Eddie looked at his watch as they headed out the front door.
He was shaking his head. Of course it was taking longer to get going than he had planned!
Joan was 3 steps behind him, carrying almost all of the bags. Eddie carried only her laptop case which held the digital camera and the camcorder along with spare batteries and memory chips for both.
He led her through the slow drizzle of icy water to his compact cargo van. It was a newer model in red. A sign on the passenger side cargo door matched the driver side door with the words ‘Mobile Security System’. Eddie wondered sometimes if anyone noticed the lack of phone number or web site on the sign.
He wasn’t going to be able to transport Joan in the back, not if he wanted to get to Richards’ office only a little late. He didn’t want to allow her to see the inside of the back of the van. Not yet.
“Put the bags down and get into the drivers seat,” he ordered.
“Yes Sir,” she said, quickly complying.She knew it was her actions that was making them late and she was wondering if Eddie was planning on punishing her in some way for that.
Eddie passed her the satchel with the camera and recorder. As he shut the passenger door he noticed that she was admiring the cab of the van. Eddie was proud of the vehicle. With the signs on the outside he was virtually invisible on the highway. The van looked like either the sales vehicle or the repair truck for a successful technology company.
He opened the sliding door behind Joan. A wall with a small sliding door near the top center was fronted up against the cab. Putting the bags into the cargo area he looked over the interior. Nicely carpeted, completely soundproofed and currently boasting a set of stocks in highly varnished oak.
Shutting the door he hurried to the driver side, climbed in and started the van. He only had to let it run for 30 seconds before turning on the heater and getting a steady stream of warm air.
“Whew,” Eddie exclaimed and turned to see Joan quickly warming her hands in the heat.
Eddie smiled in her direction. She wasn’t going to find traveling in the back of the van later nearly as comfortable.
Without another word Eddie backed out of the parking space and drive directly out of the hotel parking lot through a series of side streets that led to the intersection of two nearby freeways.
“How ready are you for this?” Eddie asked, breaking the silence as they climbed up the entrance ramp that led to a cloverleaf series of entrances, exits, and merging lanes.
“I’m absolutely ready, Sir.” Her voice was confident as she watched to see where they were going.
Eddie turned on the radio and saw a quick glance of surprise on her face. She obviously didn’t expect Eddie to be a fan of smooth jazz.
The music relaxed Eddie, who had been cursing himself for keeping the blindfold in the back of the vehicle. He had planned on transporting her from place to placein the back, blind and bound so she couldn’t see where they were going.
As the music played he thought it through to the arrival. She was going to end up seeing where she was once they got out of the van anyway. It’s not like he was going to be able to stop her from seeing the outsides of buildings they were going into.
Leaving the area of the hotel behind Eddie approached the next highway interchange only minutes later and changed freeways to go west.
Joan seemed to recognize the area, pushing her head back into the seat as they drove past exits leading to recently built upscale suburban neighborhoods.
She relaxed a bit as Eddie took an exit that led to two large retail blocks that sat almost side by side. Continuing past the mini malls he turned left into an office park. Five 15 story buildings with surrounding parking lots existing with narrow strips of carefully cultivated grass and trees.
Eddie took them towards the second building of the group.
The surfaces of the highways, the streets, and even the long entrance way to the business park had been clear. But as Eddie parked as close to the building as he could he realized the parking lots had begun to ice over.
He told Joan to wait as he exited, then came around to her side to help her out. She took his arm naturally with her free hand, her laptop case hanging in her outside hand. Walking slowly across the lot They finally got to the salted sidewalk and entrance way.
Leading her inside they went to the bank of elevators, quickly found one going up, and were alone inside as Eddie punched in the fourth floor. Glancing at Joan in the elevator he was pleased to see that she looked exactly like a professional saleswoman making a business call.
The fourth floor held the office entrances for only three companies. Eddie led Joan to the closest door and held it open for her, allowing her into the reception area first.
The lady behind the reception desk was newto Eddie. “How may I help you,” she asked?
“We’re here to see Richard. If you could please tell him that Eddie is here,” he replied, matching her professional tone. The clock over her desk read 12:11.
“He’s expecting you,” she said. “If you will go ahead to his office I’ll let him know you are coming.”
Eddie took off his long coat and hung it on a rack in the reception area. Then he helped Joan with her coat.
