Twelve Hours with Joan Ch. 04

1:15 PM

Eddie led Joan across the parking lot and back to the van. Reaching it through the drizzling sleeve without falling he immediately opened the side door to the back of the mini cargo van.

“Get in,” he ordered her.

Joan reached for the front passenger door.

“No!” said Eddie. “Here.” He gestured her to climb into the back.

Grabbing the lip of the doorway Joan pulled herself up and hunted over to get into the back of the van. Eddie followed behind her and quickly slip the door shut behind him.

The only available light was coming through the two back windows which had been heavily tinted. Although the low light Joan had no trouble identifying the stocks bolted to the floor in the middle of the cargo section of the van. She also noticed that there were no back doors.

“Get undressed,” ordered Eddie. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

Joan quickly took off her long coat, her jacket, and began unbuttoning her shirt. Eddie saw her shivering and realized that freezing to death was not part of the gig.

“When you finish getting undressed just wait,” Eddie told her. “I’m going to get the heater going. Be naked when I get back.”

Eddie opened the side door just enough to climb out himself and shut it behind him. Walking quickly around the front of the van he separated the remote lock from the key chain. Clicking the door unlocked he opened the driver side and jumped in. Placing the key in the ignition he fired up the van and turned on the heater. He waited a few moments until the heat was blowing heavily from the vents, the flicked the switch that allowed heat into the vents of the cargo compartment.

Then he left the van running, climbed out and climbed back into the side cargo door. Shutting the door behind him he used the remote to lock all the van doors.

Sure enough Joan was almost naked in the back, shivering and rubbing her hands on her shoulders and legs to stay warm. The vents were pouring hot airinto the back section though, and Eddie knew it would be warm enough in just 2 or 3 minutes.

Joan had folded her clothes neatly and left them in a pile next to the suitcase, and had been smart enough to leave her collar on. What she wasn’t smart enough to do, Eddie noticed, was leaving the clothes that were in the suitcase alone. Also folded neatly on the floor of the bay was the dress she was going to wear to the casino where Eddie was supposed to pimp her out like they had discussed in their e-mails. The fact that Eddie had no intention of going to the casino was something he hadn’t shared with her yet. Although that fact her assumption of what was going to happen next in this encounter today needed to be dealt with.

Eddie crawled over to the stocks and undid the latch to raise the bar.

“I want to you come around to the back, face the front of the van, and put your head and hands into these stocks,” Eddie told her. “I’m going to use this position to fuck your pussy like I told Richard.”

Joan immediately compiled, crawling around the back of the stocks and placing her head and hands where he told her. The neck of the stocks was cushioned and not uncomfortable. The arm holes were large enough for her hands to slide through though. Eddie fixed that by placing locking shackles around each of her wrists. Besides being a thick metal band each shackle had a four pointed tips, each three inches long, that kept her hands from being able to slide back through the holes. When she was in place, naked, on her knees with head and arms secured Eddie flipped the latch that held the upper half of the stock in place.

Eddie reached to the front of the bay and pulled back a small black shaving kit.

“Have you ever heard of the concept of ‘topping from the bottom’. Eddie asked conversationally?

“Yes, Sir,” Joan answered, sounding confused.

“So you know what it means for a submissive to try and control a scene, even though the dominant is supposed to be in charge?”

“Yes, Sir, but I haven’t…”

“Shut up!” snarled Eddie. “Yes you have.”

He waited a second to see if she was going to object again. She kept her mouth shut and her eyes down.

“What were my instructions when I sent you into the bathroom earlier,” Eddie asked her.

“You told me to dress myself for the encounter Appropriately, Sir.”

“And what else?”

“You told me to read a set of cards that would tell me how to act, Sir.”

“And did you do that?”

“I asked you to make some changes, Sir, but I still acted…”

“Stop! I want a yes or no answer. Did you do as I instructed you on the cards?”

Joan’s mouth hung open as her brain struggled for a reply.

Eddie leaned his mouth close to her ear and whispered fiercely, “Did you do as I instructed you on the note cards?”

“No, Sir,” she finally replied.

“So you disobeyed me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And what did I tell you was going to happen if you didn’t do what I told you to do?”

“You said that I would be punished, Sir.”

