigh was smelled with a tiny amount of blood near her crotch.
Mitch was still seated in his chair, as during dinner. “What’s my fault?” he asked his girlfriend milkly, as Syl also re-entered the dining room looking smug.
She laughed eerily. “He *spanked* me, baby. Played with my *cootchie*. Then he *made* me suck his cock ’til he was hard enough. Then he *finished* in my butt.” Her vocal infections were noticeably more expressive than before. “I need to cum, real bad.” She looked around the room, and finally comprehensive the sex show in the far corner: Mohan was standing with his back to the wall, his trousers down to his knees, receiving oral ministers from their hostess who was now topless with those size 44-DD fun bags hanging to the bottom of her ribcage. “Ew!” she exceled at the sight. “She’s doing it too?”
“Whatsa matter?” Mohan asked, shaken from his bliss by the squeal of disgust, “Don’t play innocent. You’re no different than her or Radhika.”
“Yeah, where’d she go?” Katey asked, transferred by the scene despite her initial repulsion.
“Radhika? She right here,” Katey’s own boyfriend told her, pointing towards his crotch. The long tablecloth obscured what was happening, although the location covering his lap should have been suspicious by itself, as was his slouching posture on the chair. Similar to the blanket at the nude beach in Hawaii precisely two months earlier, the motion underneath was a clear giveaway that he too was receiving a blow job, now that Katey thought to look.
“Baby, no!” she cried out, and rushed over to him. “It needs to go in my cootchie!” She lifted the clothes and found Radhika struggling to pleasure his thick, if not unusually long, member. She kicked at the Indian woman. “Get away from him, bitch!”
“Fine with me,” said Radhika, recoiling from the kick but glad to be handed an excuse to stop. She began crawling out from under the dining table, first away from Katey and then away from the corner where her husband and their hostess were.
Mohan meanwhile had tried to place a hand at the back of Barbara’s head, but the older woman brushed it away from there and drew back, briefly letting go of his cock. “You’re not that large, love, but nobody Likes being forced,” she admonished.
“Big enough to father two boys,” he said, and then closed his eyes to improve his concentration as she resumed her vigorous tongue-lashing of his cock.
“No!” Mitch protected to Radhika. “Come back. Midget’s not giving the orders.”
“You were taking too long anyway,” the caramel-skinned beauty gripped as she stood up. She was naked now, and her five-foot-three frame looked great from head to slender toe, except for her lack of tits relative to the other two women in the room. The only other negative was her cleanly shaked pubic shaft which was slightly red with irritation from a recent turn with a razor.
“That’s ’cause Shrimp gave me a quickie in the car. So I wouldn’t be too quick tonight. That’s usually her complaint.”
“Guess she must like to blow guys, then. She just got done saying she did Syl, too.”
“Go suck *his* dick,” Mohan commanded his wife, as he tried again to stroke the hair of the large woman blowing him. “You keep saying you like ’em big.”
“You don’t have to keep humiliating me, over and over and over,” she shot back, making no effort to cover her nudity.
“But he didn’t come in my mouth,” Mitch’s girlfriend said to her, belatedly.
“Yeah. You told us where he finished. That’s even worse.”
“Come here,” the tall host said to Radhika. “Your husband’s right. You’re next. Remember what you said. You’re here to suck every cock. Same as Barb and Katey.” When she didn’t comply right away, he moved next to her and took her by the hand, to lead her out ofthe dining room.
“You’re at least going to clean up first, right?” was the last thing the others heard as they departed.
“Ohhh,” the big woman said to Mohan, taking another break to address his concern, “don’t take it so personally. I actually think yours is quite handsome.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Much nicer looking than hubby’s in fact. I prefer them intact. Don’t tell him I said that.” She grasped the base, pulled the foreskin back again, and added, “eight inches has its drawbacks.” She resumed performing oral on his ten-centimeter tool.
“Tell that to Radhika, then,” Mohan smiled. “She said she tried out two clients at work, and our son’s third-grade teacher, and then my brother-in-law, all because she wanted to find out what a bigger dick was like. Maybe she’ll like sucking Syl off, instead.” Syl and Radhika were already out of earshot.
“Come on, baby,” Katey said to Mitch, adopting a more soothing tone. “You can finish with me. You *know*I can’t control myself. Sometimes coke just makes me so… you know!”
“What do I know?”
“Horny! He spanked me, and said I was submerged, I mean subversive, and then he just, kind of, just, you know, took over, and he submerged me.” She giggled.
“You’re *submissive*,” corrected Syl, who had momentarily re-entered the room to leave Katey’s denim jeans. While upstairs with her, he had changed into a pair of gray sweatpants but no shirt, and it was evident he was still aroused. He was far from attractive, with a heavy belly, but his six-foot-eight build, supporting probably 275 pounds, was intimidating when presented like this. “*Preposterously* submissive.”
“Whatever. You told me to get down on my knees, and then pushed me down and pulled down your pants. What else was I supposed to do?”
“Exactly! Now I’m about to find out now how the other one compares. Hey, I didn’t realize the orgy was going to be in full swing down here already, though. Why don’t the restof you come upstairs too? The playroom’s open for business.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Epilogue: Radhika turned out to seek the humiliation but on her own terms. After three hours upstairs at Syl and Barbara’s lavish home, involving her first-ever hit of cocaine and later half-a-tab of molly, the action seemed to be finally winding down for good, but her husband suddenly insisted on one final blowjob from Katey, just to show off (she thought). So she retaliated by pulling Mitch down on the floor and working him also to a usable erection, yet again, while he called her a dirty whore at her own best. Then she mounted him while their host and hostess watched. During the act, she whispered in his ear that she wanted his phone number, he whispered it to her, and she whispered it back to make sure. Katey and Mohan were otherwise occupied and were none the wiser. Syl and Barbara merely shrugged.
The next day, Mitch got a text from her, in which she recklessly told him she wanted to experience his thick cock again, and that he should suggest a time during working hours so she wouldn’t get caught, to allow her time to travel the thirty miles of mountainous road to come to his place at Kings Ridge between the two lakes called Duo, and then back. She also suggested he send Katey into the city on an errand, so that she could have him to herself and find out whether it was the same without being high.
Thus it was that two days later, they met at his house and, long story short, it wasn’t the same. She couldn’t even orgasm that afternoon even when he went down on her, and she was in turn reluctant to perform oral.
Afterward he decided she had less to offer than Katey in the ways that were important to him, while by comparison nothing she had to offer in compensation was of cruel value to him – prettier face and slimmer thighs and more delicious hands and feet weren’t much, compared to a steady supply of blow jobs on demand and a responsive sexual appetite of her own.
As for her, the dispatch of yet another man who was not her husband was enough of an accomplishment to satisfy her need for the hookup, and the completion of the sex act was nearly an afterthought. His odd sense of humor was off-putting to her, and his one eye that could not track with the other was difficult to not be bothered by.
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