Eddie smiled his thanks to the receptionist and turned down the hallway to the right. Joan followed approximately behind, the sound of the receptionist talking into her phone trailing them down the hall.
“Eddie!” he heard Richard greet him from behind his desk, happy to see him.
“Richard, how are you,” he replied, closing the door behind the two of them. “Allow me to introduce you to Joan. Joan, this is Richard.”
Richard stood as the introductions were made and waited as they crossed the locke area in the oversized office. He offered hisbusinessman’s handshake to the lady first.
“Very nice to meet you Joan,” He gave her his professional smile.
“Nice to meet you as well, Richard,” she smiled back.
Two chairs sat across from Richard’s desk and he gestured for them to sit as he relaxed into his chair.
“So Eddie, what can I do for the two of you?
“Actually Richard, it’s Joan that would like to talk to you. I’m just here to let her get her foot in the door, so to speak.”
Richard looked confused and leaned back in his chair to look at Joan.
“You know, if you weren’t with Eddie I’d probably throw you out for not making a proper appointment.” He frowned a bit, crossed his arms and added. “But go ahead and make your sales pitch.”
“I’d like to Ask a question first.” Joan began. “How soundproof are your walls?”
“What do you mean?” asked a startedled Richard, glancing from Joan to Eddie and back. “If I started screaming for help the receptionist would be able to hear me.”
“Relax,” smiled Joan. “I’m talking about me, not you Richard. I tend to be a screamer. You may have to gag me if I make too much noise.”
Eddie watched with amusement as Richard struggled to keep up with the conversation. Joan stood up beside him and pushed her chair back out of the way.
“I do want something from you,” she told Richard, unzipping the zipper on the right side of her skirt. “The only question is whether or not you want to give it to me.” Undoing the button she let her skirt fall to her feet. As she stepped out of the skirt and moved to the side of Richards desk she kicked her shoes away as well.
Richard looked down towards her waist and realized what he thought was a severe business blouse was actually a man’s dress shirt. She had disguised the collar with a blue and gray scarf. As Joan took off her jacket he saw a jiggle beneath the thick starched fabric that suggested she wasn’t wearing a bra.
“I want to play a game, Richard.” She spoke to him inlow sultry tones as she reached up under the tails of the shirt and squatted quickly as she pulled off her white thong. Standing again she held the thong up to her left shoulder as she continued.
“And like most games, there are rules.” She opened the top drawer of Richards desk and looked down into a mess of pens, pencils, a stapler, and a mixture of varying office products. Dropping the panties into the drawer she shut it again.
She leaned over and placed a finger over his lips and looked into his eyes. “One of the rules is that you aren’t allowed to ask me any questions.”
“All you have to do is decide whether or not you want to play after I show you what the game is.”
Joan turned around and stepped between Richards legs and faced his desk. Looking relatively over her right should she started lifting the shirt up.
Richard watched her as she revealed wonderful thighs and the shirt keep going higher. Rising above an ass that he immediately rated as being inthe top ten percent he began to see letters appear where her wait met her ass.
‘Fuck My Ass’ was written in black magic marker on the small of her back.
Joan was watching Richards eyes. As they openedly comprehended what they were reading she began grinding her ass back and forth. Then she spread her legs and leaned over the top of Richards desk, staring straight ahead.
Richard had mentally caught up with what was happening and looked over at Eddie.
“Is she for real,” Richard asked?
“Yes,” said Eddie. “And she wasn’t kidding about needing the gag either. I brought one along if you don’t have one.”
Richard looked at Eddie with some surprise. Then he looked down at Joan’s ass and ran one hand appreciatedly over her cheeses. He looked back up at Eddie.
“And I’m not supposed to ask her any questions. That’s one of the rules?”
“There are rules that apply to her as well,” Eddie improved quickly. “As soon as she bent over your desk she gave upthe right to say ‘no’. Her safe word is no longer valid and she has to take whatever happens next. Isn’t that right, Joan?”
Joan nodded her head yes, biting her lower lip.
“Are there any other rules or expectations I should know about,” asked Richard, looking from Eddie to Joan.
Joan looked back around at Richard. “Eddie’s job is to operate the video camera that is in my bag. He can leave your face out of the video if you would like.”
Richards hand stopped caressing Joan’s ass as he considered.