Eddie leaned back and told in frustration. “What kind of punishment?”

“You said that I would probably be punished in a manner that involved pain to my nipples, Sir.”

“Finally we get there,” Eddie said, shaking his head. “Do you know what else you did that requires punishment?”

“No, Sir. I don’t,” said Joan.

Eddie crawled to the front of the bay and held up the floral printed dress. “Look here,” he ordered.

“I, I’m sorry…” Joan began.

“Don’t tell me you’re sorry,” Eddie interrupted. “Tell me what you were thinking!”

“Sir, you said we were short on time,” she said hurriedly. “I was trying to…”

“Stop!” he said again. “What did I tell you about anticipating me?”

“You said not to do it, Sir,” she admitted, her eyes lowered again.

“Look up here, Joan,” Eddie ordered. “I want you to see this.”

Joan looked up to see Eddie holding her glold dress with floral print wadded up in his hand.

“You won’t be wearing this dress today,” he informed her. Holding up one finger he went on. “First, we really don’t have the time even if I did have the inclination.”

Holding up a second finger he continued, “Second. The idea of ​​a black man pimping out a white woman in a casino is so cliche that I have no intention of getting crosswise with their security. I’d rather deal with real cops.”

“And third,” he added, holding up another finger. “I have no intention of rewarding your efforts to ‘top from the bottom’. In fact, and I’m sure you’ve figured it out, I’m getting ready to punish you for that. You do understand, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir,” Joan softly admitted. “I understand.”

Eddie reached over and opened the side door of the vehicle. Looking around quickly he didn’t see anyone else in the parking lot. He did notice that the sleeve was turning into snow and was starting to accumulate. Taking the wadded up dresshe reached out and shut it underneath the van. Then he shut the door.

“Okay,” he said, sounding like he was talking to himself. “We have that out of the way.”

Unbuttoning his shirt Eddie appeared to be involved in an internal debate. Stripping it off he showed Joan a muscle body that his clothes had only hinted at. But he appeared to be temporarily oblivious to her presence. Taking off his shoes and socks he appeared to come to a decision. As he removed his pants and boxer shorts his jaw was set as he prepared himself for what he had decided was ahead.

Reaching over to the severe looking black shaving kit he pulled it to him and opened it. Taking out a pair of clear vinyl gloves he put them on, concentrated on the gloves and never making eye contact with the restrained woman so near to him.

Exploring the inside of the bag again Eddie removed a small jar. He heard Joan’s gasp as she recognized the label.

He finally looked back at her for the first time since he started to get undressed.

“So you recognize this?” he asked.

Joan nodded her head, not trusting her voice to betray her any further than it already had.

“Have you ever used it before?”

“No,” she croaked.

“But you know what it does?”

“Yes,” she acknowledged, looking down again.

“I’ll bet you do,” Eddie said slowly. “Their commercials are pretty descriptive, although they make it’s effects sound so soothing when they talk about putting it on sore muscles or aching joints. It’s funny that they don’t describe what it does to more sensitive areas, now isn’t it?”

Eddie watched her as she opened and closed her mouth, trying to think of a response.

“You don’t need to speak,” he finally told her. “What you need to be doing is thinking. You need to be considering your position very carefully right now. You have one punishment coming in the next few minutes. How badly do you want to avoid another punishment after that?”

Setting the jar down Eddie opened the black bag again. He rummaged around and brought out an old piece of stuffed clothes shaped like an apple. The style was antique and the colors were faded with lots of glints of metal. Joan realized she was looking at an old-fashioned pin cushion.

“This belonged to my grandmother.” Eddie’s voice was nonchalant. “She used to push all the pins and needs in deep and twirl it around. I was always fascinated at the way it glittered as it spun.”

He set the pin cushion down on the floor and picked up the jar again. Then he crawled back behind Joan. He reached between her legs and ran his thumb up and down her pussy lips. Sliding it inside her he could feel even through the glove that she was more than ready for his cock.

“Hmmm,” he pondered. “All this talk about hurting your nipples seem to turn you on.”

Her only answer was a long exercise of breath.

Eddie’s cock felt like a police nightstick it was so hard. He got on his kneesbehind her and slide himself deep inside her moist pussy.

Joan’s reaction was a sharp intake of breath, followed by fast shallow breathing as she felt her body wrap around his penis.

Eddie wasn’t nearly ready to start pumping yet. He leaned over her back, putting his head over the top of the stocks so he could speak closely into her ear.

“You were ready for this weren’t you,” he whispered. “But what you seem to have forgotten about being a submissive is that what you want is secondary to what I want.” From where Eddie was kneeling it was an easy reach to the jar. Leaning across the top of the stocks he was able to open it where she could see it, and use one finger on his right hand to get a smear of balm out.

“I want to make sure you understand something here, Joan,” Eddie Continued in a low voice. “This is a punishment. You are allowed to cry, or moan, or even scream if you wish. These types of vans are very well built and I have made sure that this oneis soundproofed.”

With that comment Eddie used his left hand to reach under Joan and pull out her right nipple. He used his right hand to carefully trace a circle around her nipple, trying to stay outside of her aureole. Then he got another bit of balm and did the same with her left nipple.

“What I don’t want to hear is you trying to beg, plead, make any promises,” he He could tell by the tension of her body that a wave of cold was starting in the circle around her nipples that was covered in balm. “Or even try to use your safe word. None of that is going to work right now. In fact, something like that just might distract me. And if I get distracted who knows what might happen. Some of Richards cum might start to leak out of your ass and I might wipe it up with the wrong finger perhaps?”

Her gasp, and a greater tightening of her body, especially where her pussy was wrapped around his cock, told him that now the heat was taking the place of the cold on her breasts.

Richard reached down and got another, larger smear of balm on his finger. This time he did a quick swirl directly onto her left nipple first, followed by her right.

Ah… ah… ah… nng,” began Joan, and then she started a low keening moan of pain.

“Shhhh…” whispered Eddie, with obvious satisfaction in his voice. “You don’t want to lose your concentration now.”

He could see the woman gritting her teeth.

“Fight through the pain,” Eddie told her. “We both need to concentrate now.”

As she fought the pain, tensing and releasing every muscle in her body, Eddie began to stroke his cock inside her.

“Let’s not make any mistakes now,” he continued. “We still have a lot of hours to go before it’s time for your nipple piercing. Since I want to make sure you are obedient between now and then…” Eddie stopped to take a deep breath as he felt her vaginal muscles get a hard grip then release.

“Since I want to make sure you are obedient,” he repeated. “I’m going to tell you that for the rest of the day I am going to keep track of your infections and give them a point rating from one to ten.”

Eddie stopped stroking and reached down to the jar of balm again. This time he dipped three fingers into the translucent gel.

“I’m going to keep a running tally of the total points. At the end of the day I’m going to remove either a pin or a need from that pincushion on the floor and I’m going to put it into one of your breasts.”

Joan gasped as she realized the implications of this threat.

“Yes,” whispered Eddie. “If you aren’t careful you could rack up quite a tally.”

Eddie put his hands in front of her face and made sure she watched as he rubbed the three coated fingers into the palm of his other hand. Then he rubbed the palms and fingers of his hands together, coating both of the gloves.

“And that wouldn’t be a tally that your rack would like very much now would it?” Eddie laughed athis own choice of words.

Then he reached down and gripped Joan’s breasts, using them as leverage to pull himself deeper into her pussy with his cock.

Now her entire breasts were coated with balm. Part of it already heating her aureole and nipples, and the rest of her breasts first going cold, then starting to match the burn.

They could both hear Eddies’ balls slapping up against her as his cock pumped her pussy, His hands continuing to pull at her tits, trying to pull on her nipples.

Eddie could see the tears streaming from Joan’s eyes, her lips wide, her teeth clinched. He let go of her breasts and gripped the top of the stocks. He could see his own hips from here, pulling back and pushing forward as his cock swelled. From here he could also see the round little bud that was her ass. Knowing what the rest of the afternoon held for her he realized this was probably his last chance to fuck that tight little hole.

That was when Eddie made his own mistake.

Pulling out of her pussy Eddie had assumed the hardness of his cock would make it easy to penetrate her already used ass. Realizing what he was trying to do Joan was cooperating by pushing back into him. But she was still to tight for that to work.