“Let me think about this for a moment,” he told Eddie.
Eddie stood up and reached into his jacket pocket. “Let me take care of something while you think about it.”
Taking a black ball gag into his hands he held it in front of Joan’s face. She obediently opened her mouth wide.
“Good girl,” Eddie told her. Pulling the straps around the back of her head he fastened them together tightly. “Try to scream,” he ordered her.
‘Mmffffffgggg’, was the sound that came pretty much from her mouth. The only other sound was the breathing through her nose.
Eddie turned back to his buddy. “I didn’t want her influencing your decision,” he said as he smiled.
“So I get to fuck her in the ass while you make a video of it, is that what this is all about? Have you got her ass nice and ready for me,” asked Richard?
“Actually, no,” admitted Eddie. “I haven’t done anything to prepare her for this and I haven’t allowed her to do anything either.”
Richard looked at Eddie, contemplating. Running his hand slowly back to the center of Joan’s ass he pressed his index finger up against her bud, and then pushed it in to the first knuckle. Hearing the slight gasp through Joan’s gag he pinched his thumb up against the skin around his finger until he felt her body convulse and she gave a moan of pain.
Pulling his finger out he appeared to make up his mind. “Go ahead and get that camera out, Eddie, and throw me a pillow from that couchover there.”
Eddie was watching Joan’s face and she appeared to be both vindicated and excited by Richard’s decision. He decided to get the pillow first.
It took a few moments for Eddie to get to the couch and retrieve the pillow. As he turned back towards the desk he saw Richard pulling Joan up by her shoulders. Untying the scarf from her neck and placing it on the desk Richard then started unbuttoning the Shirt from the top down.
Eddie watched Richard open the shirt and caress Joan’s breasts, slowly running his open hand up and down, the fingers massaging her nipples. Leaving the shirt on her he pulled his hands back and gestured to Eddie to bring over the pillow.
“The edges of this desk are kind of sharp,” Richard said, taking the pillow from Eddie.
Placing the pillow in front of her hips and wait Richard used his body to push Joan forward and leaned her over the desk again, the shirt playing out to her sides.
He took a half step back and ran his tongue across his teeth as he looked at her shirted torso laying across his desk while her naked ass and legs were presented to him.
Richard looked back at Eddie, “And she can’t say no?”
Eddie shook his head.
“Joan?” Richard said, “Reach your hands back to me”
“Hold up a second,” interrupted Eddie. “Let me get the camcorder going.”
Going to Joan’s bag he pulled out and turned on the camcorder. He also took his own cell phone out of his pocket and turned on it’s camera function.
“I think I’m ready,” Eddie said to the room in general.
Richard left Joan alone for a few moments, long enough to take off his tie and lay it next to her scarf on the desk.
“OK, Joan,” he said. “Let’s try this again. Give me your hands.”
Eddie pointed the camcorder at the action on the desk and began to record.
As Joan reached her hands towards the front of the desk Richard took them and bent her arms so her wrists each reached towards the opposing elbow. Taking her scarf he tied it securely to her right wrist and secured the other end of the scarf to her left elbow. Using his own tie he finished the job with her left wrist attached to her right elbow.
Standing back to look at his work he glanced up at Eddie. “Did you happen to bring any lube,” Richard asked?
“Sure,” Eddie replied, setting the camera down gently on one of the chairs. Getting a small bottle from Joan’s case he handed it to Richard.
“You’re going to make it more comfortable for her?” Eddie wondered out loud.
“No,” said Richard, taking the bottle and setting is aside, “I’m going to make it more comfortable for me.”
After undoing a couple more buttons on his own shirt, Richard sat down and took off his shoes. Standing back up he unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and let them drop to the ground so he could step out of them.
Stopping to think for a second, he then opened the desk drawer Joan had opened and took out her panties. UsingTwo fingers he checked her pussy and realized that she was damp from excitement. Wadding the panties into a tight ball Richard used the same two fingers to push her panties up into her pussy.
Eddie had retrieved the camcorder, stepped behind the desk, and was getting all of this on tape.
Eddie reached for the lubricant with one hand while he took his hardening cock out of his boxers with the other.
“Jeez, Rich,” he commented, “I didn’t realize that you redneck boys had long cocks like that.”
Richard snorted. “Why do you think they call us pecker-woods you racist urban hip,” he laughed.
Eddie laughed. But he was surprised that Richards cock looked to be about an inch longer than Eddie’s own, although it wasn’t as thick. Richard might cause Joan some pain, but he didn’t look big enough to cause her any damage. ‘This should be a good introduction for later,’ he thought to himself.
Keeping the camera focused on Richards cock Eddie watched his friend use the lubricant to masturbate himself completely hard.
“OK, Richard. I’m confused,” the young black man admitted. “Why put the lube only on your cock?”
“I told you I was going to make it comfortable for me,” Richard reminded him. “I’ll put just enough inside the opening of her ass to get my cock inside her. I think I’m hard enough to open her up the rest of the way.”
Eddie looked up from the camera and saw Richard grinning hugely.
“Hold on just a second, would you,” asked Eddie? “I want to get the camera on her face while you get inside her.”
Richard nodded his assent as Eddie got back around the desk.
“Damn,” Eddie cursed. “I forget the damned tripod!”
Richard watched Eddie in amusement as he continued to stroke his cock. Joan’s gagged face looked up at him in milk confusion.
Looking at his phone he quickly found the camera function and held it towards Richards currently available and not lubricated hand.
“Can you work this while you fuck her,” he asked Richard?
“Yeah,” Richard responded, snapping a quick shot of Eddie holding the camcorder.
Eddie flinched a bit at the sudden flash, then continued. “I’m going to keep the camera focused on her face. I want to catch all her reactions as you get inside her. I want you to take some pictures of your cock forcing its way into her ass.”
Richard paused and looked at Eddie. “There’s more going on here than you are telling me, isn’t there?”
“You’ve called me a prude a couple of times too many, Richard,” Eddie explained. “I thought I’d take the chance to prove you wrong.”
Richard smiled. “I never really thought you were a prude, Eddie. And you’ve given me a hell of a gift here. Seriously, if there’s any other way I can help you out with what you are trying to accomplish here…”
Taking the deep breath Eddie stepped back and bumped into the chair in front of the desk. Thinking for a moment, he pushed it back a few feet, following with it,and sat down, raised the viewing screen and focused on Joan’s face. Her wide eyes starred directly back at the camcorder. “I’m going to relax right here and take the video. You just go ahead and give her what she wants.”
“OK,” Richard agreed. “Joan, you need to take a deep breath and relax as well,”
Over her back Eddie could see Richards lubricated hand reach down to Joan’s ass and disappear from the view of the recorder. But based on the expression on her face either a thumb or a finger had just slide inside her.
Several seconds later Richards hand appeared again and wiped some of the excess lubricant on the inside of Joan’s shirt as it lay flipped up over her back.
“There,” said Richard. “That should be just enough lube inside you to get me started.”
Eddie could see Richard stepping up behind the woman across the desk, and based on how her hips dropped Richard had just pushed her feet apart. Her eyes tightened close and Eddie heard her breathe through hernose and hold it in anticipation.
Suddenly her eyes shot open and a gasp came out from behind the gag, followed by a muffled scream. Her shoulders tried to arch upward but a swift move from Richards left hand shoved her back down on the desk again. Putting his weight onto his left arm his hips pushed his cock forward.
“Oh god,” Richard exclaimed. “I’m inside”
Tears were starting in the corners of Joan’s eyes.
“Let me get a better grip here,” continued Richard. “Jesus, she’s almost bending my cock in half!”
Keeping his left hand on her back he got a grip with his right hand for guidance and shoved his hips forward again.
Eddie heard an “Aaaaahhhh” from Richard with an echoing muffled “ahhhhh” from Joan. The camera was catching her bared teeth biting into the hard rubber gag.
“Holy Christ,” said Richard. “I’m only about halfway in. When was the last time this bitch had a cock in her ass anyway!”
“According to her e-mails it’s been over three years,” replied Eddie, carefully holding the camera steady. His own cock was rock hard from watching this display and his breathing was deep and a bit unsteady. Joan had closed her eyes again and her tensed body had to be keeping her ass wrapped tightly around Richards cock.
“Jesus,” excerpted Richard. “And you didn’t want to get into it first?”
“I got an incredible blow job a couple of hours ago,” explained Eddie. “And I’m planning on fucking that pussy after we leave here. I thought I would let you have the first crack at her ass.”
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