Without thinking it through Eddie reached back with his left hand, and using the index finger and thumb to wrap around the base of his cock he was able to push deeply into her ass with one plumge, hearing her gasp of pain as he did so.

The sudden burst of cold on his own balls made him realize where the palm of his hand had been resting. And the equal burst of cold at the base of his cock made him remember rubbing his fingers together. He really should have taken the gloves off first.

Stroking quickly he tried to make himself cum as quickly as possible, wanting to finish and use an alcohol Wipe on his balls as soon as he could.

And then the heat began to build.

Eddie couldn’t believe the sensing he was feeling in his cock. He actually felt like he was getting harder!

“Oh God…” he began. He just couldn’t stop now. Gripping the stocks again with both hands he pumped faster and faster as the heat grow, both inside and outside his cock.

With a sudden gasp and a final plumge Eddie shot his load into Joan’s ass. He felt the second spurt, but was shocked when he shot for a third, and then a four and final time. After coming earlier he didn’t think he had that much left.

For almost a minute the only sound in the truck was the short, fast breathing of both Eddie and Joan as they worked their way past their own individual pain.

1:50 PM

Eddie crawled to the front of the van and cleaned himself thoroughly with alcohol wipes. Then he went back and took the wrist restraints off of Joan so she could take her hands out through the holes in the stocks.

“We’re not taking your head out yet,” he informed her. But he handed her some wipes to take the rest of the balmoff of her breasts and nipples.

Rooting around in the pile of clothes and other assorted items on the floor in the front Eddie finally found his phone. Flashing through his contact list he punched in name and let the phone dial.

Joan only got to hear one side of the conversation.

“Hey Dre,” Eddie said into the phone. “I could really use your help and I’ll be looking for Cory next. Where you at?”

“Oh yeah? And Cory’s there too? Got a big crowd there today?”

“Really. I figured it would be packed ya know, with no place else to go today. I guess the weather had people staying home.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway, go get Cory and find a quiet place to talk. Then call me back.”

“Yeah, call me back.”

Eddie reached back and flipped the latch on the stocks and raised the top bar, allowing Joan to free her head.

“Take some more towels and clean yourself off,” he told her, handing her a box of alcoholWipes. “We’ll see in a couple of minutes how this goes.”

Eddie got his pants and socks on, then maneuvered around to put on his shirt and got it tucked in, his pants zipped, and his belt buckled. Then he slipped into his shoes.

Reaching for his cell phone it rang. He looked at the screen and smiled.

“Yo, Dre?”


“You two have Any plans going on right now?”

“Cool. Can the two of you get down to the Old Grand in the next half hour?”

“Yeah, the adult store.”

“I need you two to make sure that the second booth is clear.”

“Yeah, the glory hole booth. I’ve got a white bitch that you are not gonna believe!”

“Yeah I’m for real.”

“Yes, I’m for… shut up and listen!”

“I want her for an hour in the booth and then we go to the theater.”

“Yeah, I’m paying.”




…p>”Yeah.” Eddie was shaking his head and looking at his phone.

“You two get first choice in the booth or in the theater. But I’m gonna need your help keeping the animals in line.”

“No, mainly you keep anyone from jumping the line.”

“Outside of making sure some motherfucker doesn’t get carried away and stuffing his cock down her throat until she chokes to death you don’t need to worry about what happens to her.”


“I’ve got some other things for you two to do but that can wait until we get there.”

“It can wait until we get… Just get over there and make sure the booth is clear.”

“Yeah, see you in about 30 minutes.”

“OK, bye.”

Eddie clicked off his phone and looked at Joan. “You have about 30 minutes to get ready.”

Rummaging again he came up with the black magic marker. “Kneel in front of me!”

Joan did as she was ordered and watched as Eddie wrote ‘Cum Bucket’ on her stomach and drew two arrows aimed towards her pussy.

“Get yourself ready. I’m going to drive us where we are going. If you aren’t completely ready by the time we get there I’m going to count that as a tally mark for every 5 seconds it takes you to finish after I open this side door after we get there.”

Eddie picked up Joan’s clothes that she wore into Richard’s office, his own jacket, and the remote.

“Do you understand what I’m expecting of you?” he asked her.

“Yes, Sir,” she said.


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